Ann Coulter would not vote for Ramaswamy - “an Indian”

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10 May 2024, 6:56 pm

It gets worse

Vivek Ramaswamy praised Ann Coulter Wednesday for telling him that she would not have voted for him on the grounds that he is “an Indian.”

After giving a warm introduction to Coulter— “somebody I’ve been fascinated by for a long time”—on his “Truth Podcast” for an episode on “the N Word: Nationalism,” Ramaswamy then listened as Coulter returned the favor.

“I too am a fan of yours, though I’m going to make a point of disagreeing with you so that it will be fun,” she said. “You are so bright and articulate—and I guess I can call you articulate since you’re not an American Black, can’t say that about them, that’s derogatory

Ramaswamy laughed at the comment, but then sat stony-faced as she addressed his heritage. After explaining that she agreed with what Ramaswamy had said during his failed campaign for the 2024 GOP nomination “more than most other candidates,” she went on: “I still would not have voted for you because you’re an Indian.”

“We’ll get back to that,” she added.

Coulter first went on a rant about nationalism, arguing that “Hitler had soup—that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have soup,” and claiming that the “only people who are not allowed to be proud of their ethnic group do tend to be Anglo Saxons.” She did not give an account of what role she believes soup played in the Third Reich as compared with nationalism.

Returning to her comment about Ramaswamy, who was born in the U.S. to Indian immigrants, she said: “There is a core national identity that is the identity of the WASP, and that doesn’t mean we can’t take anyone else in—a Sri Lankan, a Japanese, or an Indian—but the core around which the nation’s values are formed is the WASP.”

“We’ve never had a president who didn’t have at least partial English ancestry, never,” Coulter continued. “We’ve only had one Catholic president,” she added, apparently forgetting about either President Joe Biden or John F. Kennedy. “There was only one Catholic signatory to the Declaration of Independence. They were all not only protestants, but pretty much Presbyterian.”

Ramaswamy and Coulter then agreed they both oppose the idea of dual citizenship, with Ramaswamy arguing that the “essence of citizenship is which nation to whom you had your undivided loyalty.” “You and I agree on so much there,” he added, “But where I—I wouldn’t say ‘lose you’—but I may fail to fully understand you is, on that axis of citizenship, what does ethnicity have to do with the matter?”

Promoting the episode on X, Ramaswamy reiterated that he disagreed with what Coulter said, but nevertheless commended her for saying it. “‘@AnnCoulter told me flat-out to my face that she couldn’t vote for me ‘because you’re an Indian,’ even though she agreed with me more than most other candidates,” he wrote. “I disagree with her but respect she had the guts to speak her mind. It was a riveting hour.”

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10 May 2024, 9:35 pm

Ann Coulter sure Ann Clouter'd all over Ramaswamy's face. He looks so shocked and wounded that a well-known face-eating leopard ate his face.

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11 May 2024, 5:57 am

funeralxempire wrote:
Ann Coulter sure Ann Clouter'd all over Ramaswamy's face. He looks so shocked and wounded that a well-known face-eating leopard ate his face.

:lol: :lol:

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11 May 2024, 9:39 am

Vivek Ramaswamy is baffling to me. I can't quite figure him out.

He ran for a white Christian Nationalist party, using all of their language... but isn't white or Christian. He was never going to gain traction, because his party and its base are at the very least casually biased against him because of his race (but as we see here, not always so casually), and overtly against him because of his religion.

He tried to use the Christian Nationalist rhetoric, but he's not a Christian... It's... Um... WEIRD. The thing is that NO religion aside from specific kinds of Christianity fits into the Christian Nationalist frame. A Christian Nationalism government will not let Vivek have religious freedom. He's playing with fire, trying to coalesce with people who want to end his own freedoms.

I don't know if Vivek is for real, or if he's just a grifter trying to make money. If it's the former, I find this very sad. What happened to him that made him like this? If it's the latter, well screw him.

Last year, before the primaries began, a Christian Nationalist, Trump-worshiping, disinformation show called FlashPoint brought him on for an interview. He tried so hard to relate with these fascists by saying something like "I know I believe differently, but we are all similar, as we all believe in one deity" or something like that. THAT'S NOT ACCEPTABLE TO CHRISTOFASCISTS, MY DUDE. It's Yahweh or the highway with these people.

The backlash for FP was so bad they had to apologize, and make it clear that they are a CHRISTIAN show. And one of the pastors later went on saying that he couldn't support Ramaswamy because he [the pastor] can't allow "strange gods in the White House".

Do you all see how ridiculous this is? Vivek is ridiculous, but so are these Christofascists. They just hate religious freedom so much, that Vivek Ramaswamy who speaks almost all of their language and has all of their goals is off the table because he's not Christian.

What are you doing, Vivek? These are the leopard eating your face party, and you are rallying for and supporting them. Your face is going to be eaten. I don't know what you're thinking. Is it that you're "one of the good ones" since you speak their language? It doesn't work that way. Clearly. Your face is going to get eaten. Wake the F up.

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11 May 2024, 10:06 am

He has a very Hindu sounding name, but Ive never heard the media ever mention what religion he is.
I assumed that, like many folks from immigrant families, that he must be an Evangelical born-again Christian.

But apparently, like his parents from the old country, he is a practicing Hindu.

So yeah...his whole act (trying to win over Christian Nationalists)is indeed a contradiction of itself (on both religious and racial grounds).

Though I hasten to add the fact that some of the most rabidly anti immigrant (and thus pro Trump) people ARE second generation immigrants because they view new first generation immigrants from the same countries of origin as themselves as competition.


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11 May 2024, 11:06 am

Maybe worse then saying she would not vote for him because he is Indian is her saying this is WASP country. She tried to make make it all right by saying we take in others here and there.

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12 May 2024, 4:28 pm

she is just a toxic poo-flinging primitive who gets far more attention than she deserves. she has no solutions, she just likes to tear down people who have solutions.


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12 May 2024, 4:40 pm

blitzkrieg wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
Ann Coulter sure Ann Clouter'd all over Ramaswamy's face. He looks so shocked and wounded that a well-known face-eating leopard ate his face.

:lol: :lol:

She's been making a living off of hating non-white immigrants since I was in high school. If he expected any other sort of response from Ann Coulter he must have never heard of her before.

The further he kowtows the more he demonstrates he lacks respectability. He demonstrates he doesn't even respect himself, so how could it ever lead to him receiving anyone else's respect?

I feel bad for people like Ramaswamy, they're basically doing abuse porn but not even getting laid for their efforts. He's wearing the same expression as someone who just got pissed on for the first time, definitely isn't into it but also wants that paycheck.

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12 May 2024, 4:50 pm

This woman will always be delusional just like Marjorie Taylor Greene! :evil:

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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12 May 2024, 4:53 pm

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
This woman will always be delusional just like Marjorie Taylor Greene! :evil:

marjorie is a gym rat in pretty good shape, if ayn threw her any shade she would twist ayn coulter into a pretzel and stuff her into a trash bin.