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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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09 Feb 2010, 6:09 am

I have some stuff(high school notes, folders, basically high school stuff).. and I don't know what to do with them. I am planning to move out of the city(need some space ... from all this crap and stress). but this stuff is holding me back.

I have thought about going to a storage place sometimes but I am struggling with anxiety and I keep putting it off. So I am left with option to throw it all out instead of leaving them all here in my parents' basement(I can't leave them because even despite saying they don't they always go through my stuff).

Should I just throw them away? sorry but I am just a little confused and needed some support.


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09 Feb 2010, 6:19 pm

If you're out of school, why keep them?

I got rid of as much school stuff as possible since I know for sure I'd never need it again.

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09 Feb 2010, 9:10 pm

I guess you just have to use your best judgment here. I have difficulty throwing things away, so I usually keep things like that tucked away in the backroom at my house. I still have most of my notebooks all the way back to gradeschool in the early 1970s. They can be fun to go through when you get older.

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17 Feb 2010, 2:47 am

luckily i came from a family of pack-rats, so it was no real problem to keep all my old stuff to wax nostalgically over. on my own i weeded through it all and kept only the important things and recycled the less-important stuff.
for somebody who wants to keep their stuff but doesn't have the room, then just keep the most important/valuable things, or keep it all in your car.


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17 Feb 2010, 5:26 pm

I got rid of all of my high school stuff, the morning after my prom. I hated high school, so I got rid of the evidence.

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18 Feb 2010, 6:39 am

I keep the majority of my school stuff but since all of this is either in my wardrobe on the shelves I don't need, in mom's cabinet or in this cabinet of mine to which I don't have any access now since my bed is barricading the access, I don't care, they don't obstruct me. Maybe two years ago I got rid of some of it, throwing away to a litter bin my old exercise books and those of notebooks which had little of their sheets empty. I'd willingly have gotten rid of everything but my mom forbade me doing this. I don't know what I could ever need them for.

I have a box containing all the suvenirs I found deserving to be retained by me. At the bottom of it I keep my first copybooks from first grade - the Polish and German class ones. The latter one is filled by a great number of drawings with short information in German on what they depict: "Das ist ein Verkaufer", "Das ist meine Mutter", "Das ist die Katze" and so on.


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19 Feb 2010, 9:23 am

I have found:

Half of what I keep I might aswell have thrown away

A quarter of what I keep I wish I had thrown away

A third of what I have thrown away I wish I had kept.

A quarter of what I keep mysteriously disappears.

A quarter of what I store with relatives mysteriously disappears

An eighth of what I throw away mysteriously reappears.

An eighth of what I keep is ruined by climate and pests

An eighth of what I keep is thrown out by family members

Seven eighths of what others keep is eventually thrown out by the survivors.

All figures approximate


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19 Feb 2010, 10:14 am

I find it really hard to throw things away and as a result have things from when I was at school and I'm 30 now! It makes me feel bad, what if it turns out I need it? and I sorta feel bad towards the item, just throwing it away like it doesn't matter


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19 Feb 2010, 10:50 am

Autumnsteps wrote:
I find it really hard to throw things away and as a result have things from when I was at school and I'm 30 now! It makes me feel bad, what if it turns out I need it? and I sorta feel bad towards the item, just throwing it away like it doesn't matter

well, i've got 20 years on ya and i still have stuff from my toddlerhood, such as a toy train that runs on 8 d-cells! and 3rd-grade homework, and candles from a birthday cake from way back when. i keep 'em in boxes, and like to go through them now and then, it is a comforting thing. your stuff DOES matter! it is a part of you, so if at all possible, keep it around! in your car trunk if you have-to.