Greetings, comrades! - from an east coast teenager

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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18 Jan 2012, 7:15 pm

Hi, I'm a 15 year old girl and sophomore. My name is Carrie. It is highly suspected (not yet professionally diagnosed) that I have Asperger's. It was mentioned a few times when I was young, but since it never caused any "real problems", nothing was ever done about it. It has only fairly recently been brought up again, and we're going to look into it sometime in the near future. A kind of funny story - when I was 10 or 11, I started to really suspect I had some form of mild autism. I didn't want to tell my mom because at that point, I'd be put in the "special class", since I'd been told that was where kids with mental and physical disabilities, including autism, go. Naturally, I assumed that meant all autistic kids. Where I live, there aren't a lot of academic options in schools. As in, there are "normal" classes, honors/AP classes, and the "special class", which is where the severely mentally disabled and severely physically disabled kids go. If a child can sort of function in a normal classroom, the school system tries very hard to put them there. We're in kind of a budget crisis, but I wish my school system would be more accepting of different learning styles and neurodiversity.

Anyways, I kinda have problems with going off on tangents. I apologize. I play a lot of instruments (15, if you include everything) but I focus on piano, guitar, and viola. Namely piano. I've been playing since age 6, and had messed around on it at ages 3-6. (As far as composers go, Bach, Vivaldi, and Corelli are my favorites. I'm a huge Sousa fan, as far as marches go.) I play all the time. Almost every chance I have. One would probably say music is my obsession. I'm in band and orchestra. I play baritone/euphonium for marching season, and bells/percussion for concert band. I'm a huge geek, and probably spend more time than is good for me on the computer, mostly learning about math and science and finding new piano music. I have a tumblr too. Math is another huge passion of mine, though not nearly as much as music. Science, especially health science, is another. I want to be a doctor someday, partly because I have an autoimmune condition called Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) type III, which is sorta difficult to explain. Basically, I have random anaphylaxis-like throat swellings when I start getting sick. Bizarre, I know, but if anyone else on here has any type of HAE, I'd like to get to know them. As far as favorite bands go, AFI, Rise Against, The Cure, Green Day, Tiger Army, MCR, The Misfits, Scarlet Grey, Joy Division, and Depeche Mode are a few. Occasionally I write, especially if I'm feeling emotional. Like poetic-y stuff. Not always great with metaphors, though. I'm not much of a reader, but if asked to pick a favorite book, it would definitely be Mark Z. Danielewski's "House of Leaves." I recommend reading that, if you haven't. Apparently people have pulled cryptic meanings out of it, and I don't see exactly how (there's that whole bad-with-metaphors thing again), but I read the book and found it great for plot and imagery. Oh, also, I still think SpongeBob Squarepants is hilarious and watch it on occasion. (That's where I got the topic title from.) That's about it. I'd like to meet other Aspies/suspected Aspies. I think I covered most things, but I think I'm better at answering specific questions than describing myself.

Sorry that was so lengthy. Bless you if you read/skimmed through that.

Last edited by alleviate on 18 Jan 2012, 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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18 Jan 2012, 8:31 pm

Hi alleviate,

Welcome to Wrong Planet :)

I also don't have a professional diagnosis yet, and I very highly suspect I'm an Aspie too.


Aspie score: 161 of 200
Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 38 of 200
Autistic/BAP -123 aloof, 124 rigid and 108 pragmatic
Autism Spectrum quotient: 41, Empathy Quotient: 19


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18 Jan 2012, 8:59 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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20 Jan 2012, 2:29 pm

hi carrie. you seem like a good talker 8O


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20 Jan 2012, 11:53 pm

Welkome to WP


Who wants to adopt a Sweet Pea?