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28 May 2020, 11:00 pm

Why would this happen in Minneapolis? I thought these things only happened in red states.

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28 May 2020, 11:27 pm

Bradleigh wrote:
sly279 wrote:
The gun owners aren’t trying to intimidate anyone.

Then why did they have the weapons in the first place? Because it matched their belts? Or because it was sending a message to not mess with them.

sly279 wrote:
You have a really black white or liberal only way of seeing things.

Believe me I am not a liberal. Liberalism is the belief system that believes everyone, but especially those in power including businesses, can do whatever their want even if it infringes on equal opportunity and fair treatment of those with less power. So the white people that make up the majority of police force and politicians can storm a statehouse without fear of violence or not being listened to, while people protesting against violence against black people won't have any of their concerns listened to and will be perceived as dangerous.
Colin Kaepernick could not take a knee in protest without being seen as a traitor to the country, while nameless Republican can show up in military gear, masked even, and be treated like a freedom fighter.

Black panthers do protests armed and wearing camo or tactical gear and they don’t get attacked by the police.

You can look at history and see cases like certain laws were only put into place when the Black Panthers started protesting with guns, because they got perceived as thugs and the politicians got scared when they barely cared beforehand.

Black people are just as affected by this lockdown, but why are there so few of them joining in these anti-lockdown riots? Especially armed.

Because they protesting against gun control and for the right to own said firearms.
Why do women march wear pink vagina hates?
Why to pro weed people smoke weed at protests?

But you’ve shown to be super biased and close minded so I won’t wast my time with chatting with you anymore.

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28 May 2020, 11:29 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
Why would this happen in Minneapolis? I thought these things only happened in red states.

Chicago, Los Angeles, nyc, are all in blue states. I can’t think of a red state where riots have happen. Probably cause they know that liberal ran cities will call the police to stand down.

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28 May 2020, 11:47 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
Why would this happen in Minneapolis? I thought these things only happened in red states.

Actually I heard that Alabama and Mississippi (I don't remember what order) were the two states with the *least* number of racial violence cases during one of these years. I know it flies against most people's stereotypes, but somehow it makes a lot of sense to me. The way I see it is that southerners are traditionalist. That implies two things. On the one hand, it means a lot of respect for conservative values (hence right wing politics) and, on the other hand, it means opposition to any kind of inappropriate behavior -- which is why it won't even cross their mind to engage in any kind of violence (racist or otherwise).

I, personally, lived in Mississippi for 2 years. First half a year I lived in a house and had a black roommate. My landlord had thick southern accent -- yet she was friends with black roommate just as much as with anyone else. Then after that I moved into the dorm. In the dorm I had one black roommate and one White roommate. They had large confederate flag hanging on the wall. I later learned that it wasn't either of my roommates that put it there but one of their friends -- who is White and is liberal. Nevertheless, my White roommate was very openly conservative, at least when it comes to guns but with other things too. Yet -- both my White roommate and that other White guy that put up the confederate flag -- they were both good friends of the black roommate. They didn't really care about the color of the people they are friends with, color just wasn't a factor for them.

So maybe southerners don't hate black people the way they are portrayed to do. Especially not in the violent way. Rather, they are just sticking to their traditions and like to remember the past. Then the Northerners when they watch them remembering the past they are like "oh, they must be missing slavery days, they must be racist". But thats other people putting words into their mouths.


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29 May 2020, 12:21 am

sly279 wrote:
Because they protesting against gun control and for the right to own said firearms.
Why do women march wear pink vagina hates?
Why to pro weed people smoke weed at protests?

But you’ve shown to be super biased and close minded so I won’t wast my time with chatting with you anymore.

But these protests are not about gun control, they are about fighting against the lockdown because Donald Trump told them to rebel and are being told that the pandemic is fake.

And even by that logic, do you maybe there is a reason one group has a bunch of people destroying property out of frustration when they get treated like dangerous criminals automatically. That a man who might have fit the description of someone that used a counterfeit bill be killed, that holding a phone is enough to look like a gun to be shot, and that an ex-police officer could be let off free for murdering someone why might have gone into a house under construction. And that all of these victims would then be under heavy public scrutiny that say things like they smoked weed once.

At the risk of appearing to use the "no you" method, I think that you are the one who is closed minded and being controlled by your biases. That are you are just going to assume that every time a white guy protests with a gun it is for gun rights and thus automatically justified.

Although, perhaps I am a little bit bias in the fact that I think America is ridiculous with guns. I have no idea how you all can sleep with a country with so many ridiculous shootings. I don't even know if there has been a shooting at or around a school in my country in my life.

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29 May 2020, 12:30 am

^^^i wish i had your good fortune to be a citizen of the commonwealth.


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29 May 2020, 4:05 am

QFT wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
Why would this happen in Minneapolis? I thought these things only happened in red states.

Actually I heard that Alabama and Mississippi (I don't remember what order) were the two states with the *least* number of racial violence cases during one of these years. I know it flies against most people's stereotypes, but somehow it makes a lot of sense to me. The way I see it is that southerners are traditionalist. That implies two things. On the one hand, it means a lot of respect for conservative values (hence right wing politics) and, on the other hand, it means opposition to any kind of inappropriate behavior -- which is why it won't even cross their mind to engage in any kind of violence (racist or otherwise).

I, personally, lived in Mississippi for 2 years. First half a year I lived in a house and had a black roommate. My landlord had thick southern accent -- yet she was friends with black roommate just as much as with anyone else. Then after that I moved into the dorm. In the dorm I had one black roommate and one White roommate. They had large confederate flag hanging on the wall. I later learned that it wasn't either of my roommates that put it there but one of their friends -- who is White and is liberal. Nevertheless, my White roommate was very openly conservative, at least when it comes to guns but with other things too. Yet -- both my White roommate and that other White guy that put up the confederate flag -- they were both good friends of the black roommate. They didn't really care about the color of the people they are friends with, color just wasn't a factor for them.

So maybe southerners don't hate black people the way they are portrayed to do. Especially not in the violent way. Rather, they are just sticking to their traditions and like to remember the past. Then the Northerners when they watch them remembering the past they are like "oh, they must be missing slavery days, they must be racist". But thats other people putting words into their mouths.

Sadly, the media, through their use of selected excerpts of audio\video and the way this is presented, along with framing of opinion as facts has helped to divide people rather than bring them together. Add to the fact that many people don't bother to, or have access to, the source material, and you have everything you need to create widespread distrust of any group to which you do not belong or have pity for, with those outside of those groups being "bad".

Add to this the way that many people prefer to reflexively denigrate\de-humanise those outside their group, rather than seeking to communicate with them to try and understand their beliefs\wishes\understanding (possibly through people's dislike of being wrong - Why risk that is is "you" who are wrong, when it's easier to say "they" are wrong).

This would appear to be human nature, where once in history distrust of those from outside a group was a safety\security mechanism this has now moved into a weapon to be wielded against those with whom some disagree to force them to make changes to suit those sowing the distrust\division.

Disappointgly, even here, trying to present facts in a neutral way, or presenting facts that may disagree with a preferred narative, in order to try and help either side understand the other, seems to end with the "dominant" group ignoring the attempt and continuing to discourage any attempt to try to find common ground (no "walking a mile in someone else's shoes" or "innocent until proven guilty").

It would be interesting to know, from a sense of curiosity, how much of the vitriol thrown between groups is learned\indoctrinated, and how much is caused by people (conciously or unconciously) projecting their personal thoughts\feelings\urges onto those they disagree with in order to feel that they, being "good", control these instincts, whereas the "others", being "bad", must obviously have, and be giving in to, those thoughts\feelings\urges.


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29 May 2020, 4:53 am

Watching the violence and burning is scary. I hope the innocent people stay safe, I hear some people died in some of the burning/exploding buildings. Where’s the justice for them?
Where’s the justice for the business and property owners? Where’s the justice for the now permanently unemployed people? Where’s the justice for people’s homes burned down?
Some of the videos I hear gun shots. Who’s being shot?
Shots were fired in other states too.
What if the violence spreads nation wide?
Protests in city near me. Hope it does turn into rioting, what if they come to my neighborhood to burn it down :s

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29 May 2020, 5:44 am

MLK: "a riot is the language of the unheard."


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29 May 2020, 7:40 am

The Pen Is Mightier than the Sword; But Not Everyone Has a Pen;
Perhaps this Explains Why the Story Book Jesus Who Was Illiterate Went
into the Temple, Violently Turning the Tables Over, Rioting With Cords Turned
Into Whips, Driving Everyone Out, including Cattle And Sheep; He also got Pissed and
Created A Conspiracy Theory that Pigs Were possessed by Demons And Sent the Innocent
Pigs to their Death Over A Cliff Before The Pigs Had an Opportunity to Fulfill Their Destiny
As Bacon
But Wait!
That's against
Jewish Law to Eat Bacon!
Hmm, so what Happened in
This Instance With Turn the Other
Cheek and Those who live by the
'Whip' Die by the Whip; Obviously
Jesus wasn't always all about Love;
He was Just a Little Brown Dude
Who Got Pissed-Off and used
His Anger in Violence
instead of
Turning It
into A Mount
of Olives Martin
Luther King Speech
Moving Pro-Social Emotions
of Humans to More Constructive Positive Change.
So Why Should We Have Any Sympathy for 'Jesus';
When Most All Black Folks Feel the Boot of Ignorance
On their Neck Slowly Asphyxiating Them Into A Crucifixion;
Just a Bit More Quickly Facedown in the Stone of an Unfeeling Road.
The Pen is Mightier than the Sword
Read that Again Without a Pen;
Without A Voice;
A Breath
Slowly Crucified
For the Entire World
to See with No one to Help;
War and Peace are Seasons of
Being Human; Both Shall Come to
Pass and Return;
Yet the Pen
Is Still Mightier
Than the Sword
How Blessed are those More Clever than a Fist.
Bugs Bunny Always comes out of 'the
Temple' Unscathed
With Value of Wit
As Breath.
Sending Other Folks
Down the Rabbit Hole
Having No Idea What Hit them;
This is why Bugs Bunny is a Greater Role Model Than Jesus;
But Not Everyone Has what it takes to be Bugs Bunny; Therefore:

"Money Table Riots"

"What's Up Doc"

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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29 May 2020, 8:22 am

auntblabby wrote:
MLK: "a riot is the language of the unheard."
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." -- Dr. Isaac Asimov, Biochemist, B.S., M.A., Ph.D.

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29 May 2020, 8:38 am

King has had many streets and a holiday named after him, though Asimov’s quote could be said to be pertinent, too.


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29 May 2020, 8:51 am

"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent." -- The Mahatma, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

"Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd." -- Bertrand Russell

"Violence is a disease, a disease that corrupts all who use it regardless of the cause." -- Chris Hedges

"Violence is the method of ignorance, the weapon of the weak. The strong of heart and brain need no violence, for they are irresistible in their consciousness of being right." -- Alexander Berkman

... so you see, anyone can find quotes by famous people that will support one point of view or another.  It is an exercise in both laziness and futility; for by the former, no one is forced to think for themselves; and by the latter, for every quote, there is another quote that expresses the opposite idea with equal certitude.

No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.


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29 May 2020, 8:59 am

I don’t disagree with that.


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29 May 2020, 9:03 am

coming from MLK, that was a note of irony, IOW even he was at wit's end at facing evil day after day.


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29 May 2020, 9:07 am

aghogday wrote:
The Pen Is Mightier than the Sword; But Not Everyone Has a Pen;
Perhaps this Explains Why the Story Book Jesus Who Was Illiterate

It doesn't say He was illetirate. On the contrary, it says at the age of 12 he was studying extensively with the rabbis in the temple and they were astonished at His knowledge.

If you say illitirate in terms of other subjects, you have to keep in mind that it was the 1-st century. I suspect that, back then, rabbis played the same role as the teachers do today. I am not saying its the case, thats why I said "I suspect", I would have to look into that.

But in any case, if they did have other teachers besides Rabbis, there is no where in the Bible where it says Jesus wasn't one of their students. The Bible can't say everything. For one thing the Bible skipped over most of His childhood (except for his birth and that one incident when He was 12). So you have no evidence that He "didn't" go to school as a child. For all we know He did, the Bible just skipped that part.

aghogday wrote:
into the Temple, Violently Turning the Tables Over, Rioting With Cords Turned
Into Whips, Driving Everyone Out, including Cattle And Sheep;

He only did that to people that were participating in the alleged injustice. If you didn't participate in whatever financial things they were doing, you wouldn't be affected by the table being overturned since your money wouldn't be on these tables.

On the other hand, the rioters we are talking about right now are affecting people that aren't being part of it. Are they mad at the business owners that they didn't interfere? Then maybe they can just smash the window of the ONE business owner that called a security or AT MOST the business owners on that block (I am not saying they should -- I am just making a REALLY HUGE STRETCH in their favor). But how exactly were they expecting the businesses on the other end of the city to somehow know what was going on AND get to the location on time to somehow stop the cops? And ESPECIALLY how were they expecting the cops/businesses in LA to do it?

aghogday wrote:
He also got Pissed and
Created A Conspiracy Theory that Pigs Were possessed by Demons And Sent the Innocent
Pigs to their Death Over A Cliff Before The Pigs Had an Opportunity to Fulfill Their Destiny
As Bacon
But Wait!
That's against
Jewish Law to Eat Bacon!

You just answered your own question: its against Jewish law to eat bacon. And, once again, what Jesus did affected *only* the people participating in the wrongdoing (eating bacon). The people that don't intend to eat bacon don't have the swine and so they wouldn't be affected by what Jesus did.

If you say that its none of His business to ensure other people's obedience to Jewish law, you have to remember, He is the Son of God, and He backed it up with numerous miracles. The protesters aren't prophets and never claimed to be, so thats the difference.