How Old Were You When You Were Dx'd/Self Dx'd?

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How old were you when you were dx'd, or self-dx'd as on the spectrum?
0-5 years old 8%  8%  [ 34 ]
6-10 8%  8%  [ 34 ]
11-16 16%  16%  [ 67 ]
17-21 18%  18%  [ 79 ]
22-29 21%  21%  [ 90 ]
30-39 13%  13%  [ 57 ]
40-49 10%  10%  [ 43 ]
50+ 6%  6%  [ 24 ]
Not on the spectrum as far as you are aware 1%  1%  [ 3 ]
Other 0%  0%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 432


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14 Apr 2012, 7:06 pm

Diagnosed when I was 4

Diagnosed with HFA at age 3
Aspie quiz score -
Your Aspie score: 139 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 69 of 200 You are very likely an Aspie

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01 Jun 2012, 3:49 am

18 years old, in the army, Asperger's. ADHD when I was 17. Though I started speaking when I was 8 months old, and it appears I was already obsessed with precision when I was very young.

(Personal Story Time You May Skip)

Mum told me that when I was a year and a half old my grandmother caught me playing with some dirt on the floor. She told me: "Don't touch that, it's kaka", to which I replied: "Granny, this isn't kaka, it's dirt. The kaka is in the potty." She was terrified with me everafter. Truthfully speaking, this event may have more to do with the fact that my parents never used "baby-speak" with me*, rather than with my inherent peculiarities.

* "Never saw the point of first teaching you incorrect language, just to teach you how to speak properly later on," mum told me.


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12 Jun 2012, 7:41 pm

I self-diagnosed around 16 when another aspie told me about his own differences and how he never fit. I felt like I belonged somewhere after that experience.


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14 Jun 2012, 1:40 pm

Took my first batch of tests when I was six, the last batch of test I took shortly after my seventh, put into play therapy, GLD class, bumped out to SLD class, bumped out again to the school supply closet where I stayed for two school years till my step-dad split and the woman that gave birth to me moved us to another place, the abuse started in earnest and i ended up in regular class and no more therapy.

I ignored the Dx when I was a kid, just like the woman who gave birth to me did. Used the I.Q. scores as some kind of badge of honor to avoid being called a ret*d, didn't work of course. I had to go look up what Hyperlexia, Dyscalculia and Autism were when I got home from school. All I have for a Dx is what I overheard the tester, the home room teacher and the woman who gave birth me talking about and i read the I.Q. score on the results page.....

No help since. Which has had a massive impact on my life. Which is why at thirty-six I'm going to go bare my heart and soul to a stranger to get the ball rolling for funding for the therapy I need. I need an official Dx in order to access local resources. I have no paperwork or any anything from my childhood, no records, nothing. So many lost friendships, jobs, no-starter of a career.... social outcast. playing havoc with my current relationship. Well the ASD and the PTSD.

Bleh... Dealing with all this crap all at once after decades of avoiding it sucks.


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07 May 2013, 3:07 am


I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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24 May 2013, 3:14 pm

There were signs since my early childhood. I started talking when i was one or so. I didn't liked to play with other kids in kindergarden. I was really quite kid. Most time i played on my own with my toys building houses with my building kit. In my 1st grade other kids keep telling me i must be from mars. Nowadays i am attending grammar school in Europe. I am 19 and i like digital circuits. I don't anymore care being awkward. I am going to see psychiatrist to get official diagnosis.

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24 May 2013, 5:30 pm


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26 May 2013, 7:44 pm

I was diagnosed at age 2, circa 1990.

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28 May 2013, 9:22 pm

Wish I'd learned about it long ago, for my family's sake. We're all happier now, knowing why I'm the way I am.


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01 Aug 2013, 12:46 am

I was 2 in 1989.


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02 Aug 2013, 7:44 pm

I was 3 years old.

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03 Aug 2013, 9:01 pm

I was diagnosed with AS when I was 14.


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03 Aug 2013, 9:04 pm

Just shy of 31, in early 2004,
a shrink dx'd me (I'd never heard of Asperger's before).

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03 Aug 2013, 9:19 pm

diagnosed fairly recently a few months ago at the age of 25, from a mental health checkup after suffering extreme stress from my degree. It concluded I do have Aspergers

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AS 168/200, NT: 20/ 200, AQ=45 EQ=15, SQ=78, IQ=135


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05 Aug 2013, 3:11 pm

I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when i was 11 years old.

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05 Aug 2013, 3:34 pm

Officially diagnosed at the age of 21. I first suspected it when I was 19 or 20, I don't exactly remember.

I was 18 when someone called me autistic for the first time. I laughed so hard about it in his face. How ironic, LOL.