League of Legends - friend list add

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13 May 2013, 4:57 pm


Hey WP Leaguers
I play LOL on and off just for fun. Sometimes a lot.
I thought I'd make a thread where people can post their in-game names and what characters/roles they prefer so that we can add each other and have a little WP League on LOL.
Reason for this is that when I play I often get friend requests from randoms after games who say they enjoyed my game-play and want to play more. I don't often add people but sometimes I do thinking these are people up for games. It ends up with them just being there on my F-list and when I ask them to play they either don't answer or just don't want to play.

So I was thinking that I'd make a WP LOL friend section in my list and add everyone who likes to play now and then. I understand that not everyone will be able to play every time but if we get about 10-15 people and add each other there will always be someone up for a game.

If you're interested and want to add me do so, and make you own post with your own info.

region: EU WEST
nick: Weepyempress
role: support
main - Sona
other - Nami , Janna , Taric
role; middle
main - Ahri
other - Anivia , Lux , Twisted Fate

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Last edited by SoulcakeDuck on 13 May 2013, 7:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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13 May 2013, 6:17 pm

ID: SirNameless

Characters and Roles:
Roles are ordered by preference, top to bottom, characters listed in no particular order; no list is complete, especially the jungler list

Jungle: Amumu, Jarvan IV, Jax, Olaf
AD Carry: Vayne, Tristana, Graves
Mid: Gragas, Mordekaiser, Veigar, Malzahar
Top: Singed, Darius, Nasus, Jax, Olaf, Mordekaiser
Support: Alistar, Janna

Well, I'm probably not the most regular of League players but I'm on from time to time, so I add me if you want. I have 1100+ wins, but I play somewhat casually and tend to have trouble adjusting my hyper aggressive playstyle when my team is at a disadvantage. I don't do troll builds and am fairly inattentive and slow before minions spawn so invasions aren't my thing either. I can actually use my brain in a match and ward and use Smite properly but most of the time I don't.

I tend to play whatever and whoever suits my mood, in all honesty, with supporting being my least favorite but second most practiced role. I have most junglers, except I'm missing some newer ones that I really don't care about and some older ones that I've needed to have on my roster for some time (Rammus and Maokai, namely). As a whole, my champion selection is missing at least three dozens characters, but most notably, most AD carries and "newer" champions (keep in mind I consider Ahri and characters after her "new"). Well, I hope I make some more friends from this thread and I'll see y'all on the Fields of Justice.

And, by the way, Soulcake, I know all about those random friend requests that you get when you play really well. Strangers on the internet are essentially the polar opposite of "reliable", and so you probably won't ever play with them ever again, and that kind of sucks, in my opinion.

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Last edited by TheBraveSirRobin on 14 May 2013, 2:31 am, edited 1 time in total.


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13 May 2013, 7:01 pm

Sounds good Sir.
I will add you and we can play bot with me as supp as it is your least favorite thing to do and my main. I'm quite good at playing with aggressive players since I'm quite aggressive as supp as well.

A lot of people hate Ahri either going up against her or playing her. I like gimmicky heroes that have a hard learning curve they are the most fun. Ahri the KS queen. *spirit rush!*

Remember folks no need to ask for permission, just add people who post their info and play together.


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13 May 2013, 7:07 pm

SoulcakeDuck wrote:
I like gimmicky heroes

I hate you so much >: L

By the way, Weemyempress was not found. I hope you spelled that wrong, because I don't think I'm going switch off NA servers and not have any of my champions if you're on EU.


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13 May 2013, 7:16 pm

TheBraveSirRobin wrote:
SoulcakeDuck wrote:
I like gimmicky heroes

I hate you so much >: L

By the way, Weemyempress was not found. I hope you spelled that wrong, because I don't think I'm going switch off NA servers and not have any of my champions if you're on EU.

hmmm, jeee. Crap, I forgot regions. I'm on EU West.


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13 May 2013, 7:20 pm

SoulcakeDuck wrote:
hmmm, jeee. Crap, I forgot regions. I'm on EU West.


Yeah, region's are a b***h, especially in F2Ps where nothing is actually free and everything you use to play the game the way you want is tied to your account or character on a specific server.

EDIT: I made an alt account anyways, if you check League you should have a buddy request. I'm going to play a bot game in the mean time, hopefully the lag will be bearable.

2nd EDIT: And now I realize I have no runes, no masteries, and I can't jungle at all unless I play Warwick. F**k! I hope my pain is making Tencent Holdings Ltd happy, Riot.

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13 May 2013, 7:33 pm

TheBraveSirRobin wrote:
SoulcakeDuck wrote:
hmmm, jeee. Crap, I forgot regions. I'm on EU West.


Yeah, region's are a b***h, especially in F2Ps where nothing is actually free and everything you use to play the game the way you want is tied to your account or character on a specific server.

EDIT: I made an alt account anyways, if you check League you should have a buddy request. I'm going to play a bot game in the mean time, hopefully the lag will be bearable.

2nd EDIT: And now I realize I have no runes, no masteries, and I can't jungle at all unless I play Warwick. F**k!

Can you send it again, the request popped up and I accepted but I can't see you on my list.

Edit: Np np it's just for fun. When more see this thread who play LOL they might join you in your region.

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14 May 2013, 5:12 am

Hmm, I'll add to the list here.

My name on there is Enchu, and I'm on the NA region.

I mostly play support so far, because if I dont, half the time nobody will. Though I enjoy the role anyway. Im very new to this, so dont expect overmuch. I'm not on all that often. There are still enough days where my arm is acting up and I cant play. I'm fine on tank role as well.

The ones I use most are probably Soraka, Cho'gath, and Lulu, though I have a decent number of them unlocked.


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14 May 2013, 9:51 am

NA Server


Twisted Fate main, prefers mid.

Worst role is top

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03 Jun 2013, 2:11 pm

i've given up on ranked

region: NA
nick: JuiceMcSwagger

role: Support
main - Taric
other - Sona, Soraka

role: Mid
main: Xerath
other: Anivia, Lux, Karma

role: ADC
main: i don't know which >.> see below
other: Caitlyn, Tristana, Vayne, Graves, Varus, Miss Fortune

role: Jungle
main: Cho'Gath maybe is main
other: Xin Zhao, Maokai

f**k top


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05 Jun 2020, 12:45 am

Can one even add friends from different regions? I didn't think you could...

But I digress
I am in the NA region and my league of legends name is Klokoteer11.

And I basically main support Soraka, Braum, Janna and Taric are the ones I've had the most practice of. I have been working on getting better in mid lane...with Veigar.

But still I only ever play support in ranked games. Which I did get up to silver once in ranked, but I tend to end up in bronze..that said I never focus that much on ranked so it's not like I have made a very serious attempt to climb up it. But yeah I don't yell at other players for making mistakes, honestly I don't really type much in chat at all because its hard to focus on the game and chat at the same time for me, so I prefer to just concentrate on the game in game so I don't get distracted. So I guess I would say if one adds me, they probably wont get a ton of dialouge from me but I will play my best and do what I can to help the team, I am a support main after all.

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