The world is going to sh*t because people spend too much time and money on things that aren't productive. Instead of spending money on researching space, we're spending it on cellphones. Instead of spending money figuring out cures for diseases and ailments, we're busy fighting religious battles. Politics has become a popularity contest where neither party has anything of value. And when they do something valuable, it's overshadowed by complaints about what their intent behind it really was. I want to see news reports about people doing good, rather than about how many people have died that day. I want to see money put towards educational television, instead of reality T.V. I want to see people care. I want people to care.
See Spot run. Run Spot run!
See humanity fueled off of instantaneous pleasures instead of worrying about the reality of their situations. Run humanity... RUN!
I'm a crab in a lobster world.