[ LONG ] A Philosophical Refutation of Donald J. Trump.

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19 Jun 2020, 9:19 am

magz wrote:
Fnord wrote:
TheRobotLives wrote:
Trump is fun ... Do you see his appeal?
I do.  It's easy to see why he appeals so much to under-educated, racist/sexist, white, male union members -- the only perceptible difference between him and them is that he inherited a dumpload of cash and used it to build an empire.  I also see why most educated, egalitarian, non-white, non-male, self-sufficient workers have contempt for him. He is the antithesis of a philosopher-king, which is a bullying tyrant.
I can't tell for everyone and I have a perspective from the other side of the Atlantic but as a person whose live largely revolves around education and knowledge, I just can't wrap my mind around this phenomenon.
It all seems to go back to when the schoolyard bullies would beat up on the smart kids for making the bullies look "stoopid".
magz wrote:
Of course, everyone is ignorant in some areas and we shouldn't dismiss anyone for gaps in their knowledge but popularity of that blatant unwillingness to learn anything is beyond my comprehension.
Logic, knowledge, and reason -- three things lacking in the Trump universe -- can be used to present a valid case for impeachment; but if the "intellectuals" are all silenced, or convinced to "lose" the evidence and/or change their testimonies, the schoolyard bully won't be expelled, and he and his friends can continue to rule over the others.

Y'see ... it's not about wielding power responsibly, it's all about having the power to say and do whatever you want without repercussions.  Anyone who can prove that you are either wielding your power irresponsibly or that you do not deserve that power in the first place simply must be silenced.

Any wage-earning pedestrian can cheer for a tyrant who promises to get rid of "deplorables"; but it takes an intellectual to denounce his tyranny and injustice -- that is why tyrants despise intellectuals (i.e., academics, artists, journalists, judges, lawyers, et cetera).

No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.


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19 Jun 2020, 10:07 am


MiSSinG A Vital Ingredient
of A 'Perfect Storm' of A TRumP ORanGE CocKTaiL
Beyond Logic, Reason, And Knowledge; Associated Skills.

'They' Are Taught, 'They' Are The 'Chosen Ones';
And to Literally Discriminate Against anyone who is
not so Chosen; Fitting All Their 'Loving Requirements'
To Only Love What 'Group Think' Says Fits In Their Paradigms
of 'Church' or State; Same Politics; Same Overall Philosophy too.

There is No Love For Anyone Else;
'They' (Them) Are All Enemies Outside of the (US)
Group Think/Feel/Sense; through and through, This is nothing new;
Human Tribal Methods of Seeing Themselves Through Scarcity of Desert Life out of Abundance for All.

When The State Provides Appropriate Welfare for the Participants Like In Scandinavia, This 'Habit' Fades Away.

But Don't Become Fooled; The State Becomes The Religion, Politics and The Philosophy; simply Replacing the Church
Almost Completely. The Difference is, in Relatively Small Homogenous Countries, it is possible in Relatively Uncommon
Instances for the State to Provide Abundance Again for the Majority of the Citizens; This will Never Work
Here for Reasons of Difference. In Other Words; Multiple Tribes; Humans are still Just not 'Classically
Evolved' to Live this way; the Consequence is surely easy to see now; We Live Out of Balance,
We Fall; We Fail; LiTeRaLLY Divided Out
oF UNiSoN Now
Nature's Way
of All that is:
Balance or Not.

The Only Thing That Keeps
Us Together Is Law And Order;
Be Careful What All of Us Wish For, Now.

There is No Escaping Nature; No Freedom Or Love, Without Safety.

Honestly; It's Pretty Amazing We've come This Far; But Humans Are Born
Like all Other Life: to
Survive at all Costs;
Or go away....
of Balance Now
Into the Balance of 'Dead',
Even When 'They' are Alive.
i watch 'Them' shuffle 'buy' in Walmart
'They' Never Dance; 'They' Never Sing;
'They' Just Shuffle 'buy' even in Their 'Churches';
to me at Least; It Looks Like they don't even really Breathe;
i Vaguely
What That Was
Like Now; but only
vaguely... living... dead

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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19 Jun 2020, 11:04 am

Pepe wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
i place 100% of the blame on those who inflicted him, like a weapon, on the rest of us. unforgivable IMHO.

So you have a problem with the Democratic party, who let him get in? :scratch: Deplorables on one side, Unforgivables on the other. "Only in America". :mrgreen:

i have a problem with the poisonous dumbth exhibited by the dunning-kreugers that have long plagued my nation with their toxic philosophy of "my ignorance is better than your wisdom." i have a problem also with the democratic party leadership who systematically filter out of consideration, any viable reformer.


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19 Jun 2020, 12:41 pm

'The Trump ViRuS, is Becoming More Dangerous Each And Every Day;
Particularly, as Not Only Do We Have A 'Florida Man' As President but
Of course a 'Florida Man' As Governor too; Both Refusing to Encourage
Masks as a Requirement as the State of Florida is Becoming the Next 'SuperWalmart'
For Getting the Covid19 Virus; as Rates for Acquiring the Disease Have Moved From Close
to A Thousand A Day to Four Thousand Now; Where Yesterday, was Three Thousand; the Math
is Going Up By Leaps and Bounds; And Crowding ICU Beds At Hospitals More too; A Big Change;
Crowded Bars Where Hot Spots are Cropping Up Around the State for Spread of the Disease; as those
Folks are as packed with no Concern for Social Distance; and No Masks as they were Before The Mention
of Any Pandemic at all; The Invincible Feeling of Youth; and of Course the Real Need to Socialize and Procreate too;
It's like
if they wanna
Wear A Condom;
This is More Like AIDS;
AND MORE if Masks do not become a Mandatory Requirement.
It's Sad; but It will Probably take 75-Percent of ICU Beds to Increase
to 100 Percent Capacity for change to Happen; that's Using Any Brain Cells for either 'Florida Man'
And Their 'Respective Minions', Like the 'Christian Folks' Erecting A Statue of Their 'NeW Orange Messiah'
in Tulsa as i Speak; Wow, 'Constantine' Would Be 'Proud' For Someone else becoming a 'Sun God in Market Square' too;

Trump, Has Truly Become the Grim Reaper of '5th Avenue'; Numbers of Deaths Do No Lie;

It's Worth Noting that in Northeastern States, where Protestors Wore Masks, outdoors, they
are not nearly seeing the increases in Cases and Hospitalizations in Florida Where Basically
Half the Population Doesn't GivE A 'Trump F', Who Gets Sick or Dies, as long as they are not
inconvenienced in anyway.

There's Still Less than 300 Cases in my County of 180,000 Folks; but Reports of People from Areas
We Actually Visit or have visited in the Past, Like the Military Station and Doctors' Offices are reported with
the Virus Now; But We still know of no-one Personally who has Acquired the Disease by Test at Least; and
No-one we Know has heard of anyone Personal either. This Area Is Big and Rurally Spread Out; My Specific
Town is still relatively tiny; This Makes the Difference; In South Florida, is where the Big Rises are going on;
Density of Population; Potential Many More Hosts for the Virus to Attach itself too; Just More reason
to avoid big City-Life; A Nesting Ground for many New Human Difficulties to Fruit into 'Fresh Hell'.

Trump Is gonna go down in History; As A Leader Directly Responsible For Innumerable Deaths at the
Whim of His Selfish Helm; And After He is gone; it's gonna be like Mopping Up A Floor of Misery and
And Blood.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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21 Jun 2020, 12:00 pm

magz wrote:
shlaifu wrote:
who has ever heard of a female king?
Jadwiga was crowned "king" in Poland's capital, Kraków, on 16 October 1384.

Interesting. I actually meant it as a rhetorically stupid question for which the answer should have been obvious.

But, alas, my education wasn't sufficient to make this joke, apparently

I can read facial expressions. I did the test.


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22 Jun 2020, 12:29 am

magz wrote:
Of course, everyone is ignorant in some areas and we shouldn't dismiss anyone for gaps in their knowledge but popularity of that blantant unwillingness to learn anything is beyond my comprehension.
This, in a nutshell, is perhaps the biggest reason why I will never understand the appeal of such an oaf being in power. Wisdom holds that yes, it is impossible for one individual to know everything there is to know about everything. But, wisdom also holds that one who is truly intelligent will surround themselves with those who have the knowledge they lack, and I think that should be practically mandatory for leadership. I've never thought of willful ignorance as intelligent, and that goes double for ignoring facts just because they conflict with one's agenda. Actively dismissing experts in areas that support said facts, in service of said agenda, is just a whole other level of stupidity that I'm afraid I'm too intelligent to understand.
