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16 Jun 2020, 10:01 am

i can't help but believe there would be even more police brutality, and systematic to boot. they never were concerned with civil liberties for us riffraff, they would have no compunctions to do to us what putin does to his own people. the democrats at least pay lip service to our needs, the GOP utterly has refused to even do that, they'd have no hesitations about brutally putting us down whenever we spoke up. just look at ft. lauderdale which has made it illegal for charities to feed the homeless. THAT is what we could expect if they took total control.


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16 Jun 2020, 11:06 am

auntblabby wrote:
the lions' share of police forces won't listen to reason, have repeatedly [via their fascist unions] beat back any meaningful reforms, so in light of that systemic intransigence/truculence, they need to be deconstructed, then reconstructed minus the rot. make each cop submit to thorough vetting before rehire. and for lord's sake, STOP HIRING ex-GIs fresh from battle! [with the exception of certain ex-SP and MP]. and stop with the hiring of only the first standard deviation [IQ test]. hire more bright people.

I saw a YouTube video with an interview with the actor Michael Jai White where he said he was turned down for the police academy because he scored too high on the aptitude test.


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16 Jun 2020, 11:07 am

Bravo5150 wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
the lions' share of police forces won't listen to reason, have repeatedly [via their fascist unions] beat back any meaningful reforms, so in light of that systemic intransigence/truculence, they need to be deconstructed, then reconstructed minus the rot. make each cop submit to thorough vetting before rehire. and for lord's sake, STOP HIRING ex-GIs fresh from battle! [with the exception of certain ex-SP and MP]. and stop with the hiring of only the first standard deviation [IQ test]. hire more bright people.

I saw a YouTube video with an interview with the actor Michael Jai White where he said he was turned down for the police academy because he scored too high on the aptitude test.

they don't want cops second-guessing orders from higher-ups. but mebbe they should.


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16 Jun 2020, 11:24 am

Freedom and Safety;
There is No Freedom Without Safety;
And Truly No Safety Without Freedom, For
THere is No Safety When A Soul Is In Prison.

As In All Things Life; There is Day and Night;
More Metaphors Apply Like Light And Dark;
Never the Less, Light Makes
Dark and Dark Makes Light;
Freedom Makes Safety
And Safety Makes Freedom;

Yin and Yang as 'they' say;
Bad And Good Cops too;
Oracles And Architects;
And Neos Like me; Clever
Enough to Live in Small Trump Town
USA; And Be Invisible Enough to Be Naked and Free;
While My Neighbors Who Are All Gun Toting Christians
Make it Safe Enough for me, to leave my Doors Open As
They Protect the Safety of me; me, me, me; but You Do what it
takes to Survive And Thrive; Sad, Not Everyone Gets to be Neo;
But Let's
Nor are Surgeons; Nurses ReMain Kind.

i don't want to be A Cop, A Nurse, A Fireman,
A Politician; And Honestly only by the Grace of Nature
i am born in; i have this opportunity to stay free Now;
True, i could have been born in all those other shoes; and
Felt all the Misery and Suffering on top of dealing with stuff like
the Worst Pain Known to Humankind; Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia
From Wake to Sleep as a Shut-in For 66 Months; Suicide Disease for Bad Reasons too;

Life is A Tragi-Comedy;
Life Is Not Fair; Make the Best
oF iT and Have Enough Humility to
Understand what will happen if You
Don't understand Life is not Fair and
Make Due Now With Whatever it takes
to ACTuALLY Survive And Even Thrive NoW.

Humans NoW aRe STiLL CLASSiCaLLY Evolved to LiVE iN Mostly
Naked Groups; Foraging together in Sizes no More than 150 to
200 Folks in Villages With Common Binds and Bonds; whatever ya
Call the Religion Best That/Who Looks Like Each Other and Acts Like
Each Other as Customers of Tradition; This is How Social
Animals Survive; Naked in Work of the Day And
Night for Subsistence; We Have One Curse
And Gift the Other Animals Don't;
Written Words to Nuclear
Bombs, It Happens;
Yes, S88T Gets
Deeper NoW
than ever before;
When The Tools are supposed
to Clean Up the S88T, Instead;
For Those of Us who have lived
Through Most of this Before; We 'All' Know
This Truth; There is No Freedom Without Laws
And Order Where Humans Are Packed Like Sardines
In Cans of Millions; And True, if 'You' don't Want to Catch
the Wind of coming Pandemics, Move to a Small Town Where
Folks still Wash Their Hands as Sanitation is still the Greatest Medical Savior there is;

As Much as Folks Are Ignorant in Ways of Setting themselves Autonomously Free;
THAT Indeed is a 'ViRuS' Itself When Social Animal Means Anything But Social Group for Real;
i still enjoy this
Sliver of
Free; but i totally understand
if not for the Folks in Social Animal
Prison for what it takes to survive; my
Heaven Disappears to either Chaos
Or Social Animal Prison again.

Love Our 'Foes'; Yes,
Those Who are So Different
From the Free Soul that We Keep;
Indeed, Those 'Enemies' may now be
all that separates Us From Prison and Freedom again.

In Other Words; How
Do You Fix Something
So Elementary Broke, Now;

You Change what You Can; iN Will To Do;
But You STill Do NoW What it takes to Survive;
If You are Lucky You Experience Just one Thrive
Now that Lasts Forever in Heaven For Real; A Tiny Sliver...

Some folks, Never ever See THAT Now.

Others get glimpses;

But it's not in another place;
Location, Location, Is always Within;
Unplug And Still Be Safe With Free; Best Option for me;
but you
see i've
A Big Picture
As Night Makes Day.

Bottom Lines; don't Need
Anyone Else's Staycation Heaven but mine;
Hell No, 'Chaz,' is just another flavor of Hell; i'm staying in Heaven; in Trump
Town USA; A place one Creates Within; Smiling At Ignorance That/Who Can't See Free...

But Again;
For Humans At Least;
For Any Animal Really;
Heaven's Not Normal; It's a ViRuS too...
True; Such a 'Sick' Place to be in that
Good Way They Dance Sing too; Yet,
This Dream is Real for Now at Least ForeveR ETeRNAlly Now;
This is what Sets Humans far away from other Animals; Hell Thru Heaven, We Co-Create Within.

If One Doesn't Understand that Philosophy, Politics, And Religion Sleeps in A Same Bed;
One gets Lost,
One gets Lost;
And never
Finds THeiR
Way Back to Free Relatively
As ReMeMBeR It'S A DReaM
Come True Will in Heaven Now; One
We Create Or Do Not As other Options
True And Lie We Co-Create Too...NoW

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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16 Jun 2020, 5:21 pm

Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall


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16 Jun 2020, 10:25 pm

Well another one of the demands to come out of CHAZ is that they want all black people who have been convicted of crimes to be retried by a jury of their pears. I guess that means they want them to be retried with black jurors.

However, almost all people charge with a crime choose to not go to trial and plea bargain. So if the jurors were all black, would that make a difference if they choose whether or not to go to trial?


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16 Jun 2020, 10:45 pm

ironpony wrote:
However, almost all people charge with a crime choose to not go to trial and plea bargain. So if the jurors were all black, would that make a difference if they choose whether or not to go to trial?

That often happens because the police threaten them that they would lose anyway and receive worse. Not to mention racial bias that is has been a proven part of the court system that would have made it more sensible for many black people to just take a plea bargain.

I am not saying whether it would be entirely feasible to pass, but there has been injustice that if people want some change should not start at what the minimum effort to address it would be.

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16 Jun 2020, 10:53 pm

Oh okay, but I don't think that an all black jury will make a different. Let's say you are black and you are charged with with a felony, like murder for example. Would you want to roll the dice on a life sentence with a black jury, even though they may still convict you if they believe you are guilty? Or would you take a lesser sentence with a plea bargain and not role the dice? What would most black defendants do?

As for the notion that the police threaten them that they would loose, I think that's not what happens most often and most often, they seek advice from their lawyer, about whether or not to plea bargain. So wouldn't the lawyers be the ones who are telling them to go for the plea bargain rather than trial?

Last edited by ironpony on 16 Jun 2020, 11:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.


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16 Jun 2020, 10:54 pm

auntblabby wrote:
i can't help but believe there would be even more police brutality, and systematic to boot. they never were concerned with civil liberties for us riffraff, they would have no compunctions to do to us what putin does to his own people. the democrats at least pay lip service to our needs, the GOP utterly has refused to even do that, they'd have no hesitations about brutally putting us down whenever we spoke up. just look at ft. lauderdale which has made it illegal for charities to feed the homeless. THAT is what we could expect if they took total control.

Someone I love had a brilliant idea. Make all the cops go to school for 8+ years like lawyers do, including a few years of articling and internship under supervision. Their job upholds the law but also allows them to carry guns or kill people. Their training should be as comprehensive as law school, and then some. This would also weed out the idiots and people who apply to the job impulsively.

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16 Jun 2020, 10:57 pm

Yeah but people trash on lawyers and hate them all the time to though, even though they went to school for 8 years. So now all of a sudden the majority respects lawyers now?

Last edited by ironpony on 16 Jun 2020, 11:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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16 Jun 2020, 10:57 pm

IsabellaLinton wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
i can't help but believe there would be even more police brutality, and systematic to boot. they never were concerned with civil liberties for us riffraff, they would have no compunctions to do to us what putin does to his own people. the democrats at least pay lip service to our needs, the GOP utterly has refused to even do that, they'd have no hesitations about brutally putting us down whenever we spoke up. just look at ft. lauderdale which has made it illegal for charities to feed the homeless. THAT is what we could expect if they took total control.

Someone I love had a brilliant idea. Make all the cops go to school for 8+ years like lawyers do, including a few years of articling and internship under supervision. Their job upholds the law but also allows them to carry guns or kill people. Their training should be as comprehensive as law school, and then some. This would also weed out the idiots and people who apply to the job impulsively.

^ That's a great idea.


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16 Jun 2020, 11:16 pm

IsabellaLinton wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
i can't help but believe there would be even more police brutality, and systematic to boot. they never were concerned with civil liberties for us riffraff, they would have no compunctions to do to us what putin does to his own people. the democrats at least pay lip service to our needs, the GOP utterly has refused to even do that, they'd have no hesitations about brutally putting us down whenever we spoke up. just look at ft. lauderdale which has made it illegal for charities to feed the homeless. THAT is what we could expect if they took total control.

Someone I love had a brilliant idea. Make all the cops go to school for 8+ years like lawyers do, including a few years of articling and internship under supervision. Their job upholds the law but also allows them to carry guns or kill people. Their training should be as comprehensive as law school, and then some. This would also weed out the idiots and people who apply to the job impulsively.

Who’s pay for it? Cops would never make in a lifetime enough to pay for it like,lawyers or doctors do.

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16 Jun 2020, 11:32 pm

sly279 wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
i can't help but believe there would be even more police brutality, and systematic to boot. they never were concerned with civil liberties for us riffraff, they would have no compunctions to do to us what putin does to his own people. the democrats at least pay lip service to our needs, the GOP utterly has refused to even do that, they'd have no hesitations about brutally putting us down whenever we spoke up. just look at ft. lauderdale which has made it illegal for charities to feed the homeless. THAT is what we could expect if they took total control.

Someone I love had a brilliant idea. Make all the cops go to school for 8+ years like lawyers do, including a few years of articling and internship under supervision. Their job upholds the law but also allows them to carry guns or kill people. Their training should be as comprehensive as law school, and then some. This would also weed out the idiots and people who apply to the job impulsively.

Who’s pay for it? Cops would never make in a lifetime enough to pay for it like,lawyers or doctors do.

They can take student loans like everyone else. If there were fewer cops (better and more effective, in conjunction with police reform), police budgets could pay them more as well.

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16 Jun 2020, 11:34 pm

IsabellaLinton wrote:
sly279 wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
i can't help but believe there would be even more police brutality, and systematic to boot. they never were concerned with civil liberties for us riffraff, they would have no compunctions to do to us what putin does to his own people. the democrats at least pay lip service to our needs, the GOP utterly has refused to even do that, they'd have no hesitations about brutally putting us down whenever we spoke up. just look at ft. lauderdale which has made it illegal for charities to feed the homeless. THAT is what we could expect if they took total control.

Someone I love had a brilliant idea. Make all the cops go to school for 8+ years like lawyers do, including a few years of articling and internship under supervision. Their job upholds the law but also allows them to carry guns or kill people. Their training should be as comprehensive as law school, and then some. This would also weed out the idiots and people who apply to the job impulsively.

Who’s pay for it? Cops would never make in a lifetime enough to pay for it like,lawyers or doctors do.

They can take student loans like everyone else. If there were fewer cops (better and more effective, in conjunction with police reform), police budgets could pay them more as well.

But they idea was to defund the police, so if the police are being payed more to pay off student loans, than you won't be able to defund them, if they need to be payed more, even if there are fewer. If there is too much money being thrown to the police, than the idea is to keep it down, even with fewer officers, isn't it?


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16 Jun 2020, 11:39 pm

ironpony wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:
sly279 wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
i can't help but believe there would be even more police brutality, and systematic to boot. they never were concerned with civil liberties for us riffraff, they would have no compunctions to do to us what putin does to his own people. the democrats at least pay lip service to our needs, the GOP utterly has refused to even do that, they'd have no hesitations about brutally putting us down whenever we spoke up. just look at ft. lauderdale which has made it illegal for charities to feed the homeless. THAT is what we could expect if they took total control.

Someone I love had a brilliant idea. Make all the cops go to school for 8+ years like lawyers do, including a few years of articling and internship under supervision. Their job upholds the law but also allows them to carry guns or kill people. Their training should be as comprehensive as law school, and then some. This would also weed out the idiots and people who apply to the job impulsively.

Who’s pay for it? Cops would never make in a lifetime enough to pay for it like,lawyers or doctors do.

They can take student loans like everyone else. If there were fewer cops (better and more effective, in conjunction with police reform), police budgets could pay them more as well.

But they idea was to defund the police, so if the police are being payed more to pay off student loans, than you won't be able to defund them, if they need to be payed more, even if there are fewer.

I never said to defund them. That's groupthink. I believe police are an essential service despite the fact they need major restructuring, retraining, and reform.

I think it should be a highly-skilled job, with considerable revision of their responsibilities and rules. They are essentially lawyers with guns, and the right to take a life in some circumstances. I've heard that some cops have 6-8 months of basic training before they're granted this ethical responsibility, and I think that's unacceptable.

I may not know how to restructure a budget, but something definitely needs to change.

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16 Jun 2020, 11:50 pm

IsabellaLinton wrote:
sly279 wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
i can't help but believe there would be even more police brutality, and systematic to boot. they never were concerned with civil liberties for us riffraff, they would have no compunctions to do to us what putin does to his own people. the democrats at least pay lip service to our needs, the GOP utterly has refused to even do that, they'd have no hesitations about brutally putting us down whenever we spoke up. just look at ft. lauderdale which has made it illegal for charities to feed the homeless. THAT is what we could expect if they took total control.

Someone I love had a brilliant idea. Make all the cops go to school for 8+ years like lawyers do, including a few years of articling and internship under supervision. Their job upholds the law but also allows them to carry guns or kill people. Their training should be as comprehensive as law school, and then some. This would also weed out the idiots and people who apply to the job impulsively.

Who’s pay for it? Cops would never make in a lifetime enough to pay for it like,lawyers or doctors do.

They can take student loans like everyone else. If there were fewer cops (better and more effective, in conjunction with police reform), police budgets could pay them more as well.

My point is a doctor making hundreds of thousands a year has hard til paying student loans off a cop will never be able to as is and impossible if they defund the police to point they make less then me working retail.we need more cops not less.
The budgets in my state are so bad one city only has police 9-5 m-f and some woman got beat and raped was just told sorry we aren’t open.
As is wirh the current police numbers an average response time is like 10-30 mins. And you have mear seconds or mins before the guy kicks your door down.

Also some college degree is already required. But 8 years is ridiculous. In f@ct I wonder if requiring a college degree is the problem. It means only those who can afford college can be cops. Means all the poor people from the areas needing cops the most can’t be cops even if they want to.

There is no place for me in the world. I'm going into the wilderness, probably to die