Kept Awake by very fast, nonsense thoughts

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Do you have racing, speedy thoughts that make it hard to fall asleep?
yes frequently 95%  95%  [ 18 ]
once in a while 5%  5%  [ 1 ]
not at all 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
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31 Dec 2011, 5:12 pm

My therapist calls these "racing thoughts", they are very fast thoughts. It is when I am trying to go to bed, and I am very tired, but my brain stays awake, like the lightbulb is on and will not shut off. She said they are from anxiety, which I am being treated for both in therapy and with medicine.

I got back from a week long trip to visit my family for the holidays on Thursday, and then last night I had a problem with my brain doing this to me. I was too tired to actually do anything productive, but my brain just kept going and going. As it got later, the thoughts got less productive and more nuts. Like I was thinking things like "cabbage, cabbage, cabbage" over and over, and other things like "I would like to get a mute dog someday, like a monk who has taken a vow of silence, a mute monk dog."

I tried writing in a journal to get it out of my head but that didn't really help so eventually I gave up and took a xanax. I am also afraid if I told my Dr or therapist about the stupid sounding thoughts (about cabbage, etc) that they would think I am crazy.

I try everything to go to sleep, I have a nature sound maker, a humidifier, badger sleep balms with essential oils, total darkness, deep breathing, a theta waves hypnosis track to listen to, etc.

Does anyone else have this, or possibly any advice to deal with it when it happens? Thanks!

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31 Dec 2011, 5:16 pm

Have you tried heavy blankets? Some other sort of deep pressure?

My problems with racing thoughts while I was trying to sleep went way down when I made myself a weighted blanket. Some sort of deep pressure might also help relax you.


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31 Dec 2011, 5:39 pm

I've been having more of an issue with this recently... still trying out low-strength sleep aids.

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31 Dec 2011, 8:07 pm

Every single night. I've mentioned the "50 TVs" before. It's not something I can turn off. I wish I could.


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31 Dec 2011, 8:34 pm

Yeah. But I just take co-respiridone before bed and it's all good. It's an anxiety prescription medication. Try NyQuil.


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31 Dec 2011, 9:25 pm

I have always been a very very poor sleeper (racing thoughts, waking up dozens of times every night). I also have bad anxiety and I'm trying to find a medication that works for me currently.

I spoke to my psychiatrist about my issues sleeping and since she was already about to put me on a new med for anxiety, she chose one that you take just before bed that has a sedative effect. I was only on it for two months (because it didn't work for the anxiety) but it was the best 2 months of sleep I've ever had in my entire life! If only the anti-anxiety side had worked it would have been perfect for me.

Maybe you could ask your doctor about something like this, since you are also needing anxiety meds. The one I was put on was mirtazapine, but I believe there are others that have a sedative effect. Beware though that this medication makes you seriously hungry, though for me it was ok because I was underweight and the hunger stopped after about 3 weeks.

Poor sleep really is the worst, and does absolutely no good for anxiety, I sympathise with you. Goodluck.