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23 Apr 2023, 6:23 am

What are some examples of things that schoolteachers did and said, that showed that they are not that great at academic subjects?


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23 Apr 2023, 6:31 am

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
What are some examples of things that schoolteachers did and said, that showed that they are not that great at academic subjects?
Mrs. Pound lectured me for ten minutes in front of the whole class on why I should try to figure things out for myself instead of asking stupid questions and wasting the time of the other 29 other students in class, when she could just have spent less than a minute explaining the answer to my question.

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23 Apr 2023, 11:05 am

I don't know, as I've never known more than the teacher.

But when I was in sixth form (sorry, can't think of the American equivalent to that so you'll have to just look it up) I was doing childcare as a course, and there were only girls in the class. But one of my teachers was trained to teach the complete opposite; he was a boy's sports teacher.

To add to it, he tutored us on how to work alongside the parents of children and knowing the right things to say to keep the child's dignity and all that. But at my first parent's evening when my parents first met him he handled it in the most incompetent way possible, totally undignifying me. He spoke very informally about my lack of focus in class, and I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. But thankfully my parents were so appalled at his attitude, that they were on my side and said he was an incompetent teacher. Yep, what do you expect from a boy's sports teacher tutoring girls about childcare?

True story.



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23 Apr 2023, 11:14 am

Joe90 wrote:
I don't know, as I've never known more than the teacher.

But when I was in sixth form (sorry, can't think of the American equivalent to that so you'll have to just look it up) I was doing childcare as a course, and there were only girls in the class. But one of my teachers was trained to teach the complete opposite; he was a boy's sports teacher.

To add to it, he tutored us on how to work alongside the parents of children and knowing the right things to say to keep the child's dignity and all that. But at my first parent's evening when my parents first met him he handled it in the most incompetent way possible, totally undignifying me. He spoke very informally about my lack of focus in class, and I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. But thankfully my parents were so appalled at his attitude, that they were on my side and said he was an incompetent teacher. Yep, what do you expect from a boy's sports teacher tutoring girls about childcare?

True story.

Good example. Any PE/games teacher trying to teach an academic subject was a complete disaster. I also remember a Biology teacher trying to teach us Psychology once. He obviously didn’t have a clue and burbled on for half an hour.

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23 Apr 2023, 11:26 am

I have no idea why I did the following, maybe I knew that the teacher couldn't answer the question and wanted to highlight it ? I was about 7 or 8 at the time.

I asked the teacher what the closet planet to the sun was called, and she said Venus, I looked puzzled and showed her a textbook showing the planets , and said are you sure it isn't Mercury. She got furious with me and said, why are you wasting my time if you already knew the answer. I couldn't answer that question and sat down accepting my bollocking thinking I was a bad boy :roll:

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23 Apr 2023, 12:14 pm

Kindergarten teacher picked me up from the floor by my ponytail and spanked me because I played with a toy train. It was blue so I was supposed to know it was a boys' toy. This was my first day of school ever.

Fifth Grade my teacher said "believe" was actutally "beleive", and made me write "beleive" 50X. She pointed out that "beleive" has three loops in a row in cursive writing when you do the e-l-e part. I pointed out that the real "believe" has a "lie" in the middle of it. She didn't like that.

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23 Apr 2023, 2:20 pm

When I was 5 I pulled a chair away from the teacher's assistant just as she was going to sit down on it. I definitely did not mean to do it, but the class teacher shouted at me so loudly that the whole class went quiet as she pointed her finger in my face and shouted and shouted while I walked backwards shaking and crying, absolutely petrified. I was too little to stand up for myself and say "I didn't mean to do it, it was an accident and I'm very sorry". Being only 5 I thought all adults were right, so for a few years I actually believed I'd done it on purpose, but looking back I know I didn't do it on purpose at all. I wasn't that sort of child to want to hurt anybody.

I think that ever since that day I've been afraid of being yelled at by someone in authority. I can still see it now; the teacher became an ogre and I felt as small as an ant as she was hollering at me across the classroom in front of everybody.



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23 Apr 2023, 10:25 pm

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
What are some examples of things that schoolteachers did and said, that showed that they are not that great at academic subjects?

One time I made a higher grade on a test than the teacher.


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23 Apr 2023, 10:31 pm

Teachers have accused me of cheating on their exams, and only because no on ever aced their exams before.

Re-taking and re-aceing the exams while wearing nothing but a tee-shirt and a pair of shorts in a cold room with the teacher, the principal, and a random teacher's aid staring at me the whole time proved again and again I did not need to cheat.

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05 Aug 2023, 11:35 am

shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
What are some examples of things that schoolteachers did and said, that showed that they are not that great at academic subjects?

Mrs Rainer said Terra Australis is Latin for terrible place. Terra being Latin for terrible and Australis being Latin for place.

Mrs Hillier said Pi is precisely 22/7. She also said 22/7 cannot be described with a finite number of decimal places. While this true for Pi, any multiple of 1/7 can be described using a finite number of decimal places repeated in a loop.

Mrs Zilm spent an hour and half telling us that 9/11 was an inside job.

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05 Aug 2023, 11:39 am

Recidivist wrote:
I have no idea why I did the following, maybe I knew that the teacher couldn't answer the question and wanted to highlight it ? I was about 7 or 8 at the time.

I asked the teacher what the closet planet to the sun was called, and she said Venus, I looked puzzled and showed her a textbook showing the planets , and said are you sure it isn't Mercury. She got furious with me and said, why are you wasting my time if you already knew the answer. I couldn't answer that question and sat down accepting my bollocking thinking I was a bad boy :roll:

That reminds me. For my whole childhood I had teachers telling me Pluto was the most distant planet from the sun. They were wrong.

Due to the eccentricity of Pluto's orbit, Netpune was more distant from the sun at that time.

The days are long, but the years are short