Do many aspies do drugs / alcohol?

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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12 Feb 2007, 10:52 am

shadexiii wrote:
I definitely drank the cough syrup while I was living with my parents. I would mix cherry Nyquil with 7-up and drink it down. Not the healthiest option, in fact far from it.

I think Aspies would be drawn to dissociatives. I dissociate so much anyway.

About the search engine. I'm more interested in whether AS have a proclivity to drugs more than the general population, and thoughts on why or why not. Also, do we tend to have more trouble with moderation? This is just my thoughts perhaps completely unrelated to AS.


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12 Feb 2007, 11:13 am

I used to have a shot of Gin each mixed in with two tall glasses of Shweppes Grape Gingerale, in the mid 1990s, every night.


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12 Feb 2007, 12:03 pm


I've never touched any drugs and I never will.

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13 Feb 2007, 8:19 am

From the ages of 14 to 16 I would take anything that would get me high. --Luckily I never encountered coke and heroin during this time. I smoked LOTS of pot, once consuming a half ounce in less than 24 hours. Other things I did during this time though far less frequently were OTC speed ( Caffeine, Phenopronanalamine, Ephedrine Sulfate), LSD (PCP once masquerading as LSD, I think) Methamphetamines, Codeine, , and Inhalants. --I drank a lot during this time as well.

When I turned 21, I drank a lot, smoked pot very occasisionally, and did coke once. I havn't touched anything at all since 1991.

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13 Feb 2007, 8:35 am

I'm 18 and I've never tried any illegal drugs, I've never smoked a cigarette and I've never tried an alcoholic drink.

It's not that I'm against these things, they just don't interest me in the slightest. I'm not at all curious about them, I don't have that human urge to explore and try new things.


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13 Feb 2007, 1:18 pm

Pot, oil, and mushrooms.

No harsher drugs, and now, only consistently to the 'pot' thing


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13 Feb 2007, 1:41 pm

I haven't done marijuana for for five or six years. It's probably been a year of so since I had any alcohol. I don't like the taste. It gives me a headache, and get bad headaches anyway...


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14 Feb 2007, 7:33 pm

psych wrote:
Do any aspies use the search function before posting a new thread? :P

That'd be like stopping to ask for directions... forget it! :lol:


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14 Feb 2007, 10:52 pm

quit 2 years ago,no drugs no drinks no nothing,not even a coffe addict,i like soberness.
i did coke,acid once and didnt work that much,pills rolls,xanax thats the worst thing in the world dont ever even look at it. (4 months)
alcohol(2 years)
weed(3 years) is not a drug,just a plant that get u high,still is not good to be high all the time,for me all the time is bad now...
i drank a boiled juice of "angels trumpets" flowers, the wildest trip ever!

anyone on drugs,think about it,it is not reality,so when the high goes u need some more and it wastes money and health most important followed by other reasons.


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15 Feb 2007, 12:09 am

I smoked pot when I was about 19. That lasted maybe a year. I started drinking alcohol at about 13. I would open my parents' drinks cabinet and gulp from the bottles before school to help me get through. I had a rough time at school, it was nice to go there more oblivious to it. I have gone through phases where I will drink nightly for a week then stop for months. I do not drink often at all now as I have an underactive thyroid and it seems this affects the alcohol absorption, leaving me feeling crap for up to a week after drinking.


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15 Feb 2007, 10:00 am

I smoked pot once but I wasn't that great.
I drank to excess a few times.
I will never do drugs to much of any degree mainly because my brother died of a heroin overdose and besides what good do they do?


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23 Feb 2007, 4:20 pm

my husband and i (both aspies) smoke weed everyday.keeps us level headed when dealing with people out in the world,also helps greatly with controlling rage,seems to stabalize us. :D


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23 Feb 2007, 4:26 pm

shadexiii wrote:
Starbuline wrote:
I'm a wuss for relying on cough syrup, if that counts. I also like drinking to the point of passing out.

I definitely drank the cough syrup while I was living with my parents. I would mix cherry Nyquil with 7-up and drink it down. Not the healthiest option, in fact far from it.

Nowadays... well, I got drunk last night and then smoked, so, yeah....

It was easy to drink and I liked the effects, but yes, it wasn't the healthiest option.


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23 Feb 2007, 5:41 pm

The most I've ever had is a very small dose of alcohol (like a mike's hard lemonade or one glass of one) only about 5 times in my whole life. I didn't even feel anything from it though. I've also smoked a couple cheap cigars really quickly (like in 20 minutes or less). It kinda made me feel...I don't know how to explain better than "WHOA" physically. I almost started smoking cigarettes, because I began to like the smell, but I stopped myself.
That's the most I hope I ever do in my life. One of my older half sisters died of a drug OD when she was 18. I was 8 at the time.


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23 Feb 2007, 6:57 pm

I always wanted 2 try exticy.

1) I know it makes SUPER horny, but how long does it take 4 it 2 kick in?
2)How does it taste?
3)How many mintues/hours does it wear off?
4) Can you find it at the pharmacy?


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23 Feb 2007, 7:08 pm

Ecstasy= BAD BAD BAD drug.