Problem with memories of school

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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19 Apr 2012, 9:37 am

Hi everyone, can I please ask for some help and advice? Recently I was remembering high school and the sixth form and how quite a lot of people did not want to talk to me. Thinking about it again made me wonder if I was not good enough and that that was why other people did not want to talk to me. School was extremely difficult for me because I was too trusting and easily persuaded into making a spectacle of myself which caused me a great deal of problems. I have spoken to my support workers about this and they say it was because I was different to the other kids who were different to me, not because I wasn't good enough, but I just have this nagging feeling in my gut that makes life less enjoyable. How can I get through this? If anyone can suggest anything I'd be most grateful.

Sea Gull
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19 Apr 2012, 1:22 pm

Just move on with it. I have those same feelings. High school was not good for me either, or at least as good as I expected. Just move on. You were different the other kids were different. Nothing you can do now, just move forward.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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19 Apr 2012, 2:15 pm

Thanks mate :)

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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19 Apr 2012, 8:41 pm

Yes, best to move on.

Thing about high school is that it's often very much about the pecking order and who's in whose group. If you're different it's very hard to find acceptance. This is not a matter of better or worse; it's a matter of how that strange, hellish little world works. ;) I know some amazing people who were given the biggest boatload of crap in high school just because of social issues/perceived oddity — believe you me, there is never a good reason for bullying or any other form of mistreatment.

Just be glad you don't have to deal with them anymore. :P

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It was tense.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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20 Apr 2012, 4:40 am

Thanks Inyanook and Aspertastic424, I feel a lot better :)


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20 Apr 2012, 7:14 am

It has absolutely nothing to do with you "not being good enough". It's just that you were different than they were, plain and simple. As others here have already said, it's best to let it go and move on. What good does holding on to and ruminating over negative people, situations and things in the past do? None whatsoever.

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21 Apr 2012, 8:38 pm

Maybe some sort of "supressed memory" of a traumatic experience in school?

Maybe it wasn't just the kids. Maybe your teachers were just as mean to you. Physically, sexually, or ESPECIALLY emotionally or verbally. School is basically a prison where fear is instilled into the minds of young people by strong authority figures so that they cannot do or say anything against the norm. And of course, it's not acceptable to say that or to NOT supress memory of that!

Letting go is not a skill--it's the lazy way out. The real skill is having the courage to stand up for yourself and demand justice.
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23 Apr 2012, 10:29 am

Dont think todays school system was created for Aspie's lol, i comptely rtelate to how you feel i was picked on from the day i started till the day i left. i still have alot of pysical and mental scars.

Kids and adolsents are wary ,maybe even scared of what they dont understnd ,most grow out of it (sadly some dont lol )

i know it sucks but try to move fowerd from it as best you can, if they couldnt see what a lovley preson you are it was there loss :) try and concentate on the friends you have you, who hopefully appricate and acepet you for who you are

<3 xxxxx

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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23 Apr 2012, 1:07 pm

Thanks for your words of support guys, I feel fine now :)

DJFester, I agree absolutely.

AspieAshley, something traumatic did happen at school which I would rather not go into.

Roxy1989, thanks loads. I'll remember what you said :) <3