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05 Jan 2021, 12:19 pm

Tempus Fugit wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
I have already explained to you the difference between satire and irony. You do not engage in satire. You may sometimes engage in irony.

Again, however, that does not absolve you of responsibility for your actions. When you dedicate a whole post to ironic declarations of your own intelligence (particularly when you mix these up with unironic claims which are basically indistinguishable - you make it completely plain that you genuinely believe yourself to be smarter than other people, less emotionally driven, better at critical thinking, etc.), when you “joke” about other people being wrong because they’re not as smart as you, this has exactly the same effect as someone shouting abuse in someone’s face. It’s mean, it’s nasty and it is bullying.

Might I suggest taking the complete opposite approach? For example, you could ironically exaggerate your own failings in a self-deprecating style. Other people are likely to find this considerably more endearing and it will have a less negative impact upon them. This would allow you to maintain the sense of humour and light-heartedness that you so value without tearing down others and causing them hurt and pain.

I'm not a huge fan of Pepe's style, but I'm not bothered by it either. I can see someone describing him as kind of a pain in the ass sometimes, but he doesn't come across as mean, nasty and bullying. More like amusing.

It's easy to feel that way when someone is regularly rude but not to you. Being snarky and condescending isn't something that should be encouraged. Trolling and then hiding behind 'I was just being funny. I'm so much smarter than everyone who doesn't get my jokes.' shouldn't be a tolerable behaviour.

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05 Jan 2021, 1:15 pm

I agree. Although a it's a few others who come to mind.

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10 Jan 2021, 4:06 pm

Effective today, Amazon Web Service has banned the application Parler, a competitor of Twitter. John Matze (CEO of Parler), said "Amazon, Google and Apple purposefully did this in a coordinated effort knowing our options would be limited and knowing this would inflict the most damage." What is happening is “extremely scary” and that it seems like the Big Tech moves are an effort to "stifle free speech and competition in the marketplace."

Amy Peikoff (Chief Policy Officer) said "we are trying to provide a nonpartisan town square in which people of varying viewpoints can have productive discussions and force and threats of force stop those discussions, in fact they stop thinking so it is the opposite of what we want.” “We want people to think. We want them to think for themselves,” she stressed.

At the same time we strongly believe that Orwell's ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ is a dystopian novel,” she continued. “It’s not an instruction manual, and by that I mean that in a free country, innocent people, people about whom you have no particularized suspicion, should not be subjected to bulk surveillance 24/7 and it’s not consistent with the Fourth Amendment to do that.”

Peikoff then explained what she called “a crucial question.” “Do we want all of the content that is posted online, every single piece to be scanned for ‘objectionable content,’ as they call it, 24/7 and also removed without due process if it’s flagged by an algorithm because that seems to be the standard that Parler is being told that we must adhere to,” she said.

Source: Parler to be down 'for a while' without AWS, executives say: 'We are clearly being singled out'

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10 Jan 2021, 4:59 pm

jimmy m wrote:
Effective today, Amazon Web Service has banned the application Parler, a competitor of Twitter. John Matze (CEO of Parler), said "Amazon, Google and Apple purposefully did this in a coordinated effort knowing our options would be limited and knowing this would inflict the most damage." What is happening is “extremely scary” and that it seems like the Big Tech moves are an effort to "stifle free speech and competition in the marketplace."

I'm gratified that Big Tech is finally taking responsibility. Matze can cry himself to sleep for the rest of the year for all I care. We don't need any more of their influence in this country, let them go to Australia.

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10 Jan 2021, 7:35 pm

As I said at the beginning of this thread:

The novel popularized the term "Orwellian" as an adjective, with many terms used in the novel entering common usage, including "Big Brother", "doublethink", "thoughtcrime", "Newspeak", "memory hole", "2 + 2 = 5", "proles", "Two Minutes Hate", "telescreen", and "Room 101".

Big Brother, the totalitarian figurehead, stares out from posters plastered throughout the city, and private telescreens broadcast the Party’s platform and its constant stream of infotainment. Everyone simply assumes that they are always being watched, and most no longer know to care.

doublethink = the acceptance of or mental capacity to accept contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time, especially as a result of political indoctrination.

thoughtcrime = A thoughtcrime is the criminal act of holding unspoken beliefs that oppose or question the Party.

Newspeak is engineered to remove even the possibility of rebellious thoughts—the words by which such thoughts might be articulated have been eliminated from the language. Newspeak contains no negative terms.

memory hole = any mechanism for the deliberate alteration or disappearance of inconvenient or embarrassing documents, photographs, transcripts or other records, such as from a website or other archive, particularly as part of an attempt to give the impression that something never happened.

The phrase "two plus two equals five" (2 + 2 = 5) is used in the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), by George Orwell, as a dogmatic statement of Ingsoc (English Socialism) philosophy, like the slogan "War is Peace", which the Party expects the citizens of Oceania to believe is true. In writing his secret diary in the year 1984, the protagonist Winston Smith ponders if the Inner Party might declare that "two plus two equals five" is a fact. Smith further ponders whether or not belief in such a consensus reality makes the lie true.

proles = the working class of Oceania. The word prole is a shortened variant of proletarian, which is a Marxist term for a working-class citizen.

Two Minute Hate = daily, public period during which members of the Outer Party must watch a film depicting the enemies of the state, to openly and loudly express hatred for them. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic.

Telescreens are devices that operate as televisions, security cameras, and microphones. They constantly spy on its members. They received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up and monitored.

Room 101 is the last phase of physical/psychological indoctrination. It is a room where prisoners are attacked using their deepest darkest fears. For example, Winston is terrified of rats. After months of torture, O’Brien sends Winston to Room 101, where O’Brien begins to put a cage of rats over Winston’s head. Room 101 is the last phase of torture to break him and make him turn.

I think we will be seeing a lot more of these terms especially first hand.

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11 Jan 2021, 10:53 am

Poland is confronting 1984

Poland's justice minister announced a legal initiative on Thursday aimed at enabling internet users to file complaints against the removal of online posts as well as the creation of a special court for freedom of speech.

Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro said the aim of the bill was to give internet users the feeling that their rights are protected and that their posts cannot be arbitrarily removed from online platforms.

The full name of the bill is the law on freedom of expressing one's own views and searching and disseminating information on the internet.

Under its provisions, social media services will not be allowed to remove content or block accounts if the content on them does not break Polish law. In the event of removal or blockage, a complaint can be sent to the platform, which will have 24 hours to consider it. Within 48 hours of the decision, the user will be able to file a petition to the court for the return of access. The court will consider complaints within seven days of receipt and the entire process is to be electronic.

"Often, the victims of ideological censorship tendencies are also representatives of various groups operating in Poland, whose content is removed or blocked, just because they express views and refer to values that are unacceptable from the point of view of communities (...) with an ever stronger influence on the functioning of social media," Ziobro said.

"We realize that it is not an easy topic, we realize that on the internet there should also be a sphere of guarantees for everybody who feels slandered, a sphere of limitation of various content which may carry with it a negative impact on the sphere of other people's freedom," he said. "But we would like to propose such tools that will enable both one side and the other to call for the decision of a body that will be able to adjudicate whether content appearing on such and such a social media account really violates personal rights, whether it can be eliminated, or whether there is censorship."

If a special court rules in favor of the plaintiff and the internet service does not obey the ruling it can subject to a fine of up to PLN 8 million (EUR 1.8 million) imposed by the Office of Electronic Communications.

Source: Justice minister announces online freedom of speech bill

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11 Jan 2021, 11:22 am

^ LOL. You should see what they did to public media here.
Ziobro talking about bad Internet censorship is a summit of hypocrisy.

Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.

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11 Jan 2021, 11:31 am

magz wrote:
^ LOL. You should see what they did to public media here.
Ziobro talking about bad Internet censorship is a summit of hypocrisy.

I'm sure his motive is to ensure that right wing points of view get wide exposure.

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11 Jan 2021, 11:32 am

MaxE wrote:
magz wrote:
^ LOL. You should see what they did to public media here.
Ziobro talking about bad Internet censorship is a summit of hypocrisy.

I'm sure his motive is to ensure that right wing points of view get wide exposure.

I'm afraid it is.
Like, a WP-like site in Poland wouldn't be able to ban blantant homophobia in their rules?
Which most likely will end up with sites being hosted abroad - if the legislation ever sees daylight, that is. As a nation, we're expert in bypassing the law.

But Kremlin trolls would celebrate! And regular trolls! And spammers! From their point of view, it's perfect! No more moderators banning them after first 6 posts!
Hooray for Indian love potions!

Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.

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12 Jan 2021, 6:20 am

jimmy m wrote:
Poland is confronting 1984

Poland's justice minister announced a legal initiative on Thursday aimed at enabling internet users to file complaints against the removal of online posts as well as the creation of a special court for freedom of speech.

Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro said the aim of the bill was to give internet users the feeling that their rights are protected and that their posts cannot be arbitrarily removed from online platforms.

The full name of the bill is the law on freedom of expressing one's own views and searching and disseminating information on the internet.

Under its provisions, social media services will not be allowed to remove content or block accounts if the content on them does not break Polish law. In the event of removal or blockage, a complaint can be sent to the platform, which will have 24 hours to consider it. Within 48 hours of the decision, the user will be able to file a petition to the court for the return of access. The court will consider complaints within seven days of receipt and the entire process is to be electronic.

"Often, the victims of ideological censorship tendencies are also representatives of various groups operating in Poland, whose content is removed or blocked, just because they express views and refer to values that are unacceptable from the point of view of communities (...) with an ever stronger influence on the functioning of social media," Ziobro said.

"We realize that it is not an easy topic, we realize that on the internet there should also be a sphere of guarantees for everybody who feels slandered, a sphere of limitation of various content which may carry with it a negative impact on the sphere of other people's freedom," he said. "But we would like to propose such tools that will enable both one side and the other to call for the decision of a body that will be able to adjudicate whether content appearing on such and such a social media account really violates personal rights, whether it can be eliminated, or whether there is censorship."

If a special court rules in favor of the plaintiff and the internet service does not obey the ruling it can subject to a fine of up to PLN 8 million (EUR 1.8 million) imposed by the Office of Electronic Communications.

Source: Justice minister announces online freedom of speech bill

Poland is using 1984 as an instruction manual 8O

This is really horrifying stuff and it’s pretty surprising to see you cheering it on, Jimmy.

Have you ever read 1984? Because it is not a neoreactionary book that mandates hate - indeed, it is exactly the opposite.

In 1984, a totalitarian party mandates that the entire populace participated in “Two Minutes Hate”. You are saying that this is a good thing? Because Orwell very much wasn’t. If a private company had withdrawn their support for “Two Minutes Hate”, would they be the bad guys in 1984?

Amazon saying “sorry, but you can’t use our services to advocate for violent insurrection against legitimate authority” is not Orwellian. It is extremely disingenuous and a spit in Orwell’s face to compare the two. Surprised I have to say this, but Amazon is not the government, they are the people standing up to Big Brother. Now you’re cheering on Big Brother.

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12 Jan 2021, 7:57 am

It would be a powerful tool for all kinds of trolls - you can't just remove trolling posts without endless court battles (wait a minute - isn't Ziobro aware that courts in Poland are already overwhelmed?)
Then, some kind of trolling may fit the government's agenda - based on recent observations, hate on LGBT could be the most obvious candidate - and, seeing how PiS is dealing with our justice system, the goal would be to make such trolls win the court battles - unlike anyone who gets silenced for criticising Kaczyński.

Sorry but here, Walrus is right. 1984 is a handbook for this idea.

Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.

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12 Jan 2021, 8:10 am

The_Walrus wrote:
Amazon saying “sorry, but you can’t use our services to advocate for violent insurrection against legitimate authority” is not Orwellian.
This. ^
And we have certain members of the UK government tut-tutting about the influence "big tech" has on "free speech" because of actions like this.
Now that's worrying.

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12 Jan 2021, 10:11 am

The_Walrus wrote:
In 1984, a totalitarian party mandates that the entire populace participated in “Two Minutes Hate”. You are saying that this is a good thing? Because Orwell very much wasn’t. If a private company had withdrawn their support for “Two Minutes Hate”, would they be the bad guys in 1984?

Amazon saying “sorry, but you can’t use our services to advocate for violent insurrection against legitimate authority” is not Orwellian. It is extremely disingenuous and a spit in Orwell’s face to compare the two. Surprised I have to say this, but Amazon is not the government, they are the people standing up to Big Brother. Now you’re cheering on Big Brother.

In reality, that is what I have been witnessing all summer. There were mass riots all over the U.S. Police were attacked and killed. Police cars were torched by Molotov cocktails. Individuals who were walking to their homes were attacked. Areas of cities were cordoned off and declared to be Autonomous Zones and police were restricted from entering them. Violent mobs were walking the neighborhoods. Billions of dollars of property were destroyed. Thousands of stores were looted. The main stream media refused to report it. They called it peaceful demonstrations. Now what tools do you think they used to organize. It was Twitter and Facebook and other social media. And did the social media make any effort to police this. None that I saw.


A man walks past a burning Boston Police car on Tremont Street in Boston on May 31, 2020 after a peaceful march from Dudley Square to the State House.

Police officers wearing riot gear push back demonstrators outside of the White House, June 1, 2020 in Washington D.C. There were six nights of rioting with many confrontations between protestors and police and fresh outbreaks of looting.

A photograph in a car dealership burnt in rioting on September 1, 2020, in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

A car is set aflame in Santa Monica California on 5/31/2020. Protesters took to the streets of Los Angeles for the fifth day in a row. Many of the posters congregated in Santa Monica, where a peaceful protest soon devolved into clashes with police and heavy looting by many protesters.
Source of photographs: Getty Images.
On 10 August 2020, Chicago looting devastates the Magnificent Mile (Michigan Avenue, Loop, Gold Coast). Thousands of people descended on Chicago overnight, looting stores, breaking windows and causing widespread damage on some of the city's most famous streets. CPD superintendent David Brown said Monday more than 400 officers were deployed to the downtown area after officers were notified of social media posts encouraging people to go to the Loop and loot businesses. Criminals took to the streets with the confidence that there would be no consequences for their actions," Brown said.

Witnesses described the vandalism as a "coordinated effort" with multiple cars dropping off groups of people, who then smash-and-grab merchandise in the store, and take off running in opposite directions before police could respond.

Source: Chicago looting devastates Michigan Avenue, Loop, Gold Coast; More than 100 arrested, police say
* In Portland, Ore., the costs related to nearly 80 nights of protests have soared past the $23 million mark in damages and lost revenue for downtown businesses.
* The city of Minneapolis has tallied at least $55 million in property damage and looting. More than 400 businesses have been damaged with owners and insurance experts estimating rebuilding costs in the hundreds of millions of dollars range. Costs related to the protests could balloon to more than $500 million on top of $12.7 million for the National Guard deployment.
* Chicagoans steeled themselves this week after hundreds of looters responding to social-media calls descended on the city's Magnificent Mile district. The Chicago Sun-Times reported the riots and looting caused more than $20 million in property damage.
* The financial fallout in New York City, which was already reeling from massive costs related to COVID-19, has been brutal. Not only have more than 300 officers been injured, but the demonstrations have also cost the city $115 million, plus another $179 million more in overtime.

Source: Costs from weeks of protests take financial toll on cash-strapped cities across US

These riots were their "two minutes of hate".

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12 Jan 2021, 1:41 pm


93 Percent of 'BLM Protests', Over the Summer, Are
Assessed Peaceful And For Just Cause of Protest...

Police Are Assessed already Now in those Protests
Of Handling 'The Left' More Forcefully By A Factor
Of Two; in Effect, Exacerbating The Limited
Violent Protests that did Occur, Overall...

Suggesting That Overthrowing A Democracy In A Violent Insurrection Over a Big Lie,
Adjudicated As Such, Across the Board With No Substantial Evidence of Election Fraud

Is Somehow The Same Or Less in Present Danger
Now Than Relatively Safe, Overall,

Summer Protests With Just Cause

Is Not only Apples to Oranges Now';

Yet, Just An Extension of 'the Same Big Lie'

That is Causing Real And Present Danger Now

to the Democracy of the United States; History

SHoWS This iS A Way Democracies Come Down And

Authoritarian Regimes Rise Through Demagogues; Yes,

There are Minions Who Believe The Big Lies Propagated Now

Indeed as False Conspiracy Theories; There Are those Who
Propagate the Big Lies And Or False Conspiracies Yet What



Lead to the Down
Fall of the Nation into
Authoritarian Regime Most

Are the Sounds of Silence of 'Domesticated

Nice People' who haven't retained Enough of their
Call of the Wild to Roar No Assertively Not Concerned

About Ruffling

Feathers As Such;

Yet, See This is A Problem

Of Elite Feathered Nests; Some Folks

Don't Wanna Get Their Hands Dirty in the Work of

Retaining the Freedoms and Liberties That Allows

Them This Privilege to Rise to Feathered Nests Elite...

So True,


is the

Sound that

Brings Freedoms Down Most;

There Will Always Be the Power Hungry

Without A Conscience Who Lie at Will to Subjugate/Control

For Material/Power/Status Gains coming from a Place of Fear and Hate

And Emptiness Within As Far as HeART, SPiRiT, And Soul of Empathy (Love) For All Grows

Yet if the


Nice Folks with

And An Empathic Real Soul

Don't Stand Up to the Lies Propagated

All around,They Will Be Swallowed Up By the Lies

And Eventually

Come Under

Control of those

Living At the Bottom

of the Pyramid of Human Potentials

And Those Demagogues Who Rule Over Disparity of

Social Roles and Scarcity of Overall Socio-Economic




Easy to
See Who Stays
Stays Silent And Who Is Fighting

For the Big Lies to Set themselves Free to Nowhere at all...

If the Folks at the 'Top of the Pyramid Don't Speak Up',

It all falls


Denominator of the Bottom...

With a Few Despots Left at the Top of the Bottom...

There is No Longer Space For a Tepid Response to Remove 'the Big Lie';

Yet You See, Clever Folks With Wit Manage this Without Throwing

A Punch Or Picking Up Guns; Perhaps with Only

A Soul Felt Dance And Song Loud Enough; BUT,

Lord Yes Without
The Rule of Law

In Societies we

Get Horned

Anarchy And Total

Chaos That is 'Black Magic' oF LieS iNDeed

More often promoted By Lies of Religion and Church

Holding Hands, my Area of Speciality in Study as

An Anthropology Participant Observer, In the Real

Middle of the Storm;

the Silent


Indeed and the

Ones Who Are Still

Fighting A War to Nowhere, Yet the Same Ignorance

Spoon-Fed to them Through the Despot Nature of
Demagogues and Senior
Minions At Play...

The Game,

The DarK Game;

Gotta Be Fair And
Just, With A Real
Spine in Truth in Light
Roaring for Freedom to

Continue to Ring, Yet A Spine
Full of Fear, And Hate; Full of Spoon
Fed Lies Ain't a Good Cocktail for Peace...

'This Big Lie' Is Propagated Similar, No Matter Form Through
History In Ages and Ages of Church Holding Hands with State...

Tradition Goes to
Church Hand-IN
Hand And Votes
The Same As Directed
By the Pulpit And Associated
Minion Senior Leaders, the Similar in Politics;

Now there is a Common Enemy and the Other

Lion oF LiGHT is Beginning to be Heard/Seen to

Finally Really Roar Its Truth... Over the Roar of DarK...

Truly Fascinating; 'Eve' Pass Me Some More Popcorn; So Much to 'Watch'...

Naked on the
Wing and Fur
in the Forest

Garden of Eden
FLoWeRS Springing
on the Outside in
of Sunshine Year 'Round

Such A Lovely Day of Truth



Yet i

And i Don't Only Just Dance And Sing
to my 'Own Choir' that i don't have hehe...

Anyway True, Nice to See All the Sweet
Little Furry Creatures GRoWinG A Spine...

my 'Roar'...

OBTW, 'A Neon
God' Is Obviously Painted Orange...

Yet So Far That's Just in A Dance And

Song Coming to A ReaLiTY SHoW NoW...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !

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12 Jan 2021, 6:33 pm

aghogday wrote:
93 Percent of 'BLM Protests', Over the Summer, Are Assessed Peaceful And For Just Cause of Protest...

And who exactly made that determination? Was it the government? Or was it the rioters? Perhaps they should be held financially responsible for the hundreds of millions of dollars of damage they wrought. Many of the businesses destroyed didn't have insurance. Many of the small businesses were owned and operated by minorities. And now they are out of business permanently. People in those neighborhoods are now forced to travel far greater distances in order to gain the services they need. There was a lot of looting, a lot of burning, a lot of destruction.

In reality, the destruction whether caused by the right or the left or those that just love to party and burn stuff up IS WRONG. Whoever participates should be held responsible for their actions. Otherwise you have chaos.

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13 Jan 2021, 3:23 am

jimmy m wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
In 1984, a totalitarian party mandates that the entire populace participated in “Two Minutes Hate”. You are saying that this is a good thing? Because Orwell very much wasn’t. If a private company had withdrawn their support for “Two Minutes Hate”, would they be the bad guys in 1984?

Amazon saying “sorry, but you can’t use our services to advocate for violent insurrection against legitimate authority” is not Orwellian. It is extremely disingenuous and a spit in Orwell’s face to compare the two. Surprised I have to say this, but Amazon is not the government, they are the people standing up to Big Brother. Now you’re cheering on Big Brother.

In reality, that is what I have been witnessing all summer. There were mass riots all over the U.S. Police were attacked and killed. Police cars were torched by Molotov cocktails. Individuals who were walking to their homes were attacked. Areas of cities were cordoned off and declared to be Autonomous Zones and police were restricted from entering them. Violent mobs were walking the neighborhoods. Billions of dollars of property were destroyed. Thousands of stores were looted. The main stream media refused to report it. They called it peaceful demonstrations. Now what tools do you think they used to organize. It was Twitter and Facebook and other social media. And did the social media make any effort to police this. None that I saw.

This seems like a bit of a red herring. What does this have to do with the ultranationalist extremely conservative Polish government effectively banning internet moderation that it doesn’t agree with?

In any case, the fact that you didn’t see Facebook or Twitter take any action against people using their sites to organise violence during the BLM protests does not mean that they did not do so. Firstly, these companies have policies of taking down content that advocates violence, which would suggest that they do take it down. Secondly, with a quick Google search I was able to find evidence of them taking down anarchist groups (source takes a very left-wing view but the facts are still clear): ... ist-pages/

Similarly, Reddit banned far-left subreddits like ChapoTrapHouse which frequently contained hate speech and calls for violence: ... licy-rules

And of course it is even more trivial to find the mainstream media talking about property damage and deaths during the protests. For example, there is this: ... rest-acled