My current temporary housing in San Francisco

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14 Jun 2005, 11:50 pm

pyraxis wrote:
Sea Gull
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Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 2:04 pm    
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Hi, sorry for the confusion, Ghosthunter.
I don't have a job yet. The reason I'm
packing most of my things now is so that
I can be ready to move out at a moment's
notice, when I do get a job. I don't want to
have to tell the company that I can't be
there for a couple weeks because I'm
still packing.

The house was actually built only six
years ago. My room is peach and orange
because I love fire colors - fire is my
element. I painted it myself when the
house was first built. The rest of the house
is more sane colors, yellow and cream
and salmon.

As for my parents, I explained some of it
in the PM I sent a couple of days ago. I'm
getting along with them just fine, no fights,
because I'm not trying to share a lot of my
life with them. We're just living alongside
each other, but our orbits don't really overlap.

Don't need to appologize. I mis-read your
post and mis-interpreted how to respond.

I am hoping you get this job? Any prospects
yet? What about housing there if it is a
local area job? How much are rents in
comparison to income?



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14 Jun 2005, 11:53 pm

Scoots wrote:
I had to fight off overload again tonight.
I spent three hours at work staring at
an LCD monitor with flourescent lights
in the back round. As I've posted here
before, flourescent tubes seem to be one
of my big foils. And also, as I've pointed
out here before, my brain seems to have
a defense mechanisim built in. My brain
went into shutdown mode where I enter
a twilight state and my brain stops any
attempt to make sense of incoming sensory
input. I attempted to look down at the floor,
but it was no use, my head began to throb
in agony one hour in, and the next two
were a living hell for me. Even after I left
to go home, my mind was still in a fog as
I drove home. I popped three aleeve and
60 minutes later, I feel well enough to get
on the CPU and type this up.

Sorry to hear about floeresenct lights. I
must of missed that somewhere. What is
your job title? You sound like a supervisor?



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15 Jun 2005, 5:56 am

I live in my fathers house(parents arent seperated, mother is dead), the entire house is normal, except for my room which has the vague approximation to a rats nest, but messier, and more crowded. I am pondering hanging garbage from the ceiling with a staple gun to help the effect of being "surrounded" which i love.

I would like to live in a small house that is exactly like my room, perhaps only 1 room, shower and toilet in the room. And have the house be situated near other interesting social people. Who are all friends and like to cuddle casually, while watching movies and talking. There would be fast food places nearby, some convience stores within walking distance, and my job would be somewhere close, preferably in its own little alcove of a community of interesting social people.


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15 Jun 2005, 1:08 pm

Nomaken wrote:
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Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:56 pm    
Post subject:
I live in my fathers house(parents arent
seperated, mother is dead),

When did she die? How did she die?
I hope you don't mind me asking this
perhaps touchy question?

How old are you? How old is your

nomaken wrote:
the entire house is normal, except for my
room which has the vague approximation to
a rats nest, but messier, and more crowded.

This is your space, and that is ok!

nomaken wrote:
I am pondering hanging garbage from the
ceiling with a staple gun to help the effect of
being "surrounded" which i love.

Hmmmmm? Why are tight quarters of
interest? Is it a AS thing? Is it just
personal taste? Hmmmmm?

nomaken wrote:
I would like to live in a small house that is
exactly like my room, perhaps only 1 room,
shower and toilet in the room. And have the
house be situated near other interesting social

Sounds like you like crowds? I am the same
way. I go online in cafe's so I can have a
bustling outside envirement.

nomaken wrote:
Who are all friends and like to cuddle
casually, while watching movies and talking.
There would be fast food places nearby, some
convience stores within walking distance, and
my job would be somewhere close, preferably
in its own little alcove of a community of
interesting social people.

How big of a city do you live in? Where is it?
It sounds like 100,000 or less.



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15 Jun 2005, 3:51 pm

Ghosthunter wrote:
Hmmmm? Tri-Level sounds like a 3-story
house? Am I correct?

Sort of. A tri level is when the middle floor is the entrance to the house. There are two small sets of stairs one leading up and one leading down.

Ghosthunter wrote:
Hmmmmm? That is very recent, say 2003.
Why did you have to move most recently?
Where did you move from?

We still live in the same town. My family just wanted a change. We lived in the old house for 16 years. We still own it, it's a rental.

Ghosthunter wrote:
This makes being the autism spectrum
a little more balanced for your parents
and you to cope with each other in the
good and the bad. You have your
space, and they have theirs to allow
adjustment periods in times of turmoil
and "Leave me alone" periods.

Exactly. It's great. :D

Ghosthunter wrote:
How big is your backyard?

It's pretty big. I'm not sure of the exact measurements. I'll ask my dad when he comes home from work and ask.

Ghosthunter wrote:
Are you part austrailan? How is your
Grandmother(Nana?) doing? Does she
know of your autistic trait origins or in

Yes, I'm an Australian citizen. My nana knows that I have AS, but she doesn't understand it that much. I have a pretty mild case and I think she assumes that all people who are higher functioning are like me. For example, when watching movies or TV shows with characters who are probably on the spectrum, my mum and I will point out the autistic or AS traits. Sometimes my nana will say things like 'That person doesn't have AS, they are just crazy'. :roll:

Ghosthunter wrote:
The dogs sound cool! What kind are they?
The pool sound tempting during summer?
Is it a small? Medium? Large? in size?

Hmmmm? how deep is deep? 9ft(9"), ????

One of the dogs, Quaffle, is a German shepherd golden retriever mix. The other dog, Quibbler, is a Cavalier King Charles spaniel.

The pool is wonderful in the summer. We have a solar cover for it, so it is always about 80 degrees fahrenheit. It's big for a private pool, once again I'll ask my dad about the exact size. It's about 8 ft deep.

Ghosthunter wrote:
What are your favorite posters?

I threw away my posters when we moved. I want to buy new ones.

Ghosthunter wrote:
Hmmmm? color scheme meaing painting the walls?
What are your color scheme colors?

The colour scheme being the walls and the colour of the furniture. The colours are blue, red, orange, green, and mustard yellow. I know that sounds like a lot of colours, but the shades are specific. Most of the furniture in my room is by Todd Oldham.

Ghosthunter wrote:
I like walkin closets. Alot of old homes
in San Francisco have HUGE walkin closets
rented as rooms. How big is your walkin closet?

Not as big as a room. It's about 6ft by 3ft (I think).

Ghosthunter wrote:
What are your favorite books besides Harry Potter?
What are your favorite CD?
What kind of paper?

I borrow most of the books I read from other people. I don't like any particular genre. Most of my CDs are musicals. I also have some ABBA, some Beatles, and some Irish music. The papers are usually old assignments from school.