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26 Jun 2005, 7:45 pm

VictoriasPetTuraco wrote:
Emu Egg
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Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 9:11 am    
Post subject: Greetings, ya'll!

My name's Kurt, and my wife and I are
going to a counselor (Ph.D) tomorrow to
learn the results of tests she's run on our
14 year old, just (barely, via homebound
learning) finished 8th grade daughter, who
was extensively tested and diagnosed last
year with major depression, and who was
hospitalized two months.

What exactly happened that caused this
depression? Describe the circumstances
that led to it and after it? I am just probing
and please don't take offense!

victorias wrote:
The counselor thinks our daughter has
undiagnosed Asperger's.

What does she do?

In HFA one is learning delayed, via-speech,
and otherwise! and later intellectual
and communicative developing!

In PDD-NOS one is bordering AS
(walking genius) and limited communication
skills(how to express that others can
get past their social non-gracefulness)
and no learning(verbal and delays) in ordinary
development skills! Usually caught by age 9.

and middled with slight learning disability
and delayed learning that is less than say
2 years delayed by HFA'rs between ages

In AS, walking genius be they, Hmmm-unnn-
Hmmm!~Young Aspie and good grasping
Jedi they be, but deficited in appropriate
conveyeance of how to express it! Hmmmph!
"lacks social grace!" at that young Aspie-Jedi

I am Ghosthunter and HFA.

victorias wrote:
From reading all the symptoms, I may have it, too.

What, as a adult seeing the maturity perspective
do you see in yourself? How does it seem
similar to your daughter?

victorias wrote:
What's interesting is (and though I'm new to this
I've seen some similar stories) how my outlook
has changed, and how I may have grown out of,
or at least am now the owner of and am no longer
owned by, this condition.

Again, coping skills, social adapting by
step-by-step recalibrating your enviremental
adjustment skills! Out growing it, No! but
coping skilling it, definely!

victorias wrote:
I'm having a fascinating time reading these
forums, and I'm going to let my daughter
see them too if she is indeed diagnosed
with this. Parents, friends here on the board...
do you see this to be a safe place for a child her

By all means. I joined only 3 monts ago
and made great strides in how to be a
more wiser me through communciating
with these older and younger folks at!

Hmmmmmmmm? How did you find wrongplanet?
I am just curious who links this site as a self-help

victorias wrote:
It's our daughter (her brother's an interesting guy,
but I don't think he has this...if so he's a heckuva
adaptable fellow).

Regardless, they can both help and understand
each other. How old is he? She is stated as 14.

How did they get along before this professional
analyzing of her situation?

victorias wrote:
My daughter would appreciate that, I think,
if she's diagnosed as such.

I did a cut and paste on this posting so I missed the
context of the statement. I assume it is about
joining WrongPlanet! If I am wrong, please
correct me!

victorias wrote:
Interesting thing...I'm as much as an evangelical
conservative Christian as, say, Dr. James Dobson.
(In fact, I think it's my relationship with God that's
helped me overcome this...He's bigger than any
problem I have.)

My daughter, in turn, is struggling with what to believe.

This is because beurocrats in the name of god~
starve children for nucleurs bombs and deprive
disabled person and education for Wallstreet profits!

Any intelligent can see this crusading, "In the name
of god I ....." and usually something negative thing
that is ungodly, but ok if you doit in the name of "god".

I don't think god needs a yacht so your education
system can't educate or help a newer generation.

I am not trying to offend you! The true meaning of
god is giving, not robbing others for profit and
stock dividends! Sorry for offending you, and
perhaps this is how you daughter may be seeing
christianity, and how it is mis-represented as
"a new house and car=god, starve the poor
just the same"!

victorias wrote:
She's got a problem with "religion" because she'd see
kids that identified as "Christian" who'd be nice to
her at church then at school tell her they wish she'd
commit suicide. (FWIW, there's a lot of true Christians
I've met who are just as bothered by the behavior of
those hypocritical kids as she is.)

God mis-represented as a vengeful and evil
being of empowerment! No offense, but smart
is she in being observant! and please forgive my
harshness, being HFA I see her view!

victorias wrote:
However, the other day we were returning from
an Illinois family reunion and a preacher was talking
about abortion, selective genetics in humans, etc. I
asked my daughter: "Victoria, if before you were
born doctors had told us: "Mr. and Mrs. -, your daughter's
genetic patterns indicate she'd be born with Asperger's.
But we can fix that...otherwise she'll endure a lot of
pain in life."

Hmmmmmm! I am going to Grrrrr! here! and growl
a little. Autism is lifelong and drugs, pharmacudical
profits only hinder the natural coping skills that you
yourself have developed, like many other late
awareness folks. She is not a pharmacudical guinea
pig and now wondere she is depressed! Let the
tormenters free! and punish the victim further!
I want to use colorful language right now but this
will have to suffice :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

victorias wrote:
My daughter said: "No...I would have wanted to be born
just as I was." (Indicating something good will come from
her struggle with whatever this is.)

Good Girl and god-bless her, not the pharmacudical
profit mongers and beuracratical christian-hypocrocy

victorias wrote:
I think she could have some interesting discussions here...
but I'll wait and see what the diagnosis is tomorrow.Back to top

God bless you and her, and WELCOME TO WRONG


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27 Jun 2005, 4:37 am

VictoriasPetTuraco wrote:
My daughter, in turn, is struggling with what to believe. She's got a problem with "religion" because she'd see kids that identified as "Christian" who'd be nice to her at church then at school tell her they wish she'd commit suicide. (FWIW, there's a lot of true Christians I've met who are just as bothered by the behavior of those hypocritical kids as she is.)

I have had similar problems with church members myself. I'd be willing to discuss it in more detail in a PM, so PM me if you want.

VictoriasPetTuraco wrote:
However, the other day we were returning from an Illinois family reunion and a preacher was talking about abortion, selective genetics in humans, etc. I asked my daughter: "Victoria, if before you were born doctors had told us: "Mr. and Mrs. -, your daughter's genetic patterns indicate she'd be born with Asperger's. But we can fix that...otherwise she'll endure a lot of pain in life."

My daughter said: "No...I would have wanted to be born just as I was." (Indicating something good will come from her struggle with whatever this is.)

I think she could have some interesting discussions here...but I'll wait and see what the diagnosis is tomorrow.

I feel the same way she does. I've been thinking alot about the time when I was 10 when my parents were about ready to hospitalize me despite the extreme measures they took to avoid doing so, and I concluded that AS is rarely a problem except when dealing with other people. I'll probably explain in more detail some other time, I can't seem to stomach thinking about that time period anymore right now.


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27 Jun 2005, 4:44 am

Oh yeah, since she is 14 and out of middle school, she is now eligable to join a BSA Venturing Crew. :D It's a Boy Scout program that allows girls to join too. Personally I found it to be just what I needed for my own personal development, and some girls found new ways to better themselves in dfferent aspects of their lives from the program too. The link to information on the program is in my signature.


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27 Jun 2005, 9:58 am

Welcome!! !


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27 Jun 2005, 11:57 am

Sean wrote:
Oh yeah, since she is 14 and out of middle school, she is now eligable to join a BSA Venturing Crew. :D It's a Boy Scout program that allows girls to join too. Personally I found it to be just what I needed for my own personal development, and some girls found new ways to better themselves in dfferent aspects of their lives from the program too. The link to information on the program is in my signature.

I wish my son was older. He is only 11 now, and he is having a tough time "fitting in" with the regular Boy Scouts. (Cub Scouts was just fine.)

Does Venturing REQUIRE camping/hiking? It seems, from the link I followed, to be a major part of the program. These things were optional in Cub Scouts, but they seem to be absolutely necessary for advancement in Boy Scouts. :cry: Jon will not go camping.


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27 Jun 2005, 6:03 pm

Cindy wrote:
I wish my son was older. He is only 11 now, and he is having a tough time "fitting in" with the regular Boy Scouts. (Cub Scouts was just fine.)

Does Venturing REQUIRE camping/hiking? It seems, from the link I followed, to be a major part of the program. These things were optional in Cub Scouts, but they seem to be absolutely necessary for advancement in Boy Scouts. :cry: Jon will not go camping.
It depends what course he takes in the program. He can focus on: Sports, Religious Life, Arts and Hobbies, Outdoor, Sea Scout. Some of these are really hard to persue withut camping, others can be done fairly easily working independently. I would strongly reccomend going camping anyway, is a situation wher you have to learn to get along with people as a matter of necessity as well as improve upon life skills by operating outside his usual routine in a manner that is fun. Plus, there's all kinds of outdoor activities in Pennsylvania that most Scouts/Venturers can only dream of doing! Maybe next time you are at the council office you can take a look at the Venturing Handbook and the Ranger Guidebook, and show it to your son to see what the thinks.


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27 Jun 2005, 6:08 pm

Thanks, Pizzaboss, Sean and everyone.

Ghosthunter, I'll try and be more explicit about myself when time allows.

It's official: my daughter has been officially diagnosed this afternoon with AS.

In a strange way, I'm relieved and happy. We know more now (even though there's so much unknown) what we're dealing with. In fact, IMO this is even more reason for hope.


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27 Jun 2005, 6:33 pm

VictoriasPetTuraco wrote:
Thanks, Pizzaboss, Sean and everyone.

Ghosthunter, I'll try and be more explicit about myself when time allows.

It's official: my daughter has been officially diagnosed this afternoon with AS.

In a strange way, I'm relieved and happy. We know more now (even though there's so much unknown) what we're dealing with. In fact, IMO this is even more reason for hope.

Do you like NASCAR? Was your daughter going to check this site out?


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27 Jun 2005, 7:32 pm

VictoriasPetTuraco... Location: Bentonville, AR, USA

OK, I'll be the first to ask. :oops:

Do you work for Wal-Mart???? :lol:
My husband was a TLE Manager for several years (Tire & Lube Express).


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27 Jun 2005, 7:33 pm

Sean wrote:
Maybe next time you are at the council office you can take a look at the Venturing Handbook and the Ranger Guidebook, and show it to your son to see what the thinks.

That's a great idea. Thanks, Sean.


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28 Jun 2005, 9:40 am

Cindy, no, actually I work for Brass Eagle. We sell to W-M (among others) but our headquarters are here. (We're a subsidiary of a San Diego based sports conglomerate.)

Sean, fact, my daughter loves horror movies and music. She is a very feminine girl in many ways, an incredibly talented artist at 14...but has a horrific image of herself. She told the therapist that if she were an animal she'd be a cockroach...something people hate, that only comes out at dark, but which can't be killed and can scurry away. (There are also some hopeful things which came out in her testing, praise God.)

She's never had a good "buddy", a girl she could walk arm-in-arm with as so many do at the schoolyards (I've even seen some University of Arkansas sorority girls walk this was). Every time she got one, they moved away, or had to transfer schools. She never had a girlfriend who would consistently stick up for her and help teach her the give-and-take of everyday life.

However, He says "I will restore the years which the locusts have eaten away", and I know God will keep His promise, no matter how long it takes. There is indeed something good that will come out of this, and (per my daughter's comments that I'd posted before) even she, I believe, knows that.

Right now, we've got to get her past the attendant depression which comes from this, to see that there is indeed sustainable hope out there.


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28 Jun 2005, 5:34 pm

VictoriasPetTuraco wrote:
Right now, we've got to get her past the attendant depression which comes from this, to see that there is indeed sustainable hope out there.

Well, then if she joined, we would be in a position to give her advice Most people here have been through at least one of the problems you have decribed your daughter going through. Most members here are older than her and could help guide her and provide moral support, much like th job of a NASCAR spotter.