Have you ever been accused of being a paedophile?

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20 Apr 2011, 12:45 am

hale_bopp wrote:
People who rattle off the word "pedophile" willy nilly shouldn't. Making an immature assumption for no good reason can get people into a lot of trouble for no reason.

You can even get the person accused of being a pedophile beaten up or even killed. On the street behind me there was a teenage boy who raped an 11 year old girl. People on our street and in school beat him up daily basis until his parents moved to a new school district. I guess the people on the two streets liked the feel of picking on someone because some girl's mother accused a guy for being too friendly with her daughter so someone knocked his windows out in the middle of the winter with rocks. All the guy did was walk the girl home when it was raining and he had room under his umbrella.

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20 Apr 2011, 4:06 am

I live in an area that If you don't fit in then the your open game from scallies. These scallies in my area beat up old women for the 'fun' of it.About 4 years ago I seen posts around a street making claims that a man was a paedophile & given dealts on where he lived. An old man who lives by himself has had scallies hassle him physical & verbal plus making claims about him being a paedophile.

For the last three years I been having harassment, I been beaten up three times by gangs of scallies & give verbal abuse. There low life have been going around my neighbours telling them that I am peadophile, I can't hardy go out myself thanks to the lies of these scumbags. Am planing on moving as its the best way to stop this crap.


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20 Apr 2011, 11:10 pm

I am not making fun of you but could you please define "scallies" we do not use this term in the states or Canada.

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21 Apr 2011, 12:53 am

Todesking wrote:
I am not making fun of you but could you please define "scallies" we do not use this term in the states or Canada.

Its what we in Liverpool call chavs, its from the Irish term Scallywag.


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21 Apr 2011, 3:30 am

The threat of being called a paedophile comes with the territory of being a photographer, of being 'weird' and overweight, doubly so when having a camera around kids and scummy parents here in Britain. This country is obsessed with paedophilia.

Last edited by Tequila on 21 Apr 2011, 3:34 am, edited 2 times in total.


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21 Apr 2011, 3:33 am

hale_bopp wrote:
People who rattle off the word "pedophile" willy nilly shouldn't. Making an immature assumption for no good reason can get people into a lot of trouble for no reason.

That's what they're after. They're the angry mob who would have yelled 'Jew!' in Hitler's Germany. Or 'witch!' when they were burning witches.


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21 Apr 2011, 10:24 am

Nope never.


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21 Apr 2011, 10:57 am

Tequila wrote:
The threat of being called a paedophile comes with the territory of being a photographer, of being 'weird' and overweight, doubly so when having a camera around kids and scummy parents here in Britain. This country is obsessed with paedophilia.

It is not "scummy" for parents to want to keep a guy they do not know to take pictures of their children without their permission. That statement reeks of creepyness making parents out to be scum for protecting their children. I don't know, if some person I did not know regardless of weight, sex, or apperance takes a photo of my kids (if I had them) or my friend's kids would warrant having their film or memory card taken from them or to have the cops called on them. They busted a serial child molester here in Buffalo in the 90's he had over hundred thousand photos of children playing in playgrounds and local swimming pools. He molested over 40 children ages 4-10 all of whom were in many of his photos. The police said he told them the only playgrounds he did not molest children in were the ones where the childrens parents detained him until the police arrived to question him making sure to make it hard for to stay there. The police could not make him leave but they made sure to make him give them his name and address in case something did happen they knew where to get him. In the long run thats how they caught him a parent took a picture of him as he fled a molestation he comitted and their local police asked the other police forces if they knew who he was and five hours latter they had their child molester three hours after the crime was comitted.

I would also be wary of some photographer profitting in some way from photos of someone elses kids exploiting them without the kids permission or them seeing a penny of that money sounds scummy to me. I am not acusing you of being a pedophile but maybe you should choose your words better it did come off a bit creepy to me.

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21 Apr 2011, 12:26 pm

Meh, i just get called that on WoW... :roll:


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21 Apr 2011, 12:38 pm

Todesking wrote:
Tequila wrote:
The threat of being called a paedophile comes with the territory of being a photographer, of being 'weird' and overweight, doubly so when having a camera around kids and scummy parents here in Britain. This country is obsessed with paedophilia.

It is not "scummy" for parents to want to keep a guy they do not know to take pictures of their children without their permission.

Way to go in with the 'creepy' insults!

To an extent I can understand this - however, it is scummy when a) I don't even have the camera switched on; b) it's just around my neck and c) the parents look like the sort of people that "lav their kidz and would do anyfink for 'em, innit" besides actually look after them by, I don't know, not spending the entire day sat outside the pub. We're talking about thuggish, sociopathic bullies really, not normal parents. They'll shout abuse at any guy with a camera, or a guy with a camera who isn't shooting their kids and has the camera pointed the opposite way or anything like that. In fact, it's quite common for people to walk past me in the street with the sort of look that suggests that they think I'm a paedophile just for having a camera and being 'different'!

The other side to this is that the no-photographing-kids-out-of-fear attitude such an approach precludes a whole arena of street photography due to people's fear of taking photographs, even if the parent themselves might agree. It causes an awful lot of damage, imbues a sense of paranoia in the child (through the parent) and will make any contact with a child that isn't related to the parent much more awkward and stilted.

We'll ignore the potentially life-ruining effect of the term 'paedophile' as a standard term of abuse by younger people, shall we? People have been murdered in this country due to the effects of falsely being branded paedophiles - people, often, who are socially isolated and 'different'. Much like those with Asperger's Syndrome, in fact.


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21 Apr 2011, 1:42 pm

With the advent of digital camera you can show the people yelling at you for taking photos that you are not centering on their kid. Most people have no idea if your camera is on or off. If a single male is in a play ground or public pool without a child of their own being there than I would call that creepy but in a public park or street the photographer can't help accidently catching a kid or two in their lens.

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21 Apr 2011, 4:17 pm

It's odd in that I get so many people looking at me in a dodgy way but I try, as far as is possible, to avoid other people when I'm following my hobby. Odd, that.


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21 Apr 2011, 7:51 pm

Don't even get me started on this subject, it is a HUGE problem in America, at least.

I went to a child abuse prevention training for my son's Cub Scout pack. At least 80% of the curriculum was focused on protecting adults! I'm not kidding. There were very strict procedures for helping to reduce the possibility of a false accusation.

90% of molestations happen by relatives or close family members, random strangers on the street, including those on the sex offender websites, are (thankfully) not usually the culprit.

I refuse to even go near any children who are not my own, no exceptions. It's reached the level of a pathological mass hysteria.

As for the people who think I'm a child molester/serial killer because I'm odd - f*ck 'em, I stopped caring a long time ago...


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21 Apr 2011, 8:21 pm

Tequila wrote:
It's odd in that I get so many people looking at me in a dodgy way but I try, as far as is possible, to avoid other people when I'm following my hobby. Odd, that.

If they don't look too threatening smile at them and ask them if they want to see what your shot if possible. A child molester is sneaky and quiet a normal non-threatening guy starts conversations and is interactive with strangers. If I think I am scarring someone I try to joke around with them about the situation we are in they usually laugh becoming less tense.

There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die -Hunter S. Thompson

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15 May 2011, 3:19 pm

during an ugly divorce custody fight


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29 May 2011, 2:22 am

Keeno wrote:
Miyah wrote:
Yes, as a woman, it did happen. Back in 2003, I was 21 and I made friends with a 14-year-old troubled boy in a church who reached out to me. He and I didn't do anything but stay in the church youth center and watch TV or eat snacks that he would bring. However, his mother and church freaked out and separated us, while I got accused of having a romantic relationship, and that was not the case. I felt like he was a little brother who looked out for me, but the one of the pastors said that I didn't need a little brother and to hang up the next time he tried to call me. They also added that if I continued to be his friend, the church would do nothing if I would have been thrown in jail.

That's very worrying. If a young lady like you is even getting accused, I guess people are really determined.

As a mother of sons, I can understand the concern. Also, if it were a 14 year old girl hanging out with a 21 year old man, then everyone would be freaking out worse. It was best your "friendship" ended, it really was not appropriate.