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Huckleberry Finn

Joined: 8 Sep 2023
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14 Sep 2023, 7:29 pm

Hi, thanks to a dear friend I returned to the forum.

That's why I wrote that I'm a ghost.

I preferred to ask permission from the forum administrators first.

They were very kind.

My Nickname was Da_Zero_A_Dieci.

I think the most important thing is to be honest.

I have Asperger's even though in the DSM 5th we are a sub-category of HFA, studies show that they are not the exact same thing.

What matters:

I am autistic, most of my relatives are autistic,
The basis is predominantly genetic

(a study dated January 23, 2023 published in Brain, on Caprin 1, demonstrates this)

It is not a disease: I write this because many define us as suffering from autism.

I think I'm very complicated in writing, and I write long posts.

I particularly want to write this: English is not my language.

I often make mistakes in communicating, for this I apologize in advance.

In case of misunderstandings I am always available for clarification.

I'm generally nice to people in real life.

I don't know here!

It is important for me to have feedback.

I think in images, and I take a drug that makes it difficult for me to both write as I would like and speak as I think.

I usually have a very good memory.

I like people, even if I am shy, introverted and reserved, even though it doesn't show much in the forum (I think).

I don't take offense so any posts to the contrary don't bother me.

I tend to think very quickly.

This is also a reason why I write imprecisely, because it's as if I jump from one topic to another.

I don't like discrimination based on race or gender.

Of no type.

I have a lot of flaws and some strengths.

I have professional diagnosis of scientific researchers who often collaborate with your US researchers.

I have several others, but I waited for the 2018 one, luckily for me I got back into scientific research.

Unfortunately for adults the diagnosis is a serious problem here too.
While it works very well in some regions for autistic minors, then everything becomes "other".

I am very polite and kind.

In what I can I improve my condition in others in which I understand that it is not possible I raise the white flag!

(I think I wrote too much!)


Forests precede civilizations, deserts follow.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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14 Sep 2023, 7:45 pm

Would like to get to know you, I have Asperger’s and PTSD, my name is elena

SaturnSalemTv YouTube Feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel, and eat popcorn

Huckleberry Finn

Joined: 8 Sep 2023
Gender: Non-binary
Posts: 466

14 Sep 2023, 8:10 pm

Hi Elena .

Thank you.

You can write to me whenever you want.

Forgive one thing: time zones.

Maybe you'll get an answer, not now it's very late here.

I know quite a bit about both topics.

Because I also have PSTD.

Just give me some time.

Forests precede civilizations, deserts follow.

Double Retired

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14 Sep 2023, 8:40 pm

Welcome back! I hope this time you do not turn into a ghost again.

When diagnosed I bought champagne!
I finally knew why people were strange.

Huckleberry Finn

Joined: 8 Sep 2023
Gender: Non-binary
Posts: 466

14 Sep 2023, 8:52 pm

Hi !

Nice to meet you again.

I remember our post exchanges.

No: I'm a solid ghost now.

I have to thank Jimmy m.because he brought me back to life.


He has always been very close to me and it's not easy to be close to a ghost, right? :)


About feeling European...see?

We are increasingly disunited... in everything.

I apologize because it is a discussion between us, which is based on a sentence of mine, in which I wrote that I had decidedly more sympathy and similarities with the USA, rather than with our European neighbors.

Double Retired replied that it would take time and that over time we would feel like one single state.

As happened with you.

Except that we are in constant competition and are veterans of a lot of wars, even recent ones.

One of Independence from the Austrians who dominated us in Duchies and Marquisates and other things, all of Italy was an Austrian dominion if that Italy puzzle were put together the word Austria would come out.

I am undecided with the English and the Germans who perhaps appreciate us.

All the so much!

Hi Double Retired, I remember a lot about you.

(A dollar for my kingdom if you managed to understand my post!)

Forests precede civilizations, deserts follow.