Do you ever wonder what its like to be a girl?

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Is it easier to be a girl or a boy?
Boy 44%  44%  [ 28 ]
Girl 11%  11%  [ 7 ]
Not Sure 44%  44%  [ 28 ]
Total votes : 63

Emu Egg
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18 May 2010, 6:30 pm

Would it make life easier? Or just different? How? Girls seem to have it easier than us guys. My little sister seems to have it really easy. I get frustrated and just wonder sometimes. I know there are movies about this, getting swapped with another person of the other sex. What do you think guys, do girls or boys have it better?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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18 May 2010, 7:00 pm

It's a tough question, but as of right now guys have the advantage. Girls statistically make less per year than guys and seem to have to spend more time on their appearance (makeup, hair, etc..) I don't really like how this works, but the social norm is that girls usually have to be asked out by guys. So, guys get to choose which girl to ask out, and the girl doesn't have as much of a choice. Also, for Athletes there is more money out there for professional male athletes than woman athletes. I guess you also say that a pretty girl can marry a rich guy and have a relatively easy life. Its close, but I'd have to say it is better to be a guy.

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18 May 2010, 7:06 pm


uthinkingofgettingtransgender ?


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18 May 2010, 8:56 pm

I became a feminist as an alternative to becoming a masochist . . .

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18 May 2010, 9:42 pm

You'd have a different set of problems, but they'd still be problems. I just wish a single kick wouldn't bring me to my knees.

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18 May 2010, 10:04 pm

Girls get raped a lot or something. And they have to put make-up on.

Boys fight though.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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18 May 2010, 10:20 pm

I think that while men do have more responsibility (protect, provide, work hard) than girls, I think in general, girls have it harder. Girls who become mothers have to deal with being pregnant, having the baby, and raising the baby almost entirely herself (since most men don't get involved with most of the child care since they are working.) Girls in general have to deal with periods month in and month out which means constantly fluctuating hormones, have to fight to even get their voice heard, are often treated as much lower than men BY men, are held up to a standard of size 0 or 2 by society and by men, and are treated as imperfect unless they have that perfect body.

So tell me...what do you think?

I'd rather be a boy in so many ways. I'd rather get a kick in the nuts than have to deal with being a woman some days. The society is changing, but it is still favorable towards men in so many ways. With that said, I think each gender has their own set of problems, and neither is the "better" gender. Boys would argue that girls have it so much easier. Girls argue that boys have it so much easier. I'm not sure why guys seem to think girls have it so easy.


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19 May 2010, 12:45 am

Ferdinand wrote:
Girls get raped a lot or something. And they have to put make-up on.

Boys fight though.

I'm just a person trapped inside a woman's body. ~Elaine Boosler

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19 May 2010, 12:46 am

YankeesGamer24 wrote:
It's a tough question, but as of right now guys have the advantage. Girls statistically make less per year than guys and seem to have to spend more time on their appearance (makeup, hair, etc..) I don't really like how this works, but the social norm is that girls usually have to be asked out by guys. So, guys get to choose which girl to ask out, and the girl doesn't have as much of a choice. Also, for Athletes there is more money out there for professional male athletes than woman athletes. I guess you also say that a pretty girl can marry a rich guy and have a relatively easy life. Its close, but I'd have to say it is better to be a guy.

Any intelligent woman who reads the marriage contract, and then goes into it, deserves all the consequences. ~Isadora Duncan

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19 May 2010, 12:49 am

Ferdinand wrote:
Girls get raped a lot or something. And they have to put make-up on.

Boys fight though.

Women are not inherently passive or peaceful. We're not inherently anything but human.
~Robin Morgan

Alis volat propriis
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19 May 2010, 9:52 am

I think both girls and boys have advantages and also problems. You got to remember that males and females may differ but deep down we are all human. Every human must grown up, go through puberty, body changes, deal with society.

Adolescence is rough on everybody. And both sexes have there own crap to deal with.

I think that there will always be a debate on this subject. 8)

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19 May 2010, 6:38 pm

ILoveMew wrote:
Would it make life easier? Or just different? How? Girls seem to have it easier than us guys. My little sister seems to have it really easy. I get frustrated and just wonder sometimes. I know there are movies about this, getting swapped with another person of the other sex. What do you think guys, do girls or boys have it better?

Are you basing your views on one girl you know (your sister) + movies? :?

I don't think you can say one is 'easier' than the other because they are different. As a teenager, I got annoyed with the excuse that I couldn't do things because 'it isn't safe for a girl.' But there are plenty times that I'm glad that I'm not a boy.

There was a 'boys vs. girls' argument on Friends the TV show ended with saying guys could pee standing up, but the winner was that women could have multiple orgasms :lol:

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06 Jun 2010, 6:14 am

in my opinion boys have it a bit easier. for reasons difficult to discern, women have to try a lot harder to be accepted into society (i.e. stereotypes like "women can't be fat" "women shouldnt have X job"). dating is also a bit harder to deal with than it is for men, for some reason it is viewed as "unaceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out, and a lot of girls cant get the guys they like because of this, wheras guys can choose who they want (not like their feelings toward women are felt by their crushes all the time though)

although men do have problems, as well as being "left-behind" in dating if they happen to be shy, men are subject to more disorders/deseases than women, like downs syndrome, being colour blind, or a more relative example here would be AS, although women can still get it obviously, except men are more likely to.


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06 Jun 2010, 11:04 am

While personally I think I would rather be female (but I don't think pursuing it now would be rewarding), I do think males have it easier. Besides the biological advantages (no pregnancy, no menstruation, no menopause, and stronger on average) males simply don't have as much expectations. Sure, certain groups of males have expectations, but overall you can do a lot of things as a male. There's much less of a stereotype people want you to fit in, you have many options.

There's also the remaining discrimination. It's not as bad as it was, sure, but males still generally have it easier. (With the exception of middle-aged men, I'd think)


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06 Jun 2010, 2:06 pm

No, because im a girl already.

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13 Jun 2010, 1:55 am

I have to deal with a lot of the BS "female" stereotypes. I am physically attractive, and for some reason this fact causes NTs to make even more assumptions than they would based solely on my gender. I also have an OK sense of "style" I suppose, and I wear a little bit of makeup (I only do it to procure sexual partners!), so people sometimes assume that I am interested fashion or beauty. I get accused of "acting" sometimes when NTs observe my AS traits. When I am knowledgeable in one of my specialized interests, people appear very surprised. Whats most disturbing to me is that NT females have been in the past more capable of carrying on an intelligent conversation with me than NT males are, yet the NT female stereotype seems to describe a person who is incapable of logical thought.

I'm sure if I were male people would accuse me of BS things based on the male stereotype. It doesn't really matter. True, we do live in a society where it is socially acceptable for males to dominate females either socially or financially, and that fact is horrible. Males are expected to eradicate their emotions and become dead inside, and great importance is placed on earning money. That can't be pleasant either. Females probably do have it a million times worse, because they are sometimes treated like virtual slaves, but I believe that the "ordinary" way of relating sexually is bad on both sides. Its not very empathetic that's for sure.

The female stereotype:
This person is obsessed with her physical apprentice. She will spend hours on it, to the point where it makes her late for appointments or scheduled meetings and starts to interfere negatively with her life. She has sporadic emotional outbursts and is incapable of grasping empirical logic or really anything "intellectual" that doesn't involve raising children. Like people with AS she has specialized interests, usually having to do with people or methods of decorating oneself. She spends most of her time with friends and is socially manipulative.

The male stereotype:
Naturally smarter, stronger, and better than his female counterpart, the male stereotype is always superior. He has few stupid emotions to cloud his judgment, and is usually calm and controlled. Everyone is expected to respect his dominance, or else. His dominance is incredibly important to him and he will become distraught if any measure of it lost. He is capable of great intellectual pursuits but is completely incapable of empathy, similar to people with antisocial personality disorder.

Of course there are variations in stereotypes, but every stereotype I've ever heard described sounded like a person who might have sat next to me in special ed.