Should I live in a flat or stay in the house I live in?

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06 Mar 2024, 9:53 am

Should I really be feeling bad even though I live right now I live in a rented house with mum and her partner with my own room ? I just seem to think it feels more comfortable than some small apartment or flat which I might have to share with other people I don't know. I can't understand why I feel bad that I don't live in my own property or space and at the same time I don't feel the need to get out of this comfortable home even though it's a rented property with a back garden and the sounds of nature and go to some urban apartment with only one or two rooms. I feel like I'm the only one of my generation who is living the way I'm living and everyone else isn't.


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06 Mar 2024, 10:34 am

Personally I'd stay in the house you live in. Especially if you don't pay rent.

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06 Mar 2024, 10:35 am

Its the same problem that you seem to have in every area of your life. Namely that you perceive that society expects something of you that is incompatible with your individual approach.

Instead of being comfortable with the way you want to live, which suits you and doesn't appear to inconvenience anyone else, you spend your time worrying about what some vaguely defined 'other' thinks you ought to be doing.

It's a shame and a waste and I don't know that anyone here knows how to help you since the answer to every question you ask is the same yet the questions keep coming and from what I've seen you don't engage much with the respondants.

Have you considered therapy? Perhaps a talking therapy could help you get unstuck?

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06 Mar 2024, 11:41 am

Inexpensive, convenient, comfortable, nice nature sounds.. why change? :?

Do you REALLY think that the rest of the world is focusing much attention on your living situation AT ALL and that if you move to an apartment in the city that somehow everyone is going to take notice and give you some "points," in some sort of "societal expectation score card?" :? :?

I doubt anyone gives 1/1000th of a f**k where you live or don't live or why. Everyone's too busy with their own lives to expend energy judging yours, so such a move to change the thoughts of the masses that they're probably not even having just seems stupid to me.

FYI I'm older than you and live in my mother's house in the suburbs. It's a very nice house over all.. 3200sf, small yard, nice amenities that I personally could not afford to have the use of otherwise. I pay several hundred dollars/month to live here. If I moved to an apartment IN the city and had my own place, prices are now over $3k/month. I'd be super broke for what? To feel like I "made it," and somehow society pins a blue ribbon on my chest or something for having moved out again ? Lol naaaah, none of that would ever happen. No one cares. I can keep a couple grand or so a MONTH of after tax dollars for other things. Hell, I bet there are a lot of people in my generation that WISH living inexpensively in their parent's home was an option for them so they could do the same financially!

DuckHairback wrote:
Its the same problem that you seem to have in every area of your life. Namely that you perceive that society expects something of you that is incompatible with your individual approach.

Instead of being comfortable with the way you want to live, which suits you and doesn't appear to inconvenience anyone else, you spend your time worrying about what some vaguely defined 'other' thinks you ought to be doing.

It's a shame and a waste and I don't know that anyone here knows how to help you since the answer to every question you ask is the same yet the questions keep coming and from what I've seen you don't engage much with the respondants.

Have you considered therapy? Perhaps a talking therapy could help you get unstuck?

Yep, this.

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06 Mar 2024, 12:01 pm

chris1989 wrote:
Should I really be feeling bad even though I live right now I live in a rented house with mum and her partner with my own room ? I just seem to think it feels more comfortable than some small apartment or flat which I might have to share with other people I don't know. I can't understand why I feel bad that I don't live in my own property or space and at the same time I don't feel the need to get out of this comfortable home even though it's a rented property with a back garden and the sounds of nature and go to some urban apartment with only one or two rooms. I feel like I'm the only one of my generation who is living the way I'm living and everyone else isn't.

I'm a landlord but ironically still live with my mother and split the bills 50/50. We both end up better off at the end of the month by a substantial amount money wise.

Biggest problem by far is women. On the off chance I find one who's interested, living at home has always been a hindrance and stumbling block.

It's a trade off. If you decide to live with your parents then put the savings to good use and don't waste them. I would normally say living at home with parents is the best option but considering your age, you have nothing to lose with either. The benefits of living with parents wears off with age.


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09 Mar 2024, 8:39 am

when you catch the word "should" in your thoughts, consider that might be somebody else's idea of what they want you to do. "should", "ought to", and the like are somebody elses' ideas about what they want from you... it is about what is best for you, what you need and what you want... not about somebody else's ideas or agendas or plans for you.
You are your own best judge , nobody knows better than you just what is right for your own self, your needs, your own wants.


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