THIS is how I've been treating myself w/ miraculous results.

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24 Nov 2013, 5:53 pm

Alright wP, here goes my story as promised as well as the diet & treatment info I've been using over the last ~6 months that has had a miraculously positive impact on my entire life. Symptoms of ADHD/OCD/Tourettes/Autism/Dyspraxia/Depression/Anxiety etc are down by more than 95% so far – nearly completely gone – I'm happier and healthier than I've ever been in my entire life. That's why this is worth reading – because if it's working for me, there's no good reason it can't do the same for you. I'm posting this as a raw first draft, so forgive any duplication or some things being a bit out of order as I've literally just typed things up as they came to mind and haven't done any editing or polishing to make this a truly finished version. Also, my “w,” key doesn't work – so forgive the lower case w's where capitals should be etc.

It all started 3 or so years ago (actually, technically it started likely before birth, but for the purposes of this story we'll fast forward about 28 years) when I was living at a friend's place & in very rough shape, mentally speaking. I didn't know what was wrong with me, only that I hadn't been quite right for quite some time (or ever lol) and that it was much worse then than earlier in my life. I sort of chalked it up to having had a very stressful business partnership failure followed by being physically ill for several months with strep throat & a lung infection, tons of stress etc. Life wasn't fun.. I was living in my friend's construction site while he renovated his home and was supposed to be using that free rent time to better myself, work & save some money and so forth.. but I wasn't functioning well enough to work & didn't know why. It was very frustrating considering I'm a relatively intelligent guy having graduated from business school by the time I was 19 years old, yet I'd just been spinning my wheels for years, making mistakes, going backwards, working a ridiculous variety of jobs etc. I'm sure many of you here can relate.

Anyways, 3 or so years ago my mother approaches me and says, “don't get mad.. but I need you to read this,” & I check out her computer screen to see a checklist of ADHD symptoms. I didn't say a word but I read down the list thinking, “check, check, check, check... f**k.” She had caught the end of some documentary about ADHD starring that tall geeky guy from the Red Green show and went, “omg, that's Richard.” So I researched & learned, took The Amen Test from, learned a lot on, researched pharmaceuticals to the nth degree and went in to my GP for an official diagnosis and prescription for Dexedrine IR 5mg (as per my request.) and my doc agreed with my self diagnosis and prescription and so forth. I began taking them and it was very beneficial, a night & day difference. Over time I increased from 5mg twice daily to 10mg twice daily, which was still a low dose. I had no interest in using more than I needed. It helped with all sorts of symptoms from attention and focus to fine motor skills as well as strength and stamina vs. Chronic fatigue symptoms – of course, it's Dextroamphetamine.. naturally you're going to be more alert, stronger, focused etc.

Around the same time in my life I met who has since become my closest friend, an Herbalist and healer. In order to get a crash course in his plant world, I read the book, “The Secret Life of Plants,” which may very well be the most fascinating book I've ever read. It's relevant to this story because plant based medicine is relevant to this story. It's worth noting that virtually every pharmaceutical in existence is derived from plants, it's just partially synthesized in order to make a unique chemical compound that can be patented in order to be sold for a handsome profit.

So, life goes on OK for a while and things are better on meds than off of them.. until things got worse.. MUCH worse. Not this most recent Summer but the one before, the Summer of 2012, things got really REALLY bad. At first I thought that the dose of Dexedrine may be too low & it had lost it's efficacy, so I increased it to 15mg twice daily for about a week.. nope, that didn't help any & may have made some things worse. Pardon my French as Canada is a bilingual country.. what was happening to me in a nutshell was that I was losing my f*****g mind. I was depressed and getting worse. My Herbalist friend was growing impatient with my state of mind and bluntly told me I needed to learn to not be codependant on him, or anyone, for my happiness. This made logical sense. I told him in a phone conversation that I guess I just hadn't learned to do that yet and his response of “You will,” was all it took for me to decide I'd learn to do exactly that. It was like someone flipped a light switch and I set off to learn what I needed to. I picked up the book my GP had recommended years earlier, “Feeling Good,” by Dr. David Burns and gave it a read – all ~700 pages. It's basically Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in book form with self administered CBT and Burns' Depression Checklists and a few other tools to overcome various things from procrastination to OCD to perfectionism etc. I learned a lot reading it, but I learned even more following the written exercises. Specifically, I learned that they weren't working as time went on and I continued to take the Burns' Depression Checklist & score it once or twice a week and the scores kept getting worse, not better as they should by doing self administered CBT. I continued doing it anyways for quite a while even though my thoughts were getting worse and more frequent, resulting in a lot of time spent writing.

Around the same time I took a weekend roadtrip to help my brother's fiancee move. I can't recall exactly which order things happened in, but it doesn't really matter in the end. Anyways, she has an Aspie son & lost her Aspie first husband to suicide. She listened to some of my rants and such while we drove down the highway and suggested that I look into Asperger's Syndrome as I seem to have a lot of traits of it and not just ADHD.

So I looked into it online and realized she was correct. I picked up a few books and read them. The first was “The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome,” by Dr. Tony Attwood. Like many of you here, when I read that book it was like a light switch being flipped as I had a “eureka,” moment and realized THIS was IT as it described e v e r y t h i n g in my life to date. I had nearly every trait from behavioural to sensory, and the descriptions of internal thought processes fit e x a c t l y. I then read “Asperger's from the inside out,” by John Michael Carly, and “Look me in the eyes,” by John Elder Robison. Two very good autobiographies that mirrored my life to date (I'm currently 31 years old) & I realized just how many crazy ups and downs in my life were related to all of this.. and also thought I might write a similar account of my life someday, since it has been crazy interesting just like theirs. But I'll save that for another time, if I ever get around to it.

Moving on.. so, I was pointed in the right direction and figured out that it wasn't just ADHD, OCD, Tourettes, Depression, Anxiety, Dyspraxia (I couldn't even run properly until I was 15 years old as I was always so rigid & uncoordinated) but also Autism. Great. But I knew there had to be SOMETHING making it worse because I hadn't always been so depressed nor low functioning with my executive brain functions deteriorating so badly I could barely do my simple part time jobs. Other neurological functions were at all time lows as well, ie my balance, coordination, and fine motor skills – I could barely use my fingers to tie my own shoes. It was frustrating and downright bizarre as I'm a relatively intelligent guy, graduated from business school at age 19, and then here I found myself wondering “This is it? I never really got a start at life/business, I've been spinning my wheels for years, but now my brain is just going to deteriorate and I'm f****d for life? No, this can't be it.” On that note, with the horrendously bad clinical depression I had similar thoughts.. my Herbalist buddy said, “Some people are just different,” and I replied and told him, “I can accept being different, but THIS I cannot accept – I can't live like this.”

So, I persisted and kept reading online until at some point I came across info about salicylate sensitivity. Another lightbulb! It was a sensitivity to salicylate acids that was causing my brain to go haywire and I was accidentally overdosing myself with them in everything I was eating, drinking, and putting on my skin! I had made a tincture of Thyme for the antibacterial properties of Thymol to use on my acne. I was also using a salve my Herbalist friend made that had witchhazel in it. I was eating a lot of herbs/spices/fruits/vegetables etc – all of which are high in salicylate acids. Salicylate acids are plants' natural preservative and pesticide & they're boosted sky high in GMO foods for those properties. I also learned that the reason they build up in your body is due to a lack of magnesium & sulphur required to detox them via urination. So, I made a lotion out of organic beeswax, organic hemp oil, filtered water, and epsom salts (magnesium sulphate crystals) & have used it on my skin (chest/shoulders/back) every day for more than a year now as it was around Halloween 2012 when I started. The best place to use it is the bottoms of your feet because you absorb more salts there than anywhere else. I also quit eating/drinking anything with salicylate acids in it, including coffee/tea (except chamomile – it's sal-free) & over the next 4-6 months I was able to detox the acids and week by week brain functions returned. It was after about the first week that the horrible depression was all but completely lifted. It was pretty awesome. I've since learned that a major reason for the magnesium & sulphur deficiencies is taking ADHD meds as the stimulants leach these minerals out of your body. So, it was taking Dexedrine combined with overloading on salicylate acids that caused all of this part to happen.. but everything happens for a reason and that reason was for me to be able to figure it out and learn how to deal with it.

At the same time I quit eating all dairy & gluten, as I knew that wheat/gluten affected me as a child and barely ate dairy products anyways. It takes 6 months to detox gluten. Every once in a while if I ate something with it I'd pay for it for a few days as it screwed with my executive functions or just generally made me feel irritable or frustrated. Eventually I cut it out completely and have stayed clear since.

Things got better for a while.. until they got worse again. what now? I wasn't sure, but I just knew something was throwing my brain for a loop & making me sick in general. I had a persistent sore throat, I was running ~100kms/month yet my cardio was getting worse, the lymph nodes in my neck were swollen, I felt weak and fatigued quite regularly, I'd sweat at night – I was just generally really run down and feeling worse and worse. I was feeling so run down & sick that I began getting seriously concerned about my health and was a bit of a hypochondriac in terms of trying to find info online about what might be causing everything, although I was legitimately sick – it wasn't just all in my mind. I'd come across some info on post/ad in my Facebook feed about HIV symptoms and began to worry about that.. I looked into it and the list of symptoms are all pretty common flu/cold symptoms, so even though it wasn't likely it was certainly possible that that could have been what was afflicting me. I worried about that for a week or two and then decided I'd just go find out and be sure vs. Worry myself sicker over not knowing. I went to a men's health clinic and got tested for everything under the sun, including HIV, and everything came back clear. That was a major relief for sure as pretty much any other illness that could be causing all of these symptoms would be far easier to cure or manage, for sure.

That was last Spring, which was also when some spots of Alopecia Areata Barbae began appearing on my face. At first I thought it was a small grease burn from cooking at my friend's restaurant as some had splashed up at me.. but then the patch got bigger, and then there were more. I looked it up and it's autoimmune, but can indicate a tooth infection if it's radiating along the jaw line. I had had a root canal done several months before, so I suspected that it may be that tooth that was infected and causing all the rest of the downstream health problems, ie sore throats, swollen lymph nodes, persistent breathing problems & lung infection symptoms etc. So, I went and had it x-rayed at my dentist and had a look at the results myself – nope, totally clear consistent tooth and bone density. I was completely perplexed at the moment. Even the dentist commented that I seemed disappointed not to have a tooth infection. I told her I was, as it would have explained my ill health and then dealing with it would have meant I'd be healthy if it was the root cause of all of this and all it meant was I had to spend a couple grand on dental work.

After ruling out HIV & a tooth infection, I was pretty much back to square one... until I remembered that Jack (a Naturopathic Doctor) had said something to me 2 or 3 weeks earlier that I only half paid any attention to and I thought, “what was it Jack had said? What was that guess of a diagnosis he mentioned?” and then it came to me - “oh yeah, that word.. “Candidiasis” - that's what Jack had said “I wonder if it could be Canadidiasis, it's just sooo common.” Little did I know at the time he said it or at the time I remembered it that that one single word would change my life forever. I hit the internet and started googling to see what this was all about, as I figured it couldn't hurt since all of the other options I had to explore were pretty much exhausted. I started reading and it didn't take long to have a bit of a “eureka,” moment and think, “THIS is IT,” just as I did when I read, “The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome,” and KNEw that it described my entire life to a T, reading others' medical histories online was the exact same thing – you could have put my name in place of any of theirs and it fit perfectly.

Canadiasis – as in Candida, as in yeast. I've read that 70% of North Americans have an intestinal overgrowth of yeast due to the compound effect of diet, antibiotic use, and chlorinated water. I am (or was) no exception, only my case was rather extreme. All of this, everything, it's been caused by intestinal dysbiosis – literally an imbalance of life. I have a lifetime of antibiotic use & very little probiotic intake and the end result is that yeast overgrow into a fungal form and as the mycelium climb the intestinal walls like an ivy plant, each time they touch down they create little micro perforations in the intestinal lining.

The more I read the more it made sense, as what had led Jack to his guess of a diagnosis was the fact that I knew I was sensitive to salicylate acids as my experience with overdosing and then detoxing them was proof positive of that. I then learned that salicylate sensitivity is caused by Leaky Gut Syndrome – perforated intestines. Jack had just recently been to a medical conference of some sort back East that was all about Leaky Gut & apparently in most cases it's caused by Candidiasis. In my case it was beyond a shadow of a doubt, but it's possible to have a Leaky Gut without having Candidiasis. One other cause is Glyphosate aka Roundup, Monsanto's herbicide that's sprayed on GMO crops. we have the same pathways in our digestive tracts that it attacks in order to kill plants, so the residues on fruits/veggies end up destroying our digestive tracts. THIS is why it's extremely important to eat organic foods that don't get sprayed with Roundup. As for chlorinated water, the chlorine kills off beneficial bacteria in the gut as well. All of these things could have contributed to my own Leaky Gut, but I'm certain that antibiotic use & lack of probiotic intake in my diet is the main cause. Like many on the Autism Spectrum, I had horrible ear infections as an infant & was given antibiotics over and over again. Thing is, the ear infections were likely caused by Thrush – an oral yeast infection (or aural in this case?) to begin with. I also wasn't breast fed past a couple of months old because I couldn't keep anything down, so was fed formula. I had antibiotics many times throughout my life, especially when I was 12yo and had tonsilitis, then a few years of Tetracyclene as a teenager to treat acne, plenty more each time I had strep throat over the years – especially 4 years or so ago when I had strep throat and a lung infection several times in a 6 month period – several courses of antibiotics then. Thing is, only about half of the swabs came back positive for strep – and now in 20/20 hindsight it's because it wasn't strep throat, it was thrush. All of this combined with the fact that I haven't eaten much in the way of dairy products since I was 12yo & rarely eat fermented vegetables ie sauer kraut or kimchi etc, so my intake of probiotics has been nearly nill while antibiotic use over the years completely destroyed any healthy beneficial probiotic bacteria I had.

It wasn't just intestinal, either. It was a full on systemic fungal infection, literally from head to toe. The “lung infection,” & restricted breathing even though I was running 100km/month (and possibly even the “exercise induced asthma,” I was diagnosed with as a kid.) was due to the fungal yeast infection breaking free from my intestines and traveling around until it lodged in my lungs and grew. I know this to be fact because I've consumed medicinal foods & teas to kill and clear the infection and as a result ended up hacking up phlegm containing green plant-like structures throughout it. I meant head to toe when I said it, too. Not so much in recent years, but I've had bad dandruff in the past. Dandruff is caused by fungus. This time around though it was definitely, “to toe,” as upon close inspection I realized I had athlete's foot and didn't know it because I had no itchy foot symptoms, but there it was on both heels. I also didn't realize it until a couple months into my diet & treatment protocol, but even my toenails were afflicted by a fungal infection as they've grown in much more clear & pink coloured vs. The yellowish colour they were before. I didn't notice this because they were a consistent colour all over and I only spotted the difference once new healthier nails were growing in.

It's usually used as a preliminary rough diagnosis method vs. A confirmation, but I've also learned just enough about Iridology to be able to look at my irises in the mirror and see the Solar Radari lines in the areas corresponding to the small intestine, transverse colon, and large intestine. These radiating dark lines are indicative of Leaky Gut in each of those areas. Every portion of the iris corresponds to a different organ/area of the body and the colours/shapes indicate the health of it, or health problem. It's these Solar Radari lines in the iris that I believe are what cause the depth of “Aspie eyes.” Typically, iridology is used as a preliminary diagnostic tool, but I've been using it as the inverse – able to monitor the Solar Radari lines as they shrink in size, which indicates that my leaky gut is healing.

The gut is now being called the second brain for a reason. Most of our neurotransmitters are produced in the gut, not in the brain. It's no wonder that an imbalanced gut results in dopamine deficiencies that cause ADHD symptoms. If the gut isn't balanced & in harmony, the brain can't be. This also explains why some believe that there's a continuum from ADHD to Autism – as the gut becomes further and further imbalanced, leakier & leakier, the symptoms advance.

In a nutshell, it's not my opinion nor theory, but rather it's been my experience that Autism – all of it's symptoms from behavioural to thought processes to sensory issues such as hypersensitive hearing – is, in essence, a food chemical induced drug trip. Food chemicals leak from the Leaky Gut intestines in far larger particles than ever intended and end up tripping out the brain & causing the entire central nervous system to misfire.

How could a fungal infection cause such long ranging problems? It isn't the first time this has been discovered. Heck, I'm not the first one to discover this – the info is all online and I was able to read it and put it all together. But the most famous case(s) would have to be the Salem witch Trials where it's now believed that it was Ergotism caused by a fungus that in turn caused witches to have their distinct behaviour that led to them being outcasts that were feared and hunted. No, this isn't quite the same, but I'm sure you can see the correlation I'm trying to make. Parasitic fungal infections have plagued people for a long time. This is nothing new.

What is new is peoples' diet. It's the one thing that's changed to allow for this to happen more and more frequently. There's the Roundup on GMO foods, excessive use of antibiotics, limited probiotics – especially since most of the foods we consume these days are “dead,” via pasteurization and don't contain the beneficial probiotic bacteria we have a symbiotic relationship with. Then there's the simple fact that sugar was once an exotic spice to be savoured, and now virtually everything is loaded with sugar or complex starchy carbs, which fuel the digestive imbalance and allow yeast to overgrow. Bringing it back to the book, “The Secret Life of Plants,” for a moment, there's a bit in there about the Aryans and their physical superiority when it came to running, strength, swimming, combat etc & how their diet largely consisted of seeds & nuts and only 1 or 2 pieces of fruit per week – a far cry from the several portions per day we're all encouraged to eat by various food guides.

I've been following a nearly 100% medicinal diet for the last 5+ months now and have had miraculous results. The first thing to change dramatically were my anxiety levels & hypersensitive hearing. Within a couple of weeks or so I went from highly anxious with my headphones in all the time to calm and tranquil and able to go out for dinner in a crowded loud pub without even wanting to plug my ears with low volume music just to make it through the evening. Since then everything else has changed, too, from mindset & perspective to balance and coordination to even physical size – since I'm now able to digest food & nutrients better and better, and am eating the right things, I've been putting on a lot of muscle mass and strength I've never had. I didn't eat a poor diet before this, I just wasn't eating the right things for me and my condition since it was completely unknown to me until I figured this out. I mean e v e r y t h i n g has changed. No depression or anxiety, able to focus and get things done, more physically capable than ever etc. After a 4 or so very rocky years, I've been back to work now for the last few months and am currently working full time plus doing ironwork building a warehouse – some strength and stamina are required, but so is balance and coordination. Several months ago, even though my fear of heights has pretty well disappeared over the last couple of years of spending quite a bit of time up on rooftops working, I probably wouldn't have trusted myself to be up over 40' high walking along the edges of steel beams – but that's exactly what I've been doing in the course of this job. There's a myriad of neurological functions that have all improved so immensely that I'm able to better tackle all sorts of things in work and life.

Thank God I didn't go to medical school where this stuff isn't taught and I went to business school instead where it was drilled into my head that there is ALwAYS a better way to do anything & everything – I just had to figure out what it was, and now I have. As for it not being taught to MD's, take a look at the wikipedia page on Candidiasis and the long list of things Naturopathic Doctors know it can cause and then at the bottom there's a little blurb about how MD's are skeptical that it can cause any of these things. Really? How interesting that MD's education is developed and financed by the pharmaceutical industry.. that wishes to create lifelong customers buying their pills to balance chemical imbalances in their brains. whether for depression, anxiety, ADHD, or some future drug specifically for Autism, I believe this is intentional and designed to protect a Trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry vs. Cure people of what ails them.

I know several people on the spectrum, some diagnosed some not, as well as a few people diagnosed with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia & every single one of them exhibits physical signs of intestinal dysbiosis or a more systemic fungal infection. I believe the symptoms people experience and what they're diagnosed with may include a genetic component, but that at the root, it's all digestive.

while the intestinal lining can repair itself every 24h, it doesn't because it's the absolute last priority for bloodflow in the body so if there's any infection anywhere else your intestines just get left to fend for themselves. At only 2 cells thick, it doesn't take much to perforate them and start causing Leaky Gut problems. Fortunately this is all treatable and completely reversible.

Back to the gluten sensitivity and casein intolerance that so many of us seem to have, this, Leaky Gut, is the reason for it. Gluten & casein leaking into the bloodstream where they're not supposed to, along with everything else, is what causes the reactions to them.. and to artificial colours/dyes, flavourings, MSG, & everything else under the sun in what's collectively called, “multiple chemical sensitivity.”

So, there you have it.. if someone seems chemically imbalanced in the brain, it's because they're digestively imbalanced in the gut. Think about it, we either breathe, touch, or ingest chemicals for them to get into our bodies in the first place. Leaky gut explains fully how such imbalances occur.

Coming back to ADHD symptoms for sec, it's known that increased sugar levels in brain fluid make it less conductive to electricity which makes it difficult-to-impossible for all areas of the brain to be firing, resulting in rolling blackouts around the outside of the brain that cause ADHD symptoms. It now makes perfectly crystal clear sense to me as to why this happens to ADHD brained people – with Leaky Gut, far more sugar in far larger particles than is ever supposed to reach the bloodstream is entering our brains and preventing electrical impulses from crossing synapses. This is why sugar DOES tend to affect kids with ADHD so much, besides the fact that sugar fuels the fungal yeast infection.

Another key component to healing all of this is getting proper sleep. I'm guily of not doing so, but at least it's no longer due to salicylate sensitivity induced insomnia and simply because I'm burning the candle at both ends with so much on my plate lately. Anyways, science has recently discovered that the brain detoxes itself when we sleep – and that is why we sleep. It's said that little “garbage truck,” cells drive around the brain and scoop up waste material and remove it. This is also when contaminants from leaky gut food chemicals in our bloodstream will be removed – so make sure to get proper sleep if you can.

Besides the diet that I've outlined below, the other treatment method that I've been using with absolutely tremendous success is doing high volume (4-6L) herbal enemas in order to deliver the medicine directly to the source. If I hadn't been doing this I'm all but certain it would have taken me several months, if not 1-2 years, longer in order to get to the stage of healing that I have to date. I've used various antifungal herbal teas, organic black coffee (especially good for detoxing the liver), but mostly garlic infused filtered water for the inulin content that's a powerful antifungal, and apple cider vinegar. It's important to use filtered chlorine free water (or distilled) as well as to add plenty of salt (natural mineral/sea salts are ideal). Chlorine kills good bacteria, and without enough salt you'll deplete electrolytes and feel ill. Too much garlic or ACV and you'll feel ill, too. Once with each I accidentally induced vomiting – oopsies – and as gross as this science is, it's medically relevant, so I'll tell ya I do believe I threw up some of the parasites directly from the small intestine as they tried to escape the hostile environment I created for them. More info and details about doing this can be found in one or more of the links I'll add to the end where I learned about this from. FYI it took dieting + doing this more than a dozen times x2 times each time over a period of a 2-3 months before the main parasites vacated my body. It takes time and dedication. It's sort of like chemically stripping paint layer by layer, weakening the parasites until they can no longer hold on and give up and try to escape the herbs & oils that are killing them.

Another reason this goes undiagnosed in people is that apparently there's no medical imaging equipment in existence that can see the small intestines. The large intestine can be scoped with a camera, but the small intestine remains virtually invisible to medical doctors. So, I suppose it's not all their fault that they can't have a look, see, and diagnose this.. however, there are western medical tests that can be done to confirm such a diagnosis, ie culturing a stool sample in order to grow the yeast and determine which of 20 some odd strains it is. This is done if they're going to prescribe a prescription antifungal medication and want to select the best one for the job as some are more effective against certain strains than others.

The diet needs to be done in 3 distinct stages, although they somewhat blend together/overlap. First the infection needs to be starved of the foods that fuel it – hence all the things you can't eat while doing this – while simultaneously being attacked by various antifungal herbs/oils. Then you add in several ingredients to repair the intestinal lining once it's free of the parasites that were perforating it in the first place – which takes another few-several months, and once it's repaired and no longer leaking then it's time to repopulate healthy positive beneficial probiotic bacteria by adding in foods rich in them. I've yet to find a supplement that contains the ideal strains of probiotics, as I haven't really looked yet since I'm still in stage 2 and only eating some probiotics from sauerkraut and kimchi at the moment, but as per an article linked/copied below there are a few specific strains of probiotics that are missing in Autistic individuals. Its just a guess, but I think these might be found in human breast milk and that many of us weren't breastfed – or not for long enough – or by mothers deficient in certain probiotics for some reason or another in addition to having imbalanced gut bacteria themselves that was passed along to us pre-birth. On that note, there's a massive trend in China of not breastfeeding babies and raising them on formula... from what I've experienced, I expect a HUGE wave of Autism to be afflicting the Chinese population starting right about now. This could cause some serious health & societal issues, or perhaps create a generation of super engineers. I'm only half kidding about that last part.

Can't recall if I've mentioned it yet, but the chronic fatigue? Nope, no more. I've been doing heavy work for months now. And with the amount of glutamine I've been intaking to repair the intestinal lining I've had a great side effect of putting on a lot of muscle mass and upper body strength that I've never had in my entire life. Sure, I'm working physically and working out – but I was doing that before, too, but now that my digestive tract is clear and can absorb nutrients and the right nutrients I'm getting into a LOT better shape for it. It's truly pretty awesome and I hope you experience the same thing. Also, I'd mentioned the acne earlier.. non-hormonal (teenage) acne is caused by the liver being overloaded and unable to detox out excess toxins so they leach out through the skin. Since I've been taking turmeric & milk thistle a few times a day to help keep my liver functioning and clearing everything out (necessary to detox all the poisons from the dying yeast) my skin has cleared up immensely, too. No more sore throats (thrusth) or tonsil stones (caused by salicylate sensitivity) either. EVERYTHING is getting better and better.

All of this also explains the fluctuations in symptom that many of us experience and people like John Elder Robison have written about – I'd bet cold hard cash that his diet wasn't exactly ideal back in his younger days when he was a lot more autistic and able to engineer some spectacular things as his brain went wild under the food chemical induced drug trip fuelled by a leaky gut. I've experienced the same sort of thing over the years, but the last few or so have been particularly bad for life productivity due to crippling anxiety and other symptoms.. but still, if I could go back and change it all and learn this sooner I don't think I would. This out of balance symbiotic relationship we have with the microbes that make us up has provided significant pros over the years, like my ability to calculate, engineer, and design things when I need to – or to connect the dots and make correlations between things, not excluding this particular round of learning & discovery. Usually it's been engineering, finance or economics related, but thanks to ASD caused by all of this I've been able to analyze everything I've learned and put it all together to the point that you're reading about right now. It's let me be an engineer when I need to, and my own doctor when I've needed to. Also, like many of you I've studied and learned more about more things in my 31 years so far than most people will ever learn in multiple lifetimes.. so, it's certainly not all bad. It's just that when it gets so out of hand as it has for me the last few years that it's literally life crippling, then something needs to be done about it. Otherwise my knowledge, talents, and ideas would simply go to waste – now that I'm ever healthier and happier by the day they don't have to and I'm well on my way to doing the Three things in life I intend to: Have fun, make money, and change the world. I'll go ahead and file this little sharing project under the last category.

I'm also a whole lot more “present,” in general – my thoughts, feelings, actions etc are all much more consistently aligned with the present moment vs. Being anxious or worried and allowing thoughts about other things to distract me from my work or whatever I'm focused on in the present moment. I'm a whole lot more productive and a whole lot happier for it.

Anyways, I'm sure there'll be much discussion about this so I'll move on to the diet part and then reference links and we can chat about anything else I've missed or questions you may have etc.

Here's the diet I'm following and all of the herbs and supplements I've been using to heal this in a three stage process of first killing off the fungal yeast, then healing the intestinal lining, then repopulating healthy probiotic bacteria:

No sugars/carbs – including natural sugars from fruits & starchy vegetables ie cauliflower, beans, peas etc. I know you like your fresh fruits (and so do I, but I can forego them for 6 months+ in order to heal this) but they're a part of what's keeping you in this state despite your very healthy eating & lifestyle. Basically, if it's a fruit, sugar, grain or veggie that can be thrown into a bucket of water with brewers yeast and turned into alcohol – it's out. This must be very strictly adhered to in order to starve the fungal yeast so they'll release their ivy-plant-like grip on the intestinal walls.

No dairy products, chocolate, vinegar (except Apple Cider Vinegar), alcohol or stimulants. (caffeine/nicotine.) These are the rest of the foods that fuel yeast growth. Avoid Tuna & other large fish as they contain more mercury and heavy metals than others, which ends up leaking into the bloodstream and can cause poisoning. I've been eating wild pink salmon & some sardines etc for fish.

No more alkaline water, either. Drink filtered or distilled water as chlorine kills off healthy probiotic bacteria. Yeast like an alkaline environment. In Traditional Chinese Medicine this is called Yin Disease where the diet is too alkaline. I've been using the water dispenser on our fridge as it has a new decent filter in it.

Antifungal Herbs & oils I've been using/rotating: They say to pick 4-5 of them and rotate through them taking one for 4-5 days, increasing the dose each day, then switching to another, then another.. and when you're back to the first one again, start off with the highest dose you left off with previously. This is so that the yeast don't become immune to the killing method of any particular herb if they're constantly exposed to it.

Coconut Oil, Oregano Oil, Garlic, Black Walnut Oil, Fennel, Olive Leaf Extract, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Calendula in Hydrated Bentonite Clay (to push things through the digestive tract), Cayenne Pepper, Cinnamon, Cumin, Shiitake/Portobella/Crimini Mushrooms, Apple Cider Vinegar, Onions, Comfrey, Oregano, Thyme, Colloidal Silver, Powdered Bentonite Clay, Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.


Pau D'arco Bark, Burdock Root, Wormwood Absinthe (although Holy Wormwood aka White Wormwood would be a bit better choice), Olive Leaf, and Mullein to clear the infection from my lungs. Also been adding Cinnamon sticks, and sometime Comfrey when it's in season and I can harvest it in the neighbourhood.

Fibre: NutraCleanse mix of Flax, Fenugreek, Psyllium Husk & Dandelion. I've also been adding bentonite clay and diamataecious earth to my protein shakes. Both help push things through the digestive tract & the DE also helps detox heavy metals.

Tons of green leafy veggies – which for the most part I've been cooking/adding to soup to keep them as gentle as possible in the beginning instead of being too rough on a shredded digestive tract.

I've been making waffles out of brown rice I've milled into flour along with sunflower seed and mixed nuts, about 30% dry rice : 70% seeds/nuts for the main dry ingredients. I've also been making a huge pot of chicken soup (the marrow is very healing) w/ Turmeric, Cinnamon, Cayenne & tons of onions, some carrots & celery and shiitake mushrooms.

I've also been using topical antifungals (athletes foot creams, Tolfanate 1% and Clotrimazole 1% creams) combined with Tea Tree Oil as it increases the delivery & absorption of the antifungal medicine. FYI just in case you've got a more systemic fungal infection that can literally spread from head to toe, with dandruff to athlete's foot and fungal infected toenails.

It's also important to take Turmeric & Milk Thistle a few times a day in order to keep the liver detoxed as it's going to be processing out a lot of toxins as the yeast die. They contain over 180 different toxins including several heavy metals. That's also why it's advisable to take Molybdenum to help detox the heavy metals. I get it in a multivitamin, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to supplement it separately either. If the liver gets overloaded you end up having skin breakouts, either in the form of acne/blackheads due to toxins leaching out through the skin if they can't be processed out through the liver fast enough, or more quickly as a Herxheimer Reaction allergic rash. If this happens it's very likely you've overdosed on an antifungal herb, but it can also be due to not taking enough Turmeric & Milk Thistle. I go through approx 150-200g/Turmeric per week (I buy Turmeric by the 1Kg bag) & take a couple Milk Thistle or MT Complex gel caps 3-5 times/day along with Vitamin C.

I'm also taking 4-5 x 1000mg of Vitamin C per day, too. And Biotin (aka Vitamin B7 aka Vitamin H) as it's good for all of this. I'm taking a fair bit as it's likely a Biotin deficiency that caused the Alopecia Areata Barbae for me as well – which is healing, too.

Heck, even my toenails are growing in healthier as I didn't realize they too were affected by this systemic fungal infection, but they were and are healing. Gross? Sure, but medically relevant like anything else I've told you about all of this.

Getting a lot of sunshine for Vitamin D is important in healing this as well. After the Summer, I'll likely start supplementing it.

I've just added in some Chromium & L-Carnatine as both are good for the ADHD brain, but also for metabolizing fats and since I've been eating a lot of meats/oils/nuts/seeds etc as well as working physically and working out/running I figure I'll take 'em more for their fat burning bodybuilding properties even though there's said to be neurological benefits to them as well.

I haven't supplemented molybdenum separately. I just get whatever's in my multivitamin. It's for detoxing heavy metals, which are released from the dying yeast as their cell walls burst.

Another major yeast killer that I haven't tried out is a veterinary medicine that's completely harmless to humans. It can be bought online fairly inexpensively. Apparently it can be used once or twice and after that it tends to lose it's effectiveness, so I figured I'd go the natural route and then maybe give myself one or two high doses of the stuff to kill off anything remaining. I've yet to decide on this. It may not be necessary. Had I done it in the beginning, though, it likely would have made me sick from the die off effect of killing so many parasites at once and having them dump their toxins into my body. The stuff works by destroying the chitin cell walls the parasites are comprised off, essentially bursting them. Humans don't contain chitin, so it can't harm us any. So far so amazingly good with all of the natural stuff, though, so I may not even bother going this route at all.

I've also been doing Oil Pulling every morning with Organic Sunflower Oil as the process is said to detox the body via the teeth – pulling toxins out through them. I've been making a fresh glass of Carrot Juice every morning, too, usually adding a whole lemon to it, and some Cayenne & Cumin. I've been adding Turmeric too, just to make sure I get enough spread throughout the day to keep my liver cleared of all the toxins (180 different toxins, including several heavy metals) released from the yeast die-off as their cellular walls break down and burst.

While definitely “gross science,” I've accelerated healing this in myself with high volume (4-6L) herbal enemas to deliver medicine directly to the source. See teas, plus pureed Garlic infused (overnight) filtered water (strained), Apple Cider Vinegar (a few tablespoons), mineral salts (to prevent electrolyte loss/imbalance), and organic black coffee (liver cleansing) and it's definitely been extremely effective. Whether you get this aggressive in treating it in yourself is up to you. As I told you about a couple of times, I've definitely overdone it a couple of times and made myself sick for it, both immediately with vomiting & for hours afterwards with Herxheimer Reaction flu-like symptoms and skin rashes. I've also done a few low volume “leave in,” (~150mL filtered water) with probiotic supplements as it's much more effective to deliver them to the source than via ingesting them.

After approx 2-3 months (it's been over 2 for me, not sure if 3 will do it – but I'm also healing a much worse infection.) of killing off the mycelial form fungal yeast infection, then it's time to add L-Glutamine, Slippery Elm, and Comfrey as they heal the intestinal lining once the parasites have released their grip. After another 2-3 months of continued diet & supplementing these the intestinal lining should be healed and the leaky gut stopped. Then it's time to repopulate the gut with healthy probiotic bacteria from supplements, Sauer Kraut, Kimchi, and possibly Yogurt or Kefir etc – but I may still avoid dairy products for a bit longer just to be sure things are healed first. Since I've definitely been expelling these parasites from my digestive tract, it makes logical sense to me that some areas of the intestinal lining are exposed and able to be healed so I've been taking some L-Glutamine & Slippery Elm & Comfrey throughout this initial “kill,” phase. The reason it's recommended to wait until after the kill phase is to not waste time/money/resources when the L-Glutamine & Slippery Elm can't heal the intestinal lining until it's cleared of infection. That point is especially driven home about probiotics, as taking them right from the beginning will certainly be wasteful since they will be vastly outnumbered by yeast and thus will just be killed off vs. being able to stick around and repopulate the gut with healthy beneficial flora. However, I've still been eating a bit of Sauer Kraut or Kimchi daily because it's not very costly and can still be of some benefit along the way. It's more that it's advised not to waste money on expensive probiotic supplements until everything is cleared and healed as it's money thrown away until you're healthy enough for them to be allowed to do you any good vs. just getting killed off.

I've yet to acquire any, but Seabuckthorn Berry is also supposed to be good for healing and repairing the intestinal lining. I'm not sure yet whether the juice or oil is ideal. I'll look into it soon as I'm currently in the second major stage of all of this – healing the intestinal lining. (while still doing the first – killing the infection which is nearly completely gone now based on observations of bowel movements and the results of herbal enemas, and somewhat incorporating the third – by eating sauerkraut and kimchi for the probiotics)

I made a jar of epsom salt lotion that I use on my skin daily to detox salicylate acids. It's most effective when used the bottoms of your feet where it will absorb best. The magnesium & sulphur will absorb into your bloodstream and allow you to detox any salicylate acid buildup, which the compound effect of doing this daily for a few months is pretty mind clarifying in and of itself as I experienced from the extreme levels that had built up in me due to Dextroamphetamine leaching both magnesium & sulphur from my body, allowing the acids to build up to off the charts sky high levels last Summer. It's organic beeswax, organic hemp oil, filtered water (lithium quartz elixir, actually.) and epsom salts. And Love, of course, as I've been taught well and I couldn't possibly make anything like this without it. :) It'll be important to continue using epsom salts throughout the the entire diet & healing process, too, as like myself you're about to consume a LOT more herbs and spices than ever, and they're all sky high in salicylate acids. I've kept using the lotion in order to minimize any chances of salicylate acids building up again. I should be able to discontinue using it once I'm completely healed up – same goes for you, obviously.

Diet should be as organic as possible & ideally antibiotic free meats etc in a perfect world so as not to have the cumulative effect of antibiotics building up and destroying any healthy flora, especially during such a sensitive time. I haven't gone to the extreme of sourcing organic fed antibiotic free meats, but it would be ideal. I have, however, gone as organic as possible with all of the veggies/spices/green leafies/carrots/eggs etc as it's not so much GMO foods that are harmful as it is the Glyphosate (aka Roundup, Monsanto's poison) because we have the same pathways in our digestive systems as the plant pathways it disrupts in order to act as an herbicide. Roundup contributes to/causes leaky gut. If you eat GMO veggies throughout this process, always make sure to wash them thoroughly to get rid of as much pesticide residue as possible to avoid the compound effect of building up these toxins in our bodies that contribute to leaky gut.

A few recipes:

Chicken Soup: (for the Autistic soul?)

whole chicken carcass – the bone marrow is healing for the intestinal lining
several onions, carrots, celery
tons of turmeric, lots of cinnamon, some cayenne pepper, salt
shiitake/other mushrooms
mixed organic salad greens
coconut oil

Salad dressing/marinade:

coconut oil
apple cider vinegar
turmeric, cinnamon, cayenne

Protein Shake Mix I quite like:

Hemp protein powder
Diatomaceous Earth
Bentonite Clay
Horsetail (harvested locally)
Chia Seeds
NutraCleanse Fibre Mix (Psyllium Husk, Dandelion, Fenugreek, Flax)
& sometimes I add other things, like ACV, peanut butter, garlic, turmeric etc.

Reference links to info sources in no particular order that I've bookmarked over the months/year+ of piecing this all together: ... safe-diet/ ... ates#kinds ... de/sweets/ ... for-autism ... c-overview ... athics.htm ... -of-foods/ ... sionID=148 ... ver%2C+BC#! ... -symptoms/ ... naturally/ ... questions/ ... 2ffc8cabf9 ... elf-exams/ ... -albicans/ ... -blog.html ... ogy/1.html ... ogy/1.html ... 57751.html ... our-belly/ ... -Works.php ... id-to-ask/ ... thy-colon/ ... but-death/

http://naturalwellnesschoices.blogspot. ... tinal.html ... oCarbs.pdf ... story.html

The article in the link below is particularly informative about specific probiotics missing in Autistics: ... story.html ... z2cL4ePRGN ... z2cnjLjt3l ... ction.aspx ... story.html ... ecies.html ... ir-growth/ ... sing-grey/ ... jKxheCvlS- ... -to-stress ... t-burning/

And of course, a few closing remarks of my own for this rough raw first draft that I'm sharing here on

1.)Health is wealth. Period. Nothing else really matters more. Except, perhaps, for Love.

2.)“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates

3.)And last, but certainly not least, I'd like to acknowledge a couple of incredible guys that I am beyond ecstatic to have had influence me, my life, and this whole journey of learning and self improvement over the last few years. While I've done my own research and learning, I wouldn't have been pointed down the right path if it weren't for them – nor would I have been nearly as open to the possibility of herbs, plants, and nature being able to cure what ails me. Those two special people in my life would be my very close friend, Herbalist & Healer Joshua Keyzer and his father, Doctor Jacob Keyzer, ND (Naturopathic Doctor) to whom I am eternally grateful for their presence in & contribution to my life and what it now has the possibility of becoming. Even though there aren't any expectations placed upon me besides my own, I have no intention of letting them down and wasting the truly second chance at the life I want and the person I want to be.

Kaizen, (it's Japanese for “continuous process improvement.”)
Richard Ewing

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24 Nov 2013, 6:07 pm

Thank you for posting this and providing lots of specific detail and many links. There is some overlap with what I do for rheumatoid arthritis. Gut dysbiosis seems to be a common side effect of the modern way of life (antibiotics etc.).


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24 Nov 2013, 10:54 pm

Coincidentally,I just purchased some coconut oil, fresh turmeric, milk thistle, and some truffle oil. Now I read your post. I am not looking to be cured.not from autism at any rate. I will try out your regimen, though, because I am hoping that it might help with the physical stress from living in a world so foreign to my best interests. I'll let you know how it goes. Thank you.


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24 Nov 2013, 11:34 pm

Good stuff. 8)

FYI since I've been doing this for ~6 months and have been increasing the amounts of oils/herbs I've been using, I buy Turmeric by the 1Kg bag, Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Organic Coconut Oil in a 76 ounce tub from Costco, and on days I'm doing garlic I now eat/drink more than 2 whole bulbs per day.

Garlic is definitely one of the absolute most effective herbs of the lot, but man-o-man do I ever smell of garlic BIG TIME while doing it! If it weren't medically necessary I wouldn't be putting others through it lol as even working outside my dragon breath is enough to bother others.. even my urine made the whole bathroom just wreak of garlic after I'd flushed and left the room. Soooo, be prepared for that if you go full on hardcore with ever increasing amounts of garlic.

The rest is all completely tolerable to anyone & everyone around you. Oregano oil might cause some to cough/choke/cringe at first, but I've become so immune to it I can swallow dropper after dropper full like it's water and not even flinch. I've gotten so used to my tea blend that I quite like it, but others cringe at the bitter taste. I've become quite accustomed to it & like it, but for whenever I blend up a drink that reeeeally doesn't taste very good at all, I just choke it down like it was Buckley's cough syrup or something - the good ol' "It tastes awful, but it works."

And again, what's been absolutely key to accelerating healing all of this by many months if not a year or two if I were to have done this via diet alone is definitely the herbal/ACV enemas. Gross science, but medically relevant and absolutely crucial to healing this asap.

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24 Nov 2013, 11:49 pm

Too long to read thru it all as is, but I give you credit for posting it. Seriously though, I would rather die then live on a diet like this.


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24 Nov 2013, 11:56 pm

Seriously, I'm not reading that whole thing and then clicking on those links. Could you put like a simple week menu with supplements listed? But I wouldn't take any of that creatine or other stuff anyway. You can't convince the human body needs that processed crap to thrive.


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24 Nov 2013, 11:59 pm

You need to be careful about saying 'if I can do this anyone can.' We all have our different strengths and weaknesses. I also think you shouldn't be sure that this is the only reason for disorders like autism, ADHD, schizophrenia etc.

You are not a scientist. You have not done a study on this using something like a couple hundred subjects. You're just putting things together the more you read. You kind of remind me how I am when I'm manic.

That said, I do think digestive issues come into play with these disorders especially autism but are not the root cause.

I don't like the assumption people make when going on about leaky gut/GMO that we must all eat the crap that is out there. I have a restricted diet because I get fatigue, worse mood issues and lack of focus from some foods, which I either rarely eat or tend to stay away from.

The problems with these diets are that it's limits what food people can enjoy.

It sounded like you were really sick and may not have had those disorders at all, but were a rare case and had those symptoms from what you ate.

Anyway, it seems like you've gone to a lot of effort to research all this and if it helps people minimize their symptoms that's great.

I enjoy my hypomania, and my pizza.

Toy_Soldier wrote:
Seriously though, I would rather die then live on a diet like this.


I only read most of it because I couldn't think of anything else to do today.

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25 Nov 2013, 12:17 am

I couldn't even finish reading the post. I'm pretty sure I could not manage the level of organization necessary to sustain such plan, assuming it would even work for me.


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25 Nov 2013, 1:18 am

Toy_Soldier wrote:
Too long to read thru it all as is, but I give you credit for posting it. Seriously though, I would rather die then live on a diet like this.

Personally, I've found it very very easy to stick to because there is no way in hell I ever want to go back to the living hell my life has been over the last few years - especially at it's darkest moments. That's motivation enough for me to stick to it very strictly. That, and it's working wonders for me. Hopefully it's only a matter of months vs. years until my intestinal lining is completely healed up, probiotics rebalanced, and then I can go back to eating some "normal," foods again. However long it takes, it takes. As I said, health is wealth - and I'd do anything to be healthy so that I can live life and achieve the goals I have for myself - including all of this, so, I'm doing it. To each their own.

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25 Nov 2013, 1:22 am

wozeree wrote:
Seriously, I'm not reading that whole thing and then clicking on those links. Could you put like a simple week menu with supplements listed? But I wouldn't take any of that creatine or other stuff anyway. You can't convince the human body needs that processed crap to thrive.

So scroll down about 3/4 of the way or so where there's a little extra break in the text and the diet info starts. Do read the bits about herbal enemas, too, as it's more than just diet that's enabled me to heal these digestive issues that cause the neurological issues as quickly as I've managed to do so thus far.

So don't take any creatine, that's not a necessary part of this diet - just something I take for bodybuilding purposes. The L-glutamine, on the other hand, is a crucial part of stage 2 as it's one of few supplements that repairs the intestinal lining once it's free of parasites perforating holes in it in the first place. L-glutamine isn't processed crap, it's refined nutrition - big difference. GMO's are made in a lab crap. Proper supplements are simply refined out of natural ingredients so as to be able to get a concentrated dose of them vs. consuming mass quantities of the foods that contain them.

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25 Nov 2013, 1:37 am

pensieve wrote:
You need to be careful about saying 'if I can do this anyone can.' We all have our different strengths and weaknesses. I also think you shouldn't be sure that this is the only reason for disorders like autism, ADHD, schizophrenia etc.

You are not a scientist. You have not done a study on this using something like a couple hundred subjects. You're just putting things together the more you read. You kind of remind me how I am when I'm manic.

That said, I do think digestive issues come into play with these disorders especially autism but are not the root cause.

I don't like the assumption people make when going on about leaky gut/GMO that we must all eat the crap that is out there. I have a restricted diet because I get fatigue, worse mood issues and lack of focus from some foods, which I either rarely eat or tend to stay away from.

The problems with these diets are that it's limits what food people can enjoy.

It sounded like you were really sick and may not have had those disorders at all, but were a rare case and had those symptoms from what you ate.

Anyway, it seems like you've gone to a lot of effort to research all this and if it helps people minimize their symptoms that's great.

I enjoy my hypomania, and my pizza.

Toy_Soldier wrote:
Seriously though, I would rather die then live on a diet like this.


I only read most of it because I couldn't think of anything else to do today.

Anyone who sets out to do anything can go ahead and do it. It really is that simple. If you have a reason strong enough to accomplish something, you'll find the strength to do it. Same applies to all goals in life.

I never said it was the ONLY cause of Autism/other disorders - but it certainly is A cause.

I don't need the title of "scientist," to know what I've experienced/observed/learned. I am recognized as an Industrial Engineering Technologist, and while that's a far cry from anything related to medicine, I'm not an idiot by any stretch of the imagination and am only mentioning that title just to point out that I'm formally educated in observing & improving things - and it matters not whether they're manufacturing systems or medical issues - problem solving is problem solving. Like I said in my other thread, I'll put it out there and it's up to others whether they want to try it for themselves or not. I have no interest in creating a medical study in order to satisfy skeptics. It is what it is, take it or leave it. I realize full well how stubborn some of us can be and have no time or desire to put the energy into convincing people to do this for themselves - either you want to give it a shot and see if it helps you or you don't. From my own family members' reluctance to try it for themselves I've learned that trying to convince others to do this is next to impossible, so, like I said - it's working miraculously for me, and there's the info, feel free to do with it what you will, or don't, your call.

You can think whatever you like. I'm telling you from my experience that this IS the root cause of my symptoms, and healing it has reduced them by more than 95% thus far and I continue to improve, getting healthier and happier, fitter and stronger, more focused and motivated etc. Life is getting much much better and with continued hard work is going to get very very good. 8)

I've had all of these symptoms all of my life like many people here. It's only now that I've learned what's caused them and how to heal it. These disorders, in my experience, aren't independent genetic conditions, but rather symptoms of a physical ailment that's entirely curable.

GMO's & herbicides/pesticides are poison. Consume them all you wish.

It temporarily limits what foods people can enjoy for the long term benefit of being healthier and happier for life. To me, that's worth the minor sacrifice of sticking to this diet for however long it takes - say, a year in total. If your life & happiness aren't worth a year or so of following a diet/healing protocol, then so be it, don't do this for yourself - it's not my life you're affecting so I really couldn't care less.

Yes, I hope others are willing to give this a go and see if it works for them as it is me.

Lol I like pizza, too, but I haven't had any in half a year because it's about the most toxic (to me) food there is! One day I'll enjoy a slice again, but not until I've completely healed all of this.

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25 Nov 2013, 1:40 am

Verdandi wrote:
I couldn't even finish reading the post. I'm pretty sure I could not manage the level of organization necessary to sustain such plan, assuming it would even work for me.

Read it when you can, and if you're game to try it, start small and then step up your efforts in terms of cutting out various foods and adding in others etc. It doesn't have to be done 100% full on instantly - although it'd work sooner & better that way. You could ease into it over whatever period of time you like, it's just that it'll take significantly longer to see results is all.

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25 Nov 2013, 2:34 am

goldfish21 wrote:
Verdandi wrote:
I couldn't even finish reading the post. I'm pretty sure I could not manage the level of organization necessary to sustain such plan, assuming it would even work for me.

Read it when you can, and if you're game to try it, start small and then step up your efforts in terms of cutting out various foods and adding in others etc. It doesn't have to be done 100% full on instantly - although it'd work sooner & better that way. You could ease into it over whatever period of time you like, it's just that it'll take significantly longer to see results is all.

I might be able to read it all eventually. I may be able to implement some of it to see if it does anything. I'm not trying to simply naysay here, I just deal with a lot of executive function issues and what you put here is downright intimidating.


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25 Nov 2013, 2:43 am

Hi goldfish21,

Thank you for posting your diet, process and incredibly valuable advice and words of wisdom. I did a modified, however, almost identical detox/diet, 14 years ago, with the assistance of my OMD, who had initially tested me, and put me on the diet. I had become lethargic, developed eczema on the back of both of my hands and I could not manage stomach issues that I had begun to acquire, several months, prior. My brain was in a continuous fog, and I no longer could handle dragging myself through each day. I had been very athletic, and possessed a good bit of energy and stamina, prior to becoming sick with Candidiasis. The overgrowth caused extreme lows, and I was constantly 'out of it', so to speak. It took me 18 months to get completely well. I have continued with the gluten free aspect of the diet, for 13 years, minus very rare occasions in the past year, where I have indulged in a piece of birthday cake, and a couple of other glutinous items here and there, It takes me a day or two, to detox from it, but the symptoms have been relatively minor. I am now, highly aware/in control of how particular foods will affect me, what I am able to, and absolutely cannot put into my mouth, or even just allow to touch my tongue, as well as, exactly how much and how often I am able to eat certain foods, in order to prevent them from having a negative affect on me/my body and mind. The detox and diet, and continuation of the gluten-free diet has changed my life profoundly.

Very happy for you, and your recovery! It is incredibly generous of you, to share in such depth and detail, all that you have learned, and, though I have been through the process, I am grateful to you, for inspiring me to keep on the path of wellness, and perhaps incorporate some of the herbs/remedies that you have been using, into my diet, at this time.

Many thanks, all the best and much success to you! : )

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25 Nov 2013, 3:03 am

Please, folks, beware of overly elaborate diets... This can turn into an eating disorder. I'm serious; people's lives have been taken over by trying to find the "perfect" way to eat, the perfect combination of supplements. My mom had times when she spent most of her free time on it--she didn't have a life because she spent all her time thinking about food, planning meals, tracking down organic food, etc. And if it gets bad enough, people can die of it. It's been termed "orthorexia" by the people studying it.

I definitely see the benefits of eating nutritious food that works with the way your body behaves, but please don't get stuck in the trap of trying to perfect it. In reality, your body is quite flexible. Given the right nutrients and enough calories, people can live on just about any diet. Think about the many different ways people around the world live, from gathering wild fruit to hunting seals. Humans are extreme omnivores.

Your first priority is simply getting enough to eat. Secondly, getting a good variety. And if something bothers you, then don't eat it. That is practically all you need to know, autistic or not.

Don't let people politicize and stigmatize you for what you eat. It's food; it's fuel; it shouldn't be a religion or a test of purity or a way to determine who's responsible or healthy or disciplined and who's not.

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25 Nov 2013, 3:12 am

All good points.