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27 Mar 2019, 7:54 pm

TW1ZTY wrote:

Ever heard this catchy song? :skull:

I was fortunate not to...
Up to this point... :eew:


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27 Mar 2019, 7:59 pm

Pepe wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:

Ever heard this catchy song? :skull:

I was fortunate not to...
Up to this point... :eew:

Oh... sorry. :oops:

I like it. It's an old folk song, I first read about it in "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark". :)


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27 Mar 2019, 10:56 pm

Hsingai wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
He also developed a “family” relations with the previous’ life “family”, he even call them daughters and grandaughters... creepy. Those “Family ties” are that strong.

My aunt is called mom by a girl that she let live with her so the girl could continue to go to school. She eats Thanksgiving dinner with us too.

but yet Druzism doesn’t preach their faith, a non-Druze can’t join them. I wonder what’s really going on.
Don't you mean Proselytize?

Druzism, like Judasim, is a non-evangelizing religion, only a born Druze can be a Druze.

I find it hard to believe they don't give speeches about their faith to their members.

They actually don’t! Only those who dedicate their life to their faith (and following strict life rules like no smoking, no alcohol, and veiling...etc) do have access to the “sanctuary”, their praying place, and to their “book of wisdom”.
If you have watched the youtube, you may have noticed that most of the interviewed druze people are wearing moderately, ie. women not veiled and men wearing normally, the Druze call those “the ignorant ones”, to desisgnate those who still know very little about their own faith and have no access to their private religious gathering.

And you may have noticed those who are wearing black and white, typically older, men wearing all black with a white hat thing, and women all women with a transparent white hijab, those refer themselves as “The wise ones”, among them are the clerics, and those who can attend the religious masses.

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29 Mar 2019, 9:36 am

The spirit is the product of one's life experience.

A spirit can influence other developing spirits, by being part of their life experience.

In this manner, a spirit reincarnates. I transfer a bit of my spirit to everyone whose life I influence. My spirit is made up of bits of other spirits who have influenced me during my life.

So our spirits re-incarnate in anyone whom we have had an effect on, and others reincarnate in their impacts upon us.

Our influence; pieces of our spirits, echo down through time in the bodies of those whom we have influenced.

The dignity of man is that our every action influences the entire future of the universe, through the knock-on affects of our actions and influence.

The spirit is the product of one's life experience.


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29 Mar 2019, 9:51 am

@Max1951: Replace the word 'spirit' with the word 'personality', and I think that you'll have described the entire process spot-on!


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29 Mar 2019, 10:27 am

Don't forget there's also reintarnation - ie. coming back as a hillbilly.

The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.

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29 Mar 2019, 10:42 am

Fnord wrote:
@Max1951: Replace the word 'spirit' with the word 'personality', and I think that you'll have described the entire process spot-on!

Spirit = personality = mind = soul = self = integrated set of life experience.

We understand each new experience in terms of old experience. This integrates all life experience into a single spirit. The first thing we ever learned lies at the bottom of understanding each experience in our lives. Because the second thing is understood by analogy to the first thing; the third thing by analogy to the first and second thing and the millionth thing in terms of the 999,999 previous experiences. The more experiences we have had, the better we understand.

It's a process driven by analogy and concept slippage. Concept formation via analogy is the beginning of soul; the point of transformation of the physical into the mental. Thus a physical entities poodle, mastiff, and beagle become the mental entity 'dog', via concept slippage. Concept slippage is determined by differences in patterns of body sensor activation input from 2 different experiences. There is no physical 'dog' out there. What we have is the mental concept of dog, built on analogies among physical experiences of various flash and blood animals. To understand 'dog' by relating the concept to a group of experiences is to have a baby soul.


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29 Mar 2019, 12:56 pm

Yes, yes ... all quite "Developmental Psych 101".

Mostly, we are the sum of our parts, our pasts, and our parentage. Collectively, we all form the "Human Spirit".

It's only the "Human Spirit" that carries on into other people's future lives.

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29 Mar 2019, 1:37 pm

Fnord wrote:
Yes, yes ... all quite "Developmental Psych 101".

Mostly, we are the sum of our parts, our pasts, and our parentage. Collectively, we all form the "Human Spirit".

It's only the "Human Spirit" that carries on into other people's future lives.

Good point.

All of our experience originates in the "human Spirit" i.e. in the society which forms us.

All of our actions originate from the subset of the "human spirit" which has been imparted to us through our experience. This is what we call the 'self'.

All of our actions, born of our experiences, contribute to the "human spirit", after we, unique subsets of the "human spirit", have performed our actions and ceased to exist.

All of our accomplishments are combined and integrated and passed down to succeeding generations, as a heritage.


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29 Mar 2019, 5:37 pm

Fnord wrote:

It's only the "Human Spirit" that carries on into other people's future lives.

How does the "spirit" maintain memory without brain cells?


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29 Mar 2019, 5:58 pm

I don't really see why reincarnation matters. If it happens, I don't remember my last life, so why would my current life matter to my next life, or my next life to my current life.

Practically speaking, reincarnation calls for a "soul equilibrium," which based on the expansion of life to consume more and more inorganic resources has me thinking its not real.

I suppose there could be an alien planet out there that is contracting in life's expanse on our planet. Maybe that's the right planet, and all the autistics were supposed to be sent there.

"Ignorance may be bliss, but knowledge is power."

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29 Mar 2019, 7:30 pm

Pepe wrote:
Fnord wrote:

It's only the "Human Spirit" that carries on into other people's future lives.

How does the "spirit" maintain memory without brain cells?

Spirit is passed from forbears to progeny via the influence of earlier generations upon successive generations. So there's always brain cells maintaining the memory. And each generation adds to the human heritage and passes on their innovations and new knowledge. I think it's a nice way of looking at things.


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29 Mar 2019, 7:40 pm

Max1951 wrote:
Pepe wrote:
Fnord wrote:

It's only the "Human Spirit" that carries on into other people's future lives.

How does the "spirit" maintain memory without brain cells?

Spirit is passed from forbears to progeny via the influence of earlier generations upon successive generations. So there's always brain cells maintaining the memory. And each generation adds to the human heritage and passes on their innovations and new knowledge. I think it's a nice way of looking at things.

And yet there is no evidence whatsoever that this spiritual transference enhances the wisdom of any child born...
I have never heard of an instance where a newly born baby turns to its mother and says:
"Damn, mum, that was a really, really tight squeeze!...
And btw, how are the Mets scoring these days?"... :mrgreen:

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29 Mar 2019, 8:52 pm

Antrax wrote:
I don't really see why reincarnation matters. If it happens, I don't remember my last life, so why would my current life matter to my next life, or my next life to my current life.

I can understand what you say. However, it gives me comfort to believe that I might somehow add something beneficial to the progress of the human race, or at least make an attempt not to detract from human progress. I guess that I see it as a living legacy. It gives my life purpose and meaning in my mind. It is my truth. How I see things.


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29 Mar 2019, 10:36 pm

Max1951 wrote:
Antrax wrote:
I don't really see why reincarnation matters. If it happens, I don't remember my last life, so why would my current life matter to my next life, or my next life to my current life.

I can understand what you say. However, it gives me comfort to believe that I might somehow add something beneficial to the progress of the human race, or at least make an attempt not to detract from human progress. I guess that I see it as a living legacy. It gives my life purpose and meaning in my mind. It is my truth. How I see things.

I am not saying it is a bad thing...
Just that altruistic feelings are a product of the evolutionary process...
If you want a sense of existential meaning in life, be my guest...
But it doesn't change the reality of life, the universe and everything/k... :wink:


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30 Mar 2019, 3:15 pm

Pepe wrote:
Fnord wrote:
It's only the "Human Spirit" that carries on into other people's future lives.
How does the "spirit" maintain memory without brain cells?
Generations overlap. Sometimes as many as five generations of one family may be alive (although this seems rare). The personalities of the previous generations are likely to imprint upon younger generations in the same household, family, neighborhood or community.

That doesn't mean that kids today are clones of kids from 50 years ago, but that one child's personality may be an aggregate of all the previous generations that he or she has had direct contact with.

In forensic science, Locard's Exchange Principle holds that the perpetrator of a crime will bring something into the crime scene and leave with something from it. This may also hold true (to some extent) with the personalities of people...

"Oh, you're acting just like your grandparents! We never should have let you spend the summer with them!"