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Blue Jay
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21 Sep 2004, 9:36 pm

How do you find group assignments?
Do you think they put you at an unfair disadvantage?

I hate them. I'm stuck with a group assignment right now
and my group hasn't even started yet.
So i've asked my tutor to allow me to work on my own.
So now i'm stuck writing a program that's supposed to be
enough work for four people in a few days. If I hadn't wasted time mucking around with them I would have finished by now. They couldn't even be bothered answering their email.


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22 Sep 2004, 5:37 am

Heh, I agree with you on this one, Maria. Group assignments are the worst. I think a lot of vital time is wasted on attempting to communicate and gather people together, as well as compromising. However, there is the benefit of having feedback from others on a project, and getting different points of view. When I work in a group, however, I end up either doing all of the work or none of it (I have a hard time balancing the workload with other people).


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22 Sep 2004, 7:08 am

I havent got much to add more then: I hate group assigments to. They make me look stupid cause most of my classmates are a tad bit stupid. This is maybe an exaggaraition and a bit mean but I find that I produce much better work and get better grades when I work on my own


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22 Sep 2004, 8:29 am

I have been assigned a group project as well, but I don't really think it is all that bad. One of the reasons that the project was assigned was so that we could learn how to work together in a group, which commonly occurs in many fields. I know that is true for computer programmers, although I think they usually work together in pairs.


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22 Sep 2004, 10:32 am

Yes I believe group assignments are unfair to aspies and many others.
This is one reason that I left college. I was studying psychology and whenever we would do the group thing I always felt that these folks were looking down on me an psychoanalysing me because I was so obviously not like them. I understand the practical side of the group thing. But this is just one more examlple of how misunderstood we are in society, and how few jobs are really suited for us.


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22 Sep 2004, 1:16 pm

I hated group assingments. In junior high school I could never get into a group, the teachers would always let the students pick thier own groups, and I would be the odd man out all the time. Everyone would get into their groups and I would be like "UHHHHHHHHH........ who do I get into a group with?" The teacher would then stick me into a group, the group that would get stuck with me would then complain about being stuck with me. The teacher would then be like "Too bad, he's your problem, not mine..."

Back in September 1992, I was my social studies class, not even two weeks into junior high school, we had an group assignment in class and the teacher paired us up into groups. I was with three other people I had never seen before. We all got started and when I tried to offer input, I was immediately countered by one group member.

Listen to me good here.... If I hear one more word out of your mouth for the rest of class today, I'm going to have the entire ninth grade class beating the f*&%$@# crap out of your @$$! And don't f&*%*@# think I won't do it becasue I've done it before!

Ahhh Yes.... Welcome to Junior High school.

And then lets fast foward to May 1993, this time it's group work in math class. I'm stuck once again with three other people. This time I had to play an important part in a group presentation. Another student whom I've had problems with in the past gave me this comment at the end of class

You know Scott. I'm suprised, you really can do good work in a group setting

To which I responded

I know I can, it's just that no one will give me a chance.


I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...


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23 Sep 2004, 1:38 am

When I was in Highschool, I hated group assignments because who did all the work? Me. :evil:

Last year we had group assignements too, but this time it was different. I was with serious students and it all went smoothly.
Maybe they are more mature than the other ones. I hope I will be with them if we still have group assignements this year.

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23 Sep 2004, 7:11 pm

Well I ended up getting the assignment done by myself in about 4 hours work total.

So much for it supposedly being enough work for four.
This paper isn't even hard enough to be a 100 level paper.
I don't know what happened to university.

The only thing I haven't done is the written report.
Which is only 1 mark anyway and I can't be bothered.


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27 Sep 2004, 3:50 am

I do not like group assigments. I think they are unfair.

This year, in college, we have group assignments in almost every discipline : physics, chemistry, etc. I had chosen the subjects I was interested in, but by the time I could say my answer (which did not take a long time), all of them were taken, and the groups were made. The few people I had talked to were together in a group, and, like Scoots5012, I was the odd one out. So I ended up being in a group with two boys I do not know (except that one of them was in my brother's class in high school so I remembered his name) and I have to work on a subject I do not like.

I would rather work by myself ; I think it is easier to know what you want to do, and how you will do it, and you do not have to rely on somebody else to be sure the work is completed. But in another way, I know they do that so that we can meet other students who have (theorically) similar interests, with whom it would (theorically) be easier to socialize.


Nicolas (spark).

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12 Oct 2004, 10:30 pm

When I work in the real world, I intend to find a job where my group-mates are at my level of expertise.


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15 Oct 2004, 5:40 pm

8O They Have To Pick Parteners For Me

I am 21yrs old and have 3 younger brothers.
There are 4 aspies in our family, dad, me and my
two little brothers 16, 8.

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23 Oct 2004, 12:07 am

I too have always been the odd one out in groups.

In high school I dreaded them so much because of this.

So many crying fits because of being the last one in a group. So much having to have the teacher put me in a group. It really is kind of cruel.

Major breakdown freshman yr of college resulting from a group project. Sophomore year - only time I had a breakdown was, again, when I had to do a group project with seven other people. SEVEN OTHER PEOPLE! how the hell? i can't even deal with more than one person at a time, but seven? God.

I have to do group projects in both my Soc classes this semester. It should be soo much fun. *sarcasm thick in voice*

I felt so foolish. She announced the people in the groups in the last class - thank god she picked them instead of having us pick them! - and I had no idea who any of the people were. Now this is a small private liberal arts college, everyone knows everyone yada yada I've been in class w/ em all semester, but I had no idea who they were.

I felt so foolish. Whatever. Then after class today she told us to write down the names so we could contact each other before next week. She only gave the first names. Maybe she assumed everyone knew who each other was. Was trying to ask her for people's last names so I could look them up in the directory. But was overwhelmed from test we just had,and could hardly get the words out. can never look her ,or most anyone in the eye.

sigh. so embarassing. i hate it all. it's been a hard day.



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06 Nov 2004, 7:42 pm

i HATE them.

I either do all the work or feel bad that i'm not doing my work fast enough.

I always get my part done, but under great stress. I'd rather do it on my own time, on my own. I hate the thought of letting other down, letting others let me down.


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09 Nov 2004, 12:04 pm

I hate group assignments. I'd much rather do all of the work *correctly* myself. What happens is one person (the leader) treats me like a ret*d; therefore, the other ones do. I do like working with ONE person; but never 3 or more.

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10 Nov 2004, 5:20 am

Catffienated wrote:
I hate group assignments. I'd much rather do all of the work *correctly* myself. What happens is one person (the leader) treats me like a ret*d; therefore, the other ones do. I do like working with ONE person; but never 3 or more.

Yeah, the more in the group the bigger chance something will get screwed up. But then again, it depends who the person who you're working with is.

I worked with this dude earlier this year who always makes excuses (lame ones) for not doing his work. As it was a group assignment, I would have rather worked ina 3 or 4 than with just him so we could have given him the boot and done his part among ourselves. :P


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10 Nov 2004, 7:16 am

I worked with this dude earlier this year who always makes excuses (lame ones) for not doing his work. As it was a group assignment, I would have rather worked ina 3 or 4 than with just him so we could have given him the boot and done his part among ourselves.

It seems that that's almost an inevitable problem in group assignments. I just finished a group assignment with four other people. We originally had five, but one guy (who we suspected would do no work anyway) broke his wrist and had to drop the class. Another guy who we also believed would do no work actually showed up for our first two meetings with a minimal amount of progress. This got our hopes up, and we assigned him a specific job, and we all chose our own jobs. After that happened, we never heard back from him :roll: . He ignored our phone calls, emails, and missed three or four more meetings. I had to contain myself when he came up to us in class on presentation day and said, "Hey guys, sorry I missed the meeting..." in an extremely drugged-up and nonchalant way. I think we're all just glad it's over.