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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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28 Apr 2005, 12:42 pm

Bush (now) says we went into Iraq to remove Sadaam from power. We did that. We should leave.

Not only is it irresponsible to start cleaning up and temporarily creating a bigger mess, then leaving it alone, but it is also vastly immoral to leave these people out on a limb.

There are Iraqis training to become the Iraqi special forces, willingly. They're joining the military to fight AGAINST the terrorists.

There can be no peace in Iraq as long as we have armed forces there. Whatever happens, if we leave there is a chance for peace. If we stay, there isn't.

If we leave now we will cause many more deaths then if we stay and try to keep order while they change governments. Most Iraqis support the U.S. troops and are GLAD they won't have to fear being mowed down or gassed for some sadistic creep's pleasure.

It is not immoral to want Iraqis to win their freedom from our occupying forces. I repeat it again: I hope they succeed, and force us to withdraw with our tail between our legs.

Your view has been warped by something, there are people who just want to exist without fear of being gunned down and don't care about their government, they just want their families to be safe.

We're helping to set up a government like that, ya know, the kind where you aren't decapitated with a rusty knife for wanting to be something other then muslim?

We're bringing freedom, and freedom ALWAYS has a cost. If you had a chance to interview the people who died, and show them what their country was going to be, one where people can razz the government like you're doing to ours now (You'd already be dead if you were in the old regime in iraq, tortured and dead. Remember that.) or support it with all their strength, to not have to fear being killed because of their beliefs..

Bah, your opinion is yours alone, I'm just glad you don't control a place of power, as you'd hurt many more people then you'd help.

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28 Apr 2005, 1:26 pm

Kitsune wrote:
Most Iraqis support the U.S. troops and are GLAD they won't have to fear being mowed down or gassed for some sadistic creep's pleasure.

Is that a joke?

4 out of 5 Iraqis oppose the American occupation


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28 Apr 2005, 1:54 pm

Ed, so you'd be happy to see more of your compatriots coming home in body bags having achieved nothing?


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28 Apr 2005, 3:28 pm

My considered opinion: Firstly, going to war with Iraq in the first place was just plain WRONG..... Beginning, middle and end of story. I'm a staunch Labour supporter and something of a Tony Blair fan on the quiet (ain't many of us left in the UK anymore it seems.... God bless you Tory party for giving us Howard :)), but he's really annoyed me from the very start of the whole Iraq thing. You can understand it from the Texas Yee-haw in Chief ("Ah'm goan' git me some Ee-rakkey ass fur ma daddy"), but Tony..... tut, tut..... You can only assume he must have been misadvised - I hope to hell that's what it was.....

Secondly, now we're all firmly ensconced there, there's no way that the US troops can pull out - the consequences of doing so would be simply unthinkable..... You'd be talking 20 or 30 years of cataclysmic civil war, massive regional destabilisation in a region that will struggle to accept any more destabilisation than it already has without imploding in a big mushroom shaped heap, and, as much as anything else, it would leave us totally at the mercy of Saudi Arabia oil-wise, which wouldn't bear thinking about....

Sorry me old American chums, but you've gone got yourself well and truly lumbered with this one.... All the best sorting it out....

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28 Apr 2005, 4:32 pm

Thats why im pressing for nuclear power as a stopgap until fusion and matter replication come along........


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28 Apr 2005, 5:42 pm

ascan wrote:
Ed, so you'd be happy to see more of your compatriots coming home in body bags having achieved nothing?

Well, they got rid of Sadaam, that's what Bush now claims we went in for; that's an achievement.

And no, I don't want any more soldiers killed. I want Bush to bring them home NOW. Things can be sorted out later, but they hate us so much over there (with VERY good reason, in my opinion) that we need to get out and let another party (like the UN) help them form a government.


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28 Apr 2005, 5:45 pm

TAFKASH wrote:
Tony..... tut, tut..... You can only assume he must have been misadvised - I hope to hell that's what it was.....

What about the recent revelations that he knew two weeks before the invasion that the war was of questionable legality?


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28 Apr 2005, 6:29 pm

ed wrote:
TAFKASH wrote:
Tony..... tut, tut..... You can only assume he must have been misadvised - I hope to hell that's what it was.....

What about the recent revelations that he knew two weeks before the invasion that the war was of questionable legality?

I prefer not to think about it....... :cry: We'll prpbably never know what his motivations and advice and pressures and knowledge of events really were. I still think he's a fundamentally more decent person than most of his politician-ilk, and he still gets my vote, but one's faith is severely dented.

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29 Apr 2005, 10:09 pm

You know, my mother and I had a short conversation with a retired soldier who served a little before Desert Storm.

Strangely enough, he said we were already over in Iraq doing what we are now doing at the time when GW's daddy was in power. He said this because he was actually over in Iraq, serving. And it is a big secret that we are doing the same thing now as we did then, but the difference is the word "War". Only that we are aware of it. That's the main difference.

911, as I see it, was only an excuse to go after Saddam. Nothing more than that. Terrible to degrade that many deaths as an "excuse" imo.

GW Bush is finishing his daddy's business. Honestly, do you actually think he would have gotten elected if he hadn't been the son of Former President George Bush???

I dare you to say "yes" without laughing.

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30 Apr 2005, 5:06 am

yes. He'd have cheated.... still.

and on tony blair, basicly the situation adds up to this

Arab Terrorists attack america. A little more sucessfully than even they thought.

Someone was due a kicking, but Bush needed someone who no other arab nation would come to rescue.

Oh look. Iraq, enemy to everyone.

So in america goes.

Blair thinks 'hmm, i don't want to be on the bad side of the americans, i better go in also.'

So this adds up to blair basicly being a kiss-ass........
and howard also. He supported the war

And Kennedy (charles, not EX us President) is basicly comming up w impossible election promises cause he knows he wont win.

Pileated woodpecker
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03 May 2005, 5:42 pm

heh heh. Okay then. My source for this post will be the weekly magazine "World" from

In the April 30th issue page 8, Bold text "IRAQ"

More then 50 bodies recovered from the tigris river south of baghdad are believed to be iraqi hostages seized in a region earlier this month. Seperately 19 Iraqis were shot to death and left against a bloodstained wall in a soccer stadium in Haditha, 140 miles northwest of Baghdad. Iraqis charge that the blood letting is inspired from abroad, notably a saudi-inspired jihad order to sunni militants and an iranian fatwaissued april 21 calling on shiites in Iraq "To carry arms and fight."

That's directly from the article.

These people were being slaughtered like this before we came in. We're in to stop this terrorism. Bush says it is to stop terrorism, not just terrorism of our own country but terrorism of the world.

You don't seem to understand what being the most powerful nation in the world brings to the table. We either have to be responsible and helpful to the rest of the world TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITIES or make like the U.S.S.R. and break up.

So wait, you're saying this entire war is wrong? Do you not understand that the killings have DECREASED since we intervened? That in cities the people are just now, after decades of terror, able to tuck their children in bed without worrying that the room will be gone and their child dead because of his or her religion?

No, the Iraqi's are VERY welcoming of our presence. I can go to an atheist website and start a poll of "Are you Christian?" and get 99% no, it's called a biased poll and it's what the news companies do to spit on our troops. It happened in other wars, and it's happening today.

Yes, Iraq was thought to have WMDs. I can guarentee you that Bush acted as best as he could on the information he had. I can also say that those WMDs were shipped off fo libya and other countries. There are satalite photos of massive convoys of trucks leaving Iraq before the U.S. got in.

I'm very glad you're not in charge. If you can honestly believe that in any case leaving people to live in such fear is correct, then you should reconsider your viewpoint.

The president is hated so much because he is the single most powerful man in existence. Bush has made it so that when your grandchildren ask you about the war on terror after reading it in their history books, you can proudly say that you were a citizen of the country primarily responsible for the end of it. Accept that as a gift.

Strangely enough, he said we were already over in Iraq doing what we are now doing at the time when GW's daddy was in power. He said this because he was actually over in Iraq, serving. And it is a big secret that we are doing the same thing now as we did then, but the difference is the word "War". Only that we are aware of it. That's the main difference

Awesome, my dad served some time as a mechanic during Desert Shield and Storm. We weren't already doing that before the wars. We may have had a small military presence, but the U.S. has embassies all over the world with U.S. soldiers present.

GW Bush is finishing his daddy's business. Honestly, do you actually think he would have gotten elected if he hadn't been the son of Former President George Bush???

Yes. Men of character are hard to find these days. Bush is not a conformist and that's why you hate him so much. Kerry bent to anyone who did so much as look at him funny.

And no, I don't want any more soldiers killed. I want Bush to bring them home NOW. Things can be sorted out later, but they hate us so much over there (with VERY good reason, in my opinion) that we need to get out and let another party (like the UN) help them form a government.

Oh sure, let's leave them alone without support at all in the midst of all the other preybird countries just waiting to strike. Let's leave them alone with terrorists still attacking civilians just for their religion.

I'm sorry, but we're not THAT irresponsible.

don't know the exact numbers but the chart from the link I posted explains the difference pretty well. Violent deaths compared to other causes jumped from 2% to 51% since the invasion.

Violent deaths of militants, yes. Of civilians, no. The civilian death rate has decreased.

Bush (now) says we went into Iraq to remove Sadaam from power. We did that. We should leave.

You are a special forces officer. You and one other SF troop are assigned the mission to plant a beacon on a mountain to guide incoming missiles. You plant the beacon, and begin to leave. The other troop slips and is hanging onto the cliff by his hand.

You, being the SF officer that you are, leave him to die.

Bush, in this situation, has pulled him up from his situation.

You don't just go into a country and push a government over. That's irresponsible and the chaos that would ensue would result in horrific 'gang wars'.

You've heard of Joseph Stalin, right? The secret police? Iraq was close to like that, but blatantly so.

Is that a joke?

4 out of 5 Iraqis oppose the American occupation

I believe I've already answered that in this post, but I'll repeat that.

Four out of five SUUNI MUSLIMS oppose the American occupation. Do you know who the Suuni are? Read up on the small snippet I posted up about Iraq. Yeah, the ones doing the shooting at the Shiite?

My considered opinion: Firstly, going to war with Iraq in the first place was just plain WRONG..... Beginning, middle and end of story. I'm a staunch Labour supporter and something of a Tony Blair fan on the quiet (ain't many of us left in the UK anymore it seems.... God bless you Tory party for giving us Howard ), but he's really annoyed me from the very start of the whole Iraq thing. You can understand it from the Texas Yee-haw in Chief ("Ah'm goan' git me some Ee-rakkey ass fur ma daddy"), but Tony..... tut, tut..... You can only assume he must have been misadvised - I hope to hell that's what it was.....

If we're going to do stereotypes here, it's gonna be a long long thread. No, it wasn't plain wrong. Of course you've never lived under a veil of hopeless oppression, one that we're lifting, have you?

Secondly, now we're all firmly ensconced there, there's no way that the US troops can pull out - the consequences of doing so would be simply unthinkable..... You'd be talking 20 or 30 years of cataclysmic civil war, massive regional destabilisation in a region that will struggle to accept any more destabilisation than it already has without imploding in a big mushroom shaped heap, and, as much as anything else, it would leave us totally at the mercy of Saudi Arabia oil-wise, which wouldn't bear thinking about....

Hey, all hail enviromentalists. At first it was compromise, now an oil company can't take up 6 square miles, 1/10th of 1%, to drill for oil in a national wildlife refuge while roads can be established throughout the entire refuge and hunters can divebomb wolves from the air in airplanes.

Also, Saudi Arabia would have hell if we did a trade embargo on them, with the recent advent of the EU we could pretty much cut them off from everything. Make it a no fly zone, etc. That would eventually get them to open up.

Sorry me old American chums, but you've gone got yourself well and truly lumbered with this one.... All the best sorting it out....

No problem really, help them get a democracy set up and help train their troops, as we are doing now, and we won't have many more problems other then the terrorists while we're doing it.

Thats why im pressing for nuclear power as a stopgap until fusion and matter replication come along........

I vote funding a good 5 billion dollars worth of passive solar cell research.

The enviromentalists are making hell for nuclear power too. The spent nuclear equipment has to be stored in deep pools of water. Trucks with containers that could be burnt for an hour in jet fuel, then hit by a freight train, and dropped from a good distance without more then a dent aren't good enough for them. They WOULD be transported to a deep burial site in arizona, but no, it's not good enough.

BS, don't you agree? Any single one of the tests (They did show them publically) would be good enough for me, all three on the same container without repairs is just madness. Not accepting that as good enough is stupid.

What about the recent revelations that he knew two weeks before the invasion that the war was of questionable legality?

How is a war 'legal' or 'illegal'? Regardless of other manmade regulations-which can be abused as I'm sure all aspies have been on the bad end of-this needed to happen.

Someone was due a kicking, but Bush needed someone who no other arab nation would come to rescue.

Oh look. Iraq, enemy to everyone.

So in america goes.

Yep, Iraq was due a kicking. Iraq, enemy to everyone, including it's own people.

Of course we go in, it's only common decency.

So this adds up to blair basicly being a kiss-ass........
and howard also. He supported the war

And Kennedy (charles, not EX us President) is basicly comming up w impossible election promises cause he knows he wont win

I'm sure you'd have liked to side with the french? Did you know Russia supports this war? The terrorist attacks on Russia? Look 'em up. I'm not sure if Russian troops are involved directly, but there is support there.

Why don't any of you see this as something that needed to be done? I just don't understand how you can allow others to suffer while you live such plush lives! You're taking for granted privelages that don't exist outside of a select few countries!

Maybe you just don't realize the freedom you have?

Maybe you've been mislead and are vehemotly fighting because you don't want to be wrong?

Maybe you just hate killing (Moot point, we're actually decreasing the deaths.)?

Maybe you don't like wars?

But I find that it is the first two, and this...

Maybe you just hate the person in charge, regardless of what he does.

Appreciate this, Bush is not a kiss-ass man. He realizes he has been put in a position to cause some MAJOR change and he isn't afraid to piss you off to do so. Appreciate that you have a man of strong character-regardless of if you agree with it-in the office. Be glad you don't have to deal with Suddam Hussein as your leader, and the terrorists as your police.

Appreciate that your leader is not one to have a cup of tea with hitler, stalin, suddam, Osama, and other horrific people.

If you can't even give that tip of the hat to Bush, then there's something seriously wrong here.


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03 May 2005, 10:07 pm

Kitsune wrote:
don't know the exact numbers but the chart from the link I posted explains the difference pretty well. Violent deaths compared to other causes jumped from 2% to 51% since the invasion.

Violent deaths of militants, yes. Of civilians, no. The civilian death rate has decreased.

Wrong. It's civilians. Read the article.

Kitsune wrote:
Is that a joke?

4 out of 5 Iraqis oppose the American occupation

I believe I've already answered that in this post, but I'll repeat that.

Four out of five SUUNI MUSLIMS oppose the American occupation. Do you know who the Suuni are? Read up on the small snippet I posted up about Iraq. Yeah, the ones doing the shooting at the Shiite?

The survey was of all Iraqi citizens.


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04 May 2005, 1:44 am

I wasn't for going to war against Iraq nor am I going to excuse Bush for his policies, but it seems that there were some democrats such as Kerry and Edwards that gave Bush the permission to go to war. When people confronted Kerry about this he seemed to wabble and flip flop all over the place like he always did during the campaign. It just goes to show how that Democrats and Republicans are not that much different from each other.


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04 May 2005, 4:36 am

ok, Kitsune, you're right. George Bush is the greatest man in the history of the world. The reason he's never admitted any mistakes is that he hasn't made any. Since we are the most powerful nation in the world, we should remake the rest of the world in our image. If they don't want to, of course we should invade and force them to. While the White House approved torture techniques, and torture actually took place, it's just a coincidence, the torturers acted on their own. We aren't really losing freedoms; actually, the civil liberties we're losing are unimportant, and we are more free than before.



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04 May 2005, 11:51 am

this country (U.S.) is so far behind the times we still nominate white males for president..when are we going to get a woman or someone of another race in there..i like Bush, but he don't always make the right choices

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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04 May 2005, 1:21 pm

ok, Kitsune, you're right. George Bush is the greatest man in the history of the world. The reason he's never admitted any mistakes is that he hasn't made any. Since we are the most powerful nation in the world, we should remake the rest of the world in our image. If they don't want to, of course we should invade and force them to. While the White House approved torture techniques, and torture actually took place, it's just a coincidence, the torturers acted on their own. We aren't really losing freedoms; actually, the civil liberties we're losing are unimportant, and we are more free than before.

Sarcasm will get you nowhere.

If you cannot see the reasoning behind this then it explains why you're a liberal extremist left wing democrat.

If you think that I think Bush is the greatest man alive, you're also wrong. I'm defending him because everyone else REFUSES to acknowledge why he was re-elected and what he is doing to bring freedom to them.

Re-post the article, I'd love to dig up some more articles from that site.

Once more, it was SUUNI muslims, you cannot accurately defend that it was a poll of all Iraqi citizens because most Iraqis would be afraid to say ANYTHING else. Why? TERRORISTS!

We're cleaning out a country long overdue. These people lived in horrific fear. If you can't understand that what we're doing is right, even if mistakes are made along the way, then you don't need to be active in politics.

Freedom comes at a cost.