Anyone get cranky when life is running too smoothly?

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11 Feb 2010, 4:30 pm

That's right. There is no typo. I sometimes feel that life gets really "boring" when things are "all as it should be".

Like sometimes I wish that our family car would suddenly break down or I wish that some electric appliance would break down. Sometimes I wish there was a blackout.

Obviously, my perspective would change in the future if I move out and need to pay everything with my money. My parents are paying everything for now.

That probably explains why I was very destructive when I was little. I don't mean to be destructive or have any ill-will, its just that I hate it when things run in regular patterns. I want life to run more adventurously and unexpectedly. That also explains why I love it when snowstorms go by. First of all, a possibility of a snowday (not the usual). Secondly, I get to see roads that are not in normal conditions and nice snowbanks everywhere.

However, I am thankful when life runs smoothly, but I also get so cranky and wish for more adventure and unexpected things to happen.


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11 Feb 2010, 5:14 pm

I feel the most at ease, when life runs smoothly.

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11 Feb 2010, 8:11 pm

if humans were happy and in the right place with every single thing running perfectly, why would the trait of adaptability even be there at all?

or boredom, for that matter.

i think most people, whether they know it or don't, grow bored, uninspired, and so on with everything utterly serene. things are rarely so smooth, tho, so it's easy to miss this.

i've had a couple periods in my life with pretty much no ripples in the pond, so to speak. and i can take, at most, about a year of it. 8)


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17 Feb 2010, 2:19 am

iquanyin wrote:
if humans were happy and in the right place with every single thing running perfectly, why would the trait of adaptability even be there at all?

or boredom, for that matter.

i think most people, whether they know it or don't, grow bored, uninspired, and so on with everything utterly serene. things are rarely so smooth, tho, so it's easy to miss this.

i've had a couple periods in my life with pretty much no ripples in the pond, so to speak. and i can take, at most, about a year of it. 8)

gosh, you seem to be very fortunate. i can't remember a time in my life when there was no hassle. i can't help but believe that if only life would stop throwing me $#!+ long enough, i could accomplish something maybe.


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17 Feb 2010, 5:10 am

Not me.

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18 Feb 2010, 4:08 am

No I'm the opposite. I love it when things run smoothly as it puts me at ease, but then it doesn't happen very often.

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19 Feb 2010, 3:17 pm


yes, i've been extremely fortunate. at certain times. other times, not. some of my posts on this forum, in fact, would show how much not. it's been basically from one extreme to another. i cherish the times on the crest of the wave.


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20 Feb 2010, 1:32 am

iquanyin wrote:

yes, i've been extremely fortunate. at certain times. other times, not. some of my posts on this forum, in fact, would show how much not. it's been basically from one extreme to another. i cherish the times on the crest of the wave.

so it is not "one damned thing after another" but it is a roller-coaster ride. i think both options are not exactly enviable. reminds me of an old soviet joke where a hapless stalinist bureaucrat kicks the bucket and finds himself in front of a satanic bureaucratic demon in hell who offers the newly dead person a choice between the capitalist hell and the communist hell- the demon describes how the former is where one gets a nail hammered into one's buttocks every single day of the month, so the dead guy says "OH NO! not that! tell me about the other one!" so the demon tells him "in the communist hell, you will NOT get a nail driven into your butt every single day!" so the dead guy says, "oh, alright, i'll take the communist hell." the demon says, "ok, fine, that is your wish and i will comply- however, there is one small detail i kinda forgot to mention- in the communist hell it is correct that there is no daily nail in the butt - [pregnant pause] however... at the end of the month all 30 nails will be driven into your butt!"

i guess that is one of those jokes where "you had to be there."


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20 Feb 2010, 2:29 am

jc6chan must live a charmed life, I seem to have several disasters going on at the same time. since the start of the new year I found out my ferret has an inoperable tumor, then we had a water main break so no water in the house for 4 days, a week after that we start getting a sewer backup flooding the bathroom and living room in raw sewage, after 4 days of talking with the stupid city who forgot to notified the foreman that there was a problem we finally get work started on the mess, which was their fault when they broke the sewer pipe after they repaired the water main, in the mean time me and my room mate are now ill from living in a smelly moldy basement, I wish you luck jc6chan, I need a vacation from my uncharmed life.