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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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14 Jul 2012, 6:25 pm

Cigarette smoke and the idiots who emit it.

Motorists who sit 20 under the limit while there are no overtaking opportunities, but then speed up to the limit or more when an overtaking lane opens up.

Loud people in close proximity who are neither interesting nor pleasant to be forced to listen to.

People with fat butts who walk really slowly in twos or threes and take up the whole footpath/sidewalk.


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15 Jul 2012, 12:53 pm

vindaloo wrote:
As I originally come from the UK where people can still form an orderly queue for public transport or in a shop for example, I become enraged with people in Switzerland who think it's OK to barge past people as they're still getting off the bus. It's not limited to certain age groups either. You'll see everyone from old grannies to young business types in suits pushing people out of the way just so they can get on the bus. I've even seen people knock young children over which is incredibly inconsiderate. What these people don't seem to realise is that the bus runs to a timetable and will leave when it leaves, barging your way on won't make things run any quicker. What I've taken to doing when I get off a bus or tram is position myself right in the middle of the exit and if anyone tries to push me out of the way they get barged right back. I weigh 230 pounds and have the high ground (physically and morally) so you can either get out of my way or get squashed.

Definitely agree with this one, makes travel in the US annoying and Europe almost unbearable although London's worse than most US cities now.

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15 Jul 2012, 1:38 pm

vindaloo wrote:
As I originally come from the UK where people can still form an orderly queue for public transport or in a shop for example, I become enraged with people in Switzerland who think it's OK to barge past people as they're still getting off the bus. It's not limited to certain age groups either. You'll see everyone from old grannies to young business types in suits pushing people out of the way just so they can get on the bus. I've even seen people knock young children over which is incredibly inconsiderate. What these people don't seem to realise is that the bus runs to a timetable and will leave when it leaves, barging your way on won't make things run any quicker. What I've taken to doing when I get off a bus or tram is position myself right in the middle of the exit and if anyone tries to push me out of the way they get barged right back. I weigh 230 pounds and have the high ground (physically and morally) so you can either get out of my way or get squashed.

I noticed this a lot in London. I have issues with depth perception; so need to step off from the tube to the platform slowly. Barging me out of the way to get on the tube isn't going to make me step off any faster. Just how difficult is it to wait a minute or two?


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15 Jul 2012, 2:01 pm

Just had a pet peeve this morning. I made a post and someone tells me it's a bit one sided isn't it because I forgot to mention acceptance. I tell him I think he misses the point and tell him about what my point was about the post and guess what, he is a brick wall and says I missed the point and quotes my post and says it's one sided and that was his point. Then I say yeah and then ignore the rest I said and I quoted my explanation about about my point and then said I won't repeat myself again.

Yeah my pet peeve is brick walls and I bet he is going to come back and say I backpedaled and another example of idiots online. My patience has ran thin with these people so I always feel snarky when I talk like that now to them.

I guess I should have dummied down my first post. :roll:

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed.

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26 Jul 2012, 1:40 pm

One of my pet peeves actually involves...pets, specifically, birds. Birds fly. That's what their wings are for. Being cooped up in a cage seems like an intolerable insult and an affront to nature. There is just no way a bird, which can fly for miles at a time, could be happy sitting on some stupid branch in a small cage eating handouts like a prisoner.


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14 Jul 2013, 2:46 am

Gosh I have a whole laundrylist of them. Some of my highest-ranking ones are:

- Being a mom or a dad has nothing to do with genetics, but everything to do with love. The person(s) who read the bedtime stories and puts bandaids on scrapes and puts food on the table and comforts you when you are sad or scared, the ones that protect you and sacrifice for you, who teach you right from wrong, help you with homework and diciplines you when you do inappropriate things, and all the rest. They are moms and dads, and it has nothing at all to do with bioligy. (I'm adopted, if you couldn't tell)

- People who think having animals (dogs, cats, whatever) is not a huge responsibility, and don't do the best they can to give their pets the best food and stimulation for each individual, groom them as nesseccary etc. Having a pet is like having a baby, you can't just say I want one, and then realize after a year that it's too much work.

- Neighbours who think it's OK to have parties in our yard at all hours of the night (I don't care if it's the weekend), when we have been specifically reprimanded by the landlord that the yard has to be quiet at 11PM on weekends and 9PM on workdays.

- The idea that there are races of humans. Humans are one species, not one species with several races. Race theory and bioligy was a horrid and unscientific field in the late 1700-1940's, not something that has any place in the modern world.

- When political and religious beliefs that become more important to individuals than compassion and understanding.


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14 Jul 2013, 3:41 am

People who spit or smoke at bus stops

People with BO on the bus, especially when they decide to sit right next to me on my 40-minute ride home

Aggressive people

People who interrupt what I'm saying to tell me it's boring/not important (had friends do this too)

Loud/obtrusive laughter

Little kids and babies on buses/planes

Cracking knuckles (don't really understand it, but it's not a problem when I do it but as soon as somebody else does, I freak out)

People who make stupid comments like they're facts

People who pick fights with salespeople/other patrons of a public space for no good reason

"Survival is insufficient" - Seven of Nine
Diagnosed with ASD level 1 on the 10th of April, 2014
Rediagnosed with ASD level 2 on the 4th of May, 2019
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14 Jul 2013, 9:48 am

Cigarette smoke
Being late
People who cut in line
Loud noises
Rude, obnoxious people
People who gossip
Manipulative people

Black cat on duty


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14 Jul 2013, 4:16 pm

People who don't correct their typos in their internet posts.

People who use fahrenheit to tell temperatures instead of using celsius. (Not criticising anyone, just saying).

People who keep posting those love quote things on Facebook like from ''Relationship Quotes's photos'' or something, or quotes about animal cruelty or brave soldiers in the war or whatever. It's nice to read those sorts of things every now and again but to have like a 100 of those on your wall every day just gets a bit much.

People who amplify their burps.

When I can hear a murmuring television from the next room.



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14 Jul 2013, 4:56 pm

I have a lot. Here’s a few:

- Lack of manners (people not saying please and thank you, people not holding a door open for someone etc).
- Cyclists not wearing helmets, especially if cycling on the road. I mean, how stupid can you get?
- Pregnant women smoking and people smoking around children.
- People dropping litter.
- When someone says, “cheer up, it might never happen.”

I'm not a guy!


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14 Jul 2013, 6:09 pm

Blownmind wrote:
ret*ds on the road, especially those who endanger the lives of themselves AND OTHERS by stupidly driving past you in the middle of a turn, or when there is a vehicle in the opposite lane.

^a pet peeve of mine,as a offline and online autism and ID activist this is the most common form of disablist slur we come across,its a term to refer to people as stupid/twats,like most uses of it; people clearly show there is full awareness of how its used,what it means and also the group of people they are derogatively associating it with, however they may not realise the connotations and abuse history it has for those of us under the label.
-dont be fooled into thinking its the plonkers who are in the wrong [these drivers for example] who are being insulted,they dont give a sht;these are the ignorant drivers who sit there thinking everyone else is at fault but not them, its not them who are hurt by ret*d et al,its those of us who have spent our entire life fighting disablism and disablist hate speech due to having autism and/or intelectual disability.

>people who come on WP and think only aspies/hfas use the forums,of course the rest of us are to busy smearing walls,drooling and rocking in a corner to know what the internets is and must have our poor parents write for us lest we be e-slandered due to being able to turn our computers on and write on a forum.

>aspies who think the autistic community is made just to host their voices and support them and only them,whilst the rest of it is handled by parents of us,many of us on the severe and profound spectrums want to be supported to have our own opinions just like everyone else and also to be included as part of the autistic community,not to be sidelined just because we experience autism differently.
parents do not represent us when it comes to this ridiculous cure idea,we represent ourselves or nothing, please stop splitting the autistic community up and isolating groups who dont quite fit the neurodiversity movement,we shoud be supporting each other regardless of the labels or beliefs we have

>animal thieves.
its about time had said something about this,happened over a week ago,have been in an absolute state;thankfuly helped by respiridone and being part sedated by the lorazepam prescribed by doctor.
those rancid scumbag pieces of sht broke into our residential centre grounds, smashed the two coops [one paid for by dad and one by organisation owner as am moneyless] and kidnapped the best friends of mine,four of them in fact,one of them being a mega best friend- thats two very special friends of mine there,temple,and tito; the white light sussex cockerel-had incubated and hand reared them both,they were not only friends they were therapy animals and had improved so well with them in quality of life,
am regressing and its not good. we have got awesome media helping us out,it cant go into the papers though, because those bstards said we have to have proof that someone came and used bolt cutters on our coops and smashed them up then took three lads and one hen>>because this was at night time and no one saw it. it shoud have been heard, there are a number of waking night staff on,am well pissed off at them,not surprising everyone is playing dumb as to who the night staff were,they dont want to grass their buddy up,fck em.

>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!


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14 Jul 2013, 6:17 pm

-anti-smoking nazis- if I want to smoke, leave me alone, it's my choice and my right.
-businesses that don't have the hours to accommodate those of us who work.
-people that park in front of my shipping bay door and prevent me from being able to get the forklift out to load a truck.

Blue Jay
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14 Jul 2013, 6:59 pm

people who correct my typos, especially in emails to me on dating sites

mind games

when people won't work out a misunderstanding or miscommunication

men I don't know telling me to smile

NTs (it's never a fellow Aspie/Autie) who post patronizing/condesending comments thinking it's supportive, to something I post on facebook

strobe light like camera flashes, especially in a dimly lit room like at a performance

that most horror movies aren't really scary anymore, just loud. I love horror but can't stand being bombarded by intense loud noises. It puts me into sensory overload. If it's loud noises and flashing light, then forget it!! !

that guys (NT guys, but also some non NT guys who have learned this behavior) that don't say what they mean but what they think I want to hear. I can't read the nonverbal cues so well and rely on words so if they don't match which is most of the time, I panic and am overwhelmed.

people who brush up against me accidentally, or kick my seat in the movies or who come up behind me and touch me without at least saying something. If I'm already on edge/in a mood, then it's even worse.

people who get offended/hurt when I ask them to stop doing something or tell them how to comfort me because they want to comfort me but are touching me wrong. For example they give me a light up and down back tickle when I am stressed or upset and I say thanks but when I am upset, I like deep pressure, can you just give me a deep massage instead?

people who text and drive

people who talk on the phone and drive


people who drive too slow in the fast lane

people who cut me off aburuptly at work

colleagues (I work with kids on the spectrum) who are ignorant of forums like wrongplanet and know nothing nor care about the feelings, thoughts and opinions of those of us on the autism spectrum on what we go through during a meltdown or how we process things etc

grammar police (although I used to be one lol)

conversely bad editing in published writing especially newspapers and magazines. It's obvious they fired all their proof readers and just rely on spell check! (typos in social media, online forums and texts do not bother me).

Aspie Score: Aspie 171/200, NT 50/200
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Sea Gull
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15 Jul 2013, 3:27 am

for me I would have to say...
- the internet being littered with 1000s of sites about aspie children, and the comparative rarity of sites that actually acknowledge the existence of aspie adults.
- Edgehogs. Those people who sit in the aisle on a crowded bus or train, blocking access to an empty seat by the window.
- Slow drivers cruising in the fast lane on European freeways/motorways.
- Airplane aisle hoggers: People who stand in the aisles on the planes when boarding, to put their baggage in the overhead bins. Stand between the seats and let people past you.
- Clueless passengers at airport security during the morning rush hour, who have to be told to take their coats off when they get to the machine.
- People who leave their mobile phones/cellphones on their desk in the office when they leave their desk.
- People leave their shopping cart/trolleys in such a way as to block the full width of a supermarket aisle.
- People at the supermarket checkout who stand there like a zombie watching all their stuff pile up on the conveyor belt where you're supposed to pack your stuff, and wait until they've paid, before starting to pack the stuff into their bags. So when it's my turn to be served, I have to wait for some space to be made on the counter.
- Drivers who don't put their foot on the gas, the very second that the lights go green.