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27 Oct 2022, 12:42 pm

What do you not like about your friends and family?


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23 Nov 2023, 7:10 am

Today I don't care anymore, but rejecting me for being autistic and tomboy, yeah this will repeat very much times in here.


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23 Nov 2023, 7:52 am

I don't have any friends so no worries there. In the past, when I've had friends, I've been hurt by the fact that unless I contact people, they don't contact me. It's been a long time since I had a friend that I felt valued spending time with me.

With my family (i.e. the people I grew up around) it's more a case of frustration that they don't seem to remember anything that happened between us. Anything that was important to me, they have no memory of. They get annoyed at me for prioritizing my dogs and behave like they have no understanding of dogs and don't even like dogs but we always had dogs growing up, we had loads of animals, why don't you understand that animals need looking after? My parents seem to have no idea how to look after a child, I could never leave my child with them as grandparents. But they raised 3 kids themselves so they must have had some idea at some point. I'm also very disappointed that they've become GB News addicts and just regurgitate the extreme right-wing nonsense/conspiracy theory claptrap they hear on that channel. They used to be reasonably intelligent but those people seem to be gone.

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