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10 Feb 2013, 1:29 am

Looking back on my life, it seems 50% of people like me. 50% do not.

Is this considered normal?

I know most people are not liked by everyone. I was thinking for a person in the general population the breakdown is 90% like, 10% dislike.

I don't know why I let the fact that 50% don't seem to like me to bother me. Not only that, for the 50% of people that don't like me, I usually don't care for them either.

What is normal?


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10 Feb 2013, 3:27 am

depends on where you live- where i live [in "deliverance land"] it feels more like 90% dislike, 10% ignore, 0% like. :hmph:

Blue Jay
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10 Feb 2013, 6:17 am

Yeah depends where you live and who the people around you are. For me it seems like 5% of people like me 45% dislike and 50% ignore.

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10 Feb 2013, 9:36 am

I don't think most people are polarizing. The fact is whether someone likes you or not will largely depend upon the context in which they know you, and some people will simply be undecided.

Quite often in my life, there's been people I've known and have known me who initially we were both indifferent to each other. However once we find a certain commonality, we become good friends.

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10 Feb 2013, 1:36 pm

Most people actually like me. I may be socially awkward, but I can still get along with anyone. That may not make sense - you'll have to spend a day with me first to see what I mean. Generally only the intensely shallow people may dislike me.

Most kids hated me at school for being an Aspie, but that was at school.



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10 Feb 2013, 2:13 pm

For me, 1% like me, 99% don't (or are neutral).

AS: 138.8
NT : 54.6


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10 Feb 2013, 4:10 pm

I'd say 5% love me 45% like me, 50% ignore or could not care less. Having AS polorizes people on the first encounter i think becouse of the social akwardness and preceved illness/lack or excess of intelect displayed, in general its their natural reaction to weridness and I dont have to even speak for that to happen, the wrong singnels just get sent and some folks can't unscramble them. Over time I get along with anyone though mostly, maybe becouse i'm a pushover and they know it.

School was more like 95% dislike however that was becouse I was dealing mostly with people from the bad 50%, teachers were 50/50 though, some thought I was the best student, the others thought I was the worst ever.