I wasn't worrying 5 years ago. Why now?

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Joined: 2 Aug 2018
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Location: Kent, UK

29 Jan 2024, 8:04 am

I know I've mentioned a number of times about worries and concerns about having kids but I seem to feel as though in my mid or late 20s, I still had no burning desire to settle down with someone, get married and start a family despite the fact that even then there were people of the same age as me getting married and having kids. My parents had me in their late 20s and my grandparents had my mum and dad in their early-mid 20s. I had no kids during those ages they were once at.

I can't seem to understand why it is happening now in my early-mid 30s that I am having these worries and still don't have the desire to have kids and it just feels like all the peers my age including those I went to school and college with all have kids.

My concern is, is that these thoughts will still run around in my head until I actually do meet someone and have kids or that I'll still not have that desire in 10 years time and that to think about having kids then is "too late" or "out of the question" and everyone else's kids will be 10, 15 or more years old because they had them earlier and I didn't. Because I have few friends the same age as me without kids it makes me feel everyone my age has kids. It doesn't help either as at work, my store sells toys and things and so we end up with young parents coming in with their kids.