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10 May 2005, 1:55 pm

Here I am - earlier than anticipated! :)

Kitsune wrote:
All your arguements boil down to "I don't believe you! You can't prove it because I'm not going to agree with you even if you have God himself picking my nose!"

All my arguments rely on fact. Fact is in no need of proof, by very definition of what it is.

I do not need to "prove" that the sky is blue - the sky is blue. This is a fact - a self-evident, obvious, universally accepted fact.

I do not need to "prove" that the sun rises in the morning - the sun rises in the morning. This is a fact - a self-evident, obvious, universally accepted fact.

I do not need to "prove" that evolution is a compelling, but flawed, theory that is to date the best explanation we have of the origin of species. Evolution is a compelling, but flawed, theory that is to date the best explanation we have of the origin of species. This is a fact - a self-evident, obvious, universally accepted fact.

I do not need to "prove" that the answers to most of the basic questions of existence are unknown. The answers to most of the basic questions of existence are unknown. This is a fact - a self-evident, obvious, universally accepted fact.

I do not need to "prove" that there is no concrete evidence for the existence of God. There is no concrete evidence for the existence of God. This is a fact - a self-evident, obvious, universally accepted fact.

It is you who argues from the basis of the Tooth Fairy, Boogeyman, Easter Bunny, Father Christmas, Lord Lucan, Michael Jackson's innocence..... Wild, fantastical, ethereal, non-corporeal, intrinsically intangible concepts and ideas with no demonstrable basis in reality. It is you on your platform of shimmering ephemera who must produce proof of this whimsical nonsense - not I who am standing upon very firmly rooted solid fact and demonstrable substance, and arguing based on points of unchallengeable foundation.

Kitsune wrote:
On the parts of the bible that can be put through logical analysis and backed up with proof, I take them on the second part. On the parts that are blind faith, I take them on blind faith. The medical practices and scientific evidence put up in my last post were taken on blind faith until proven, and they were proven correct.

In other words you pick and choose your stance whenever the uncomfortable truth of your indefensible position presents itself..... :roll: Dear God, save us...... :roll:

P.S. I do appreciate how much better my writing style is than yours obviously, how much wittier, how much more entertaining, how much more edifying, how much more truthful.... I can understand your envy of my vastly superior faculties, I really can..... But merely echoing my points through cutting and pasting them and changing the words is getting a little tiresome..... I understand though, I do.... I have noticed how you struggle to string sentences together into coherent arguments and need all the help you can in attempting to construct them, but do try to minimise the plagiarism, OK? Thanks awfully.... :wink:

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny!"

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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10 May 2005, 5:17 pm

1. Evolution does not state that an ant will evolve into a blue whale, and anyone that knows anything about evolution will laugh in your face when you say that. I'd suggest, before blindly discrediting it any further, you take a look at what scientists have figured out about evolution and natural selection whether you believe in it or not. "Sarcasm" "Caustic" "Abrasive"

Evolution states that from a single celled organism all life evolved and all life is in a constant state of competition with each other to become the best 'supreme and perfect' animal. It also says that somehow from that bacterium all animals became completely and totally different and a massive variety erupted from this single celled organism. There is a HUGE difference between a single celled plant and animal cell, they would never turn into each other. Thus, you get into the chicken and the egg problem.

I could go on and list more examples, but I'm keeping it to one in a post.

2. Life comes from poop... hmm... well... I'm still trying to figure out where you were going with that. I'll get back to you once I find my magical insanity-decoding helmet.

Makes a lot more sense then life coming from a volcano strewn storm hewn dark murky rock, doesn't it?

3. The 1953 Miller-Urey experiment proved that life can easily be generated spontaneously without requiring existing life to synthesize it, using only the simple components of Earth's early conditions. It has since been proven over and over again in a variety of conditions.

However, at present, the relevance of the experimental results of Miller and Urey are being questioned, since the atmospheric conditions used in the experiment are not thought to accurately reflect those of the early earth. The Miller-Urey experiment is depicted in the animation below.

1This hypothesis stated that conditions on the primitive earth favored chemical reactions that synthesized organic compounds from inorganic precursors.

Organic compounds, not life.

Try not to get yourself beaten with your own source, okay?

Go ahead and listen to the voices in your head all you want, but you should be intelligent enough to realize that when they tell you to threaten rational people with your superstitious madness, you can't expect a smile and a pat on the back.

They say an insane person never wonders if they're insane, and I make sure to double check myself every day. Do you?

I don't recall ever saying that.

Secular humanism is the worldview incoorperating the theory of mutation selection into it's religion. You worship man.

Please do not think that I have any need or desire to argue with you.
I just enjoy sharing the observations I have made regarding science and religion. I believe they are ultimately identical. Both arose from a desire to understand and control the environment. Both involve transcendence of the individual.

Evolution is a retreat from science. In fact, the theory is made on incomplete observations of some facts pieced together. The bible has some proven scientific facts in it and some things that still don't make sense. So, using the same pseudo-science in evolution I can say the bible is true, then I can go in using the scientific method and PROVE the bible is true.

Science is nothing more then hypothesis formed on observation and tested, and tested, and tested.

As it exists today, science is far too concerned with the physical world to be of any spiritual value.
Unfortunately many religious proponents are far too concerned with defending antiquated mythologies to open their minds to the true signifigance of their traditions.

What you don't seem to understand is that biblically there are many scientific facts mentioned that the people had NO way of knowing at the time. Many of these 'mythologies' you speak of can be defended. Even in other religions they can be partially defended depending on what they are.

Religion can be affirmed with science.

People once believed all sorts of things about the way the body functioned, and what caused illnesses, these have now been understood better and we are better able to heal the body.
In the same way I think people today still hold many eroneous beliefs regarding the heart and spirit. Hopefully in time we will have a better understanding of the principles at work and therefore be better able to heal these parts of ourselves.

Well of course. I haven't dug it up yet but there is a passage in the bible inferring that the heart circulates blood

I find that taking one position or another and then defending it at all costs can only serve to constrain the mind. It is much more liberating to allow it to roam the whole terrain and pick and choose those things that have real value.

I will present fact until confronted with irrefutable fact that the bible is wrong. Unfortunately no one has been able to step up to my level and show it as such.

I do not need to "prove" that evolution is a compelling, but flawed, theory that is to date the best explanation we have of the origin of species. Evolution is a compelling, but flawed, theory that is to date the best explanation we have of the origin of species. This is a fact - a self-evident, obvious, universally accepted fact.

You don't *HAVE* to prove evolution, you need to. It is NOT the best explanation we have as to the origin of our species, creation is. It is not self-evident, it is forced into one by indoctrination. It is not universally accepted, it is simply taught as such.

I do not need to "prove" that the answers to most of the basic questions of existence are unknown. The answers to most of the basic questions of existence are unknown. This is a fact - a self-evident, obvious, universally accepted fact.

I do not need to prove that the answers to why we were put on this earth are known, as it is to glorify God and this is evident to any Christian. I do not need to prove that this is a self-evident, obvious, universally accepted amoung the elite fact. (See, I can be a butt too.)

I do not need to "prove" that there is no concrete evidence for the existence of God. There is no concrete evidence for the existence of God. This is a fact - a self-evident, obvious, universally accepted fact.

There is concrete evidence of God in his creation. There is concrete evidence of God in each and every person's life that allows him in. There is concrete evidence of punishment by God, and there is concrete evidence of blessing by God. His love knows no bounds. There is no concrete evidence for anything to one who does not accept the evidence. That is a fact, a self-evident and self proving, universally accepted and world known, fact.

It is you who argues from the basis of the Tooth Fairy, Boogeyman, Easter Bunny, Father Christmas, Lord Lucan, Michael Jackson's innocence..... Wild, fantastical, ethereal, non-corporeal, intrinsically intangible concepts and ideas with no demonstrable basis in reality. It is you on your platform of shimmering ephemera who must produce proof of this whimsical nonsense - not I who am standing upon very firmly rooted solid fact and demonstrable substance, and arguing based on points of unchallengeable foundation.

It is you who argues from your own mind. The difference between those characters and God is that those characters are built upon man's ideas, while we are built on God's ideas. ))Follow-up edit(( Unfortunately, you bring fourth modern creations of man against a religion. God's power CAN be felt, but we don't control it so I can't MAKE you feel it. None of these characters can be felt, they cannot be backed by scientific fact, they cannot be backed by logic.

Also, I'd like to point out that all your posts have contained so far is along the lines of "No, you're wrong. *Wannabe witty remark, wannabe witty remark* Ha ha you're wrong I win *Smiley face, smiley face.*" and I'm growing quite tired of it. ))End follow-up((

Once more I ask you to BRING your demonstratable 'fact' to the table, as you are incapable of doing so, I will simply put my arms behind my head, kick my feet up, and have another easily replied to post made by you.

I doubt you are familiar with the U.S. constitution, MJ is innocent until proven guilty and in the SMALL chance he WASN'T molesting those children, his life has been shattered and ruined. I ask you kindly to stop watching TV and start learning about the case.

P.S. I do appreciate how much better my writing style is than yours obviously, how much wittier, how much more entertaining, how much more edifying, how much more truthful.... I can understand your envy of my vastly superior faculties, I really can..... But merely echoing my points through cutting and pasting them and changing the words is getting a little tiresome..... I understand though, I do.... I have noticed how you struggle to string sentences together into coherent arguments and need all the help you can in attempting to construct them, but do try to minimise the plagiarism, OK? Thanks awfully....

Whilst I do copy and paste your writing in quotes it is simply to echo the sarcasm and stubborn hatred it is made in. If you have see neither the sarcasm nor the hatred present in your much esteemed forum posts I will have to knock my opinion of you down another peg. Of course, if you do suddenly have a revelation about how horrifically boring and lacking of humor your posts are then mayhap you will change them. Though I doubt this will happen I will hope and pray that you one day acquire the logical analysis abilities of a gifted individual such as myself so that you may see how you have been brainwashed by mass media and your public school system.

In the minute chance you haven't noticed the difference between our average post, average paragraph, and average sentence structure type I would like to point them out to you. While I use a varied sentence structure in my writing in an attempt to keep it interesting, you reply with a steady pattern. This can be boring. You have become utterly annoying in your blathering and oft insulting nature while I have simply asked for help and received none.

If you feel you must continue to meander on this path of baseless claims and false accusations as well as meaningless and slanderous insults then insult my writing you may. Although if you continue to do this you may find that I start typing long-windedly enough to be published. If you continue to insult me I will begin posting to my full ability and absolutely smashing you in wit, ire, humor, fact, intelligence, wisdom, length, and patience. If you decide to take a step back and back out of the humbling effect of someone that would prefer to have a stimulating debate over factual information and respectful analysis of the other's posts, we can possibly enjoy this debate.

Unfortunately it seems you will continue on this path that will lead to your own humiliation and I do not wish to take part in dashing someone else's face in the mud. Though if I am called to do so, I will not hesitate.


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10 May 2005, 5:46 pm

Since this nonsense isn't going to stop, this topic will be locked untol further notice. :evil: