Helping Autistics (& the Disabled) on a Catholic Podcast

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02 May 2020, 10:48 am

Borromeo wrote:
Thank you Fr. Schneider. I am going to be looking into this later today & see what is going. Today's finals week and I am busy but tomorrow should be a different story, so this will be well worth the listen. Thank you for all your work in academia and in the neurodiversity matter.

@Fnord--really? The combination of that willful ignorance and pretentiousness shouldn't be seen this side of politics or public "entertainers." If you haven't got anything positive to say, there are other parades for you to rain on.

i don't always Agree With Fnord; But He Speaks His Truth The Way He Sees It; And Is Not Afraid to Do It.

He's Has A Naturally Conservative Nature; and goes by rules as he sees them as Truth.

This Is What Jesus Did as Well in the Story At Least; but He was far from Conservative;
In Deed, A Rule Breaker He Was; and Per Story at Least that cost Him his Mortal Life, At Least.
These days People just say things like You are Trolling Away from the 'Group Think' of Norm;
Ignore; Delete; Ban or Whatever; Keeps the Flesh and Blood Intact; Works out okay enough for all involved.

There Are Old And New Testament Folks; It's a Metaphor for the
Conservative Among Us who do not like Change; And the New Testament
kind of Folks Who Are Really Into Lighting Up Their Lamps More to Shine New Colors on the World At Large.

If There Was Ever A Story Book Public Entertainer; It is Surely Jesus; Can You Spell Miracles For Everyone.

Jesus As A Story Book Character, Clearly Relates What Good Is a Candle With No Flame; Only Wax And Wick.

Just Goes to Show; i'm a New Testament Kinda Guy too; And Yes, my Flame Blinds and Helps Folks See;
Even with no words at all... Sure; i have the Documented Evidence to Prove it as well
As Art And Science Are Important; Both to me.

And You know what; if you really believe in A
New Testament; You Will Do Greater Works than Jesus too;
Unless You do not really Believe, according to what 'John' Says You Can and Will Do in 'John 14:12'.

Rarely, do i find anyone who even seems like they really read the Story of Jesus; Through and Through;
Who Really Understands What It means to Stand on A Limb And to Love Everyone; No Labels, Just Love;

To Focus on only What's only inside the Church Walls is Truly Missing Most of God; at least; If We 'Will' Love 'Law'.

There Truly Are Many Functionally Disabled Christians When it Comes to A Law of Love For All; The Crux of the
Jesus Story; Jesus is Just Alright with me; But i am a New Kinda Testament Dude. The Others Will continue
to Put Old Testament
Clothes on
the Story of Jesus;
No Judgement; It's Just Nature...
Yes, in deed Human Nature at core;

"Some Folks Dance; Some Folks Do Not"

ParaphraSinG 'Guardians of the Galaxy' of Love too.

Obviously, the Story Book Jesus would Still Not Be Very Welcome in any 'Old Testament World'.

It's Common Sense; It's Human Nature; And Truly The People Who Came together, and still do, to write the
Story of Jesus are brilliant; As They Did/Do Capture Most of Human Nature in the Stories; THE LIGHT AND DARK.

The Dark is Conservative;
The Light Is Liberal;
Spin And Torsion;
Quantum Mechanics in
Some Theories at Least suggests
This is How New UniVerses are Birthed in Black Holes;
As Above So Below; Within, Inside, Outside, All Around.

No Escaping
This God NoW
of Dark and Light;
Tides in And Out;
Shores Expanding and
Contracting With Waves;
Night and Day; Fall And
Rise As Death Springs Life.

Some of Us Folks With Asperger's
Syndrome Value Truth the Way We See It
in Our Light Beyond All Other Human Virtues;
Fnord is one of Those kinda Asperger's Dudes;
Not Afraid to go against the Grain; Yes, i love 'that'.

i don't have to Like 'something' to Love to Respect 'It'.

If one Cannot/Will Not Defend Their Faith; They Have No Faith;
No Matter What Faith Is; No Matter What 'Color' Humanity Is.

Prove me wrong....

No One has yet...


i am Faith; i am Love;
There is no Way Around This Love or Faith as Love.

Thanks for inspiring this thought; on top of that/this;
'the Spin and Torsion'; it's what makes what is...

A 'Golden Spiral' (GoD)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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02 May 2020, 11:36 am

Sigbold wrote:
Thank you Father. I will listen to it later. Alto the name Trent immediately made think of the council of Trent. Alto that might only be a coincidence.

That refers to the name of the host, Trent Horn, a Catholic apologist. I'm not sure if his parents deliberately named him Trent after the Council or if it's just coincidental, either way, he jokingly names his show "The Counsel of Trent."

Don't bother with me, I'm just a narrow-minded bigot who does nothing but "proselytize" not because I actually love the Faith, because no one loves the Faith, we're just "using it to justify our bigotry." If you see any thread by me on here that isn't "proselytizing," I can't explain that because that's obviously impossible; because again, all I've ever done on here is "proselytize."

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02 May 2020, 10:18 pm

Fnord wrote:
Being dis-interested in the "lost sheep" is also what you are implying, and which reinforces my claim that the Church simply doesn't care about anyone other than "... those who are religious or at least interested in exploring religion".

I should add that not everyone has the same vocation, in the war between the Mother of God and the father of lies, not everyone is called to the frontlines. One of the patron Saints of missionaries was Saint Therese of Lisieux, and she never left her convent, she merely prayed for the missions and for conversions of those who are outside the Church. I believe I am called more to the heavy artillery division than the frontlines in this spiritual conflict; granted, I'm sort of on the frontlines here, and everyone involved in the heavy artillery division should be ready in case the fighting reaches them. But I believe I'll be much more effective at serving the Church Militant by working on my literary ideas, and praying for the conversion of peoples and cultures.

The pen is mightier than the sword, and the Rosary even mightier than the pen.

Don't bother with me, I'm just a narrow-minded bigot who does nothing but "proselytize" not because I actually love the Faith, because no one loves the Faith, we're just "using it to justify our bigotry." If you see any thread by me on here that isn't "proselytizing," I can't explain that because that's obviously impossible; because again, all I've ever done on here is "proselytize."

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02 May 2020, 10:23 pm

AutisticPriest wrote:
I was a guest on a top Catholic podcast this week. The host had a man with cerebral palsy and myself on to talk about how the church could get people like us involved in the faith. Some of you might find it interesting if you want ideas for convincing others at your church to include us.

My blog link (with links to in on four podcast services)

I hope this also helps other Christians. I doubt this will help non-Christians too much: a single podcast can only do so much, sorry.

Father, I just wanted to say that I watched two of your Youtube videos on prayer and found your one on leaping straight into non-verbal prayer very helpful; I already had a bit of an idea and instinct of simply "placing my intentions in the Immaculate hands of Mary," as I put it, but your video really made it click.

I'll be listening to your podcast interview shortly, although I'll probably have already finished long before you see this post.

Don't bother with me, I'm just a narrow-minded bigot who does nothing but "proselytize" not because I actually love the Faith, because no one loves the Faith, we're just "using it to justify our bigotry." If you see any thread by me on here that isn't "proselytizing," I can't explain that because that's obviously impossible; because again, all I've ever done on here is "proselytize."

WP is the 2nd worst forum site I have ever been on.

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03 May 2020, 8:14 am

Fnord wrote:
Being dis-interested in the "lost sheep" is also what you are implying, and which reinforces my claim that the Church simply doesn't care about anyone other than "... those who are religious or at least interested in exploring religion".

Church leadership just doesn't get it!

I think there are different forums for different concerns. I am concerned about the lost sheep. However, if I appear on a Catholic podcast, I will focus on the Catholic audience as I don't expect too many non-Christians to be listening. I would gladly appear on a more secular autistic podcast to address the concerns of people like you or "lost sheep." I realize that I have lots to say - I tend towards being hyperverbal, not non-verbal - but in 20 minutes on one podcast I have to focus on what the main audience of the particular podcast needs to hear.

Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC
Openly autistic Roman Catholic Priest
Blog: Through Catholic Lenses (All posts Catholic but not all relate to autism), My story of diagnosis, etc.
Social Media: @AutisticPriest (autism specific) & @FrMatthewLC (gen Catholic)
YouTube: Autistic Priest
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05 May 2020, 9:26 am

Thank you, Father! I'm glad to see religious Aspies advocating for themselves, and it's encouraging to hear that the podcast brought an Autistic Priest to talk about how to make Catholicism more open for Aspies. Hopefully this will become a trend in Christianity-- I'd love for it to reach Orthodoxy. :heart:

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05 May 2020, 7:51 pm

Whale_Tuune wrote:
Thank you, Father! I'm glad to see religious Aspies advocating for themselves, and it's encouraging to hear that the podcast brought an Autistic Priest to talk about how to make Catholicism more open for Aspies. Hopefully this will become a trend in Christianity-- I'd love for it to reach Orthodoxy. :heart:

If it becomes a trend, then when do we "have the power of God and anime on our side?" :D

Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 134 of 200
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06 May 2020, 10:19 am

Whale_Tuune wrote:
Thank you, Father! I'm glad to see religious Aspies advocating for themselves, and it's encouraging to hear that the podcast brought an Autistic Priest to talk about how to make Catholicism more open for Aspies. Hopefully this will become a trend in Christianity-- I'd love for it to reach Orthodoxy. :heart:

Summer Kinard just wrote Of Such is the Kingdom from an Orthodox perspective. It honestly might be one of best theology of disability works ever written. I recommend it.

I also think Catholics and Orthodox tend to be similar in worship while many Protestants don't have a set liturgy like we do.

Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC
Openly autistic Roman Catholic Priest
Blog: Through Catholic Lenses (All posts Catholic but not all relate to autism), My story of diagnosis, etc.
Social Media: @AutisticPriest (autism specific) & @FrMatthewLC (gen Catholic)
YouTube: Autistic Priest
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06 May 2020, 10:25 am

This is true. I will check it out. Thank you Father!

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06 May 2020, 10:26 am

AutisticPriest wrote:
Whale_Tuune wrote:
Thank you, Father! I'm glad to see religious Aspies advocating for themselves, and it's encouraging to hear that the podcast brought an Autistic Priest to talk about how to make Catholicism more open for Aspies. Hopefully this will become a trend in Christianity-- I'd love for it to reach Orthodoxy.
Summer Kinard just wrote Of Such is the Kingdom from an Orthodox perspective. It honestly might be one of best theology of disability works ever written.  I recommend it.  I also think Catholics and Orthodox tend to be similar in worship while many Protestants don't have a set liturgy like we do.
Reformists do have set liturgies, but we're not locked into them -- some flexibility is allowed at the Pastors' discretion.

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07 May 2020, 4:26 pm

If you would like to publicize a bit more, may I share your links on Christian community sites (such as the Catholic subreddit on I figured I should ask.

AQ: 36 (last I checked :p)

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11 May 2020, 11:17 am

Whale_Tuune wrote:
If you would like to publicize a bit more, may I share your links on Christian community sites (such as the Catholic subreddit on I figured I should ask.

Yes, I generally post links to /r/Catholicism when posted but I'm sure there are plenty of other places I overlook.

Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC
Openly autistic Roman Catholic Priest
Blog: Through Catholic Lenses (All posts Catholic but not all relate to autism), My story of diagnosis, etc.
Social Media: @AutisticPriest (autism specific) & @FrMatthewLC (gen Catholic)
YouTube: Autistic Priest
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11 May 2020, 11:21 am

Fnord wrote:
AutisticPriest wrote:
Whale_Tuune wrote:
Thank you, Father! I'm glad to see religious Aspies advocating for themselves, and it's encouraging to hear that the podcast brought an Autistic Priest to talk about how to make Catholicism more open for Aspies. Hopefully this will become a trend in Christianity-- I'd love for it to reach Orthodoxy.
Summer Kinard just wrote Of Such is the Kingdom from an Orthodox perspective. It honestly might be one of best theology of disability works ever written.  I recommend it.  I also think Catholics and Orthodox tend to be similar in worship while many Protestants don't have a set liturgy like we do.
Reformists do have set liturgies, but we're not locked into them -- some flexibility is allowed at the Pastors' discretion.

Oh, definitely. I said "many Protestants don't have a set liturgy" as a summary rather than getting into subdivisions within Protestantism. In the USA, the Evangelical & Baptist churches are now the majority of Protestants and they have much less of a set liturgy compared to Anglicans/Episcopalians, Dutch Reformed, Methodists, some Lutherans, and some Presbyterians.

Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC
Openly autistic Roman Catholic Priest
Blog: Through Catholic Lenses (All posts Catholic but not all relate to autism), My story of diagnosis, etc.
Social Media: @AutisticPriest (autism specific) & @FrMatthewLC (gen Catholic)
YouTube: Autistic Priest
I did the ApsieQuiz Twice: Neurodiverse score 131/135, Neurotypical Score 61/64