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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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11 Dec 2004, 3:29 pm

Im sad how slow some of us aspies can run or how bad athletes we can be.I feel upset that people tease us and almost no way to get them back so I barely ever participate in sports unless its baseball. :(

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Snowy Owl
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13 Dec 2004, 1:43 pm

Team sports are a problem for me because of the social aspects plus my motor coordination deficits. I enjoy watching a number of individual sports like boxing and tennis and gymnastics.

I get exercise through solo non-competitive activities like hiking, backpacking, some weight-training and calisthenics. I feel so much better after exercising - at my own pace though.


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15 Dec 2004, 3:52 pm

Us aspies are moslty better at exersicing on our own than in team games. Its sad that most of us dont get that chance in PE at school.


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18 Dec 2004, 2:40 am

Are you a slow runner like me?

I sure am. The fastest I ever ran a mile was 11 minutes.


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12 Mar 2005, 10:14 pm

I'm terrible at athletics. I failed gym, which is stupid. I really am not even that active, despite my trying to lose weight, which is going so-so. I'm like 190 something pounds. I dunno..I mean I don't want to be near 200 pounds..but it's like, I don't know.

I have Season Affective Disorder, I'm thinking it might just get better once it warms up.


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12 Mar 2005, 10:49 pm

OOOOOH! I'm so bad at sports I bet I can make you all look like professionals!! :lol: :lol: :wink: :wink:


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13 Mar 2005, 10:20 am

I used to be good at rugby at school when I wanted to be (which was very rare, given the fact that it HURTS..... what's wrong with these people? :?) as I was twice the size of most other kids my age and was pretty nippy over short distances..... I used to pity the poor sods who had to try to tackle me when I was "in the mood" to play. :)

Any sport that required any degree of coordination though, forget it! I was the worst footballer (the ball only ever went about 5 feet in a completely random direction when I tried to kick it, assuming I managed to make contact in the first place) and cricketer (once we had a game where everyone in my year got one over batting each, scoring -6 for each out..... I scored -36 and was the only kid to do so :roll:) ever to walk the face of the earth..... I think I managed to make a cricket bat and a ball come into contact once ever...... I was so pleased :). My mother once tried to make me have a game of tennis with her when I was about 11 but gave up in miserable frustration about about 10 minutes as I simply couldn't make my racket and the ball coalesce in the same time-space continuum......

Needless to say, I was always the last kid to get picked for any sports team.... :roll:

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Blue Jay
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29 Mar 2005, 6:19 pm

I excelled at volleyball in gym class in both high school and college. Unfortunately, some people made nasty comments about my skills to make me feel like s**t. Most were very complimentary and I even was named MVP one year during one class.I know, I knwo. Only I can make myself feel like anything. Works great in theory or if you are a fictional character like Spock.

I was also quite a good sprinter...very short distances. However, I was such a loser and so shy and so suicidal and depressed, I didn't pursue any sports. I was also pretty strong for my age, but again, in gym class, whenever I would block anyone effectively in football, I received lots of s**t. i always regret not trying out for the football or volleyball team.

Worst feeling I ever had in gym class was in freshman year in college, I was picked LAST in volleyball when teams were chosen. I jiust had that look of loser. However, I was tremendous at digging up spikes and people would ohhhh and awwwwww. But I would say something stupid such as not saying hi back to the gym teacher, and I was ugly minority loser piece of s**t once again.

Sea Gull
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29 Mar 2005, 9:33 pm

I suck at most team sports. It is too bad that more of us don't get encouraged to try individual stuff. Bowling, rowing etc. are a lot more to my liking.

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03 Apr 2005, 9:56 pm

The only sport I've ever enjoyed is bowling. I'm mediocre. I stopped taking PE after 8th. grade (yes, you no longer need it in high school). I enjoy biking. I can bench the bar with some help. Am I the only one here whose legs are stronger than any other part of the body? I have really weak arms, but my legs never ware out.



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11 Aug 2005, 9:32 am

The only thing I was good at in school was running and throwing the discus. Everything else I was really bad, especially team sports and swimming (can't see much without glasses).
In recent years I've enjoyed ten-pin bowling (with my own ball!) and bike riding.
I've heard orienteering is pretty good as you have to use your brain a fair bit.


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12 Aug 2005, 1:29 am

I just about always sucked at sport, but I occasionally had my good days. But most of the time I was harrassed badly about it at school, if I ran some kid would impersonate an exaggeration of me running behind me, and I was always referred to as being unco (short for unco-ordinated).

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12 Aug 2005, 9:56 am

Soccer and basketball (other than defense) are no-no's for me. Baseball was ok, but I always played left field (or the one where the ball never goes into) for obious reasons.

Wrestling was something I was very good at. I am by far larger and stronger than those around me, and I spent 5 years in middle school and HS learning to grapple. I can throw a 275 pound man (one who is fighting me at that, too) with ease. But I can barely throw a baseball 30 feet, so go figure. . . . .

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12 Aug 2005, 10:44 am

Prometheus wrote:
Soccer and basketball (other than defense) are no-no's for me. Baseball was ok, but I always played left field (or the one where the ball never goes into) for obious reasons.

Wrestling was something I was very good at. I am by far larger and stronger than those around me, and I spent 5 years in middle school and HS learning to grapple. I can throw a 275 pound man (one who is fighting me at that, too) with ease. But I can barely throw a baseball 30 feet, so go figure. . . . .

Depends who the man is. I am undefeated in my fights but i still think the odds would be against me if i was to come up against one of the top fighters around in the world like fedor, cro-cop or nog (mixed martial artists).


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12 Aug 2005, 10:53 am

Things with goals like soccer goals and softcrosse goals are aweful... when your in goals at least. The problem with sport now is that people only pass to you if your good... n my case i cant catch the damn ball in a stick so the total PE class is wasted rnning around in circles :roll: but volleyball is good, and sailing well, its for fun so if you dont do well at least your out there havin fun :D

Sea Gull
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12 Aug 2005, 11:57 am

I'm bad at sports, especially ones involving throwing. Once, I was at a carnival at one of those guess how fast you can throw the ball, I was so off target. I threw the baseball wide left and it ended up hitting someone in the stomach.