Why do poor right wingers worship an orange cheeto?

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16 Mar 2019, 1:09 am

Crimadella wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Crimadella wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Yeah, selling your body for cash is "easy", why don't more women do that?


[For others who don't understand, me and Kara have a rough history, she tends to think everyone is beneath her in intelligence and loves to attempt to anger people with her snarky comments, eye rolls and :lol: 's, that is why my patients tend to be short with her]

If your're going to comment on something I say use your eyes to read what I actually said....

"Women can sell themselves in online striping shows because men are typically very horny creatures and it's very easy $$, can't knock a hustle though, if I could make money doing that I would go for it also."

Unless you actually disagree and think taking your clothes off in front of a camera for horny men throwing money at you is difficult, please run that by me, how would that be considered difficult? I take my clothes off every night before I go to sleep, it's never a challenge. Horny men are easy to get money out of, the majority of people understand this simple concept. My brothers wife is from Japan, she told me that in Japan women can sell their worn panties for a lot of cash to older perverts, so yes, horny men are easy to make money off of.

Yes, obviously taking your clothes off in front of strangers is going to be easy for most people, how stupid of me to think otherwise. :lol:

can't say I disagree with you there...
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
"Rough history", that's a cute euphemism for your way of talking to people who disagree with you. :lol:

No, actually it's just you, and apparently I'm not alone with those particular thoughts of how you tend to act :roll:

It's honestly just best to ignore you. :wink:

And yet you don't, you just personally attack me by trying to call me stupid in a way just indirect enough to get around moderator sanction. But yeah, of course you say I bring it on myself--abusive people like to tell the people they are mistreating that, it's a very common refrain. Also I'm aware there is a gang of you that like to attack me personally in threads and gang up on me, I've seen it for myself. You probably PM each other to co-ordinate your attacks, that would not surprise me. Yet you can't change my opinion of myself with personal insults no matter how hard you try, nor will I tolerate the personal attacks but will keep reporting them.


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16 Mar 2019, 1:53 am

Sadly, stupid people are capable of getting PHDs, I have seen it myself online.

Also studies have shown that less people are having kids today. If you google it, you see so many results popping up.

I often think SJWs have a low IQ because of how unreasonable they are. It's like they are not in touch with reality.

Only way you can save is if you make enough to save. Some people literally can't save money, not because they are careless with their spending but because they are really that poor. Even if they do have some they can save, it gets depressing if you don't ever go out and have fun so this is why poor people can't save. I already put $20 away from my paycheck into my retirement. We use our tax return money for saving and that goes to our house cost and car cost and so on for maintenance. Call it fraud if you like but that money is under our dad's name so we have some savings. Like I say, the system is set up to keep poor people poor. God heavens if you end up needing money for an emergency and you have no money because you are not allowed to save it so you have to rely on your friends or make a GoFundMe page.

Wait, you can save just as long as you don't go above $2,000 ($3,000 if married) but as a poor person, just imagine how long it would take you to save up to that much again? I remember doing that when I lived in Montana and it was always very hard because I would always be having anxiety about money and having anxiety about spending. I made less than $1000 a month from work and even working 40 hours a week would get overwhelming for me and I used to just think because I was lazy and I had to push myself to just keep at it and not let myself be lazy. Even 36 hours was too much for me. I didn't know then there was such thing as ability to handle things emotionally but I guess that could explain my anxiety and why my stress level rises. But I didn't have a partner then or kids so that was why I did it. Then I moved and worked 40 hours and did fine IMO with that many hours because it was swing shift and I had a routine. I would do it again in the future when my kids are grown.

My ex was very bad with money and would always spend it on fun stuff whenever he had the money than saving it for bills and food. He would say dumb things like "I am not going to have my money just sit in the account and I do nothing with it" and he would tell me how I had money manage problems because I wouldn't spend my money. I had no job dumbwit and I was only getting $115 a month from Social Security because someone in the office didn't put my pay stubs into her computer. My mom had to go in there in person to see someone and some other person discovered they were never put in so she put them into the system for that other lady and bam, I get a big paycheck in the mail for the backpay and I used that money on my car that needed fixing. They want you to spend it anyway so I used it on something useful. He also had BPD so that could explain it, reckless spending is a symptom. Plus he needed good things than just be frugal and he was so critical about the poor despite being poor himself and after all it was all for his self esteem so he needed nice things and he bought a set of furniture he couldn't even afford and put it on a payment plan. And he expected to get full custody of his son and then go on foodstamps and all and no judge is going to do that. Same as if he couldn't afford childcare. No judge is going to be fine with a parent taking their kid to work with them. Things are different when there is joint custody. He was also tossing money away on a sleazy lawyer his grandparents were paying for. But his lawyer was soo good because he was taking his cake and had belief in him that he would get his son and help him out while all the other lawyers had no faith in him. No, those were all just honest lawyers. A good lawyer would not take your money and work for you if they know you have no chance at winning. They know the laws and have practiced it so they know what they are talking about of they say "You have no chance at getting full custody because of X Y and Z."

And my ex seemed very intelligent but he acted stupid at the same time.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses.


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16 Mar 2019, 7:20 am

Crimadella wrote:
aghogday wrote:
Smiles, my Ability to Systemize as i mentioned Before made me a Prized Commodity at Work as Computers came to rule the World and Master Us as well as Slaves to the Screen. Yes; i'm Poetic in a Sing Song Way and it is not that Uncommon For Folks on the Autism Spectrum to Sing Song Life of course as i do it in Writing it keeps the Flow and Coherence
of thought going. Not only that but it is Naturally Meditative and allows one to Ascend Past the Neo-Cortex
And Transcend on over to the Rest of the Brain to Light it up with the rest of the body and Voila you get Nirvana;
the Natural State of being that most other Animals Experience except for Human Beings Trapped more in the
Illusion of Time in terms of Past and Future rather than the True Gift of the Present getting Stuck in the Neo-Cortex
Area of the Brain and use a Very Small Percentage of our Overall Potential Human Intelligences that vary from Musical
Intelligence to the Intelligence of Proprioception that Martial Arts May Teach and other Moving Meditation to Feel and
Sense our Way Around the World not limited to the 'Normal' Five Senses; not unlike a Cat and its Whiskers and a
Bat and its Echo-Location and the way Humans Naturally Do it is of course different than a Cat and a Bat.

I thought I was a real Brainiac Always Acing Tests; Particularly Multiple Choice Tests that was Skating on Ice
For me with a Great Rote Memory but that is such a Narrow Measure of IQ; it is practically Worthless in the
Real Word for much of anything but Facts remembered Long Enough to take a Test and Ace it with Rote Memory
sort of Like Playing 'Candy Crush'; yes, stimulating as such; but as far as actually doing in something in life that
is about what the Education that way is Good For Taking Tests and forgetting Soon what You Learned as one
Continues to Do it and Leaves School Rather Empty Handed with Potential this way except for this Specific
Ability to do Good at Taking Multiple Choice Tests. Education has Proved somewhat since then but not
that Much; as Original Creativity and ways to Enhance that Potential is a left over that not many folks
Get to Eat as they too busy in Data Download Mind almost all Hours of their Waking Day now.

I get out and Dance and Become Human Again as i do in the Flow of Poetry to Escape my Neo-Cortex
and Enhance Creativity up to 500 Percent as Empirical Studies do suggest living in Nirvana will surely do
in the Flow as such. When I see Folks Like Trump and Jordan Peterson I See folks who have yet to truly Dance
Free and Live; it's not that the Dance has to be complicated and measured in any way with Standard IQ; it just
Fertilized the Ground Work of Human Potential to grow Sky Scrapers of a New Work of Art or Science that may
Be so much more original than what comes before simply for the Fact that Original Creativity Potential is increased
by Empirical Measure in the Flow. True; if the only Human Intelligences that are Developed is Measures of Standard IQ;
It's just another Form of Life to live with little essence for the Emotions and Senses that Fertilize Everything in Life Now.

Science Shows that our Ancestors who were Foragers were Probably as Smart or Even Smarter than Us as they truly
had to be innovative Enough to Get Nature to Work for them; instead of Blowing the Frigging Planet up With No Empathy
Sympathy or Compassion for the Only Home We live on. We will Always Have People with Higher and Lower IQ's and
the 'Tween of that too; but that's all a Moot point if Psychopathic Leaning Folks Either Rape the Resources in more take
than give or Blow it up and let Cockroaches and Dragon Flies Be the Apex Predators Again. It's not too Hard to See who
Trump is rooting for other than Himself when he Passes away and once again the Dragon Fly and Roach Become the
King of the Hill again.

Other than that; I didn't see your comment as Abrasive in anyway; i look Forward to Different Opinions; and Yes the issues
you Mentioned are Close to the Issues i experienced in a Synergy of 19 Medical Disorders all Remedied by the Rivers
of Belief as the Faith in what We will do next Will be the Dance and Song that Remedies much of the Darkness in our Life.

It Works for me; that i am sure of in the Never Ending Story and Gift of Present Now..:)

IQ and intelligence is very important, so is thinking of the future, planning for the future, remembering the past, we learn from our experiences that we remember, we remember the things we enjoyed. I understand what you are talking about in living in the present, it holds just as much value as remembering the past and planning for the future.

Example for the benefit for foreseeing the future: Saving money for when you retire so that you are not very poor when you can no longer work. Saving money to have back up for unexpected events that may take money to get past like loosing a job, having the money to float you until you can get another job, or making sure you don't spend all you money enjoying yourself and end up unable to pay your bills or buy food.

Examples of the need for intelligence: Technology that allows us to live in very harsh environments that would normally cause us a great deal of suffering if we were cast back into the woods. Technology that can intentionally allow us to migrate to other planets and spread our species throughout the solar system, possibly learning to control climates to make planets suitable for us to live on, space ships capable of housing us so we can explore the universe and extend our evolution past the point of then sun expanding and burning earth to a lifeless crisp(this one kinda counts for foreseeing the future also). Making wise decisions with how we run our countries so we do not leave the majority in complete suffering(hard to do that if people aren't capable of making wise decisions because they lack the IQ to guide humanity into a better future).

Smiles; the Science of Stellar Star IQ; that I am yes, more likely Gifted with than some, Speaking ancestrally, with one Great Maternal Grandfather as a Lawyer; A Business Woman Paternal Grand Mother; And my Paternal Grand Father Born in Ireland (Happy St. Patrick’s Day) Who was a PHD Catholic X-Priest Legal Consult at the Vatican; And Noted Author last Century With His own Wiki Biography; Who once Dined With Einstein, In the Socialist Circles in New York, Did seem to leave Both me and my Sister Diagnosed in Mid-Life on the Autism Spectrum With Yes, Stellar IQ Far beyond Most of the Locals in 'Trump Town USA'; yes, not all Humans Have the same Potentials; And yes, SMart is only Literally per letter Count 60 Percent Art; i do agree That Mechanical Cognition Gets A Substantial Part of the Pie of What’s Important in Life.

My Vagabond Fiddle Player Maternal Grandad and Automatic Writing close to Blind Oil Painter Maternal Grandmother are the Ones i appreciate most; As they likely help me tickle The Fancy Of the Beautiful Artistic Women i’ve Come to Feel in
The World to Give and Share Magic with that is literally Real; please pardon the shape Of my Words this morning as i
Cannot see the edge of the Page On my iPhone in Bed with just One Finger; and oh yeah; unless The Human Species Gathers Together Whole Bonding And Binding as one Force of Love The Species is doomed for Extinction Long Before any
Space Colony Fantasies realized; Give me Freedom At ‘Home’ or Death in Future Space as in my Golden Age I View this
Earth as total Heaven Of The Best Existence Possible AFAIK and most importantly Feel.

i am able to get to my Desktop 'in time' to Edit this back to somewhere in the Vicinity of the 'Norm'
of 'this place'
in Outer Space hehe; at least if the title of the Website is to be taken literally of course with Smiles..;)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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16 Mar 2019, 9:28 am

karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Crimadella wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Crimadella wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Yeah, selling your body for cash is "easy", why don't more women do that?


[For others who don't understand, me and Kara have a rough history, she tends to think everyone is beneath her in intelligence and loves to attempt to anger people with her snarky comments, eye rolls and :lol: 's, that is why my patients tend to be short with her]

If your're going to comment on something I say use your eyes to read what I actually said....

"Women can sell themselves in online striping shows because men are typically very horny creatures and it's very easy $$, can't knock a hustle though, if I could make money doing that I would go for it also."

Unless you actually disagree and think taking your clothes off in front of a camera for horny men throwing money at you is difficult, please run that by me, how would that be considered difficult? I take my clothes off every night before I go to sleep, it's never a challenge. Horny men are easy to get money out of, the majority of people understand this simple concept. My brothers wife is from Japan, she told me that in Japan women can sell their worn panties for a lot of cash to older perverts, so yes, horny men are easy to make money off of.

Yes, obviously taking your clothes off in front of strangers is going to be easy for most people, how stupid of me to think otherwise. :lol:

can't say I disagree with you there...
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
"Rough history", that's a cute euphemism for your way of talking to people who disagree with you. :lol:

No, actually it's just you, and apparently I'm not alone with those particular thoughts of how you tend to act :roll:

It's honestly just best to ignore you. :wink:

And yet you don't, you just personally attack me by trying to call me stupid in a way just indirect enough to get around moderator sanction. But yeah, of course you say I bring it on myself--abusive people like to tell the people they are mistreating that, it's a very common refrain. Also I'm aware there is a gang of you that like to attack me personally in threads and gang up on me, I've seen it for myself. You probably PM each other to co-ordinate your attacks, that would not surprise me. Yet you can't change my opinion of myself with personal insults no matter how hard you try, nor will I tolerate the personal attacks but will keep reporting them.

No, I don't get PM's to gang up on you. You make sarcastic remarks towards people that you disagree with then get upset when it's returned to you. I don't want to be mean towards you, but I get tired of you being mean towards me. Take for example...

You disagreed with my statement, taking clothes off in front of a camera for horny men is easy money. Now you could have simply disagreed and tried to make a point, rather you chose to make a sarcastic remark with an eye roll attached. It would be shocking if you don't understand that the way you talk to people is often unpleasant, then as you claimed, you apparently report them when they do the same towards you. Back to the famous saying, don't dish it out if you can't take it.

You could have just disagreed without sarcasm and without an eye roll, you could have just stated why you disagreed.

I disagree with people all the time here, I don't give them sarcasm and eye rolls unless they initiate it. You tend to initiate it very frequently. That's not my fault.

The only thing that could be challenging about striping in front of a camera is anxiety, past that nothing about taking clothes off is difficult, women make a lot of easy money doing so, most people are aware of this. It doesn't take endurance, it doesn't require intelligence, you don't even need a skill, the only requirement is not feeling nervous about stripping in front of a camera, if you can achieve that, which most people can, then it is a very easy way to make money, as the world is not short of horny men willing to give money to women for them to take their clothes off in front of a camera.

It's pretty simple though, if you simply talk to me like I'm a person and not an idiot I will respond with out a negative overtone.


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16 Mar 2019, 10:27 am

League_Girl wrote:
Sadly, stupid people are capable of getting PHDs, I have seen it myself online.

Yes, I've noticed that also. Intelligence comes in many forms, I don't mean to boil it down to an IQ test, it's known that that is not a 100% thing. You can have people that are lacking in areas yet very advanced in other areas, savant's are an extreme example of this. You can have those who are just good at remembering things they read, which explains how you can obtain a PHD without good problem solving skills(thinking outside of the box).

League_Girl wrote:
Also studies have shown that less people are having kids today. If you google it, you see so many results popping up.

Yes, I have heard of this too.

League_Girl wrote:
Only way you can save is if you make enough to save. Some people literally can't save money, not because they are careless with their spending but because they are really that poor. Even if they do have some they can save, it gets depressing if you don't ever go out and have fun so this is why poor people can't save. I already put $20 away from my paycheck into my retirement. We use our tax return money for saving and that goes to our house cost and car cost and so on for maintenance. Call it fraud if you like but that money is under our dad's name so we have some savings. Like I say, the system is set up to keep poor people poor. God heavens if you end up needing money for an emergency and you have no money because you are not allowed to save it so you have to rely on your friends or make a GoFundMe page.

It's not that the system is built to keep poor people poor, it's people that aren't capable that remain poor. If you don't contribute you definitely shouldn't be rich. People can rise from poor to rich, it's happened time and time again in the US. If you are disabled and unable to do anything that would allow you to earn lots of money then you will remain poor. Now I will say, they should do better than they are, give people more money that are in need. One of the things I think prevents that is how much welfare costs the country, it's not the disabled to blame, it's the people cheating the system, the capable who live off of welfare. Like I said, there are many things about the welfare system that needs improvement. And they should allow you to save money, I don't blame you for finding away around that. I haven't got my SSI yet, do they give you a check or is it all on a card to prevent you from having cash? You can always stash cash they can't monitor, but if they block you from having cash that goes out the window. I would say it's more important for them to allow the disabled to save money, that's seems like a huge flaw in the system also.

Yes I know that. A lot of people can save but just don't know how, they party it up or wish to appear flashy for the sake of others thinking they are cool for such, not my style. I have mastered the art, balling on a budget. I would keep my hot water heater off, cut it on 30min to 1hr before I take my shower, then leave it on 30 min after I'm done, to heat the water back up, then cut it back off. That would be difficult with a family, I was single and lived alone, it knocked $40 to $60 off my electricity bill per month. I have learned to do with out, though I would buy a little herb to smoke, I live to smoke a little in a pipe, light toking, and listen to music, it helped me not be depressed with how stressed I always was. Working around people constantly with severe anxiety and social phobia is not fun, it's quite horrible. It also takes it out of you, anxiety and depression really takes its toll on your energy levels. Equally, energy issues exist without anxiety or depression, I have that issue as well I just don't know why. I need medication just so I can be at a normal level, without help from some kind of med I have no energy at all, 4 hours after I awake my body feels exhausted like I'm about to pass out, so without anything to help me I have no energy to do anything, not even things I enjoy doing. That can cause depression and does when I don't have anything to help me be able to move.


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16 Mar 2019, 10:39 am

aghogday wrote:
Smiles; the Science of Stellar Star IQ; that I am yes, more likely Gifted with than some, Speaking ancestrally, with one Great Maternal Grandfather as a Lawyer; A Business Woman Paternal Grand Mother; And my Paternal Grand Father Born in Ireland (Happy St. Patrick’s Day) Who was a PHD Catholic X-Priest Legal Consult at the Vatican; And Noted Author last Century With His own Wiki Biography; Who once Dined With Einstein, In the Socialist Circles in New York, Did seem to leave Both me and my Sister Diagnosed in Mid-Life on the Autism Spectrum With Yes, Stellar IQ Far beyond Most of the Locals in 'Trump Town USA'; yes, not all Humans Have the same Potentials; And yes, SMart is only Literally per letter Count 60 Percent Art; i do agree That Mechanical Cognition Gets A Substantial Part of the Pie of What’s Important in Life.

My Vagabond Fiddle Player Maternal Grandad and Automatic Writing close to Blind Oil Painter Maternal Grandmother are the Ones i appreciate most; As they likely help me tickle The Fancy Of the Beautiful Artistic Women i’ve Come to Feel in
The World to Give and Share Magic with that is literally Real; please pardon the shape Of my Words this morning as i
Cannot see the edge of the Page On my iPhone in Bed with just One Finger; and oh yeah; unless The Human Species Gathers Together Whole Bonding And Binding as one Force of Love The Species is doomed for Extinction Long Before any
Space Colony Fantasies realized; Give me Freedom At ‘Home’ or Death in Future Space as in my Golden Age I View this
Earth as total Heaven Of The Best Existence Possible AFAIK and most importantly Feel.

i am able to get to my Desktop 'in time' to Edit this back to somewhere in the Vicinity of the 'Norm'
of 'this place'
in Outer Space hehe; at least if the title of the Website is to be taken literally of course with Smiles..;)

Yea, I try to be optimistic at times, imagining we will make it to a point where we can live in space before we kill each-other. It's to sad to think about that, people tend to be pretty low down and dirty towards each-other. It's too common of a thing, but I imagine it's been that way throughout time. You certainly don't find a lack of evil, deceptive and greedy people when observing history. I've never understood how a lot of people just don't care about others, funny thing is if all people treated each-other kindly and worked together, all of our lives and accomplishments would be so much better.


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16 Mar 2019, 11:47 am

Crimadella wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Crimadella wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Crimadella wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Yeah, selling your body for cash is "easy", why don't more women do that?


[For others who don't understand, me and Kara have a rough history, she tends to think everyone is beneath her in intelligence and loves to attempt to anger people with her snarky comments, eye rolls and :lol: 's, that is why my patients tend to be short with her]

If your're going to comment on something I say use your eyes to read what I actually said....

"Women can sell themselves in online striping shows because men are typically very horny creatures and it's very easy $$, can't knock a hustle though, if I could make money doing that I would go for it also."

Unless you actually disagree and think taking your clothes off in front of a camera for horny men throwing money at you is difficult, please run that by me, how would that be considered difficult? I take my clothes off every night before I go to sleep, it's never a challenge. Horny men are easy to get money out of, the majority of people understand this simple concept. My brothers wife is from Japan, she told me that in Japan women can sell their worn panties for a lot of cash to older perverts, so yes, horny men are easy to make money off of.

Yes, obviously taking your clothes off in front of strangers is going to be easy for most people, how stupid of me to think otherwise. :lol:

can't say I disagree with you there...
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
"Rough history", that's a cute euphemism for your way of talking to people who disagree with you. :lol:

No, actually it's just you, and apparently I'm not alone with those particular thoughts of how you tend to act :roll:

It's honestly just best to ignore you. :wink:

And yet you don't, you just personally attack me by trying to call me stupid in a way just indirect enough to get around moderator sanction. But yeah, of course you say I bring it on myself--abusive people like to tell the people they are mistreating that, it's a very common refrain. Also I'm aware there is a gang of you that like to attack me personally in threads and gang up on me, I've seen it for myself. You probably PM each other to co-ordinate your attacks, that would not surprise me. Yet you can't change my opinion of myself with personal insults no matter how hard you try, nor will I tolerate the personal attacks but will keep reporting them.

No, I don't get PM's to gang up on you. You make sarcastic remarks towards people that you disagree with then get upset when it's returned to you. I don't want to be mean towards you, but I get tired of you being mean towards me. Take for example...

You disagreed with my statement, taking clothes off in front of a camera for horny men is easy money. Now you could have simply disagreed and tried to make a point, rather you chose to make a sarcastic remark with an eye roll attached. It would be shocking if you don't understand that the way you talk to people is often unpleasant, then as you claimed, you apparently report them when they do the same towards you. Back to the famous saying, don't dish it out if you can't take it.

You could have just disagreed without sarcasm and without an eye roll, you could have just stated why you disagreed.

I disagree with people all the time here, I don't give them sarcasm and eye rolls unless they initiate it. You tend to initiate it very frequently. That's not my fault.

The only thing that could be challenging about striping in front of a camera is anxiety, past that nothing about taking clothes off is difficult, women make a lot of easy money doing so, most people are aware of this. It doesn't take endurance, it doesn't require intelligence, you don't even need a skill, the only requirement is not feeling nervous about stripping in front of a camera, if you can achieve that, which most people can, then it is a very easy way to make money, as the world is not short of horny men willing to give money to women for them to take their clothes off in front of a camera.

It's pretty simple though, if you simply talk to me like I'm a person and not an idiot I will respond with out a negative overtone.

Most women don't want to take off their clothes in front of a camera for money because they have more self-respect than that. Selling your body is not "easy" or consequence-free.

I'm broke and I will not strip for money.

"If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced."

-XFG (no longer a moderator)


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16 Mar 2019, 12:18 pm

XFilesGeek wrote:
Crimadella wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Crimadella wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Crimadella wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Yeah, selling your body for cash is "easy", why don't more women do that?


[For others who don't understand, me and Kara have a rough history, she tends to think everyone is beneath her in intelligence and loves to attempt to anger people with her snarky comments, eye rolls and :lol: 's, that is why my patients tend to be short with her]

If your're going to comment on something I say use your eyes to read what I actually said....

"Women can sell themselves in online striping shows because men are typically very horny creatures and it's very easy $$, can't knock a hustle though, if I could make money doing that I would go for it also."

Unless you actually disagree and think taking your clothes off in front of a camera for horny men throwing money at you is difficult, please run that by me, how would that be considered difficult? I take my clothes off every night before I go to sleep, it's never a challenge. Horny men are easy to get money out of, the majority of people understand this simple concept. My brothers wife is from Japan, she told me that in Japan women can sell their worn panties for a lot of cash to older perverts, so yes, horny men are easy to make money off of.

Yes, obviously taking your clothes off in front of strangers is going to be easy for most people, how stupid of me to think otherwise. :lol:

can't say I disagree with you there...
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
"Rough history", that's a cute euphemism for your way of talking to people who disagree with you. :lol:

No, actually it's just you, and apparently I'm not alone with those particular thoughts of how you tend to act :roll:

It's honestly just best to ignore you. :wink:

And yet you don't, you just personally attack me by trying to call me stupid in a way just indirect enough to get around moderator sanction. But yeah, of course you say I bring it on myself--abusive people like to tell the people they are mistreating that, it's a very common refrain. Also I'm aware there is a gang of you that like to attack me personally in threads and gang up on me, I've seen it for myself. You probably PM each other to co-ordinate your attacks, that would not surprise me. Yet you can't change my opinion of myself with personal insults no matter how hard you try, nor will I tolerate the personal attacks but will keep reporting them.

No, I don't get PM's to gang up on you. You make sarcastic remarks towards people that you disagree with then get upset when it's returned to you. I don't want to be mean towards you, but I get tired of you being mean towards me. Take for example...

You disagreed with my statement, taking clothes off in front of a camera for horny men is easy money. Now you could have simply disagreed and tried to make a point, rather you chose to make a sarcastic remark with an eye roll attached. It would be shocking if you don't understand that the way you talk to people is often unpleasant, then as you claimed, you apparently report them when they do the same towards you. Back to the famous saying, don't dish it out if you can't take it.

You could have just disagreed without sarcasm and without an eye roll, you could have just stated why you disagreed.

I disagree with people all the time here, I don't give them sarcasm and eye rolls unless they initiate it. You tend to initiate it very frequently. That's not my fault.

The only thing that could be challenging about striping in front of a camera is anxiety, past that nothing about taking clothes off is difficult, women make a lot of easy money doing so, most people are aware of this. It doesn't take endurance, it doesn't require intelligence, you don't even need a skill, the only requirement is not feeling nervous about stripping in front of a camera, if you can achieve that, which most people can, then it is a very easy way to make money, as the world is not short of horny men willing to give money to women for them to take their clothes off in front of a camera.

It's pretty simple though, if you simply talk to me like I'm a person and not an idiot I will respond with out a negative overtone.

Most women don't want to take off their clothes in front of a camera for money because they have more self-respect than that. Selling your body is not "easy" or consequence-free.

I'm broke and I will not strip for money.

I wasn't suggesting most women would want to do it, I was simply pointing out that it's not a difficult task. If one were desperate and didn't mind striping in front of a camera, it is an easy way to make money. Horny men can be quite weird, like I said, you can even sell worn panties for a good amount of money. I'm sure the idea wouldn't be pleasant to a lot of women, but you can't deny that striping or selling panties you have worn is very easy to do. I most certainly would not pay to watch someone strip nor would I buy panties, but there are plenty of men out there that do. Like I said, my brothers wife is from Japan, she claims that is rather popular among old horny perverts, and younger women can sale panties for a good amount of money.

If I could sell my worn boxers for money, I would be rolling in cash, sadly it doesn't work that way for men.

Perhaps 'most' is an overstatement, but one can observe the abundance of strip chats and notice they are most certainly not rare and women do make a decent amount of money doing it.


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16 Mar 2019, 12:31 pm

I haven't got my SSI yet, do they give you a check or is it all on a card to prevent you from having cash? You can always stash cash they can't monitor, but if they block you from having cash that goes out the window. I would say it's more important for them to allow the disabled to save money, that's seems like a huge flaw in the system also.

I am confused, I thought you were already receiving it when you mentioned you only get $735 a month. They have no way of knowing how much cash you have in your home or if you have money somewhere under someone else's name like your mom or dad or trusted friend. But any money you have to pay taxes on, I am sure they will know about it because of your social security number and taxes you have to pay like if you have a youtube channel, onlyfans page, Patrons, but if you are only making money through commissions, they are not going to know. But if you are doing it as a business and people are sending you money via paypal using the business option, you will have to pay taxes unless people are just giving you the money as a "gift" so you don't get charged for receiving money through paypal. But then the other person isn't protected if you don't do your commission and send them your artwork they asked for.

I learned the hard way they do not check on your bank account and other things because I had up to $10,000 in my bank account once and I couldn't understand why they kept sending me SSI checks sometimes and the lady in the office was shocked when she asked me how much I had in savings or in my house and stuff and told me I wasn't supposed to have that much and I needed to spend it. Fortunately it wasn't a lot I needed to pay back and I just used my savings to pay it back. Maybe a couple hundred. All that money ended up going to the down payment on our house and all that money came from my other job when I worked full time and then we lived in a apartment so we couldn't put as much in there. They just expect you to be honest so they don't peep into your savings account or checking account just to be sure you have under $2000.

So they actually tell you to spend money to get on SSI or SSDI so they do encourage people to go on a spending spree and then come back to them to get on it.

Yes I know that. A lot of people can save but just don't know how, they party it up or wish to appear flashy for the sake of others thinking they are cool for such, not my style. I have mastered the art, balling on a budget. I would keep my hot water heater off, cut it on 30min to 1hr before I take my shower, then leave it on 30 min after I'm done, to heat the water back up, then cut it back off. That would be difficult with a family, I was single and lived alone, it knocked $40 to $60 off my electricity bill per month. I have learned to do with out, though I would buy a little herb to smoke, I live to smoke a little in a pipe, light toking, and listen to music, it helped me not be depressed with how stressed I always was. Working around people constantly with severe anxiety and social phobia is not fun, it's quite horrible. It also takes it out of you, anxiety and depression really takes its toll on your energy levels. Equally, energy issues exist without anxiety or depression, I have that issue as well I just don't know why. I need medication just so I can be at a normal level, without help from some kind of med I have no energy at all, 4 hours after I awake my body feels exhausted like I'm about to pass out, so without anything to help me I have no energy to do anything, not even things I enjoy doing. That can cause depression and does when I don't have anything to help me be able to move.

The problem is lot of people don't want to live a uncomfortable life style. They want to take normal showers, not rush through showering. They also want to keep warm, they want warm water, they also want to actually eat three meals a day, not go hungry. If they have the money, they will do it, than go the cheapskate way to save. People who do actually live that way is because they don't have a choice. The rest who do make enough to pay all their bills refuse to live that way. Like my whole family refuses to be chilled or hot so we pay more in heat and more for electric. But we can afford it. When I lived in a apartment, I would use regular fans or just go to a bookstore to keep cool when it was hot out and only run the AC for 3 hours to cool the place down at night and then use regular fans. In the fall and winter, I would just use blankets and coats to keep warm because I didn't want to spend more on electric for heat. I didn't want to go paycheck to paycheck and I wanted spending money and some money to save. My husband used to tell me "You live like we're poor."

Ever seen the TV show Extreme Cheapskates? Now those people make me look normal. Those people on the show are not even poor but live like they are and I have no idea how their own partner can let themselves live that way. If I were them, I would just have my own bank account and pay for the heating and other stuff so I could live normal and they would pay nothing and problem solved. But kids, I felt angry every time and wonder how can CPS allow it but just as long as they are fed and clothed, they do nothing. My mom said this had to be a mental illness because no sane person would live this way.

Now there is a difference between being frugal and cheap. These people were very cheap and they had a house they owned. They will go as far to dumpster dive for food at supermarkets and then feed it to their guests and I thought that was very disgusting and inconsiderate and they wouldn't even tell them after they were eating it. One family even ate road kills. There was one man who owned a 1986 truck and the transmission didn't work in it so he could only go 5 mph an hour. He didn't even have water because he was too cheap to have running water in his home so he would get this big barrel he owned and get water from the creek and he would have hi neighbors push his truck. Then they would fill the barrel with water and haul it back to the truck and push the truck back to his house and all that worth of trouble for saving money on water? It was so hilarious I laughed. I mean who am I to judge? He isn't hurting anyone and if he wants to live this way, more power to him. It's not like he was too poor to afford running water or else I would have sympathy for him if he didn't have a choice. But when it comes to children, I will feel angry because kids don't choose their home and parents. The partners have a choice though so I don't feel much sympathy for them.

Yes, I've noticed that also. Intelligence comes in many forms, I don't mean to boil it down to an IQ test, it's known that that is not a 100% thing. You can have people that are lacking in areas yet very advanced in other areas, savant's are an extreme example of this. You can have those who are just good at remembering things they read, which explains how you can obtain a PHD without good problem solving skills(thinking outside of the box).

There are different kinds of intelligence like someone can have a college degree but yet lack common sense so they fall for scams. I feel I have better common sense than most people. I also like to read stuff online like about scams so I know to not fall for them and what to look out for. I have also read about pick pocketing and I recommend anyone reads about it before going overseas.

Also I would not trust a therapist if they were a fat activist because they believe excessive body fat can never harm your health and give you high risks. If they are going to be this dumb, what other things are they dumb about and how can I trust them if they are gong to be anti science?

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed.

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16 Mar 2019, 1:37 pm

I'm not on SSI yet, I've heard it's about $725 a month. I have to wait until my mom can help me apply for it. She works full time and has a lot of physical issues, degeneration in her hip, her leg actually comes out of socket when she tries to walk, it's very painful and I hate to see her go through that, I try to help her as much as I can, so I keep the house clean for her. She also can't deal with how pain medication effects her so the strongest thing she can take is Tramadol. I want to hurry up and get it done but I don't want to rush her, she is very tired by the time she gets home and does need the rest on the weekends. I'm going to give her money monthly when I get on to help pay for bills, all I really need is money to go to the doctor and pay for medications, so whatever is left over I will just give to her, I hate feeling like a bum and not being able to work. I've only been out of work for about 10 months. I've had a job since I was 14. All the people she has talked to about it said I will have no problem getting on, I'm riddled with disabilities, they told her I would get on first shot. I have to have her help me because I'm not good at filling forms out or communicating with people, when I hit a wall I don't know what to do so I give up. So it can be very difficult for me to get things accomplished on my own when it comes to 'dealing with the system'.

Wow, how very ridiculous, they encourage you to spend your savings? These people making the rules have literally lost their minds, I guess another example of stupid people at work. Knowing this, my strategy will be to buy a fire-safe to store my savings in, they have no way of being able to tell if you store cash in a safe. I'm big on saving money, I've never really liked banks either, at one point I had $10,000 in cash in my room, boy that felt good to hold that stack, it made me addicted to saving cash to see the pile grow, but we ended up moving and I put it towards land and a crappy trailer.

Yea, it is rare for people to choose to live like that, I used the same tactic, wearing extra clothes and jackets inside so I don't have to spend much on heating. I hate being hot though, since I was single, I closed half of my trailer off by hanging blankets, so I only had the living room and one bedroom with bathroom. I had one window unit in the living room and one in my bedroom. I would chill in the living room with that AC on and bedroom door shut until time to go to bed, then I cut the living room AC off and go into my room, shut the door and cut that ac on. I have heard about that show but I've never watched it. My friend was telling me about some guy on the show that actually peeled the layers of 2-ply toilet paper apart and re rolled it, I don't see how that solves anything, seems a bit extreme, but I guess it's a way to pass time, lol. I just used cheap toilet paper, I know women can't really do that, my toilet paper was $100 for a 4 pack at family dollar.


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16 Mar 2019, 1:53 pm

Crimadella wrote:
aghogday wrote:
Smiles; the Science of Stellar Star IQ; that I am yes, more likely Gifted with than some, Speaking ancestrally, with one Great Maternal Grandfather as a Lawyer; A Business Woman Paternal Grand Mother; And my Paternal Grand Father Born in Ireland (Happy St. Patrick’s Day) Who was a PHD Catholic X-Priest Legal Consult at the Vatican; And Noted Author last Century With His own Wiki Biography; Who once Dined With Einstein, In the Socialist Circles in New York, Did seem to leave Both me and my Sister Diagnosed in Mid-Life on the Autism Spectrum With Yes, Stellar IQ Far beyond Most of the Locals in 'Trump Town USA'; yes, not all Humans Have the same Potentials; And yes, SMart is only Literally per letter Count 60 Percent Art; i do agree That Mechanical Cognition Gets A Substantial Part of the Pie of What’s Important in Life.

My Vagabond Fiddle Player Maternal Grandad and Automatic Writing close to Blind Oil Painter Maternal Grandmother are the Ones i appreciate most; As they likely help me tickle The Fancy Of the Beautiful Artistic Women i’ve Come to Feel in
The World to Give and Share Magic with that is literally Real; please pardon the shape Of my Words this morning as i
Cannot see the edge of the Page On my iPhone in Bed with just One Finger; and oh yeah; unless The Human Species Gathers Together Whole Bonding And Binding as one Force of Love The Species is doomed for Extinction Long Before any
Space Colony Fantasies realized; Give me Freedom At ‘Home’ or Death in Future Space as in my Golden Age I View this
Earth as total Heaven Of The Best Existence Possible AFAIK and most importantly Feel.

i am able to get to my Desktop 'in time' to Edit this back to somewhere in the Vicinity of the 'Norm'
of 'this place'
in Outer Space hehe; at least if the title of the Website is to be taken literally of course with Smiles..;)

Yea, I try to be optimistic at times, imagining we will make it to a point where we can live in space before we kill each-other. It's to sad to think about that, people tend to be pretty low down and dirty towards each-other. It's too common of a thing, but I imagine it's been that way throughout time. You certainly don't find a lack of evil, deceptive and greedy people when observing history. I've never understood how a lot of people just don't care about others, funny thing is if all people treated each-other kindly and worked together, all of our lives and accomplishments would be so much better.

Human Beings are Evolved as is to Cooperate Quite Well as Long as the Social Group does not Exceed more than
About 150 to 200 Sets of Human Eyes Living Together as a tight knit Village Working Together with Clearly
Defined Social Roles Bonding over common Sacred and Holy Meaning and Purposes of Life; where Us Humans
Get along Better. Bonobos, Do quite well making Love the Common and Greatest Bond of Life. Considering,
we are Basically Monkeys too, so can we; but truly the Square Root One Problem is we are not Evolved
To Live in Groups Together Peacefully with more than 150 to 200 Folks Without a set of Rules that become as
Complex as Humans Will in increasingly Larger Numbers who are Heterogenous In their Views of the World too.

Social Science Shows that the 20 Most Peaceful Societies in the World Live Close to 'this ideal' where giving
And sharing; working together striving for survive and thrive; works best for them Hand in Hand together still.

Back to the Topic of Trump, when Humans Lose Common Binds and Bonds to Work together in Clearly
Defined Social Roles Finding a Life Full of Holy and Sacred Meaning and Purpose, a 'Desert Scarcity of Life'
Comes again where Tribal Warfare in all stuff life comes to be as folks fight up to Raping and Pillaging
to Secure Subsistence and Mates in Life for Reproduction; Yes, Back to the topic of Trump Misery most often
Loves Company in a 'Desert Scarcity' Environment; much more than Joy Brings Love for a Magnificent City of Same.

These days the Solution may be mostly a 'Neo' one to Create a Culture of one that works the best for You where you may Connect and Be More Separate and Fulfilled too; True that takes a 'Great Work of Life' in Original Creativity even if you
are Financially Independent as a Social Animal most often Withers away without Finding Sacred and Holy Meaning
And Purpose of life to Greater Survive up to Thrive finding up to around 5 Folks to Hold Hands with through
all the Paths of the Journey of Life; Meaningful, truly Intimate Meaningful Social Relationships where a person
may freely express all of who they have come to be; become even more rare for the Investment and Focus in
Precious Hours of Existence it takes to make that Happen; a like here and a heart there on FB surely will not do it.

But hey yeah; something is better than nothing;

If Social Animals do not Work Together they are not strong; it's really as simple as that, overall;

Even Caesar From the 'Planet of the Apes' Series of Movies understood life well enough to get that.

Smiles; i'm more like a 'Bonobo' these days who manages to find a 'Few' Bonobo Friends to enjoy life with FULLY..:)

If only we lived in smaller groups again; True, a Warm Shower; A Soft Bed; and Toilet Paper is
Great but what good is it when there is no 'Cheers' Show or 'Friends' Show in Life that is Real.

Smiles; i am the Dude that folks once named as the Dizzy Fly who couldn't find his way out of a Paper Bag;

But that was when i was in my 40's.

At 58, i've been acclaimed as a Dance Legend in a Viral Video of me Public Dancing with around 90K Views, someone else
took it of me among so many more in 66 Months in close to 11 Thousand Miles of Public Dance. And again; i Leg Pressed 500 LBS at age 21 and do up to 1520 Lbs now. So, in other words, when i go to the Metro Area Biggest Bar to Dance as i just did my 253rd Dance Week of that on Thursday Night; i am for all practical Intents and Purposes noted as 'the Norm' of Dance; in other words, i created my own Clearly Defined Social Role as 'A City Icon' or 'Village Idiot' depending on if you ask a Conservative or Liberal Person; hehe. Human Nature is Fascinating; I enjoy the Diversity of it all; and when people
ask why does a Dance Legend Go to the "Wrong Planet", I say I used to Live on a Wrong Planet too; keep your roots close too as 'they' Dance and Sing too, is what i do at least as the whole Cup of Human Tea is so very interesting to me..:)

Plus it gives me the Opportunity to use my Anthropology, and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary, and Health Sciences Degree from College too; And yes Working at a Military Bowling Center; Doing Community Activities Director for the
Government and eventually Athletic Director at even Higher Federal Grades of Pay assisting the Director of a whole
Department for the Military Station was Great Field Work for all my College Degrees too; and true my Thesis for
my Masters of Life is a bit long at 6.6 Million Words as a Long Form Poem Free Verse Epic Style Personal Bible;
but true with the 11 thousand Miles in the same 66 Months of effort why not go Epic instead of the
same old dizzy fly that folks used to view me as and truly not very 'Fly' as a 'Nerdy White' Boy either;
A 'Thug' Tried to Start a Fight with me while i was Dancing with 5 Pacific Islander Women, Thursday Night
(apparently he was sweet on one of them) and Oh Lord one of the Women was someone Like a Sumo Wrestler
and tossed him to the side Defending my Honor as a Man all the way and so much more; got photos to Prove she exists too.

God, i have an amazing life; i often wake up to pinch myself to prove i still exist in Heaven.

Fact is, i Never Have to Brag about Grabbing Women (i'd rather Massage them) like the T Man; as the Bootie Dances are
vigorously still brought to the F man now; haha, still at the still ripe very ripe old age of close to 59 now; it's crazy fun;
and it is Real and totally Free with never a Stinking Trump Dollar Necessary to keep me away from "Orange Rot" as such.

Obviously, with A Mix of Bi-Polar and the Autism Spectrum; i keep Hypomania Cooking Just Right to make life Great
like Dancing on a Tight Rope; you do it for enough Decades and You finally make it work and work and work without fail.

Anyway my Friend i can Sympathize with Many of Your issues as i was born with Congenitally Fused Vertebra in my
Spine and Sinus Passages so closed up the ENT when Cat Scanning them asked me how i breathe (Yep; mostly through
my Mouth too); Yep, Degenerative Arthritis in spine; not really surprising for anyone in their 50's a bit at least; Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia for 66 Months from wake to sleep, like a Dentist Drill in my Right eye and ear that no Drug would bring relief from; Fibromyalgia; Sjogren's Syndrome with no tears; Heart and Blood Pressure out of Autonomic Nervous System Control; yes, Dysautonomia with Coat Hanger Pain too; sure Alexithymia; Anhedonia, Severe Anxiety; Mood Lability; Panic Attacks; PTSD; Severe Depression Naturally along with all of that; ADHD of course with the Bi-Polar and Autism Spectrum too it sort of all fits together too; Severe Insomnia Sleeping only one hour with an Alpha Blocker provided Shallow Card Board Sleep the first 35 Days out of 40, with the Last 5 of 40 Zero Sleep; not quite strong enough to get out of my Car and Jump off a Bridge; was there more; yes, much more too; what i am trying to tell you is never give up; i've been to the Bottom of A Bridge and even though i couldn't get out Years Later i ended up as a Dance Legend with over 2000 Beautiful Women Smiling Ear to Ear in Selfies with me; some of the Most Beautiful Poetry written to me; not by my Wife; but by a Most Beautiful Woman from India too;

i am so glad i did not jump off that Bridge in 2008.

Smiles my Friend; i wanted to give you a little hope today, potentially at least.

Change is our Best Friend; Change Happens and Humans have incredible Potential they never touch.

My Case Study Proves it; and i have every bit of the evidence to Prove that Real Human Magic is Real too.

i understand the Need for Evidence as no one provided any to me that this kind of change was possible at the Bottom of
that Bridge. It probably would not have Given me any hope as oh yeah even worse than the Assessed Suicide Disease as a Human Pain assessed as the Actual Worst Pain known to Humankind even worse than the Torture of Actual Crucifixion; not for 3 Hours or 3 Days but for 66 Months from wake to sleep; Losing my Emotions as Memories are Emotions and Emotions are Memories and in that Dark Abyss Hell there where one Second is a thousand Years in Hell as all is time all is time all there is the illusion of Time as in that place there is not a reference point back if you ever even smiled; felt It And a laugh forever like there was not even any such thing at all in life. So, How does one move from the very bottom to about as High as a Human can Possible truly Fly in Dance and Song; it's pretty easy; one step at a time one word at a time until everything you do in Love you do it in a Holy and Sacred Way Full of Meaning and Purpose; hence the Artistic Shapes when i Write; Hence when all of words Become Song; Hence when all Steps become a Spiraling Dance; Hence when Heaven is no F in Joke and as real as Heaven Gets Now For Real; Regardless if the 'Jesus' Dude was ever real or even if 'God' is or is not who 'they' say God is Heaven is F in Real; perhaps not for everyone but a place you can and will Co-Create for you as long as you never give up.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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16 Mar 2019, 3:18 pm

Wow, how very ridiculous, they encourage you to spend your savings? These people making the rules have literally lost their minds, I guess another example of stupid people at work. Knowing this, my strategy will be to buy a fire-safe to store my savings in, they have no way of being able to tell if you store cash in a safe. I'm big on saving money, I've never really liked banks either, at one point I had $10,000 in cash in my room, boy that felt good to hold that stack, it made me addicted to saving cash to see the pile grow, but we ended up moving and I put it towards land and a crappy trailer.

Yeah sadly but I didn't spend it just because they told me too. I decided I would just live off it until it's all gone. That is what they want you to do anyway. I remember I was in their office because they wanted me to come in so see if I qualified for SSDI now and they asked me all these questions. But all that money just went to our house. If you get back payment and it's higher than you are allowed to have, they expect you to spend that extra money. I had that problem when I first got my SSI check when I was almost 19 and my mom suggested I buy my own plane ticket with it by paying her back for it and buy my own products I need like shampoo and stuff since that is what I will be doing anyway and I can pay them my first rent to them since that is what I will be doing. But I still had extra so I ended up buying stuff I wanted like video games or going to Hot Topic. I felt like a compulsive spender like I was on a spending spree. I could have just taken that extra money out of my bank account and kept it in my room like I did with my money I made from watering trees in my parents yard and from mowing and they always paid me.

Yea, it is rare for people to choose to live like that, I used the same tactic, wearing extra clothes and jackets inside so I don't have to spend much on heating. I hate being hot though, since I was single, I closed half of my trailer off by hanging blankets, so I only had the living room and one bedroom with bathroom. I had one window unit in the living room and one in my bedroom. I would chill in the living room with that AC on and bedroom door shut until time to go to bed, then I cut the living room AC off and go into my room, shut the door and cut that ac on. I have heard about that show but I've never watched it. My friend was telling me about some guy on the show that actually peeled the layers of 2-ply toilet paper apart and re rolled it, I don't see how that solves anything, seems a bit extreme, but I guess it's a way to pass time, lol. I just used cheap toilet paper, I know women can't really do that, my toilet paper was $100 for a 4 pack at family dollar.

Did you mean a dollar or one hundred dollars?

I see no reason for a whole entire home to be AC if you are living by yourself. But most homes have air vents so the whole house will be cooled with the AC on unless you have a window AC and you save money if you keep all the windows closed because then the AC runs less often. Our apartment had a wall AC and we had baseboards. I hear wall and windows ACs are more expensive. If you have air vents, you save money on heating by keeping the windows and doors closed so the furnace runs less often to keep the house warm. Even replacing your windows with new windows also helps with your heating bill. We had to replace our windows and it took us a year to pay it all off.

If you want to be even more frugal, you can use washcloths to wipe and throw in the basket and when that is full, you wash them. You can do the same with washcloths too when you clean but I find toilet paper and paper towels are not that expensive and I bring home toilet paper from work we throw away when we replace the rolls in the restroom.

But I admit doing some stuff just to save money isn't worth it because it's time consuming like I wouldn't want to drive around town going to Goodwills or Ross or TJ Maxx or Marshalls just to find what I need because that is time consuming and using gas when I can just go to Fred Meyer or something and buy that brand new item even if it will cost more money. Or I can look online and have it get shipped and stores always have sales going on for each season. If I have the money, I don't need to go cheap and have it be more time consuming.

And sometimes cheap products don't work well so it's not always worth trying to save money. If you have the money for a better product that will work better, you will spend that money on it. It's a matter of what works for you. If a cheap product works for you, good for you. Sometimes a person doesn't have a choice with heat so their home must stay heated or else their pipes will freeze and burst and that will cost more money. Someone posted on Reddit about one of their tenants decided to leave town for Christmas so he turned off the heating totally to save on his bill. It got very cold and the pipes froze and when it warmed up, the pipes burst and it flooded the house and one of the neighbors saw it and had to call the water company and they came and shut off the water supply. I asked that Redditer if that person was that poor or if he was just being a cheapskate because I can't imagine how much damage that must have cost.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed.

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16 Mar 2019, 3:38 pm

People on ssi can’t have over 2,000 savings. You can say they won’t know but if they find out it’s a crime and you’d be kicked off. Doesn’t seem worth the risk. I can’t work full time if I got kicked off I’d end up homeless

There is no place for me in the world. I'm going into the wilderness, probably to die


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16 Mar 2019, 4:56 pm

League_Girl wrote:
Wow, how very ridiculous, they encourage you to spend your savings? These people making the rules have literally lost their minds, I guess another example of stupid people at work. Knowing this, my strategy will be to buy a fire-safe to store my savings in, they have no way of being able to tell if you store cash in a safe. I'm big on saving money, I've never really liked banks either, at one point I had $10,000 in cash in my room, boy that felt good to hold that stack, it made me addicted to saving cash to see the pile grow, but we ended up moving and I put it towards land and a crappy trailer.

Yeah sadly but I didn't spend it just because they told me too. I decided I would just live off it until it's all gone. That is what they want you to do anyway. I remember I was in their office because they wanted me to come in so see if I qualified for SSDI now and they asked me all these questions. But all that money just went to our house. If you get back payment and it's higher than you are allowed to have, they expect you to spend that extra money. I had that problem when I first got my SSI check when I was almost 19 and my mom suggested I buy my own plane ticket with it by paying her back for it and buy my own products I need like shampoo and stuff since that is what I will be doing anyway and I can pay them my first rent to them since that is what I will be doing. But I still had extra so I ended up buying stuff I wanted like video games or going to Hot Topic. I felt like a compulsive spender like I was on a spending spree. I could have just taken that extra money out of my bank account and kept it in my room like I did with my money I made from watering trees in my parents yard and from mowing and they always paid me.

Yea, it is rare for people to choose to live like that, I used the same tactic, wearing extra clothes and jackets inside so I don't have to spend much on heating. I hate being hot though, since I was single, I closed half of my trailer off by hanging blankets, so I only had the living room and one bedroom with bathroom. I had one window unit in the living room and one in my bedroom. I would chill in the living room with that AC on and bedroom door shut until time to go to bed, then I cut the living room AC off and go into my room, shut the door and cut that ac on. I have heard about that show but I've never watched it. My friend was telling me about some guy on the show that actually peeled the layers of 2-ply toilet paper apart and re rolled it, I don't see how that solves anything, seems a bit extreme, but I guess it's a way to pass time, lol. I just used cheap toilet paper, I know women can't really do that, my toilet paper was $100 for a 4 pack at family dollar.

Did you mean a dollar or one hundred dollars?

I see no reason for a whole entire home to be AC if you are living by yourself. But most homes have air vents so the whole house will be cooled with the AC on unless you have a window AC and you save money if you keep all the windows closed because then the AC runs less often. Our apartment had a wall AC and we had baseboards. I hear wall and windows ACs are more expensive. If you have air vents, you save money on heating by keeping the windows and doors closed so the furnace runs less often to keep the house warm. Even replacing your windows with new windows also helps with your heating bill. We had to replace our windows and it took us a year to pay it all off.

If you want to be even more frugal, you can use washcloths to wipe and throw in the basket and when that is full, you wash them. You can do the same with washcloths too when you clean but I find toilet paper and paper towels are not that expensive and I bring home toilet paper from work we throw away when we replace the rolls in the restroom.

But I admit doing some stuff just to save money isn't worth it because it's time consuming like I wouldn't want to drive around town going to Goodwills or Ross or TJ Maxx or Marshalls just to find what I need because that is time consuming and using gas when I can just go to Fred Meyer or something and buy that brand new item even if it will cost more money. Or I can look online and have it get shipped and stores always have sales going on for each season. If I have the money, I don't need to go cheap and have it be more time consuming.

And sometimes cheap products don't work well so it's not always worth trying to save money. If you have the money for a better product that will work better, you will spend that money on it. It's a matter of what works for you. If a cheap product works for you, good for you. Sometimes a person doesn't have a choice with heat so their home must stay heated or else their pipes will freeze and burst and that will cost more money. Someone posted on Reddit about one of their tenants decided to leave town for Christmas so he turned off the heating totally to save on his bill. It got very cold and the pipes froze and when it warmed up, the pipes burst and it flooded the house and one of the neighbors saw it and had to call the water company and they came and shut off the water supply. I asked that Redditer if that person was that poor or if he was just being a cheapskate because I can't imagine how much damage that must have cost.

oops! yea, I meant $1.00 for a 4 pack, lol. I used to cut my power off when I wasn't home, but I was already aware of pipes freezing, I cut my water off and drain the pipes, it's a trailer so it's elevated on blocks, the outside spigot is lower than all the pipes so I just opened it and open a spigot inside to allow air to draw in and quickly drain the house. My outside water line coming up to the trailer had a cut off I installed, and I just insulated the pipe very good, it never failed on me. I built swimming pools so I already had knowledge about plumbing and freezing pipes.

I would most certainly have to get me a safe though, I'm not going to spend money based on them not wanting people to save money, you don need savings for emergencies. Unless they search my house and tell me to open my safe they will never know, plus I could even bury it if needed, I doubt they will search my house though.

I had an AC home unit but I didn't use it, it cost too much to run, I just stuck with my window units. It got a little warm on really hot days but for the most part it worked quite well. In the summer, in a single wide trailer, my power bill ranged from $70 to $100. I tried using the home AC one month and the power bill was like $200+, so I cut that out as soon as I got the power bill, trailers aren't typically insulated well. Space heaters were expensive though, in the winter my bill would be around $120 - $160, that's even suffering through a little cold, thankfully I live in the south though, there is only like 4 months where you need heat.

Yea, I would rather stick to toilet paper, don't think I could stomach smelling poop in the house, lol. I had a cat at one point, I kicked it out in the yard though because it started pooping in my hall that I had closed off, I have a really weak stomach, I was trying to clean it up and it made me throw-up, and I couldn't stop gagging, cat poo is some funky stuff. I ended up just letting it dry out some, it was closed off with blankets so I couldn't smell it. Later, when it didn't stink so bad I just went in with a carpet razor knife and cut the carpet out, rolled it up and threw it away.

I like shopping online, when I need something, you can usually find good deals on things. I just don't trust the security, so I would prefer putting money on a temporary card. I don't have a bank account though, I usually just give the money to my mom and get her to order whatever it may be. I don't really buy things often though.


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16 Mar 2019, 5:11 pm

Crimadella wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Crimadella wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Crimadella wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Yeah, selling your body for cash is "easy", why don't more women do that?


[For others who don't understand, me and Kara have a rough history, she tends to think everyone is beneath her in intelligence and loves to attempt to anger people with her snarky comments, eye rolls and :lol: 's, that is why my patients tend to be short with her]

If your're going to comment on something I say use your eyes to read what I actually said....

"Women can sell themselves in online striping shows because men are typically very horny creatures and it's very easy $$, can't knock a hustle though, if I could make money doing that I would go for it also."

Unless you actually disagree and think taking your clothes off in front of a camera for horny men throwing money at you is difficult, please run that by me, how would that be considered difficult? I take my clothes off every night before I go to sleep, it's never a challenge. Horny men are easy to get money out of, the majority of people understand this simple concept. My brothers wife is from Japan, she told me that in Japan women can sell their worn panties for a lot of cash to older perverts, so yes, horny men are easy to make money off of.

Yes, obviously taking your clothes off in front of strangers is going to be easy for most people, how stupid of me to think otherwise. :lol:

can't say I disagree with you there...
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
"Rough history", that's a cute euphemism for your way of talking to people who disagree with you. :lol:

No, actually it's just you, and apparently I'm not alone with those particular thoughts of how you tend to act :roll:

It's honestly just best to ignore you. :wink:

And yet you don't, you just personally attack me by trying to call me stupid in a way just indirect enough to get around moderator sanction. But yeah, of course you say I bring it on myself--abusive people like to tell the people they are mistreating that, it's a very common refrain. Also I'm aware there is a gang of you that like to attack me personally in threads and gang up on me, I've seen it for myself. You probably PM each other to co-ordinate your attacks, that would not surprise me. Yet you can't change my opinion of myself with personal insults no matter how hard you try, nor will I tolerate the personal attacks but will keep reporting them.

No, I don't get PM's to gang up on you. You make sarcastic remarks towards people that you disagree with then get upset when it's returned to you. I don't want to be mean towards you, but I get tired of you being mean towards me. Take for example...

You disagreed with my statement, taking clothes off in front of a camera for horny men is easy money. Now you could have simply disagreed and tried to make a point, rather you chose to make a sarcastic remark with an eye roll attached. It would be shocking if you don't understand that the way you talk to people is often unpleasant, then as you claimed, you apparently report them when they do the same towards you. Back to the famous saying, don't dish it out if you can't take it.

You could have just disagreed without sarcasm and without an eye roll, you could have just stated why you disagreed.

I disagree with people all the time here, I don't give them sarcasm and eye rolls unless they initiate it. You tend to initiate it very frequently. That's not my fault.

The only thing that could be challenging about striping in front of a camera is anxiety, past that nothing about taking clothes off is difficult, women make a lot of easy money doing so, most people are aware of this. It doesn't take endurance, it doesn't require intelligence, you don't even need a skill, the only requirement is not feeling nervous about stripping in front of a camera, if you can achieve that, which most people can, then it is a very easy way to make money, as the world is not short of horny men willing to give money to women for them to take their clothes off in front of a camera.

It's pretty simple though, if you simply talk to me like I'm a person and not an idiot I will respond with out a negative overtone.

I never personally attacked or insulted you though, even if you don't appreciate my humour that's not the same as me attacking you. That is where you cross a line, because you do personally attack me.

It is easily disproven that most people find it easy to take their clothes off in front of strangers, that is why I said what I said in the way that I said it. Your claim that it's easy for women to take their clothes off in front of people deserved an eye roll because it was blatantly false and if you actually asked any woman why they don't just strip for money they would tell you that it's not easy to take your clothes off in front of strangers for most of us because of self-consciousness and insecurities that most people have, not just women. It was a bad and very false claim, and deserving of an eyeroll because it was also borderline sexist to suggest most women find stripping for money easy.

Stop telling me I deserve to be insulted and attacked because you don't like my tone. Because personal attacks are against the rules, and no one deserves them. You don't have a right to attack me because you don't like what I say or how I say it.


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16 Mar 2019, 5:31 pm

karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Crimadella wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Crimadella wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Crimadella wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
Yeah, selling your body for cash is "easy", why don't more women do that?


[For others who don't understand, me and Kara have a rough history, she tends to think everyone is beneath her in intelligence and loves to attempt to anger people with her snarky comments, eye rolls and :lol: 's, that is why my patients tend to be short with her]

If your're going to comment on something I say use your eyes to read what I actually said....

"Women can sell themselves in online striping shows because men are typically very horny creatures and it's very easy $$, can't knock a hustle though, if I could make money doing that I would go for it also."

Unless you actually disagree and think taking your clothes off in front of a camera for horny men throwing money at you is difficult, please run that by me, how would that be considered difficult? I take my clothes off every night before I go to sleep, it's never a challenge. Horny men are easy to get money out of, the majority of people understand this simple concept. My brothers wife is from Japan, she told me that in Japan women can sell their worn panties for a lot of cash to older perverts, so yes, horny men are easy to make money off of.

Yes, obviously taking your clothes off in front of strangers is going to be easy for most people, how stupid of me to think otherwise. :lol:

can't say I disagree with you there...
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
"Rough history", that's a cute euphemism for your way of talking to people who disagree with you. :lol:

No, actually it's just you, and apparently I'm not alone with those particular thoughts of how you tend to act :roll:

It's honestly just best to ignore you. :wink:

And yet you don't, you just personally attack me by trying to call me stupid in a way just indirect enough to get around moderator sanction. But yeah, of course you say I bring it on myself--abusive people like to tell the people they are mistreating that, it's a very common refrain. Also I'm aware there is a gang of you that like to attack me personally in threads and gang up on me, I've seen it for myself. You probably PM each other to co-ordinate your attacks, that would not surprise me. Yet you can't change my opinion of myself with personal insults no matter how hard you try, nor will I tolerate the personal attacks but will keep reporting them.

No, I don't get PM's to gang up on you. You make sarcastic remarks towards people that you disagree with then get upset when it's returned to you. I don't want to be mean towards you, but I get tired of you being mean towards me. Take for example...

You disagreed with my statement, taking clothes off in front of a camera for horny men is easy money. Now you could have simply disagreed and tried to make a point, rather you chose to make a sarcastic remark with an eye roll attached. It would be shocking if you don't understand that the way you talk to people is often unpleasant, then as you claimed, you apparently report them when they do the same towards you. Back to the famous saying, don't dish it out if you can't take it.

You could have just disagreed without sarcasm and without an eye roll, you could have just stated why you disagreed.

I disagree with people all the time here, I don't give them sarcasm and eye rolls unless they initiate it. You tend to initiate it very frequently. That's not my fault.

The only thing that could be challenging about striping in front of a camera is anxiety, past that nothing about taking clothes off is difficult, women make a lot of easy money doing so, most people are aware of this. It doesn't take endurance, it doesn't require intelligence, you don't even need a skill, the only requirement is not feeling nervous about stripping in front of a camera, if you can achieve that, which most people can, then it is a very easy way to make money, as the world is not short of horny men willing to give money to women for them to take their clothes off in front of a camera.

It's pretty simple though, if you simply talk to me like I'm a person and not an idiot I will respond with out a negative overtone.

I never personally attacked or insulted you though, even if you don't appreciate my humour that's not the same as me attacking you. That is where you cross a line, because you do personally attack me.

It is easily disproven that most people find it easy to take their clothes off in front of strangers, that is why I said what I said in the way that I said it. Your claim that it's easy for women to take their clothes off in front of people deserved an eye roll because it was blatantly false and if you actually asked any woman why they don't just strip for money they would tell you that it's not easy to take your clothes off in front of strangers for most of us because of self-consciousness and insecurities that most people have, not just women. It was a bad and very false claim, and deserving of an eyeroll because it was also borderline sexist to suggest most women find stripping for money easy.

Stop telling me I deserve to be insulted and attacked because you don't like my tone. Because personal attacks are against the rules, and no one deserves them. You don't have a right to attack me because you don't like what I say or how I say it.

I haven't made a personal attack? All I did was give you back what you seem to always give me. Fair is fair, equal is equal, don't do it to me and I will not do it to you.

I' have already clarified that they only thing that would prevent one from being able to do that would be anxieties, you are making arguments around the simple fact that taking clothes off is not difficult. It's like me saying, picking up a piece of chicken and taking a bite is easy, then you making the case, well it's not easy for a person that has no arms.

I can't believe someone would try to argue that striping in front of a camera is difficult, it would only be difficult for a person that isn't comfortable doing it, for a person that is comfortable doing it, it is very simple, requires no skill, no endurance, no training, no critical thinking, no form of intelligence at all other than knowing how to work a computer and a webcam then registering for a site to be able to collect money for doing it.

Hence, a lot of people take their clothes off and masturbate, I would seriously doubt that people struggle to do so unless they have some kind of handicap that makes it difficult, as if it's some labor intensive act, or that it requires skill, the only thing extra involved is doing it in front of a camera with others viewing you. Thus, if you are not nervous about that, it is extremely easy to do and is 'easy money'.

I masturbate from time to time, it's never a challenge, it's quite easy.