I am turning into a Misogynist.

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20 May 2013, 10:43 pm

I never really intended to, but I feel like I am turning into a misogynist. I am hating how women (at least the ones I run into) flake, how they are superficial, how they don't talk about anything but school and other stupid s**t, how they are complete sluts, and how they want equal rights, yet when you try to be nice and accommodating and be democratic ( I am a pacifist, and so I believe in compromise and such), you are a nice guy, or worse, a creeper. In all honesty, I am starting to wish the worse on there first born yada yada etc. . I hate to be this way, but it seems like the women I am running into are complete b*****s. Doesn't even matter if they are "moral", Christians, or whatever, they seem like b*****s that should go to hell. I am sorry, but the more I see of life, the more I feel like a nihilist, sexist, etc. . I want to see the best in people, but people are not giving me a lot to work with. Add to the fact that IDK if I could find the one, since my interests are weird (won't repeats, but even voluntaryism and pacifism are in a slim minority), and I try to be nice. But in any case, I am starting to rationalize being a player, even though I know it is wrong, but it seems like the only way to get my mind off the sadness. Thanks, and sorry for offending any sensible folks, you can discard this message, this message doesn't apply to you.


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20 May 2013, 11:03 pm

Been there.. Want some advice?

I found humanity with a pair of jumper cables.


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20 May 2013, 11:04 pm

Please do explain good sir. What exactly do you mean? I get it somewhat, but what do you mean?


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20 May 2013, 11:11 pm

Yea because all women are like that right? I hope an apple of insight falls on your head..


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20 May 2013, 11:11 pm

Well quite simply, I had a POS car that I couldn't afford to fix the battery and other problems.. this was before I learned about cars which of course became a nessesary skill.

So almost every time it died I had to flag someone down, but occasionally someone would stop everything and ask if I needed a hand.

I realized that these people had problems of their own. Yet they were helping me!

And that's when I realized that no one is the best they can be all the time, because they aren't allowed to.

They are victims in a system that does not let them achieve their full potential.

Much like us..


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20 May 2013, 11:17 pm

I gotcha. I am not saying I never find humanity, because I do, but it seems more around guys, so yeah. Don't want to be sexist, but just my experience.


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20 May 2013, 11:21 pm

But your missing something about the situation///

Girls tend to have to deal with expectations, societal pressure, and group interaction. A lot more than us..

Some I have found even pretend to be dull, or cling to beliefs just to have something to place themselves as. For the appearance it gives them..

It certainly makes no sense, but it does give me some hope I guess..


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20 May 2013, 11:22 pm

Tsproggy wrote:
Yea because all women are like that right? I hope an apple of insight falls on your head..

I never said all, I just said the ones I run into.


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20 May 2013, 11:55 pm

Men are shallow too. I think everything you said about women probably applies to people generally.

Also: quit being a nice guy. It's not doing you any good. You can be an as*hole without being misogynistic or sexist. I mostly agree with the radical feminists, yet almost no one would describe me as being a nice guy. This is the best mode of operation to get along with women and to get what you want. Being nice is a sign of weakness. In modern society, sexism and misogyny are a sign of weakness too.

Last edited by Tyri0n on 20 May 2013, 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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20 May 2013, 11:56 pm

Well first of all, you're primarily dealing with girls your own age, right? Girls, as well as guys, are generally insufferable until about 25, and still pretty annoying until 30.

Second, you have to let go of the idea that you are OWED a girlfriend, that you DESERVE one. Yes, you do think that, and it's poisoning your relations to women you could otherwise be friendly with.

Third, whether you realize it or not, you're holding women to a higher standard than men and hating them for not living up to your standards. Women are like men in that some are good and some are jerks. They're not supposed to be better than we are, and the sooner you realize that, the better.

Everything would be better if you were in charge.


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21 May 2013, 12:08 am

I am not owed anything. BUT I f*****g HATE BEING DIFFERENT! I want a piece of the pie for once. It seems like whenever I make progress, it is taken away. I just wish I could have one little be of happiness, and I want to be able to blab, and someone would just hug me, and say it is alright. And I feel like a stunted child that will never grow up. I just wanna cry....


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21 May 2013, 12:49 am

You aren't a misogynist.
You just don't like that one or that one or this one....
Don't worry, it's a speed bump in the course of life, not a tunnel to the abyss of doom :)
Today, it just seems that way :wink:


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21 May 2013, 4:02 am

A Misogynist yet you want a harem of women?

Geez, poor harem.


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21 May 2013, 6:01 am

Either way you go, you're screwed. Or not screwed, if you think about it a different way.

I don't trust anyone because I'm cynical.
I'm cynical because I don't trust anyone.


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21 May 2013, 7:10 am

*hugs zacb*


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21 May 2013, 7:59 am

zacb wrote:
I am not owed anything. BUT I f***ing HATE BEING DIFFERENT! I want a piece of the pie for once. It seems like whenever I make progress, it is taken away. I just wish I could have one little be of happiness, and I want to be able to blab, and someone would just hug me, and say it is alright. And I feel like a stunted child that will never grow up. I just wanna cry....

In the words of Jim Morrison, "Women seem wicked when you're unwanted...."