Eloquaint wrote:
Good morning. I'm new here.
I was diagnosed Autistic in July, two months before my 40th birthday. It came as a considerable relief. I've known since preschool that there's something different about me...my signature says I'm the iguana in a room full of rabbits, and that's how I've felt. Like the calm and cold-blooded and often baffled observer, sitting still and watching the hot-blooded and fast-moving furry little beasts pursuing their inexplicable desires at a pace that made no sense.
After my diagnosis, I asked the clinician what I should tell people I have. Asperger's? Autism? she said it was really up to me how I wanted to present myself to people, now that I know I'm on the spectrum. And my first thought was, I'm spectral. That suits me perfectly. Never quite here. Not of this world. Out of sync.
I read a lot. I prefer writing to speaking. I have the benign and inexpensive habit of photographing interesting signs. I snort when I laugh, and I laugh when something's funny, regardless of where I am. I've made a lot of people on airplanes uncomfortable with that, I'm afraid. I am married and have two dogs and I like tea and I have bipolar disorder. I'm Jewish and I'm a jeweler, although I haven't been in that line of work for a while and I'd like to change careers.
Very nice to meet all of you.
A Jewish jeweler, man try making a pun out of that without sounding anti-Semitic XD Seriously though welcome to Wrongplanet, hope you find what you're looking for here. And it is very nice to meet you.
"Yeah, so this one time, I tried playing poker with tarot cards... got a full house, and about four people died." ~ Unknown comedian
Happy New Year from WP's resident fortune-teller! May the cards be ever in your favor.