Things about which you have Encyclopædic knowledge

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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30 Oct 2012, 6:36 am

My special interest is sharks. They fascinate me. Not many of my teenage friends enjoy discussing them, but I can't for the life of me figure out why!


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30 Oct 2012, 10:16 pm

Aoibh wrote:
Ooh, I think starting at T H White's "The Sword in the Stone" is good, just to get a basic foundation. Other than that "Le Morte D'Arthur" by Sir Thomas Malory, if you can understand the Olde English way of writing! To be honest, there are so many places to start that I can't point to one. It's such a huge subject and covers such a vast amount of stories, good luck is all I can say! (:

Alright thanks. Among T. H. White and Olde English, I think I'll pick the former. My English not so good :).
If you remember any other starting points, do let me know. Try to think like, this guy doesn't know anything about Arthur or Merlin or Excalibur. Never heard of them. What should his first encounter be like?

One more question. If you want to introduce, say a 5 year old to the Arthurian Legend, what should the starting point be?

What is the single most frequent thought that aspies have?

How do NTs do that?

Last edited by Dhawal on 30 Oct 2012, 10:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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30 Oct 2012, 10:19 pm

Confuddlement wrote:
My special interest is sharks. They fascinate me. Not many of my teenage friends enjoy discussing them, but I can't for the life of me figure out why!

You have a TED presentation as an expert on Sharks. You have 15-17 minutes. What will you say?

What is the single most frequent thought that aspies have?

How do NTs do that?

Last edited by Dhawal on 30 Oct 2012, 10:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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30 Oct 2012, 10:27 pm

IdahoRose wrote:
I'm obsessed with Johnny Depp and Tim Burton movies, particularly the ones that they've done as a team. They have done 8 movies together but the focus of my interest is on 4 of them in particular (Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Edward Scissorhands and Sweeney Todd). I know a lot of trivia, for example that Johnny Depp had to run behind a house and puke during the Edward Scissorhands mob scene because he overheated in his leather costume, and that he tried his Willy Wonka voice on his daughter Lily-Rose to see if she would like it before deciding to use it in the movie, and that he wanted the Mad Hatter to have a gap in his teeth as tribute to his (now former) partner Vanessa Paradis, and that he had to have a spring-loaded mechanism put on his razor in Sweeney Todd because he couldn't get the razor to flip open normally... Really, I could go on for hours... :D

I have a couple of other interests, but I'm too tired to talk about them at the moment, so I will come back later after I get some rest.

I'm waiting for those couple of interests. But about Depp/Burton - what is the single most amazing trivia about the 4 movies, that fascinates you, or annoys you, or you can't it get out of your head, or you can't figure it out or whatever. Like suppose there's only space for one in your signature. What trivia would that be?

What is the single most frequent thought that aspies have?

How do NTs do that?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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31 Oct 2012, 4:28 am

Dhawal wrote:
Confuddlement wrote:
My special interest is sharks. They fascinate me. Not many of my teenage friends enjoy discussing them, but I can't for the life of me figure out why!

You have a TED presentation as an expert on Sharks. You have 15-17 minutes. What will you say?

I would talk about a species that has barley changed since the age of the diosaur. A species that is so well adapted and beautiful yet is feared. Sharks are the single thing in this world that are perfect in every way. I would talk about the films such as Jaws which have given Sharks a misunderstood personality, yet at the end of the films you do feel a certain admiration for their determination:) I would talk about how the media teaches us to fear sharks and hate them. But they forget too mention the small quatity of actual fatalities caused by sharks each year and the fact that WE kill 100 million sharks each year. Who are the dangerous ones? More people die in car accidents each year than from shark attacks. Yes sharks kill, but how would they know the difference between us and their food? We are all animals. Furthermore, when a shark does make a mistake it rarely comes back for more! But who is in the worng here? We are not adapted to live in the ocean. Why on earth do we have the right to criticise the natural dwellers of the ocean when we shouldn't be there ourselves?! Sharks are the most beautiful creation in this world and they don't deserve their slaughtering. They should not be feared, but respected. This perfect hunter is dangerous, but so are we.


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31 Oct 2012, 4:51 am

Wow, that was good. I hope someday you write a book on sharks, that helps to change the people's perception about them.

There's a WP member named Twolf. He once shared a Barry Lopez quote - "Throughout the centuries we have projected on to the wolf the qualities we most despise and fear in ourselves." Do you see any similarities?

What is the single most frequent thought that aspies have?

How do NTs do that?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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05 Nov 2012, 2:27 pm

Dhawal wrote:
Wow, that was good. I hope someday you write a book on sharks, that helps to change the people's perception about them.

There's a WP member named Twolf. He once shared a Barry Lopez quote - "Throughout the centuries we have projected on to the wolf the qualities we most despise and fear in ourselves." Do you see any similarities?

Absolutely, people can be such hypocrites!


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04 Dec 2012, 12:10 pm

Titanic + psychiatry. But I don´t have an encyclopedic knowledge about them. That would be a lie. It´s just VAST, so to say.

-"Do you expect me to talk?"
-"No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!"


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03 Jan 2013, 2:57 am

I can tell you almost anything about Siberian Huskies (and I'll be getting one in April), Mongolian Gerbils, Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest, and my ancestry.
People always regret asking me when I am as far as background goes because I'm ramble on and on and on about it, as well as asking me why I like huskies (because I'm ramble on about that as well).

What's that? You didn't know I like monkeys, woof?
Well, see, I'm friends with everybody, woof.
Especially that Yoshi...
He gives me EGGS! WOOF, WOOF, WOOF!!


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31 Jan 2013, 5:35 am

Guns and ammunition.


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31 Jan 2013, 11:10 am

Rascal77s wrote:
Guns and ammunition.

That´s kinda scary, man.

-"Do you expect me to talk?"
-"No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!"

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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04 Feb 2013, 8:52 pm

I have knowledge an inch deep and a parsec wide. I hope that doesn't make me a mere wannabe.


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21 Feb 2013, 5:00 pm

I have a bunch (names, language, culture, Ancient Egypt, and the Renaissance) but my main obsession is stories :D Books, TV shows (particularly cartoons), movies - anything with a story to it. I can tell you a ton of things about any one of my favorite TV shows ^.^ This suits me quite well because I want to be an author (in addition to being a linguist).

Current obsessions:
~ Fullmetal Alchemist
~ D.Gray-man
~ Legend of the Legendary Heroes


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03 Mar 2013, 7:36 am

I put to good use almost all of my special Aspie knowledge. Trouble is, I can't resist showing off how much I know about things and that creeps people out.


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07 May 2013, 1:39 am

Religions. Also Hoodoo and certain types of magic.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA. ;-)

The link to the forum is


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05 Jul 2013, 10:10 pm

i know a lot about diseases tho I want a phd in eecs