For years I was always trying my best to fit in and failing miserably. I was trying to be the person others wanted me to be when it was like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole!
It took me three or four decades to say to myself "Stuff this! I am going to be me, and if you don't like it, tough!"
This gave me a big sense of relief. It didn't solve the problems with connecting and it did not happen just like that, as I am still finding myself masking... But so what if I talk too much because I don't want to lose my train of thought when I open up.
So what if I do other autistic things associated with me! I should not feel guilty! If I bore someone silly and they politely walk away, I have not lost anything. They don't feel bad towards me so why should I blame myself?
Is when we realize that we should not worry about who we are or trying to be someone we are not, but just forgiving ourselves and enjoying who we are without condemning ourselves. Have a chuckle when I watch someone getting bored as I infodump! After all. When I was young I hardly spoke a word! Come on world! I have talking to catch up with!

Exactly, good for you! While I'm as awkward as it gets and can't keep the conversation going for longer than 30 seconds, from my experience the majority of NTs aren't all too pleasant either, even when they're not engaging in patronizing or dismissive behaviour (which is quite often). Their interests are as boring to me as mine are to them. I don't like their emotional-fake-sounding kind of socialising just as much as they don't like my direct approach. So if I'm annoying to them, the feeling is mutual