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12 Apr 2020, 6:55 pm

I thought old horses went to the glue factory.

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12 Apr 2020, 7:01 pm

JohnPowell wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
There are just some people who are "touchy-feely."

My father was like that. There are people in my job like that. There are guys who like to hug me.

I'm touch-aversive, for the most part.

I sort of feel like this is a "hatchet job" to try to bring down Biden. Even the women in question don't believe he was '"sexually motivated." They just felt "uncomfortable," similar to how I feel "uncomfortable" when someone touches me.

I'm not a great fan of his; I would prefer him over Trump, though.

Sorry, but the way he acts around children is just so wrong. The guy is a creep. He'd get destroyed by Trump.

He is harmless.
He just isn't in tune with more modern times.


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12 Apr 2020, 7:23 pm

What kind of wimpy man hugs women?

You're supposed to grab 'em by the p****.


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12 Apr 2020, 8:54 pm

The text below shows the New York Times story at 5am Easter morning, and then again later in the day. Guess they got a phone call from someone.


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13 Apr 2020, 9:37 am

It's almost like the rules are different when a different political party is involved. Huh.



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13 Apr 2020, 11:51 am

Syd wrote:
What kind of wimpy man hugs women?

You're supposed to grab 'em by the p****.

Well, if we take Sleepy Joe's own advice and assume Tara Reade is telling the truth, that's exactly what he did.

As for what is to be done with Biden, I suggest a nursing home.

I'm bored out of my skull, let's play a different game. Let's pay a visit down below and cast the world in flame.


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13 Apr 2020, 11:55 am

Antrax wrote:
What do we do with people like Joe Biden?
Simple. We either forget him or elect him.

The former gives us the same excrement from the same bull we've had for four years.

The latter gives us four years of similar excrement, but from a different bull.

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13 Apr 2020, 12:00 pm

Pepe wrote:
I wouldn't mind if an attractive woman (or Chris Hemsworth) walked up to me and rubbed her nose with mine...
She doesn't even have to be an Eskimo...
But please, not in flu season... :mrgreen:

<serious mode on>

Assuming the accuracy:

It sounds a little like dementia creeping in...<shrug>
Has he always acted like that?

Bottom line:
Modern PC has set boundaries which have been breached here, period...<shrug>

If he did that in Saudi Arabia the woman would whack him on the head and the police would make him exit the building.

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13 Apr 2020, 2:25 pm

Darmok wrote:
It's almost like the rules are different when a different political party is involved. Huh.

Maybe if you have an aversion to nuance, but most people aren’t political extremists.

Here’s the actual Biden quote:
“ Speaking generally, Biden added, “For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts, whether or not it’s been made worse or better over time. But nobody fails to understand that this is like jumping into a cauldron.”

So: in general, when people make accusations about sexual assault that subject them to a huge amount of scrutiny, they’re probably being sincere. That’s a long way from “always believe any accusation, even if you know it isn’t true.”

What was your opinion on the Kavanaugh accusations by a credible accuser? Did you treat it with the same seriousness you are treating these accusations?


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13 Apr 2020, 4:05 pm

Considering He's Running Against the Worst of the Worst imaginable
For President Who almost 'no one would have imagined Before' to Paraphrase
'the Dear Current Leader'; 'This' Would Pose a Big problem If Biden was running Against Anyone
Else but someone Caught on Tape Bragging About Doing So Much More Than Being a Super Touchy Feely Reciprocal Social Communication Dude; From the 1950's And Such; On Top of this; It's Not Like Everyone Isn't aware of it by now;
All That's Gonna Count Is Eliminating the Current 'DisEase' From the Top Accused By Many Women of Doing So Much More; Do The Least Harm; Ya Pick the Least Harm; Trump Is Just About The Most Harm Imaginable To Run Anything
in Life; You Don't Pick the Person With Zero Levels of Empathy; You Never pick that Person Unless Another 'Real Evil'
Comes along for a Vote to do ANYTHING; That Said, If I had Children; They Wouldn't get Close to Biden; 'Those Vibes'
He puts Out Are NOT HARMLESS; But Again there are worse Things Like Destroying the Only Home We Have, the
Environment of the Future; I'm sure it's Not Any Fun Not Having 'Soul' (Empathy/Compassion/Conscience/Love/
Truth); At Least Biden Has some of 'that'; Trump has None of it, Empirically Measurable At Least, i Truly See;
Might As Not Well be A Ghost Walking the Earth Who
Doesn't Already Realize
His Soul Has Already
Passed away...
a Horrible
Condition He
has; Just about
the Worst imaginable
That i have personally Seen, Now;
Trump Needs a Lot of help; truly i pity him;
I'd 'Pray' For Him; But Obviously He Believes He is 'the only God';
Amazingly, Some So-Called Christians Actually Acclaim Worship
Rising to that Occasion Again, 'OMG Desert Facepalm', Unbelievable to me.
Anyway; Three
Feet of Space,
Joe Please;
Social Distancing
Is surely an Automatic Remedy for His 'Vibes'.
Here's A Fact; Considering this is all the Republican
And Democratic Party Have to Offer For Highest Elected Position;
We Have Long Passed the Potential of 'Great Leadership Now', For Real;
We Got Problems; Big ones; Lots of 'em; too Many to Count; When 'This'
Seems Like a 'Walk in the Park'. This is the Second Election Where Ya Pick And
Hold Your
But That's Life in the
'Big Human City' that is 'way too Big For Balance';
Both Trump And Biden Are A Symptom of 'That DisEase';
Hopefully Leaving Soon Enough; We Desperately Need 'Fresher Soul Meat' For Leaders.
"What Do We Do With People Like Biden And Trump"; We Elect Them to Highest Office;
No Doubt Now";
And Yes it's
A Real
And Serious Problem too;
But True, It ALL Begs For Parody That is Reality Now;
Trump Being President Is So Much Worse Than 'Biff'
in That Version of 'Back to the Future too'; Anyway
i've got 'Floating Skate Boarding' to do With Athletic Shoes..;)
Oh God When
Fiction is More
Believable than Current Reality.

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