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15 Sep 2005, 4:59 pm

Marx hated the socialists as much as the bourgiousie.
This is because, Socialism is not reality and will not work.
This is because people will always try to take more for themselves.
And there is no emphasis on production.
You could say that they get rewards for doing extra, but that capitalism.
Also if you force people to work then it is communism.

Capitalism won't work because it uses up too many resources.
Capitalism will work if the earth only has a max of 600 million people.
Or if we have 6 planets under our control.

The planet can not take all this interferance.
I prefer the term Marxism to communism because communism gets people confused with China and Russia.
My favorite of all would be Neo Environmental Capitalism.
(I just made that up)
I have no idea what it is really called but it means that every part of land is privately owned.
People must work on their own land and make it sustainable otherwise they will lose lots of money.
Whenever you have lots of free land owned by everyone then big companies can take as much as they want.
If the land is divided between companies and only an area is controlled by each then companies will try to let the land last.
That means that we have an automatic self sufficiency and conservation.
Don't believe me, look at satalite photos of the Arabian desert and you will see one small green patch.
It is privately owned and the owner has 5 different regions enclosed by fences.
The animals in one area overgraze it by the end of the year.
Then the next area is opened for the animals to continue eating.
By the time the final area is "harvasted," the first and second area's are full of growth.


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15 Sep 2005, 7:17 pm

Mithrandir wrote:
Capitalism won't work because it uses up too many resources.
Capitalism will work if the earth only has a max of 600 million people.
Or if we have 6 planets under our control.

I think technology is the antidote to that (one great example where I hear they already have prototypes built - hydrogen cars).
When you look at it from the perspective you mentioned, that's based on rarity of certain items and ingredients - something that technology is meant to solve and especially with capitalism, most companies are in very sharp competition to make a better and better product less and less expensive and minimalizing the scarce resources needed to make things is part of how that's done. As for environmental pollution or the bettering of production capital in terms of environmental effects, I think my generation (gen y) will be working very hard on that and that may be one of the biggest booming fields in terms of technology - trying to make it all work more like a natural system and keeping the ingredients as well as the fuels earth-friendly.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin