I had yoga in physical education :(

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18 Oct 2004, 1:45 pm

Today in my phyed section we had to do yoga. Oh what a joy that was. We had to follow along with what was going on in a video that was being projected onto a huge screen. I simply could not follow along with the video like everyone else was. We were in a huge room and the sound was echoing so badly it was hard for me to understand what the video was saying.

Trying to follow along with what the instructor was doing was also confusing. I kept getting right and left goofed up, she would do something with her right arm, and I would try and mimick it with my left. If she turned herself to the right, I would turn left, while everyone else would turn right (and then I could say HI! to the person next to me). After the first few times I did this, I tried to invert what she was doing so I would face the right way, but I just could not do it. My legs would be alinged the wrong way, but the rest of me was facing the right way, or some other stupid thing like that.

Also since I have poor fine motor control, during some of the manuvers, my whole body was shaking and studdering as I tried to "gracefuly" move into and hold myself in some of the more complex positions.

Yoga just ain't my thing...

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18 Oct 2004, 3:33 pm

Scoots5012 wrote:
Today in my phyed section we had to do yoga. Oh what a joy that was. We had to follow along with what was going on in a video that was being projected onto a huge screen. I simply could not follow along with the video like everyone else was. We were in a huge room and the sound was echoing so badly it was hard for me to understand what the video was saying.

Trying to follow along with what the instructor was doing was also confusing. I kept getting right and left goofed up, she would do something with her right arm, and I would try and mimick it with my left. If she turned herself to the right, I would turn left, while everyone else would turn right (and then I could say HI! to the person next to me). After the first few times I did this, I tried to invert what she was doing so I would face the right way, but I just could not do it. My legs would be alinged the wrong way, but the rest of me was facing the right way, or some other stupid thing like that.

Also since I have poor fine motor control, during some of the manuvers, my whole body was shaking and studdering as I tried to "gracefuly" move into and hold myself in some of the more complex positions.

Yoga just ain't my thing...

Yoga rocks my world. I stay in the positions for hours. My favorite two yoga positions are the Lotus Position (the most difficult yoga position) and the Bhodi tree.

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21 Oct 2004, 5:06 am

I personally like yoga, but I understand and sympathize with the problems you experienced, Scoots.

I have never been able to mimic other's actions properly. I remember in elementary school, when we played simon says or a game in which we had to mimic what the teacher was doing, I would do exactly as you did, and mirror her right side movements with my left side and vice-versa. I didn't know what I was doing wrong at the time, either, just that I wasn't moving appropriately with everyone else in the class, and I couldn't figure out my left from my right.

Last year, a friend of mine attempted to teach me how to knit, by showing me on her needles, and then telling me to mimic what she did. It took us over an hour before I could get one stitch done (other people took about 5 minutes), because I just couldn't repeat her actions. However, when my cousin showed me how to knit, several months later (and long after I'd forgotten what my friend had showed me) she actually did it with my hands (moved my hands through the motions with the needles) and I got it in about 5 minutes. (Unfortunately, I didn't practice, so I don't remember how to do it anymore).

I recently read something quite interesting about mirror neurons, which in autistics are suspected to be the cause/a contributer to mindblindness. I'll start another thread on the subject, as I'm interested to hear what others have to say about it.