I have a few questions for people in college........

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12 Jan 2021, 12:13 am

Alot of your answers were similar, except the fun questions. But everyones answered gave me insight on what to expect. I knocked out a few more classes; psychology,sociology, English 1&2, and business ap/eng. I'm getting there :).

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16 Jan 2021, 7:36 pm

I started an M.Sc. in chemistry last December. Note: in Canada, where I live, "college" generally refers to trade school. Most Canadian colleges are called universities.

~~~~~~~~~~SERIOUS QUESTIONS~~~~~~~~~~

~1) How did you hear about your college?
I grew up in the same province as my university. It's moderately large, and is fairly strong in the sciences.

~2) How did you prepare to meet them in person( like interview)?
I did not interview.

~3) Do they have strict rules? For example: dress code, parking, fees, ect.....?
Not really. Parking is very expensive unless you have a bicycle (free bike racks everywhere), but you get a bus pass for a very reasonable price. I didn't live on campus so I can't say much else about fees.

~4) How are the people there?
Some are better than others, but on the whole, they're generally not rude. Some people are lazy though and don't pull their weight.

~5) Is it easy to find people you relate to?
Depends I guess? I get along well with most of the folks in the labs I worked in. I also get along well with most professors. But I generally didn't talk much to classmates.

~6) What is lunch like? Is there a cafeteria that all of you eat in? Does everyone have lunch all at ones.
There are classes, each one hour long, from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM. You eat when you have time between classes. You can eat wherever you want except the library or in labs, where it's not allowed. Eating in lectures is generally frowned upon.

~7) How is traffic? Is it easier to walk, bike, or drive from class to class?
I take the bus to get to campus. On campus walking around works well. If you need to go to the other campus (located ~3 km away), biking's the way to go. Traffic is very light since COVID so commuting is a breeze.

~8) What are your schedules like? Are your classes back to back or spaced out?
I tried to have mine spaced out whenever possible, with a break sometime around noon.

~9) Are pets allowed? :) DOGGOS DOGGO DOGGO
Not in university housing, in general.

~10) How are the classes? Are they small or packed? Is there alot of one on one? I'm guessing no.
Started large in first year. Got smaller once in specialized courses for degree program.

~11) Is there dissecting animals? If so, what types?
Yes. I cut up a squid and a fish.

~~~~~~~~~~~FUN QUESTIONS~~~~~~~~~~~~

1) What are the parties like?
I don't generally do parties. Boring!

2) Are there ways to sneak out of class? (For emergencies)
Nobody minds if you leave a lecture without notice. When doing a lab, it's a good idea to say you're going to leave for a few minutes before you go.

3) Are the teachers nice?
One was a jerk, but the others were nice (a couple were ineffective though).

4) Good spots to hide bands?
You must have a very small orchestra if you're asking this question.

5) Who throws the best parties?
No idea.

6) Is popularity still a thing in college?
Sort of if you join a social group, like a club. Otherwise no.

~Glflegolas, B.Sc.
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10 Feb 2021, 7:04 am

~1) How did you hear about your college?

~2) How did you prepare to meet them in person( like interview)?
I didn't.

~3) Do they have strict rules? For example: dress code, parking, fees, ect.....?
They really gouge you with parking fees. It's insane. Other than that it really depends on the professor. Some are laid back and barely care but others are strict.

~4) How are the people there?
Some hard working some lazy. The worst thing is to have a bad group where you pull all the weight.

~5) Is it easy to find people you relate to?
No. I figured out I study for different reasons than most people there. E.g. to get a job.

~6) What is lunch like? Is there a cafeteria that all of you eat in? Does everyone have lunch all at ones.
Eat between classes in the cafeteria. The food isn't very nutritious so best to bring your own.

~7) How is traffic? Is it easier to walk, bike, or drive from class to class?
It depends on time of day. Classes start early so traffic will be bad if you get there at the morning rush. If you arrive and leave at odd hours then you won't notice any traffic.

~8) What are your schedules like? Are your classes back to back or spaced out?
The grass is always greener. Space between classes means you have to find something to do. Usually work on homework or talk to people. No space between classes means no breaks.

~9) Are pets allowed? :) DOGGOS DOGGO DOGGO

~10) How are the classes? Are they small or packed? Is there alot of one on one? I'm guessing no.
Depends on the class. Some are huge lecture halls others only 10 people. Professors with 100+ students in every class don't have time for one on one.

~11) Is there dissecting animals? If so, what types?
Yes but I don't do that :D

~~~~~~~~~~~FUN QUESTIONS~~~~~~~~~~~~

1) What are the parties like?
I'm not aware of any. Maybe I'm not cool enough to be invited LOL

2) Are there ways to sneak out of class? (For emergencies)
You can just leave. Some professors take attendance and some don't care. Personally I like the ones that don't because it's not grade school any more and I don't need checked on. If lots of students are leaving maybe there's a problem with the class or the professor not the students.

3) Are the teachers nice?
It depends. Some teachers are dicks some are kind. Being educated doesn't make you kind unfortunately.

4) Good spots to hide bands?

5) Who throws the best parties?
I wish I knew.

6) Is popularity still a thing in college?
Not generally but there's still gossip. There's mostly young people but the older adults take classes more seriously and they are too old to care about "popularity"

Tufted Titmouse
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25 May 2021, 5:41 pm

~1) How did you hear about your college?
I started at a Community College and picked a nearby university. My next University I chose for the major I need, Environmental Engineering, the in-state location and the affordable tuition rate. This will be about Southern Connecticut State University, where I will attend in the fall.

~2) How did you prepare to meet them in person( like interview)?
Thankfully, I haven't needed an interview yet, as I am just a transfer now.

~3) Do they have strict rules? For example: dress code, parking, fees, etc.....?
I've never seen a school with a strict dress code yet. You're just expected to dress decently and not expose anything private. I don't need parking, as I use ADA Paratransit. My fees were $4389 for 7 credits.

~4) How are the people there?
The disabilities office, counseling and advising have been helpful so far. I'm starting to try to get to know these departments, as well as the bursar and financial aid, career services. I have a campus tour scheduled for June 8th.

~5) Is it easy to find people you relate to?
I've struggled with finding friends all my life, so that isn't going to change in college. I also see a therapist for my Asperger's and the anxiety that tends to go with it.

~6) What is lunch like? Is there a cafeteria that all of you eat in? Does everyone have lunch all at once?
It does have a cafeteria, but I typically carry my food and eat on my own schedule, as I also take thyroid hormone at 1 p.m. and need an empty stomach to do so. So, I don't typically eat in the cafeteria. I eat on the way to a class.

~7) How is traffic? Is it easier to walk, bike, or drive from class to class?
I wouldn't know, as I don't do these things. I do use ADA Paratransit, and traffic on Rte 34 can be jam packed at rush hours. I would probably walk if I had 2 classes on the same day.

~8) What are your schedules like? Are your classes back to back or spaced out?
I am in classes every day 5 days a week, and I only take 2 classes at a time due to reading comprehension problems.

~9) Are pets allowed? :) DOGGOS DOGGO DOGGO
I don't own a pet, nor do I want to. I love dogs, but I don't want the extra work required to take care of them. Cleaning up after them also grosses me out. Most apartments also don't allow large dogs unless they are registered and trained service dogs. So, I couldn't answer that.

~10) How are the classes? Are they small or packed? Is there a lot of one on one? I'm guessing no.
Professors do have office hours I sometimes utilize to ask questions about the material or go over problems I am stuck on. I also utilize the tutoring services in the school's Academic Success Center. Most of the classes I have been to have been around 20-30 students, but the number tends to drop as students drop or withdraw, especially in really hard classes. Am still not sure where I will find support once I reach the major courses. I will definitely require accommodations for field trips, since I am unable to drive a vehicle.

~11) Is there dissecting animals? If so, what types?
I haven't been to a biology class, so I couldn't tell you. I have only done chemistry in the sciences so far. I still have to do Calculus-based Physics. But I'm a bit concerned about that too; not just in the environmental sense, but I also tend to be grossed out by it.


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25 May 2021, 6:11 pm

How are the people there?
Nice for the most part. I haven't had any bad interactions with people. The benefit of college is that you can choose who to be around. You can avoid people you don't like. People are more mature too.

What is lunch like? Is there a cafeteria that all of you eat in? Does everyone have lunch all at ones.
There is more than 1 cafeteria. And some cafes. It's not like everyone eats at the same place.

What are your schedules like? Are your classes back to back or spaced out?
You get to pick your own schedule so you could do either. For a commuter, its most time efficient to just pack every class into 2 days and have the other 5 days to yourself. But if you want to get more involved on campus and events, you may want to spread it out.

~10) How are the classes? Are they small or packed? Is there alot of one on one? I'm guessing no.
They vary in size. Some have like 20-30. Some are a big lecture hall with like 70+.

3) Are the teachers nice?
Most of them, yea, though you're mileage may vary. Rate My Professor is a thing and you get to pick your prof.

6) Is popularity still a thing in college?
Yes and no. But mostly no. There are people who have more friends than others. But it's not cliquey. It's not like everyone knows who everyone is or that they care about everyone's popularity status. Depending on the school, at least half of the people just commute and don't stay involved much.

Emu Egg
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27 May 2021, 8:04 pm

How did you hear about your college?
A recruiter came to my high school, and I went to watch his presentation in order to get out of gym class.

How did you prepare to meet them in person( like interview)?
There was no interview to get in.

Do they have strict rules? For example: dress code, parking, fees, ect.....?
There isn't a dress code, but parking passes are required.

How are the people there?
The people I interact with are nice for the most part.

Is it easy to find people you relate to?
Yes. I found a whole group of friends who I share interests with through one of the organizations on campus.

What is lunch like? Is there a cafeteria that all of you eat in? Does everyone have lunch all at ones.
There are two separate places to get food, one of them is buffet style, and the other is take out style.

How is traffic? Is it easier to walk, bike, or drive from class to class?
The campus is localized and in a smaller town, so it is easiest to walk.

What are your schedules like? Are your classes back to back or spaced out?
My classes tend to be together because I find it easier that way.

Are pets allowed? :) DOGGOS DOGGO DOGGO
Only for special circumstances, like service dogs and emotional support animals. However, the rules can be flexible if the pet is only visiting for a few hours or less.

How are the classes? Are they small or packed? Is there alot of one on one? I'm guessing no.
It depends on the classes. The general education classes like English and psychology are usually more crowded than ones specific to my major.

Is there dissecting animals? If so, what types?
I think that one of the biology classes dissects frogs. Anatomy classes have virtual human dissections

What are the parties like?
I've never been to a fraternity party, but some of the clubs and organizations host parties, and they tend to be very fun, although on the loud side sometimes.

Are there ways to sneak out of class? (For emergencies)
Yes. All I have to do is say I received an urgent text, or a family member is calling. In more crowded classes, it is rather easy to slip out the door.

Are the teachers nice?
For the most part, yes, but I am a social work major so that might affect my answer as they tend to be more understanding and friendly.

Good spots to hide bands?
I'm unsure what you mean by bands. Sorry.

Who throws the best parties?
I've only been to college sponsored parties, but I have been informed by my sister that one of the fraternities throws the best parties on campus.

Is popularity still a thing in college?
Somewhat, but it depends on the type of people you hang out with.