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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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26 May 2013, 4:49 am

Look at the sheer volume of teleological arguments coming out of that cesspool of mediocrity called the Republican Party. That would automatically exclude at least 90% of Aspies from responsibility for its ideology! Teleological arguments are expounded for everything from individual rights to the second amendment. Hell, all the amendments! And the universe and its contents for that matter.

Even condoms, evolution, and stem cell research do not meet muster with that bag of offensively malodorous malcontents that call themselves the Republican Party. What does it take to be recognized as a scientific idea worthy of their praise; A signed permission slip from Jesus himself?

But just listen to them talk to each other and socialize! Just listen to Sarah Palin, no more socially gifted NT was ever born and with what for brains? And whats with Rush Limbaugh, he can socialize with the whole world for at least 3 hours straight without the mere hint of a cogent thought, all the while making millions of dollars from NT's that wonder, mesmerized by his social skill being belch out over the airways. Sean Hannity? no Autism genes there, that's for sure, no Sir, pure NT, ya betcha!

God I feel better now! I'll get to the Democrats latter.


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26 May 2013, 9:30 am

These Republicans were really shocked when I proposed my science fiction "Brave New World" solution to the abortion problem.
In a future society women would no longer give birth but fetuses would grow in these machines called artificial wombs. If a woman got pregnant by accident instead of getting an abortion she would have the fetus transplanted into the artificial womb and society would bear the burden of raising the child. Compare this with the conservative solution which is to make abortion a crime and to build more prisons

Of course the conservative objection is that promiscuity would be encouraged if there was no personal responsibility and indeed this is true because it is a free love society that practices communism. Conservatives object that the family would be destroyed but in reality we would become one big family. Conservatives object that the society would have sexually transmitted diseases but in reality the society would be quarantined from the outside world and anyone from the outside world would have to be a virgin to get in.


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26 May 2013, 9:49 am

androbot2084 wrote:
These Republicans were really shocked when I proposed my science fiction "Brave New World" solution to the abortion problem.
In a future society women would no longer give birth but fetuses would grow in these machines called artificial wombs. If a woman got pregnant by accident instead of getting an abortion she would have the fetus transplanted into the artificial womb and society would bear the burden of raising the child. Compare this with the conservative solution which is to make abortion a crime and to build more prisons

Of course the conservative objection is that promiscuity would be encouraged if there was no personal responsibility and indeed this is true because it is a free love society that practices communism. Conservatives object that the family would be destroyed but in reality we would become one big family. Conservatives object that the society would have sexually transmitted diseases but in reality the society would be quarantined from the outside world and anyone from the outside world would have to be a virgin to get in.

I disagree with your solution, children need at-least one stable parent figure to attach to if they are to grow into an emotionally healthy adult. Adoption would work to an extent but there are only a limited number of people willing to adopt and they would overwhelmed by the huge number of babies saved from abortion under your system. The orphans-at-birth would likely end up being a huge strain on society due to their lack of parents and cause a disproportionate amount of crime and delinquency once they reached maturity.

I personally would argue that as a foetus has not developed it's mind enough to be self-aware, it is not a person and so there is no moral problem with aborting them, so there is no abortion problem so to speak.


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26 May 2013, 10:33 am

If you were to argue that a fetus is not a person you would offend anyone who disagrees with you especially the tax payers who would pay for the abortion.


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26 May 2013, 11:20 am

androbot2084 wrote:
If you were to argue that a fetus is not a person you would offend anyone who disagrees with you especially the tax payers who would pay for the abortion.

If someone is offended by a different political opinion than their own then they probably need to grow a thicker skin, or reconsider whether politics is for them.


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26 May 2013, 1:23 pm

[Moved from Autism Politics, Activism, and Media Representation to PPR]

Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.


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26 May 2013, 2:46 pm

I'm diagnosed NVLD/AS and have fairly socially conservative/libertarian views.


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26 May 2013, 3:48 pm

Libertarians are loose cannons in the republican party.

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26 May 2013, 3:57 pm

normal2357 wrote:
Look at the sheer volume of teleological arguments coming out of that cesspool of mediocrity called the Republican Party. That would automatically exclude at least 90% of Aspies from responsibility for its ideology! Teleological arguments are expounded for everything from individual rights to the second amendment. Hell, all the amendments! And the universe and its contents for that matter.

Even condoms, evolution, and stem cell research do not meet muster with that bag of offensively malodorous malcontents that call themselves the Republican Party. What does it take to be recognized as a scientific idea worthy of their praise; A signed permission slip from Jesus himself?

But just listen to them talk to each other and socialize! Just listen to Sarah Palin, no more socially gifted NT was ever born and with what for brains? And whats with Rush Limbaugh, he can socialize with the whole world for at least 3 hours straight without the mere hint of a cogent thought, all the while making millions of dollars from NT's that wonder, mesmerized by his social skill being belch out over the airways. Sean Hannity? no Autism genes there, that's for sure, no Sir, pure NT, ya betcha!

God I feel better now! I'll get to the Democrats latter.

Believe me, there are plenty of autistic people who are against all of those things. Autism is not remotely immunity to bad science.

Incidentally, Sarah Palin believes in evolution.


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26 May 2013, 4:04 pm

Sarah Palin believes that creationism should be taught alongside evolution so she can fit in with the republican party.

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26 May 2013, 4:14 pm

androbot2084 wrote:
Sarah Palin believes that creationism should be taught alongside evolution so she can fit in with the republican party.

Let's ask the woman herself...

[Mod. edit: the YouTube tags won't work with an https URL so I've edited it to http]



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26 May 2013, 4:41 pm

That video interview contradicts Sarah Palin's own Going Rogue book in which she said:

nut job and liar Sarah Palin wrote:
He [McCain strategist Steve Schmidt] knew my position: I believed in the evidence for microevolution—that geologic and species change occurs incrementally over time,” Palin writes. “But I didn’t believe in the theory that human beings—thinking, loving beings—originated from fish that sprouted legs and crawled out of the sea. Or that human beings began as single-celled organisms that developed into monkeys who eventually swung down from trees; I believed we came about not through a random process, but were created by God.

It just goes to show she is a stereotypical politician, i.e., she will change her story depending on who she is talking to and depending on whether or not she has been made fun of for her views and wants to make people think she has a different opinion now.

I do NOT trust Sarah Palin at all, even less than I trust most politicians, because she has that crazy fundamentalist streak in her that is in denial of what is demonstrably real. Since she denies the fact of evolution, she is obviously either ignorant, stupid, insane or wicked (or some combination of the above). In any case, she is obviously quite unfit to be in any position of authority anywhere that has any power to make decisions on public policy regarding science or education.

Palin's acceptance of micro evolution (within kinds) but denial of macro evolution (fish to man) is blown away by all the genetic and fossil evidence that clearly shows transitions from one "kind" to another. Some examples of major transitions that are well-documented include fish to land animal, land animal to whale, dinosaurs to birds, and ape-like ancestor to human. Also, evolution is NOT a random process. While the mutations that create new information may be caused by random events, those mutations are only passed on if the life form survives long enough to produce offspring, and natural selection is the opposite of randomness. To deny reality is not sane, unless she is too stupid to understand the evidence. Either way, she should NEVER be a leader of anyone anywhere.

I fear theocracy coming to the USA, and what is scarier is that there are many people who would welcome it and who actually think that would be a return to the intent of our Founding Fathers (hint: it would be the OPPOSITE of what our Founding Fathers clearly intended according to their public AND private correspondence).

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26 May 2013, 5:40 pm

The_Walrus wrote:
androbot2084 wrote:
Sarah Palin believes that creationism should be taught alongside evolution so she can fit in with the republican party.

Let's ask the woman herself...

[Mod. edit: the YouTube tags won't work with an https URL so I've edited it to http]


The education system in the U.S. is really broken. About 60 percent of Unitedstateseans share Palin's opinion.



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26 May 2013, 5:48 pm

Sarah Palin fits in.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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26 May 2013, 5:55 pm

That not a complete sentence, she fits in what???


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26 May 2013, 6:01 pm

Neurotypical politicians like Sarah Palin are good at fitting in with their parties platforms and likewise she will not hold an unpopular view at least as far as her constituency is concerned.

Autistic politicians like Al Gore champion the concept of the inconvenient truth.