Where on the spectrum would you place yourself?

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Where on the spectrum would you place yourself?
I am high-functioning 85%  85%  [ 97 ]
I am medium-functioning 11%  11%  [ 13 ]
I am low-functioning 2%  2%  [ 2 ]
I have a child with low-functioning 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
I have a child with medium-functioning 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
I have a child with high-functioning 2%  2%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 114


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07 Feb 2015, 3:31 pm

Would you consider yourself high, medium, or low functioning autism. For parents of kids with autism, where would you place your child on the spectrum? Below I will explain high medium and low functioning autism.

Low Functioning: Those with severe Autism have an IQ below 70 and have problems with self-care and communication. Behaviors may severely affect day-to-day activities. Additionally, frustration about communication and sensory overload can lead to behaviors that disrupt others and may even cause harm to the individual. If forced to deal with a change in routine, an individual may become very angry. Many with low-functioning autism are non-verbal as well. No chance of living independently.

Medium Functioning: Usually an IQ between 70 to 85. Can have some degree of mental retardation. Adults with moderate autism often require assistance, but they can have some level of independence in their jobs and living conditions. When living alone, they may need some assistance from other people. May have problems communicating verbally but are capable of talking. They often appear "special" to other people. Not impaired enough to be considered low-functioning but not intelligent enough to be considered high-functioning.

High Functioning: Those with high-functioning always have at least normal intelligence and often way above normal intelligence. Verbal skills are usually normal but their non-verbal skills are not as good compared to a neurotypical. Those with high-functioning are capable of living independently, holding down a job, and even getting married. However because of their social skills challenges, they may have a hard time getting a job. They appear "normal" to untrained neurotypicals but may be accused of being nerdy, rude, uninterested, or weird because of their differences.


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07 Feb 2015, 9:32 pm

High functioning

"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
~King Of The Hill

"Hear all, trust nothing"
~Ferengi Rule Of Acquisition #190
https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Ru ... cquisition


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15 Jul 2015, 8:14 am

I imagine that I would typically be considered "high functioning". By your definitions I would be somewhere between medium and high.

High IQ, "problems communicating verbally but are capable of talking", (mostly) "capable of living independently", "holding down a job" is "iffy" but not considered likely by medical practitioners. How I'm perceived by others depends on the person. I think most people just think I'm "weird" or "scary", but it's also not too uncommon for people to speak to me in a patronizing tone.


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16 Aug 2015, 12:15 pm

High functioning.


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03 Nov 2015, 6:24 am

I am also high-functioning.

I am Ashley. My pronouns are female.


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11 Dec 2015, 10:08 pm

High to moderate-functioning



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12 Dec 2015, 2:44 pm

i voted High...but i actually feel between High and Medium, with quite often slipping into Medium. maybe Low Medium during the times I'm sick. i really can't say i could live independently. my mom has been not just my mom, but the person you should do friend/peer things with (movies/shopping/vacation) as well as the person hired to come to your home in shifts to 'care' for you. she keeps me on track of things such as going to work and grooming--otherwise I have a feeling I wouldn't do those two things as often as you should. my parents also make sure things about my money is on track and my bills are paid. i can't really wrap my head around those things as well as things like retirement, insurance and pension stuff. I've tried and it just makes me feel like i could go into a panic attack--even thinking about it now is doing that.

if i were to live independently...i would for sure need a service dog (especially at night) and a part time caretaker.


It's like someone's calling out to me. Writing it all down...it's like I'm calling back to them.
(quote from August Rush; but used as a reference to my writing)
My ASD AQ score is 42


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31 May 2016, 4:18 am

Maybe I'm atypical but I don't think functioning levels can be applied so simply.
Because I have elements of all of those levels. I'm intelligent (I think) and sometimes very capable, more capable than others. But then I get shutdowns, go nonverbal, have bad periods where I get über obsessed on the special interest thing and don't do anything else. I can do very well academically, but seem incapable of holding a job and supporting myself - you get the idea. So according to that I am low, medium, and high functioning all at once.

Alexithymia - 147 points.


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15 Aug 2017, 12:20 pm

I voted "I am high-functioning" for this poll.


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16 Aug 2017, 8:54 pm



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16 Aug 2017, 9:39 pm

I'm high functioning

Hi! I'm Stampy (not the actual YouTuber, just a fan!) and I have been diagnosed professionally with ASD and OCD and likely have TS. If you have any questions or just want to talk, please feel free to PM me!

Current Interests: Stampy Cat, AGT, and Medicine


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20 Aug 2017, 11:02 am

C2V wrote:
Maybe I'm atypical but I don't think functioning levels can be applied so simply.

Functioning levels have never been an official diagnosis. They have been commonly used by professionals an then laymen to refer to above or usually just IQ/intelligence levels.

I can be normal functioning in one area and low to medium in others. If I am stressed or tired I function a lot less. This is common on the spectrum that is why functioning levels are fading out.

For the above criteria prior to the advent of my physical disabilities medium high.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman