Other Aspies think that many NT's seem way oversensitive?

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Snowy Owl
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22 Nov 2011, 10:46 am

Lol it's funny because I myself seem to take criticism pretty harshly and get emotional sometimes.Maybe it's only me,but most NT's seem to go even beyond that.

All the time I'm saying things that seem to annoy or pee NT's off,but seem perfectly casual and non threatening to me.It's gotten to the point where I stammer over my words and try to talk slowly because I'm trying not to offend other people if I can help it.

To be frank I'm starting to get pissed off myself at other people crying over stuff,that was never was meant to be insulting in the first place.It's not like I'm not trying,even though I REFUSE to be an apologetic suckup whether I offend someone or not.I've been down that road in the past and it just makes people want to run over me.


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22 Nov 2011, 11:14 am

I would think that they are not sensitive enough, little selfish bastrds :D However I have noticed that they immediately take what is said to them through a filter of, for instance, aggression - they tend to reduce what you are saying to what your intentions are (I've tried that myself it is so much fun). And this is annoying since I mostly have none than the truth and I wanna be straightforward. And then I realized that basically NT communication is just exchange of emotions - even though they are seemingly having an informal conversation about whatever actually they are talking about themselves or making fun of something. Then again everyone tends to take things said personally.


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22 Nov 2011, 11:57 am

I also don't think that NTs are sensitive enough. They only care about their own lives and feelings and they show no empathy for their autistic family members. I know that by experience.

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23 Nov 2011, 9:03 pm

yeah, I don't know what the OP means by them being too sensitive.


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24 Nov 2011, 12:00 am

I know what he Op is saying. People are too sensitive so anything offends them. I see it all over the internet. Go over to Babycenter and look in the groups there such as the birth clubs, look in the ones that are December2011 birth clubs and beyond where women be pregannt since those are very dramatic and filled with tons of drama because the women there are pregnant so their hormones are crazy. Also look in The Debate group or in the Bargain Hunters and you will find some drama there. OPs ask questions and bam it turns into a drama because people act like the OP had an agenda or something and they can't seem to be rational without getting all sensitive and all butthurt. Plus they seem to take things out of context. Yep NTs are so sensitive do they turn into bullies.


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24 Nov 2011, 12:37 pm

I think its just miscommunication, and it happens to everybody. Just that with ASP we are more likely to express the wrong emotion when we say something. Like, "yeah.. I Iike your new haircut" (face like "I don't know you" :roll: ).

Snowy Owl
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24 Nov 2011, 6:35 pm

CockneyRebel wrote:
I also don't think that NTs are sensitive enough. They only care about their own lives and feelings and they show no empathy for their autistic family members. I know that by experience.

I totally disagree. It's not their job to care about family members. Autistic family members most likely confuse and annoy them, making them less appealing as people. No one 'deserves' love and respect.

I find them far too sensitive, especially with all their taboos and scare-words. Certain words and situations just make them incapable of speaking rationally, and it makes conversing with them pointless.

Tufted Titmouse
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25 Nov 2011, 11:40 am

Yeah, I can't accept criticism but I feel like criticizing someone when they didn't ask for it is different from what normal people get upset over.

First, I HATE when people ask you a question, and then if you don't give them the answer they wanted (which is sometimes ambiguous), they get really upset and act like you are a bad person. I mean, it's easy enough to say I like your haircut when I don't (though I still don't understand why people ask questions and expect one answer), but when people ask me, "Do you think I have this quality?" or something, I don't always know if they want me to say yes or no. And if you get it wrong, they get upset.

Second, I hate that you can't ever just want to be alone and have privacy. If you say that to someone, they feel like they are being snubbed and they take it personally. It makes me not want to have relationships with people at all. People crying because you don't want to talk to them at a certain time, that bugs me.


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25 Nov 2011, 8:32 pm

To me it seems NTs are emotional fatalists that make no attempt to control their emotions.

Emu Egg
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25 Nov 2011, 10:20 pm

People in my life and my own personal experience have been insensitive, at least when it comes to other people's emotions. As soon as any form of criticism is made towards them, however, they become aggressive, upset and emotional. I can't have my own opinions, because according to everyone else, since it differs from theirs, it must be wrong. I can't admit how I truly feel at any given moment, because it might offend someone I'm with. It makes interaction with others extremely difficult and tense.

Then they call me quiet. I'm only quiet because that's the only way I can avoid petty disputes. I'm very sensitive to criticism myself, but I suck it up and I rarely make a fuss about it. Although, I have to say, I'm getting sick of constantly being at the receiving end of 'constructive' insults. It's really messing with my self esteem.

For instance, at uni someone mistakenly thought our group had been split into two, and someone told her that wasn't the case. Rather than own up to the mistake, which had little consequence to anyone at all, she immediately blamed it on meand said that I had told her that... A lot of NTs do this. They are so afraid to be wrong, that they will always find an excuse for their mistakes and flaws. At the moment, only I am allowed to be told how flawed I am.