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25 Jan 2021, 4:39 am

kitesandtrainsandcats wrote:
KT67 wrote:
For eg it's pretty sick to daydream about someone getting killed brutally. But unless you send that as a threat to them or you try to carry it out: it's just in your head and honestly? Probably more an intrusive thought from mental illness than a planned out thing.

... or the result of being a murder mystery author, as is Liz in our local creative writers group.

Hmm depends on the someone...

A character would be murder mystery author. A general 'someone' would be a murder mystery author.

Someone you dislike is disturbing though haha. :lol:

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25 Jan 2021, 4:44 am

kitesandtrainsandcats wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
and probably wish interracial marriage was illegal again.

That's a thing I've never understood; for instance, name one person on this planet who isn't a member of the human race.

Now *that* is morally questionable…


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25 Jan 2021, 5:10 am

I'm generally of the opinion that law was created by and for those with power and wealth. Take fines as a punishment; if you're rich, no problem, you can afford to drop as much litter as you like. Want to murder someone? If you're rich you can afford a much better lawyer who is more likely to get you away with it. I don't quite understand the whole bail thing but it seems that you can pay lots of money to spend less time in jail. In what world is any of that justice? That's before we've even got into having friends in power to cover up for you and racism in the poilce. I do think the law would be better if it was more morally focused.

Obviously these days there is a lot more to the law that actually benefits "regular" people and I'm just writing from the point of view of someone British who doesn't know a lot about living in other countries.

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25 Jan 2021, 7:15 am

kitesandtrainsandcats wrote:
... name one person on this planet who isn't a member of the human race.
All of us. We are all of the human species, not the "human race".

"Race" is to humans what "breed" is to dogs.

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25 Jan 2021, 1:07 pm

I realize that in some countries, laws are created by religion while in the US, laws are created mostly to protect people. Very few is by religion eg. capital punishment, gay marriage ban, abortion.

Sometimes I say laws shouldn't even need to be created but because so many people are POS or lack common sense, laws needs to be made.

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25 Jan 2021, 1:46 pm

"Christian" morality dictates that religion and the belief in G^D is vital to a strong nation; which is all well and good insofar as Jesus' "Love your G^D/Love your Neighbor" teachings are concerned.  However, Republicans are generally accepting only of the Old Testament "Christian" belief system, which forms the basis for a lot of harsh and divisive policies. For most Republicans, religion is absolutely vital in their political beliefs and the two cannot be separated; therefore, separation of church and state is not important to them, and they tend to believe that much of what is wrong in America has been caused by too much secularism and religious pluralism.

Take their claim that evolution is not a legitimate science: Republicans tend to reject the theory of evolution and believe in creationism, the idea that G^D created man the way he is, and that any fossil evidence to the contrary was either placed there by Satan or fabricated by scientists to disprove the existence of G^D. Republicans also tend to believe creationism should be taught in public schools.

The belief that homosexuals do not deserve equal rights also comes from their religious beliefs. Republicans tend to believe that homosexuality is a choice and, as such, gay people should not be acknowledged in the same way as other groups. Therefore, according to a Republican, homosexuals should not be allowed to marry, nor should they be allowed to adopt children.

Another "Morality-Based" belief is that abortion is murder, and therefor it is evil (however, they also tend to believe that capital punishment is both necessary and good -- try to figure THAT one out).  Republicans are fundamentally against abortion and do not support the idea that women should be able to choose whether to end a pregnancy no matter the reason, or that any adult woman can do what she wants with her own body. Although Republicans believe abortion is murder and believe Roe v Wade should be overturned, they do not usually explain what punishment should befall those who get or give abortions should it become illegal (unless it is capital punishment, again).

Yet another "Morality-Based" belief many Republicans hold dear is that poor people are usually poor for a reason, be it laziness, choice, genetic predisposition, or whatever. They tend to believe also that unless people pull themselves up by the bootstraps and solve their own problems, people will not be motivated to do things. Therefore, the issue of poverty cannot be solved by the government, and charity should be the choice of individuals.*

Finally, Republicans tend to believe that capital punishment is both necessary and good.  Many support its use not only in cases where violent crimes (i.e., assault, murder, rape, et cetera) have been committed, but in cases where a person's ethnicity or partisanship may be called into question.

All of this derives from a distorted view of Old-Testament "Christianity".

(*For the record, I believe that those who can solve their own problems should solve their own problems; and that for the rest, government intervention and support is needed.)

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25 Jan 2021, 3:36 pm

KT67 wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
The problem is that people don’t live their lives by the same moral code.

There are things that I do that I consider perfectly moral - but they would go against someone else’ moral code.

Sometimes people say “that’s immoral!” but often don’t stop to think about the fact that it’s immoral to them, but maybe not to others or the person doing the thing.

Maybe it's because I come from a lit background but I see that as just an opinion.

A decent opinion would be stacked up again with a 'why'.

Nothing wrong with giving a 'this is my opinion because...'

In literary analysis as with in moral analysis, people often forget (or in essays: omit on purpose because you're not supposed to say 'I' which is actually encouraging arrogance imo...) to place the words 'in my opinion' into things. But it should go without saying.

Problem is if you're someone like me whose anxious subconscious mind, not higher order mind but 'fear of being judged mind', internalises everyone else's morality. But that's a mental illness problem - we cannot dictate ethics based upon that.

You think that it is merely my Opinion that different moral codes exist and that two different people could view their own lives as perfectly moral and the others actions & ways as immoral? :?

It’s not opinion. It’s fact. Different people have different moral codes that guide their lives. Others do not have the same moral codes as them. Both/all believe they are living a moral life & none are wrong, just different.

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.


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25 Jan 2021, 5:30 pm

Fnord wrote:
"Christian" morality dictates that religion and the belief in G^D is vital to a strong nation; which is all well and good insofar as Jesus' "Love your G^D/Love your Neighbor" teachings are concerned.  However, Republicans are generally accepting only of the Old Testament "Christian" belief system, which forms the basis for a lot of harsh and divisive policies. For most Republicans, religion is absolutely vital in their political beliefs and the two cannot be separated; therefore, separation of church and state is not important to them, and they tend to believe that much of what is wrong in America has been caused by too much secularism and religious pluralism.

Take their claim that evolution is not a legitimate science: Republicans tend to reject the theory of evolution and believe in creationism, the idea that G^D created man the way he is, and that any fossil evidence to the contrary was either placed there by Satan or fabricated by scientists to disprove the existence of G^D. Republicans also tend to believe creationism should be taught in public schools.

The belief that homosexuals do not deserve equal rights also comes from their religious beliefs. Republicans tend to believe that homosexuality is a choice and, as such, gay people should not be acknowledged in the same way as other groups. Therefore, according to a Republican, homosexuals should not be allowed to marry, nor should they be allowed to adopt children.

Another "Morality-Based" belief is that abortion is murder, and therefor it is evil (however, they also tend to believe that capital punishment is both necessary and good -- try to figure THAT one out).  Republicans are fundamentally against abortion and do not support the idea that women should be able to choose whether to end a pregnancy no matter the reason, or that any adult woman can do what she wants with her own body. Although Republicans believe abortion is murder and believe Roe v Wade should be overturned, they do not usually explain what punishment should befall those who get or give abortions should it become illegal (unless it is capital punishment, again).

Yet another "Morality-Based" belief many Republicans hold dear is that poor people are usually poor for a reason, be it laziness, choice, genetic predisposition, or whatever. They tend to believe also that unless people pull themselves up by the bootstraps and solve their own problems, people will not be motivated to do things. Therefore, the issue of poverty cannot be solved by the government, and charity should be the choice of individuals.*

Finally, Republicans tend to believe that capital punishment is both necessary and good.  Many support its use not only in cases where violent crimes (i.e., assault, murder, rape, et cetera) have been committed, but in cases where a person's ethnicity or partisanship may be called into question.

All of this derives from a distorted view of Old-Testament "Christianity".

(*For the record, I believe that those who can solve their own problems should solve their own problems; and that for the rest, government intervention and support is needed.)

The right is guilty of selectively reading the OT, as compassion for the poor is clearly taught. Among the legalistic nonsense of breaking jars that a menstruating woman might touch, and forbidding the mixture of different textiles, there is clearly the instruction to allow the poor to collect and eat wheat from the fields alongside the roads, and the rich are condemned for oppressing the poor.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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25 Jan 2021, 5:54 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
The right is guilty of selectively reading the OT, as compassion for the poor is clearly taught. Among the legalistic nonsense of breaking jars that a menstruating woman might touch, and forbidding the mixture of different textiles, there is clearly the instruction to allow the poor to collect and eat wheat from the fields alongside the roads, and the rich are condemned for oppressing the poor.
Somewhere along the way, the right has applied its own meaning to "True" Christianity...


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25 Jan 2021, 6:15 pm

"Morality Isn't The Law"

This is So True as i often
Hear Participating as An
Anthropology Observer

In A Catholic Church From the
Back Pew And in Interviewing Various
Participants Both the Leaders and the

Subjects As Also Purported From the Pulpit

That A State Will Not Survive Unless It Abides By 'God's Law'

So What Is 'God's Law'; It comes From Places Like Leviticus

That Promulgate 'the Evil Belief' That There is Something Wrong

With Homosexual Nature as the Science of Nature, if ya Wanna Go as

Far as Naming Nature God's Face Clearly Shows that Homosexual Nature

Is Just Part of Nature to Keep

It Balanced When Stress

Comes For Subsistence

And Reproduction Naturally

Is Innately, Instinctually, Moderated

Down through Stress Hormones in the Womb;

True Don't Stress A Pregnant Woman Out if Ya

Want Lots of Grandchildren Later to come And Oh

My Gosh If You Really Don't Want More of Your Neighbors

To Be Injured And Suffer Permanent Disability And Die even More In Misery

And Suffering You Have to understand that Abortion is Also part of Nature too; God Yes

it Plays a Role In Reducing Reproduction When Subsistence Stresses Are Part of Our Human

Nature Together too... Sure, 'You' May one day outlaw it in Paperwork through the Ignorance

of 'so-Called Morality' That Believes in a Golden Rule that Others Must Live Their Life the way

You Do; Or You Will Develop

Cognitive Empathy By

Associating With Folks

Who Have Different Challenges

That 'You' Do Not Have Or Additionally Darkness

Of the Soul Where Affective Empathy is Also Cold

Lacking Neurohormones Like Oxytocin Just Never Wired

That Way as A Reflection of an Old Testament Tribal God

Often Through Social Neglect, Exclusions, And Abuse Still

That Sentences Those Who Offend Us to Death Sadly Is still 'Their'

Way of Protesting Life and Forgetting All about the Sanctity of BREaTHING

LiFE NoW No Different really that 'Going Unmasked on 5th Avenue' Declaring

A New Old Testament Savior the 'Color of Trump' Where Again Might Makes

Right and



The Right

To Kill the Enemy

And Even ironically

Burn Forever the one who doesn't

Help the Able Bodied Homeless

Person on the Side of the Street Who

Has an Invisible Disability of Mental Illness

That Folks cannot even Fathom Exists in Hell Now or Then...

Yet Again Square Root Problem one Resurfaces Per Science too...

Humans are Evolved By Nature Still to Live in Relatively Small Homogenous

Groups; Social Science Shows, the 20 Most Peaceful Societies Live This Way More by

Cooperation in Bartering Goods And Services, Freely Working Hand-in-Hand for Real;

Yes A Much More Peaceful Than A Way of Competition that sets Us apart instead of Together

And Other than

That Neuroscience

Shows We Basically

Hallucinate Our Reality

As We Go Based on what

We Create of Reality within

This Way from Before So Where

'Do You Go to Escape All The Insanity'
in Church When They Say the Country Will
Die if It Doesn't Follow God's Laws Well You

Thank 'God of Nature' For the Founding Fathers

Who Made A State Written in Stone A Constitution

Understanding the Fallibility of Human Nature and

Understanding Without Order Anything Will Replace

Anything For Whatever Humans Create as Dreams

Or Nightmares on Earth Now as Humans Will

Bond over Trump

Or Over

More Golden

Age Ways of Caring

Empathy Understanding

The Differences of Others More;

Yet You See This is what Open Minds

Do and that is part of Nature True some

Folks Just Can't


in fact some

Folks Are Disgusted

By Anything that does
Not Resemble a Very Closed
Minded Religion of Group Think

That Indeed May Lead to Insurrections
And Killing At a Capitol; Even More SadlY, All in the


of Lesser

God's Than

Those Who Study

What Works for Love

With Least Harm for All..

Similar to the way the Founding
Fathers See it still Written in Stone
of Constitutional Law; A Greater Religion
For a More Perfect Union As there really

Isn't Much


Tween Politics,
Religion, Suits,

And Golden Robes;

Yet Some Rule by Truth Others by Lies

And of course It depends on Who Views What Now,

On Whether or Not 'Lou Costello' is on 'First, Second, or Third Base'...

If Anything Else Now, The Trump MeMe THeME Experience Shows

that 'Post Modernism Rules'

An Oxymoron


Yet Again

Thanks for more
'Orderly Sane Minds'

It Allows FLoWeRS to Bloom so much Greater
Not Having to Deal with Ignorance of 'Capitol Murders'...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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25 Jan 2021, 6:31 pm

true that sociopaths don't have physical markers, but we know where they accumulate, wherever there is money, power and sex. concentrate attention on those three places [in show biz, big biz and gov't] to find them.


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25 Jan 2021, 7:14 pm

Fnord wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
The right is guilty of selectively reading the OT, as compassion for the poor is clearly taught. Among the legalistic nonsense of breaking jars that a menstruating woman might touch, and forbidding the mixture of different textiles, there is clearly the instruction to allow the poor to collect and eat wheat from the fields alongside the roads, and the rich are condemned for oppressing the poor.
Somewhere along the way, the right has applied its own meaning to "True" Christianity...


If they ever would, I wouldn't be the least surprised.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer