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07 Dec 2006, 7:38 pm

I like 'enhancing' my features by wearing lipstick. When I feel less lazy, I do what SpaceCase does.


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12 Dec 2006, 12:55 pm

As I don't like the smell or feel of most make-up, I just don't wear it.

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12 Dec 2006, 2:13 pm

As a male I don't like makeup on women. It gets all over the place and when I kiss my wife, I want to feel her face, not her makeup. I also can't stand the smell of it. Fortunately my wife doesn't wear makeup (she has sensitive skin and it breaks her out, plus she doesn't like it either.) This is something my NT mother has never understood and thinks there is something wrong with it. Fortunately, my father agrees with me (he is suspected of being as Aspie as well.)


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14 Dec 2006, 4:06 am

I wear very light natural looking makeup and I never wear any foundation or powder unless I am in a wedding or something uber special. However I love makeup, all the colors and textures I think are awesome and I also love that makeup is an exclusively chick thing. I love being a women and all the awesome extras that come as a part of that and makeup is one of those. My husband thinks I'm a little crazy because I kind of collect makeup and own tons that is brand new and never used I just think it's pretty and I like to look at it but I don't wear most of it. Go figure. :wink:


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16 Dec 2006, 11:59 am

This is only marginally on the topic, but fragrance is sort-of part of make-up:

I (because of sensory problems from my AS) am allergic to the smell of fragrance, so if you put on much perfume, or bathe with certain high-fragrance soaps (like Irish Spring), or use other fragrances, I can't even come near you.

Sorry, just wanted to put my 2¢ in :D


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16 Dec 2006, 5:11 pm

I like the look of eye-make-up, however when I have attempted to wear it, i have totally forgotten i was wearing any and rubbed my eyes which I am sure made me look pretty stupid on all those occations.


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16 Dec 2006, 5:27 pm

Grim wrote:
I like the look of eye-make-up, however when I have attempted to wear it, i have totally forgotten i was wearing any and rubbed my eyes which I am sure made me look pretty stupid on all those occations.

That reminds me when I first started wearing make-up. I didn't know it would smear if I rubbed my eye, so I did whenever it felt itchy. Then someone came up to me and said,"Who punched you?"


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19 Dec 2006, 3:06 pm

It confuses me. Why can't they teach classes on this stuff? Eye makeup 101. Hair 101. I think those would be good classes. I have makeup. I mean to wear a little, like powder. I just forget. And then I do worry about rubbing my eyes. And how to put it on? It can get so confusing... all the products. All the way to apply things. Some of it really is beyond me. And I need hypoallergenic stuff too. And I'm not good at eyeliner- I have trouble staying in a straight line.

I never do my hair either- I just try to brush it out. I mean to do it and be stylish. I just don't know how and then I forget...


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20 Dec 2006, 5:52 am

errrm, I can't leave the house unless I have mascara on...been this way for 20 years. Its actually one of my weird 'things'. Once on holiday in the mountains I made my husband drive me 30 miles to a village to buy some 'cause I left it at home. tragic!

I wear a tinted moisteriser every day, and do 'eyes' and lip gloss if dressing for an occasion. I'm lucky, I'v got nice skin...dont have to cake it on.



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20 Dec 2006, 10:46 am

They do teach classes. Just go to a Mary Kay or Avon consultant or one of their parties (I'm uncomfortable at the parties--too many people I don't know. THey will come to your house as well.) They will tell you how to do all of your make-up from start to finish. Most department stores have make-up counters and they will help you as well. I think they call it a make over, but they will help you find the right shades of everything and show you how to apply it. You'll pay an arm and a leg, but the make-up is better quality and more comfortable than drugstore make-up.

I've never done the make-up counter thing, but my mom's friend when I was in high school was a Mary Kay consultant and she showed me make-up. :)

Sometimes hairdressers also do nails and makeup, you could call around and see if anyplace you feel comfortable going to does this service.


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09 Jan 2007, 1:49 pm

I don't usually like the way it feels. Same as Cockney. But I look at other women around me at the office and I think that I look immature and unkempt in comparison with them.

When I do put it on, I can't get used to the way I look with it and I think that it makes me look like a prostitute. I'm thinking about going to the clinique counter at Macy's or something for some help with this.


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09 Jan 2007, 3:40 pm

I wear make-up nearly every day; basically whenever i have to leave the house or someone is coming to visit me. But to explain further, I only wear foundation, and I see it as a necessary evil because without it I feel ugly and exposed. I feel like if I don't wear it people will be offended by having to look at me. I suspect I may have a kind of BDD along with my AS. Since I was about 13 I have been unable to go out and be seen by anyone without "putting on my face" first. I dream of being able to just get out of bed in the morning and breeze out the door without spending 15 minutes making myself feel suitably presentable to the world. Maybe someday... :)

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09 Jan 2007, 7:39 pm

I would play with make up as a kid. Most of it went on the walls instead of my face. Most people use too much and it makes them look ugly anyway. I don't like the idea it's tested on animals anyway.

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12 Jan 2007, 4:51 pm

I don't wear makeup. I don't like the idea that I can't touch my face in fear of ruining it. Lipstick tastes gross. It all smells pretty bad, too.


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18 Jan 2007, 3:23 pm

Only for special occasions - or when my sister makes me wear it. It takes a long time to put on properly and it is just going to get taken off at the end of the day, anyways, so why even bother putting it on in the first place?

However, I will confess that I wear a tinted moisturizer with sunscreen that makes my skin appear to be a more "normal" colour and I will sometimes wear makeup if I don't want to look as pale as I usually do. (I have really pale yellowish skin for my hair colour, so sometimes I look sick when I don't wear something.)

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07 Feb 2007, 9:10 pm

I wear make-up all the time to work. I don't wear it at home. I feel like I need to fit in. If I don't wear it; I'm afraid people will stare.

Hey, does anyone else get fascinated by how people look? Becasue I couldn't understand people; I never had friends as a kid. I always hung out by myself. I had a few friends; but I didn't understand them. I think they tried to be my friend; but I never got the, after a while they just faded away.

anyway, now that I'm older....I'm fascinated at how different we all are.