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What are my coincidences?
Supernatural phenomena 13%  13%  [ 3 ]
Delusions, symptoms of psychosis 33%  33%  [ 8 ]
Ideas of reference 4%  4%  [ 1 ]
Effects of mere mathematical chance 50%  50%  [ 12 ]
Total votes : 24


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27 Sep 2018, 9:47 am

Science Shows that our Neo-Cortex is largely Slave to the Feeling Sensing Parts of Our Brain; Namely, the Limbic
System Brain and the Reptilian Brain as that applies to Overall Emotions. The Neo Cortex uses Abstract Constructs
otherwise known as Words and Other Symbols that we Humans Co-Create to Associate with Emotions and Senses
We Experience in the Present to Repeat in the Future Present what worked the Best in Past Present to Maximize
what Feels and Senses 'Good' in Life; and to Be clear for some Folks Pain is the best Pleasure they Feel so they
Seek to Repeat the Pain as their Best Pleasure Next by associating the Pain with Abstract Constructs too;
but of course 'normally' most folks can and will Mutually and Consensually Agree in the Individual or
Group Cultural Context for the Practices of Pleasure that work the Best. But again; of course the
Subjective Experience of the Individual may be Wildly and Painfully Different from the Norm
for Perceived Best Pleasure.

Applicable to Cultures as Whole and to use a Common Cultural Practice that is abhorrent to Some
Cultures and Socially Respected in other Cultures as a Common Practice is that of Female Genital Mutilation;
and while of course it seems Counter-Productive to Mutilate a Pleasure Organ like this, the Perceived Loss of the
Feel Good Neurohormone Oxytocin in the Warm and Fuzzy of Bonding over a Common Cultural Bind in what comes
to be felt and sensed in Holy and Sacred ways in the literal release of the Pleasure Neurochemical Dopamine and the
Status Associated Neurochemical Serotonin for being a Respected Part of the Group in Practicing the Cultural Traditions
whatever they are at Hand; the Alternate Loss of this overall Synergy of Feel-Good Neurochemicals and Neurohormones
that go beyond these Few Examples is enough for some folks; yes, male and female, to Perceive the Loss of the Pleasure
Organ (Clitoris) otherwise Full of Meaning and Purpose in Holy and Sacred Feelings; and Alternatively Reap what is perceived and actually felt and sensed as the benefits of Social Esteem come into Play to Stay over what might
otherwise be the Experience of an Orgasm Frequently as Perhaps a Nicer Religion than the other 'Sick Option'.

So, in other Words, while we may not be able to fathom any Holy and Sacred Neuro-Chemical and Neuro-Hormonal
Feel Good Release of anything from Looking at the Ops Neo-Cortical Constructions of the Symbols He is creating
with his Mind in how he sees and yes feels and senses that as Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose to
him; that doesn't necessarily mean that we are actually Happier than him per the Essence of what even really
Counts in Life as far as Evolution and Biology 101 goes in attaining Animal Homeostasis, Day to Day as Life.

Now of course, if he was doing this for Money to Survive, there would be no Target Audience to Barter with
nor would there be any Subsistence Earned; but in this Case Society takes Care of His Needs and His Neo-Cortex
is doing the best it can to Satisfy his Limbic and Reptilian Brain Needs. This is the way Material Reductionism Sees it.

The Way He sees it is Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose.

For a current example in Culture, a poll was done amongst Republican, mostly so-called Christian Voters, on whether
or not this Current Accused Supreme Court Nominee in the United States should be approved, even if he is guilty on
the Historical Sexual Assault Charges. Fifty-Two Percent in the Poll said yes, even if Guilty, He Should be our Next
Supreme Court Justice; while Just Thirty-Five Percent responded no. So, in other Words their allegiance to the
Religion of Politics is Stronger than their Allegiance to Love as the Law of the Christian Religion. That might
Seem Crazy to some; but it is just another example of the Neo-Cortex Protecting the Group Feel and Sense
of the Feel Good Neurochemicals of Dopamine and Serotonin and Feel Good Neurohormone of Oxytocin
in Go Team Go Us Versus Them No Matter What Tactics will be used to Win Win Win.

People who Don't Develop a Locus of Control that is the Relative Free Will that all Naturally Comes at Core
of what it even means to Be Human in Mastering a Bio-Feedback through whatever practice that works, either
Still or Moving Meditation or other Methods too, to Generate From Within the Neuro-Chemicals and Neuro-Hormones
that keep us at a steady state of Animal Homeostasis; yes, those Folks are at a Distinct Disadvantage in almost every
Area of Life for they are Easily controlled by whatever Group Think Comes that Fills them up to close enough to
Animal Homeostasis to get by. And in Terms of Ad-Hominem attacks in Pathetic Online Keyboard Battles to
attempt to Boost some Serotonin for those who feel rather empty inside, some folks constantly seek to put
other Folks down in a weak attempt to Fill themselves up inside to Generate Neurohormones and
Neurochemicals to do just that as this is the only way they've figured out how to do it at the
Expense of others as one can clearly see in this thread as the Op here was seen as an Easy
Mark for at least one participant here to put down for 'his' current Challenges in life.
Chances are the Op is more filled up inside than that person is judging from the 'Level Headed'
Emotional Responses from the Op in refraining from 'little man' disease with no need to Build himself up.

People Do what Works. I have much more respect for someone who plays with numbers than one who pathetically
attempts to Build themselves up by tearing other Folks down. In Fact, I prefer this Dude to be President now over the
Current choice that 'Small Women' and 'Small Men' have made. At least the Op has shown he's Human; Bravo enough
for me; However, I would suggest to Perhaps move into a Different Kind of Human Art that has some Greater Value to
Humankind at Large; but who am I to judge; perhaps I am just the Ignorant one who does not yet see what this Artist
of Life sees as we all Do as that applies to what it takes to just get by or thrive in addition to Do what Works in Life.

When People are not put down, we have the opportunity to Learn from how Different thinks and feels and senses life.

I've Learned a lot from this Thread and Particularly enjoyed the over-view of the History of 'Information' that the User
'Tech' contributed to this Conversation; Chances are I might not have ever seen that particular Educational YouTube
Video if the User nca14 hadn't arrived on 'the Wrong Planet' to Share his Current Life Story. But of course, I've Public
Danced 9966 Miles now in 5 Years in a Meditative way where I Generate my own Feel Good Neuro-Chemicals and
Neuro-Hormones within where just like any other Yogi who goes to 'School' for that for Years too; I live in an
'Autotelic' State of Being In Heaven Now that is real.

In other Words, If I am Stuck in Traffic at a Busy Intersection for 15 Minutes, I am living in Nirvana while my
wife is Muttering not so nice stuff about her current predicament in Life. I've been to Hell where every second
was totally empty. I have Perspective and I'm not going back. I win, for i looked within and found a practice that
works for me without Fail so Far now in 5 years of a Practice of Nirvana and Bliss that again at Essence is no Different
at Core of Human Experience than what a Yogi Experiences in the Mountains or a Tibetan Monk in a Monastery.
What they all have in common is Mastery of the Inner Universe of their Limbic and Reptilian Brains at hand.

When that is Mastered, the Neo-Cortex is Free to Explore the Rest of the World at Ease and Please.

Who knows, Perhaps this Dude is a 'Yogi' too; but most all of us including me is just too ignorant to understand his
Practice of Life that works for him. And it is very possible that one Second of his Life exceeds a Satisfaction of Life
that those who put him down will never come close to experiencing. The Fact, he doesn't put anyone else down
is clue enough for me. Whenever I see someone put someone else down it is obvious enough to me where
they are coming from; sure, been there done that too; as I really couldn't Explain this Properly without
going 'there' too; However, I don't require the 'Feed' to Fill up my Soul to Give and Share more.

Anyway, Thanks to the Op For Sharing and those who Took the Higher Road and Gave and Share more
Positive Things about Life too. Some People do that Across Their Lifespan and typically they Win the Best Life has to Give back. I can Prove that Works for me; and it would be nice if more Folks Do it too; and Reap the Rewards of Real Heaven Within too, if not for themselves alone, for the Good of Everyone else, too. But again, for some Folks; Pain is all they 'know'; and at least for me I can understand Hell too; Been THere Done It OvercoMe It Is A Best Teacher oF aLL.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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27 Sep 2018, 10:24 am

nca14 wrote:
So it looks that there are other people who experienced many coincidences in their lives. But are they diagnosed with psychosis due to it? How many people had coincidences associated with geometrical or arithmetical sequences in own life? Why my coincidences "exploded" quite suddenly in autumn 2014? I did not get any medications when my coincidences started for some weeks, if I remember it well.

How much people were at the same time diagnosed with these three disorders:
- F84.5 (Asperger's syndrome, a pervasive developmental disorder)
- F42.2 (mixed obsessive-compulsive disorder)
- F21 (schizophrenia-type (schizotypal) disorder)
I was diagnosed with only these three together quite many times in my life during ambulatory visits with psychiatrists.

Big coincidence from 28.4.2015 would not happen when I would be diagnosed with (paranoid) schizophrenia (F20(.0)) that day or Asperger's syndrome would have code F84.2 or F84.4 in the ICD-10. Are there another people who were diagnosed with F84.5, F42.2, F21? If yes, do they wrote in the Internet about coincidences formed by numbers in diagnostic codes of the disorders? If I remember it well, I told my former psychiatrist about the geometrical sequence formed by numbers in ICD-10 codes quickly after receiving these three diagnoses.

Lets break this down.

Do other folks have coincidences in their lives comparable to your's?

The answer is yes. EVERY one on the planet has dozens coincidences in their lives comparable to yours. But the difference is that they don't ascribe meaning to them the way you do.

When I was in first grade I lived at 7310 16th Place. And seven plus three equals ten. And I was six years old at the time. And six plus ten equals 16. Since I was just learning arithmetic at the time I was amused by that. And my grandma was amused that I was amused by it. But I didn't obsess about it being a sign that spirits were trying to communicate with me.

I admit that it is kinda curious that your three psychiatric conditions are (somewhat) related to each other by arithmetic if you go by the DSM (or whatever that is):21, 42, and 84. But (a) its not any more significant than me living at 7310 16th Place in first grade. And (b) you are actually fudging your coincidences a little (maybe not consciously on purpose, but fudging none the less). Twenty one times two is 42, but its not (exactly) 42.2. And 42.2 times two is close to, but not really EXACTLY 84.5. The fact that you give it that much wiggle room makes your "coincidences" and little less coincidental.

But if there are other folks on the planet with your unique combination of psychiatric conditions those folks may well have this same notion in their head that you have. They may obsess about supposed coincidences the way you do even though they may get no more actual coincidences in their lives than anyone else does.


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27 Sep 2018, 3:02 pm

I think that I got F21 diagnosis due to coincidences. If there are another people with F21-F42-F84 combination, are they having diagnosis of F21 due to coincidences which they have? And did they write about their coincidences in the Internet like I?
Before sudden onset of coincidences in IX 2014 I had small amount of coincidences in my life, for example I might think about apple and heard that word a moment after. I (at least rather) do not subscribe delusional ideas to them.

Last time I noticed another large coincidence associated with the date 13.11.2015 (it was the day when I (most probably) heard about Tesla's 3, 6, 9 first time in my life).
Numbers formed by last two digits in that date are 13, 11 and 15. These numbers sorted ascendingly or descendingly will form an arithmetical sequence: 11, 13, 15 or 15, 13, 11. Sum of first digits in that sequences is 3 (1+1+1) and sum of second digits is 9 (1+3+5). The difference between sum of second digits and sum of first digits is 6 ((1+3+5)-(1+1+1)=9-3=6). First digits form constant arithmetic sequence (1, 1, 1) and second digits form another arithmetic sequence (1, 3, 5 or 5, 3, 1).
Sum of numbers forming 11, 13, 15 sequence is 39. The number 39 is formed by the smallest and the largest member of "Tesla's arithmetic sequence". Difference between larger digit in 39 and smaller digit in that number is 6. In addition, arithmetic mean of 3 and 9 is 6.
Sums of digits in 11, 13, 15 sequence are 2, 4, 6. They form arithmetic sequence in which the largest number is 6 and the smallest term is three times smaller than the largest.

My first coincidences were associated with cementeries. On the cementery in which my maternal grandfather was buried his graves are between graves of men probably from the same locality who died 7 days before my grandfather or 7 days after. Grandfather died 13.12.2014. These two men died 6.12.2014 and 20.12.2014. These three dates are coincident with 21.7 and 3, 6, 9.
Sums of digits in these three dates together is 42 (6+1+2+2+0+1+4+1+3+1+2+2+0+1+4+2+0+1+2+2+0+1+4).
Sums of digits in numbers meaning year is 21 ((2+0+1+4)*3=7*3=21). There are three numbers 2014 in these three dates together. In addition, from the number meaning date a geometrical sequence with sum 7 can be formed (1, 2, 4) and an arithmetic sequence with sum 3 can also be formed (0, 1, 2).
Sum of digits in numbers meaning day and month in these three dates together is 21! 6+1+2+1+3+1+2+2+0+1+2
Sum of numbers meaning month in these three dates is 12*3 -> 36. 3+6=9.


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27 Sep 2018, 4:47 pm

I noticed something coincident about today's date: 27.09.2018. Last two (or one, if we write number meaning month as just 9) digits in the numbers meaning day, month and year form an arithmetical sequence in which 9 is the smallest term and the common difference of that sequence is 9! Numbers should be sorted ascendingly to receive 9, 18, 27. 9 is 3*3, 18 is 6*3 and 27 is 3*9. It is the only such a date in the entire century! Today I thought much about coincidences associated with arithmetical sequences with the sum of numbers 39 and the sum of digits 12. 39-12=27=3*9=3*3*3.
Today I noticed arithmetical sequence formed by last two digits in the date 13.12.2014. If we sort numbersd formed by these digits ascendingly or descendingly, we will receive arithmetical sequence (12, 13, 14 or 14, 13, 12). Sum of numbers forming that sequence is 39 and sum of digits is 12. Third arithmetic sequence with that property! Two other are 6, 13, 20 and 11, 13, 15.
Products of digits in the sequence 12, 13, 14 form an arithmetical sequence with the sum 9:

From all three dates: 6.12.2014, 13.12.2014 and 20.12.2014 two numbers 21 can be formed and sum of all digits in these three dates together is 21*2 (42).

Products of digits in the sequence 11, 13, 15 form an arithmetical sequence with the sum 9:
Two last digits in the date 18.12.2015 form numbers which make an arithmetic sequence with common difference 3 when sorted ascendingly: 12, 15, 18. Sum of numbers in that sequence is 45. The sequence 11, 13, 15 has the sum of numbers 39. 45=39+6.

6, 13, 20 and 11, 13, 15 connection:
- 6 is the sum of digits of the largest member of 11, 13, 15 or sum of digits of two smaller members of that sequence (1+1+1+3) or sum of digits in numbers meaning day and month in 13.11.2015,
- 13 is the number meaning day in month in 13.11.2015,
- 20 is the number which "stays" after selecting two last digits in numbers meaning day, month and year in 13.11.2015
- both arithmetic sequences have the same sum of digits (12)
- both sequences have the same sum of number (39).


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28 Sep 2018, 4:54 pm

It is the only such a date in the entire century!

It was about 27.9.2018. I made an error, I am not infallible. There is another so coincident date in 21st century - 18.9.2027. In the case of that date the arithmetical sequence 9, 18, 27 also can be separated.

Ascending geometrical sequence ending at 21 and 42 has an interesting property. It starts on number 10,5. Sum of numbers 10,5, 21, 42 is 73,5. The number 73,5 is formed by three digits which sorted ascendingly form an arithmetical sequence. It is unique arithmetic sequence - all its members are additive prime numbers (3, 5, 7) and the common difference (2) is also an additive prime number. In addition, number 357 is divisible by 21. 357=21*17.

I experienced some football coincidences in my life. Some were associated with "Mil-" part of the words, (sur)names, some with Iceland, Ireland and Scotland.

I found interesting topic in the Internet: ... ncidences/
Author of it writes:
For the last 3 years I have had endless amounts of coincidences, sometimes as many as 15-20 a day. The most common form is a word I am thinking or reading matching up with someone saying it on TV or in music. I have had many distinctive times where I am texting and the word I am actively typing is said at the same time or within 1 or 2 seconds max. I have been able to point it out on many occasions to people who I am with at the time. By no means has it caused me any harm but it does mess with my head a fair amount. Three years ago I had a seizure and was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 28. I have only had the one seizure in my life and these coincidences have only started happening since. The only trigger I have noticed that increase the incidences is stress. If anyone has had similar events it would be nice to have someone else to talk to who can relate a bit.

For me it does not look as the result of mere mathematical chance or symptom of schizophrenia or schizotypal disorder, but like genuine supernatural phenomenon. 15-20 coincidences per day is really much - before the onset of my multiple coincidences I had only about one per six months or maybe even year.


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01 Oct 2018, 4:37 pm

From reading the sequence 84, 42, 21 backwards we receive a geometrical sequence (GS) - 12, 24, 48.
Aritmetical mean of 12, 24, 48 is 28 (84:3).
The sum of digits in that sequence is 21 (as in the case of 84, 42, 21) and the sum of numbers is 84. 84:21=4.
4 - quotient of sum of numbers and sum of digits.
28.4 - that day I received diagnoses of F84.5, F42.2, F21 together first time in my life. It was in 2015 year. 28.4.2015 appears to be the best day to being diagnosed with positions from F84, F42, F21 first time in life!
In the date 28.4.2015 there are two numbers 2 and one numbers 1, 4, 5, 8.
21 or 42.2 or 84.5 can be formed from that date.
Next dates with:
- the possibility of forming 21 or 42.2 or 84.5 (all these three separately),
- number meaning day divisible by number meaning month (or vice versa),
- possibility of forming a geometrical sequence from digits of numbers meaning day and month
would be 28.4.2051, 24.8.2051, 14.2.2058, 12.4.2058.
28.4 - let's sort the numbers descendingly or ascendingly - we will receive 2, 4, 8 (GS with sum 14 (21-7)).
24.8 - 2, 4, 8. Sum 14. 21-7.
14.2 - let's sort the numbers descendingly or ascendingly - we will receive 1, 2, 4 (GS with sum 7)
12.4 - 1, 2, 4. Sum 7.
14+7=21. 14 and 7 written together form 147 and 147 is 21*7 or 21+42+84.


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02 Oct 2018, 4:57 pm

28.4.2015 might be the best date for receiving F21, F42.2, F84.5 combo in the entire time of ICD-10.
28 is 21+7.
28 is divisible by 4 and the result is 7.
Digits from 28 and 4 sorted ascendingly form a geometrical sequence with the sum 21-7 (14).

12, 24, 48. Members of that sequence divided by sum of digits in them form a constant geometrical and arithmetical sequence with sum 12 and term 4:
Arithmetic mean of that sequence is of course 4.

12 and 4 is somewhat interesting pair of numbers:
(1+2)*4=3*4=12 (absolute value of 12 is, of course, 12)
(1-2)*4=(-1)*4=-4 (absolute value of -4 is 4)
(1*2)*4=2*4=8 (arithmetic mean of 12 and 4)
Sum of 12 and -4 is 8 and it is arithmetic mean of numbers 12 and 4.
Sum of absolute values of 12 and -4 is 16 and is the same as sum of 12 and 4.


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05 Oct 2018, 4:24 pm

21+42+84=147, 2+5=7 <147.7> from numbers in codes F84.5, F42.2, F21. 147 and 7 are divisible by 7.
147+7=154; 22+44+88=147
147-7=140; 20+40+80=140
147:7=21; 3+6+12=21
147*7=1029; 147+294+588=1029
(147+7):2=154:2=77; 11+22+44=77

2+1+4+2+8+4=21, 2+5=7 <21.7> from digits in codes F84.5, F42.2, F21. 21 and 7 are divisible by 7.
21+7=28; 4+8+16=28
21-7=14; 2+4+8=14
21:7=3; 1+1+1=3 (3 is not divisible by 7, sequence 1,1,1 can be formed from quotients of digits of numbers of geometrical sequences 11, 22, 44 or 22, 44, 88)
7=1, 2, 4;
(21+7):2=28:2=14; 2+4+8=14

15.05.2017 I experienced strange coincidence in a day hospital (Polish: oddział dzienny). It was noon. A person who "had classes" (Polish: miała zajęcia) with patients gave them magazines.
Probably before getting a magazine I thought about initials (first letters of name and surname), also of that person. Almost after thinking about that I got the magazine on which there were two words written at the cover, which words have significantly larger first letters than next letters.
These two letters were initials of the person who "led" (Polish: prowadziła) classes!
In addition, the number of letters in first of these words was the same as in her name (and last letter was also the same) and four first letters of second word were the same as in her surname.
I suppose that chance for a person from my country to meet these criteria in her name and surname are about 1:1000 000 (one to million)!

The sum of digits in the date 15.5.2017 is 21 (and in it are 7 meaningful digits (not counting 0 from the number meaning month, which can be omitted)) and the sum of numbers in the date is divisible by 21 (15+5+2017=2037, 2037=21*97).


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06 Oct 2018, 4:14 pm

6.12.2014, 13.12.2014, 20.12.2014 - numbers meaning day of month in these dates form an arithmetical sequence with common difference 7. There are three numbers in that sequence, difference between the largest number and the smallest is 14 (21-7).
If these three dates would be 7.12.2014, 14.12.2014, 21.12.2014, then coincidence with 3, 6, 9 might be weaker. Sum of digits in numbers meaning days would be 15, not 12, and sum of digits meaning day and month together would be 24, not 21. I think that 6.12.2014, 13.12.2014, 20.12.2014 are more coincident with 3, 6, 9 than with 21.7. 7.12.2014, 14.12.2014, 21.12.2014 appear to be more coincident with 21.7 than with 3, 6, 9. Number 39 starts with 3 and ends with 9 and has 6 as arithmetical mean of its digits, like "Tesla's arithmetical sequence" (TAS) - 3, 6, 9. 39 is the sum of 6, 13 and 20. 6 is one of members of 6, 13, 20 arithmetical sequence and it is also a member of TAS. Product of sum of numbers in 6, 13, 20 (39) and sum of digits in that numbers (12) is 468. Digits of number 468 form an arithmetical sequence which has sum of numbers 18 and 6 as middle member or arithmetical mean - like in TAS. Product of 42 and 15 is 630, the sum of digits is 9 and digits form an arithmetical sequence with common difference 3.

I think that 7.12.2014, 14.12.2014, 21.12.2014 would be more coincident in general than existing coincidence associated with 6.12.2014, 13.12.2014, 20.12.2014. 7, 14, 21 gives large coincidence with 21.7. But the coincidence with 13.11.2015 (the day on which I heard about Tesla's 3, 6, 9, probably first time in my life), where an arithmetical sequence associated with two last digits in the numbers of the date would disappear if three coincident dates would be 7.12.2014, 14.12.2014, 21.12.2014, also the date of grandfather's death would not be coincident in its two last digits meaning day, month and year when it would be 14.12.2014, not 13.12.2014. Biggest Tesla's coincidence in my life was associated with two last digits of the numbers meaning day, month and year in the date 18.12.2015. There are only two dates so coincident in 21st century (and any other century). Next so coincident date would be 15.12.2018. Chance for such a coincidence is about 1:18300.

Three arithmetical sequences with sum of numbers 39 and sum of digits 12 were coincident:
- 12, 13, 14 in the date of grandfather's death,
- 6, 13, 20 in the dates of deaths of three men (probably from the same locality) whose graves are side by side on one cementery [I probably thought about the word "tomb" a moment earlier and I found such a phrase in one of pages when I looked for translation of Polish phrase "obok siebie": Henry and I sleeping side by side like figures on tombs.]
- 11, 13, 15 - the date when I, probably listening or watching an audition on 84th channel of satellite TV, heard about Tesla's 3, 6, 9.


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07 Oct 2018, 1:02 pm

From common differences (CDs) of arithmetical sequences: 6, 13, 20 (CD 7); 11, 13, 15 (CD 2); 12, 13, 14 (CD 1) phrase "21 7" can be formed.

Sum of products of digits forming three sequences mentioned earlier is 39:
- 6*1*3*2*0=0
- 1*1*1*3*1*5=1*3*5=15
- 1*2*1*3*1*4=2*3*4=24
39 is the sum of any of sequences mentioned earlier.

84, 42, 21 and the sequence formed by reading its backwards: 12, 24, 48 have interesting feature associated with results of division of its members by sum of digits in these members:
7+7+7=21. Sum of that constant geometrical and arithmetical sequence is 21, single member or arithmetical mean of the members of the sequence is 7. So we have 21 and 7.
4+4+4=12. Sum of that constant geometrical and arithmetical sequence is 12, single member or arithmetical mean of the members of the sequence is 4. So we have 12 and 4.
Both pairs of numbers (21 7 and 12 4) have arithmetical mean which is the product of digits forming that numbers:
(21+7):2=28:2=14, 2*1*7=14;
(12+4):2=16:2=8; 1*2*4=8.
In addition:
21 is 12 read backwards, 12 is 21 read backwards.


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07 Oct 2018, 3:32 pm

Half votes is for "effects of mere mathematical chance now". So many people think that I am not schizophrenic or even schizotypal? No delusions or even ideas of reference? Does anyone here experienced such amounts of coincidences?

Sum of 17 digits in 9 numbers forming 3 arithmetical sequences (ASes) is 36. 36 - number is composed from 3 and 6 and has sum of digits 9. It is also 6*6.
Sum of numbers in 3 ASes (each with sum of numbers 39) is 117 - this number has 3 digits, sum of digits 9 and arithmetical mean (AM) of digits 3.


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08 Oct 2018, 3:53 pm

Sum of products of digits in numbers forming 11, 13, 15 arithmetic sequence is 9:
(1*1)+(1*3)+(1*5)=1+3+5=9 (in addition products form an AS with AM 3).
Sum of products of digits in numbers forming 12, 13, 14 arithmetic sequence is 9:
(1*2)+(1*3)+(1*4)=2+3+4=9 (in addition products form an AS with AM 3).
Sum of six products of two three-membered ASes mentioned above is 18 (3+6+9).

6, 13, 20 - here the situation is more complicated. 6 is an one-digit number, so it do not have product of digits. If we leave 6 as 6 and make products of digits from two next numbers (13 and 20), an AS will be formed (descending one):
6+(1*3)+(2*0)=6+3+0=9 (sum again is 9, sum of products of numbers or one-digit number for the sequence 6, 13, 20 and sum of products of two ASes mentioned earlier is 9+9+9=27-3*3*3). CD of the sequence 6, 3, 0 is (-3).

If we write number 6 as two-digit combination 06, the product of digits in the sequence 06, 13, 20 would be 3:
(0*6)+(1*3)+(2*0)=0+3+0=3 (the sum of products of digits in numbers of the sequences: 06, 13, 20; 11, 13, 15; 12, 13, 14 is 3+9+9 -->21, there are 7 products which are not zeros).

The sequence 6, 13, 20 read backwards would be 02, 31, 6. If we treat 02 as 2, the sum of these three numbers will be 39! 39 is also the sum of sequence 06, 13, 20.
02+13+20=39, 06+13+20=39
In addition, the sum of sequence 06, 13, 20 read backwards is 93 (the same digits as in 39 (and the same AM of the sum of sequence read backwards as in the case of number 39), but read backwards!):
02+31+60=93. In addition, 02, 31, 60 is an AS (with CD 29).

Does the sequence 7, 14, 21 give some sort of similar phenomenon? Let's check:
7+14+21=42. 07, 14, 21 - backwards 12, 41, 70 - AS with CD 29 (the same as CD of 02, 31, 60). Products of digits in numbers forming 12, 41, 70 sorted ascendingly form an AS with CD 2:
(1*2)+(4*1)+(7*0)=2+4+0; 0, 2, 4 - an AS.
Let's read the sequence 7, 14, 21 backwards: 12, 41, 7. Sort ascendingly: 7, 12, 41. No AS or GS. Sum of three numbers is 60.
Let's sum numbers from the sequence 7, 14, 21. We receive 42. Let's sum the numbers in sequence 07, 14, 21 read backwards. 12+41+70=123. 123=60+63. Sum and product of digits forming number 123 is 6. Sum of digits in number 63 is 9 and product of digits forming that number is 18 (3+6+9). "Reference" to 3, 6, 9 is present in the case of 7, 14, 21, but is not so striking as "mirror numbers" 39 and 93 in the case of 06, 13, 20; 02, 31, 6 and 02, 31, 60.
So let's read the sequence 6, 13, 20 backwards: 02, 13, 6. Sort ascendingly: 2, 6, 13. No AS or GS. Sum 19.


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09 Oct 2018, 4:59 pm

ASes 11, 13, 15; 12, 13, 14 read backwards form another ASes - 51, 31, 11; 41, 31, 21. Sums of numbers in that ASes are 93.
"Original" ASes have sums of numbers 39.

In the case of ASes with three numbers and 14 as AM the phenomenon of "mirror numbers" as sum of numbers forming the sequences is not present:
10, 14, 18. Sum 42. Backwards: 81, 41, 01. Sum 123.
11, 14, 17. Sum 42. Backwards: 71, 41, 11. Sum 123.
12, 14, 16. Sum 42. Backwards: 61, 41, 21. Sum 123.
13, 14, 15. Sum 42. Backwards: 51, 41, 31. Sum 123.
14, 14, 14. Sum 42. Backwards: 41, 41, 41. Sum 123.
Difference between 123 and 42 is 81 (9*9, 3*3*3*3). Sum of digits in sums of three numbers forming such an AS is 6.


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15 Oct 2018, 11:40 am

Today at 5:36 p.m. (in time zone which is in Poland) I typed in Google the word (X) which means female of certain animal in Polish language. At 5:38 p.m. I noticed the same word in first definition of certain word (Y) in one of Internet dictionaries. That certain word (Y) was English-like pronunciation of a Russian word. Word X has almost the same pronunciation and transliteration in Polish and Russian. Earlier after 5 p.m. I used Google translator for Russian text. Today I also typed word Z (very similar to Y, also a transliteration of Russian pronunciation) with the word russian together in Google andon the first page with result word X was present!

Yesterday (14.10.2018) about 11.30 p.m. I saw on YouTube encounter with big something which looks like fragment of certain region of body. It was described as Big (Something). Earlier I had fantasies about encounter with similar (larger region, which contains the part present in the encounter on YouTube) part of the body in very similar game and I "named" that enconter "Wielka (W)" ("Big (W)") (W is here the letter symbolizing certain word, like X, Y, Z earlier). These fantasies were present for example in job. That game in which the encounter seen on YouTube was present was... Russian. The game was bad and containing many dangerous content.


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21 Oct 2018, 4:58 pm

During encounter mentioned earlier there was text consisting of two letters repeated many times present on the screen. These two letters were two first letters of impolite word meaning that part of body in which something resembling big W is located!

In addition, there was certain thing, item (let's name it V) which could be found during that encounter. 18.10.2018 I typed "V w (fragment of that region of body)" ("V in the (fragment of that region of body)") in Google translator. There was translation from Polish to English. Next I typed a transliteration of Russian term meaning a creature from Russian game mentioned earlier in Google. There were 23 results. In the third link (its description) there was present Polish word for V. Next I found the English word for V in Polish page about something which was some form of English language. Next day, 19.10.2018, new coincidence with V happened. I thought about V from the Russian game in a large shop and few moments later I heard two "advertisements" of two certain Vs! Today, 21.10.2018, I noticed that two first letters of Polish term for V and three last letters of that term form a word which is a part of the Polish name of the monsters which I saw in Russian game 14.10.2018. Fight with that monsters was observed in next film or films with playing of that game after the film with "Big W" encounter.


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26 Oct 2018, 4:10 pm

22.10.2018 I had next coincidence with V. I was in the same shop as I was 19.10.2014 and I thought about V, some moments later (if I remember it well) I heard advertisement (or something similar) about two Vs. Big W encounter and V in it are associated with a film which I at least partly watched in adolescence, it was one of quite few films which I watched in TV.

Today I typed phrase "21 42" 84 in Google and second result was about one of my topics from a Polish forum. In addition, in fifth link there was the word "Autism".

I also saw results of image finding in Google for the word cats, second image in results has the appearance of a black cat and was a link to the page entitled "Nikola Tesla's Cat and Other Feline Fascinations". Black cat, Nikola Tesla, fascination - it is coincident for me. A person with nick fasci-nation in Polish AS forum wrote a comment on own blog (now not available) in which that person concluded that Tesla would be diagnosed with AS or OCD. I was diagnosed with AS and OCD and had coincidences associated with Tesla and fasci-nation and black cat. Tesla could be supposed to have schizotypal personality or schizophrenia, I had diagnoses of schizotypal disorder or schizophrenia in my life.

Coincidence about three arithmetical sequences with sum of numbers 39 and sum of digits 12 is quite large. Sequence: 6, 13, 20 has interesting property: sum of digits in two-digit numbers (13 and 20) is 6 (and 6 is only one-digit member in that sequence), in addition, digits of numbers 13 and 20 sorted ascendingly or descendingly will form four-membered arithmetical sequence: 0, 1, 2, 3.

There is also another interesting phenomenon associated with three sequences: 11, 13, 15; 12, 13, 14; 6, 13, 20 - sum of single digits which at least once occur in numbers forming that sequence is 21! And there are 7 such a digits which, more interestingly, form seven-membered arithmetical sequence! 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.