Spoiled people working minimum wage jobs.

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Sea Gull
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05 Dec 2005, 9:18 pm

And I hear them b***h they have it tough, when they don't.

They all better get what is coming to them..


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05 Dec 2005, 9:18 pm

Civet wrote:
I'll admit it, I'm spoiled :oops: .

My parents paid for me to go to college, and also bought me a car this year. They are allowing me to live at home while I work towards getting enough money/a better job to move out on my own. I am paying for my health and car insurance, and all my medical bills (physical therapy twice a week adds up, ugh).

My point is, however, I appreciate what they are doing for me, and I'm also working hard to become independant and live on my own. Not everyone who is financially supported by their parents is stupid, bratty, or a jerk. I know both of my parents have worked hard to get where our family is now, as both of them came from abusive/neglectful low-income homes. I try to keep that in mind whenever I feel like I'm having a hard time in life.

As for those who don't appreciate, however, they need a reality check, I agree.

Then I don't consider it spoiled. I'm in the same boat (not a "new" car, but a car that either runs well or gets funded for repairs; it was a thousand dollar car), but I'm being funded for independant living during college, with the understanding that this wiull continue as long as I need it to (and with the further understandingg that I want to go on to grad school immediately, then get a job and stop feeling so bad about being supported- can't get a job currently due to social secuirty people being idiots and not wanting me to work if they're going to give me money so I'd have to get a full-time job in addition to college to justify a job at all)


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05 Dec 2005, 11:24 pm

And furthermore'

With a new car comes freedom. I teach my daughter who is too afraid to ride a bike, that if she'd learn then she will gain freedom. Bike vs. foot increases the length between hom and where you are allowed to go. The same is true with a car.

I am not speaking about my daughter that was just an example about freedom which leads me to my point.

i can see it now; The parents are tired of the minimum wage be-outch. All of her, "ya knows," and "Totallies," and "fer sures." Its apparetnt to me they want her gone, gone, gone. The example of the crack-head lovin' sister was just an excuse.

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06 Dec 2005, 12:49 am

In most towns it makes more sense to be afraid to ride a bicycle than to be afraid to drive a car. You're too vulnerable on a bicycle.


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06 Dec 2005, 9:05 am

It's IMPOSSIBLE to pay for college if you're under 23 and don't have FANTASTIC scholarships.

Financial Aid WILL NOT CUT IT. Unfortunately. Since the Financial Aid will be based on the parents' income until the child is about 23.5 where it switches over to his or her income. And the more the parents have, the less financial aid the kid is able to get. So if the parents won't pay, the kid is screwed.

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06 Dec 2005, 12:38 pm

i disagree about being screwed.

College, to me, is no more than practiced brainwash. It is where the normal people go to complete their cycle. To fit in so to say.
All you learn is force fed theories. Since what we find out every generation or so is that the prior generation either did it the hard way or the wrong way.

With the different wiring that AS people have, we are served with a distinct dis-advantage, since i believe we do not learn through acceptance of what we have been told. we learn through searching what we have been told and learn thereafter from trial and error. Why do you think that it is estimated that many of the corrections of theory have come from AS people. ie: E=MC².

College is simply 2 things:
1.) Shows dedication to perspective employers
2.) A foot in the door for employment

Once you gain employment it's either up to you, our who you know. Which is the determinating factors into how far you advance.

Many of the greatest leaders of industry in the history of the world did not even complete high school.

I believe that all you really need is just enough information to be dangerous.
What i mean is if you knew all the information that your degree makes you accept as truth then you are programmed to think a certain way.

But, if you go to college and learn just enough to make you profficient at the subject then you are left to your own devices to find out what the rest is to make it true. And that is where you find the different thinking, which i believe makes for truth.

Here is a simple way to achieve college success.
Show up. Study your professor (particular biases, etc). Then spend the rest of the semester giving them what they expect, in terms of their version of the truth. Its fool-proof.

But this just goes to show how college is a brain wash. You aren't learning. You are regurgetating what the Prof. wants. And its a lie.

I once argued to my ethics Prof. why i deserveved an A when i earned a C. The argument was too long for this post, but after 2 hours of arguing i got an A. Maybe i wore him down, maybe he felt that i got more from his class then the grading system proved.


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07 Dec 2005, 4:29 pm

In a realistic perspective, it's hard as hell to get a good job without a degree. In my situation, it would kinda be hard to do research and teach at a university without a graduate degree.

I'm not saying it teaches students what they need or that a lot of the classes are even necessary the way in which they're taught (focus on grades et al.), but in my case it gets me to where I want to be to do the work I will love.


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07 Dec 2005, 5:23 pm

i admit the necessity for college for some professions, ie: professor.

you must first learn all the wrong things in order to teach the wrong things.

I am not so rigid that i believe that i am the only person to ever have a concept. The history of mankind has been a learning process, passed down from generation to generation, and adapted and improved. Its just that the current structure of higher education leaves little room for outside the box thinking. Given; there are exceptions to every rule.

you aim to teach ( i'm guessing philosophy)
remind us what a sophist was.
it seems they were greeks (no, not geeks),, around the time of Aristotle (plato's dream) who were arguers. basically they would argue the 'anti theory' opposing the ideas of a contemporary.

that is what i believe would be the best way to teach; give the students the basic information and force them to find an alternaitve view. The market place of ideas, spawns a wealth of new knowledge.

Still my goal would remain the same. i do not want to be an expert at anything. i wish to learn just enough about an array of subjects to be dangerous to the practiced norms. i believe once i learn too much then i have been brainwashed.

your logon name has become the basis for my argument. and i appreciate the debate

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07 Dec 2005, 5:54 pm

In a realistic perspective, it's hard as hell to get a good job without a degree.

become a longshoreman. Did you know that i work with teachers, lawyers, doctors, felons, cops, prom queens, dorks, you name it. All types all religions all races all stereotypes.

The perks;
401 k-matching
full medical/dental of my choice. not HMO- $10 million $ cap per person in household
$1 (one-dollar) prescriptions
comprehensive pension plan, incl. surviving spouse
freedom- you work when and where you want and 3 available shifts
start pay is $21.39 per hour
top pay upwards of $80.00 per hor
8 hour guarantee
no experience necessary
HS diploma or equivelant and passing some remedial tests are all that's required for employment.

This sound unique. It is but it shouldn't be, not in America. There is so much wealth in this country that everbody should have these kind of working conditions. The American dream is harder to achieve than it was just 1 generation ago, yet America's influence is much greater and our wealth, more pronounced. WHY? because there are too few who have too much!! !!

If anybody is looking at this blue collar job with contempt and saying "they don't deserve that." I submit that your scorn is misplaced. Rather than feeling contempt ask yourself why your conditions aren't better. Why your job doesn't offer so much security.

They say that Unions have outlasted their need, i say there is more need now than ever. When you have Enron, Worldcom, etc.. stealing the life savings of people. People left to their own devices without support of others. You can see the importance.

The bottom line with us (longshoremen/women) is that people have sacrificed through sweat' tears, blood and lives, and at times sacrificed their livlihoods for a better tomorrow. And These Steamship lines are ALL foriegn owned, bringing us useless crap from China. If it wasn't for greedy leaders of industry taking so many American jobs and farming them out to slave wages overseas, then there would be more available options outside the service sector.

I know, if it weren't for Unions then they wouldn't have had to take the jobs elsewhere. WRONG, industry has always prospered, how much is enough. It boils down to Corporate greed and an effort to satisfy the lust for MORE profit fom stock holders.

This may sound like a wierd concept but i read somewhere anothers words, and i quote, " Every worker is entitled to a fair portion of what they produce."

The owner is not entitled to an unfair portion, larger, yes, unfair NO.

And finally, to those of you who do own a business, Union supports ma and pa companies, we despise the likes of Wal-mart, Home Depot, or any other monopoly taking claim to more than what they are entitled to off of the backs of their peasants. and take note; Longshoreman wages and perks run at about 2% of the Steamship lines overhead. So wages are subjective as compared to an average of 25-35% overhead for labor in most other industries. In fact i guess were working for slave wages.


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07 Dec 2005, 5:59 pm

and furthermore!

Just Kidding

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Snowy Owl
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15 Jan 2006, 7:35 pm

Isn't longshoreman a dangerous job?


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16 Jan 2006, 11:15 pm

Endersdragon wrote:
I dont think its being spoiled at all to have some of college paid for you, but a new car yes very much so.

I actually knew a couple of kids, at one point, who had fancy cars, at the age of 8 and 9, that they couldn't drive, but that their parents bought them, new, to look forward to for their 16th birthdays.

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17 Jan 2006, 8:00 am

I used to train people in the construction job I do we used to get some real winners whinning all day about having to buy gas for ther corvett while living in the inlaw apt over their parents garage. construction isnt a bad option either unless your realy clumbsy I'm only moderately so it pays well but can be very hard work i paid in full my last 3 years of collge doing it and always had more money than my friends.