Am I afraid to commit to a relationship?

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Joined: 2 Aug 2018
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Location: Kent, UK

27 Oct 2023, 8:28 am

I still remember that time when I did go out with someone I had met working in a shop and I remember when walking through a park, she asked me if I was willing to have a relationship with her or just remain as friends and I remember hesitating perhaps thinking it was too soon but I didn't actually say no but in the end remained as friends instead and still sometimes went out on occasions. I haven't seen or spoken to her for a few years now and I don't know what's happened as she doesn't answer my messages or talk to me online for a long while.

A couple of days ago I was watching this video made by this dating coach called Matthew hussey who was speaking to this caller about men not committing to relationships and that may break off a relationship when there isn't anything wrong with it. He said isn't because the relationship is going wrong that they break it up it's because they sometimes feel perhaps because of a sense of entitlement they haven't done other things yet or want more meaning and adventure in their lives before they get to a certain age like traveling and seeing the world a lot more, or be in a certain financial situation which they achieved yet, stuff like that they feel they need to check off before they meet the person they are going to spend the rest of their lives with and settle down.

The truth is, according to him, that many of them actually don't achieve all of those things before they meet that person.