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03 Oct 2010, 12:33 pm

Does anyone else have OCD? Like, not just the obsessions and rituals of Asperger's Syndrome (or just plain being rigid), but actual, full-blown OCD?


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03 Oct 2010, 1:24 pm

i was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder and I tend to get fixated on a lot of things.

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03 Oct 2010, 1:56 pm

I don't have official OCD.

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06 Oct 2010, 1:43 pm

I do--and although I just got the diagnosis, my family and everyone has known that about me since I was little.


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07 Oct 2010, 7:06 am

I do. My OCD is known as Pure-O though. Where it's thought based instead of action based. Very time consuming! But interesting at the same time :pirat:


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07 Oct 2010, 7:36 am


Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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07 Oct 2010, 8:53 am

I am diagnosed with it, but I think it is wrong.

Crazy Bird Lady!! !
Also likes Pokemon

Avatar: A Shiny from the new Pokemon Pearl remake, Shiny Chatot... I named him TaterTot...

FINALLY diagnosed with ASD 2/6/2020

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07 Oct 2010, 9:22 am

Lost In Thought, What does that mean exactly--what kind of things do you think about but not act on?


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07 Oct 2010, 9:45 am

KSea wrote:
Lost In Thought, What does that mean exactly--what kind of things do you think about but not act on?

Well I guess I do act on them sometimes; it's just not in a way someone would typically act out.

Pure O is also called 'Intrusive thoughts' which are thoughts that come into your head that you don't want or agree with (and would never act out)

One time I was wondering why people can become murderers. I was wondering what was stopping me from being just like is different mentally between a murderer and a 'normal' person. Suddenly I decided I couldn't go near knives so locked myself out of the kitchen. That was an irrational thing to do because if I locked myself out it would be just as easy to let myself in..but it made me feel better.

But mostly it's not as bad as that. Mostly it's just thoughts that I don't want, or don't like, entering my head and being unable to get rid of them. Like being forced to watch a horror movie when you wanted to watch a cartoon instead.

Oh and it doesn't have to be as disgusting as that either. It could be something small like being obsessed over a subject and researching it over and over again but not really learning much from it...if that makes sense :oops:

I can't put links in posts yet but if you google 'Pure o' and go to the wiki link it will have some generalised information.

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07 Oct 2010, 10:11 am

Wow (and read Wiki), that sounds like things I do as would this be an example: I have not had to deal w/ this bad lately, but there was a period of time where I'd have like movie-reel images of horror movies (but things I had not even seen) going through my head that I could not stop. And there's def. times I think about exact things you said, and then you get paranoid...but I try to push it away as me just analyzing and thinking deeply on things and then redirect my mind best I can. I don't know if this would be an example either, but sometimes when I'm driving (which I hate and find so scary) if I go over a bridge for example, I start thinking of scenes of people driving off bridges and it becomes so real to me...and I'm like, "All I'd have to do is turn my wheel just a LITTLE to the left and I'd die=that simple--oh my gosh, that's so scary--" It's like death is so close and all it takes is a little turn, mistake or not, and then I'm like, Oh gosh, I'm not going to do that!! ! no no It's weird and hard to explain. I've actually never told ANYONE about this stuff b/c I didn't want to see crazy or them take it the wrong way and think I was suicidal when I'm def. not.


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07 Oct 2010, 10:26 am

KSea wrote:
Wow (and read Wiki), that sounds like things I do as would this be an example: I have not had to deal w/ this bad lately, but there was a period of time where I'd have like movie-reel images of horror movies (but things I had not even seen) going through my head that I could not stop. And there's def. times I think about exact things you said, and then you get paranoid...but I try to push it away as me just analyzing and thinking deeply on things and then redirect my mind best I can. I don't know if this would be an example either, but sometimes when I'm driving (which I hate and find so scary) if I go over a bridge for example, I start thinking of scenes of people driving off bridges and it becomes so real to me...and I'm like, "All I'd have to do is turn my wheel just a LITTLE to the left and I'd die=that simple--oh my gosh, that's so scary--" It's like death is so close and all it takes is a little turn, mistake or not, and then I'm like, Oh gosh, I'm not going to do that!! ! no no It's weird and hard to explain. I've actually never told ANYONE about this stuff b/c I didn't want to see crazy or them take it the wrong way and think I was suicidal when I'm def. not.

Yeah I get those too! The movie-reel and the bridge thing I can definitely relate to. For me I don't drive but when I'm the passenger I get this urge to jerk the steering wheel. Obviously I would never actually do it but the panic feeling I get from it makes me feel like I could so I have to sit on my hands (I guess that's a way of acting it out). And I can't watch horror movies or crime things like CSI anymore.

What I did that I found helped a bit was writing reasons why I WOULDN'T do those a reminder that I'm not crazy. I also didn't want to tell anyone in case they thought I was crazy or in case they thought I would actually do the things that come into my head. Finally my psychologist diagnosed me and just being labeled help a lot. Being able to identify the thoughts and just think "Oh it's just another OCD thought" helped calm me down. With the movie-reel my psychologist suggested 'changing the channel' so when the 'movie' comes on, you just change it to something peaceful like the beach or whatever makes you feel happy.

Also this type of anxiety disorder is often accompanied by other anxiety disorders. I don't know if AS is a type of anxiety disorder (I don't have it) but I also have Social anxiety disorder.

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07 Oct 2010, 10:32 am

It's so weird though. WHY does our mind do that? Why those weird urges and thoughts that would be bad....Before being diagnosed, I even though, "Crap, am I possessed?" lol and did question my own sanity at the times my mind was doing that kind of stuff. Maybe there's some sort of innate curiosity to the extreme of "What would happen if..." Real world and My own world as well as dreams and movies often blur together for can be hazy...not such a horrible thing to deal w/ if I'm on my own time w/ no responsibilities, but if I have to work and put on that act, it's such a struggle and more exhausting that normally. I don't think AS is an anxiety disorder, but anxiety is just part of it--it's a neurological disorder. I'm sure anxiety is worse for some Aspies than others though.


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07 Oct 2010, 2:09 pm

i have OCD, diagnosed but it's so painfully obvious nowadays anyway. mostly relating to mysophobia, with the biggest compulsive behaviour (as far as time consumed) being handwashing.. i tend to wash for approximately 1-1.5 hours each time and the last wash is very frustrating as i have to get it 'just right' or i can't stop.. a pain in the arse, to be sure.

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07 Oct 2010, 7:01 pm

Do your hands have sores all over them from all that? Has anyone tried helping you?


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07 Oct 2010, 7:17 pm

not sores, no. but lots of dead skin each day and they often get sore.. plus my arms ache more and more towards the end.
a few people have kind of tried to help, but mostly people close to me 'can't cope' with me because of it apparently. :(


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07 Oct 2010, 8:06 pm

I used to be obsessed with making sure all the plugs into the sockets in my room were plugged in properly. I remember I would always press hard on the plastic and force the plugs into the sockets. I would feel responsible if a house fire ever started.